Uninstall Minecraft on Windows and Mac.  You have installed Minecraft on your computer, you’re bored of playing it and want to remove it.  This is your guide to uninstalling Minecraft, the easy way and is how I did removed the game.

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Uninstall Minecraft on Windows XP, Vista, 7 and Windows 8.

Open the folder called My Computer.  In the top area called “address” enter the following:


It will then show you the Minecraft folder and files.  Delete the Minecraft folder to delete the game.  If you have a shortcut to the game on your desktop you can delete that now too.


Uninstall Minecraft on Mac OS X.

To uninstall Minecraft on Mac first open Finder.  Then form the top menu choose GO, then GO TO FOLDER, this will open the finder go box.  To open the box another way, use the shortcut Shift + Command + G.  In the box that appears enter:

~/Library/Application Support/Minecraft

To uninstall Minecraft from your Mac simply delete this Minecraft folder and it will remove the game from your hard drive.  The game also stores cache files.  You can get to these using the network setting area.  Then go to:

Applications -> Utilities -> Java preferences.

And you’re done!

8 Responses to Uninstall Minecraft – Windows and Mac

  1. Psychotic Potatoe says:

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