Recently I got stuck recombining two partitions on my Mac, this is how I solved it.

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Before we begin, let me say I am in no way responsible for your actions.  This is what worked for me.  If you are unsure about anything read the on screen instructions CAREFULLY and be sure that is what you want to do before hitting OK.

To combine two partitions into one, first open Disk utility on your Mac.

On the left is a list of drives your Macbook or iMac can see.  Select the drive from this left menu that has the partitions you want to combine.

In the top of the window will be five tabs/buttons.  Choose the middle one called “partition”.

Select the partition form the big block on the left that you want to remove.  With the partition selected hit the small “-” at the bottom left corner to delete the partition.  This small “-” is near the “+”.  This will bring up a message, okay that and it will delete the extra partition and leave empty space.

Now we need to fill that empty space with your main partition.  Still on this partition screen, you will see your main partition block has three small lines in the bottom corner.  Like the corner of a piece of paper when you are turning a page.  Click on here and you can drag the box size.

Drag the box size until it fills the space completely.  Hit apply and it will then make a big block, single partition covering all the empty space you had.  Now you have a single partition, and a happy user.

Can this be used for joining multiple partitions?  Yes.  I have not done it, but there is no reason it will not work for multiple partitions and combining funky setups.

Warning, combining partitions can take a long time.   About 5 minutes for combining a 450GB with a 50GB.

If this guide helped you, please leave a comment.  It’s always nice to read and means more random guides.

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