This is the solution and quick fix to the Sleeping Dogs Election mission escape problem where you jump then have to press spacebar to lift yourself up from the scaffold.  You keep falling and need to restart the mission every time.

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You are playing Sleeping Dogs.  You are on the scaffolding part of the Election mission.  The game is telling you to press the Spacebar to lift yourself up after a jump but it is not working and you think it is a bug.  Here is the solution to make this work and continue playing the mission.

Starting from the Sleeping Dogs menu. Go to Options, then controller layout.  Change the flashlight/launcher key to the letter T.  Change the Parkour move from spacebar to the middle mouse button.  Now when you play the Election mission and get to the jump part to lift yourself up just keep pressing the middle mouse.

After lifting Wei back up you can go back to Options and change the keys back to how they were before.

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