How to clean suede shoes. This guide is for helpful tips on cleaning suede shoes. The advice can also be used for cleaning other suede items, like suede jackets and suede curtains.

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First thing you need is a normal shoe brush. Brush the suede lightly to remove any dried dirt that’s stuck inside the suede. Use the brush only on dry suede shoes. If the suede is wet and you try to brush it will ruin the feel.

For the next stage of cleaning suede shoes grab a suede brush. A suede brush is a special brush for cleaning suede, with softer, more delicate, bristles than a normal brush. Using the suede brush, brush back and forward over any marked areas.

Sometimes when cleaning suede you’ll get an area that is squashed flat. Use the back of a knife (the blunt edge) and scrape gently to lift up hairs. Then clean as normal.

Other tips for how to clean suede shoes are using a pencil eraser. Rub this, gently! on the affected area to remove a mark.

Before cleaning a large visible part of your suede item try the technique or trick on a small hidden section. This prevents mistakes and lets you try things before ruining a good suede material. Dry cleaners use this trick on suede to not ruin the items for clients.

Mud and dirt stains on suede need drying. To remove dirt and mud from suede first let it dry out completely. Use your finger or a tissue to test the dryness. Moisture can hide under the hair of suede. Rub with a shoe or suede brush once the suede is dry to taste. Remember you are still working with suede, so be gentle, but forceful. Place a hand behind the suede for extra traction.

Water stains on suede can be difficult and sometimes impossible to remove. First step is to dry the suede shoes completely. Next, use the suede brush and lightly rub the affected area. If that doesn’t work and you still have a wet spot, you could try wetting the whole shoe and hoping it all blends in.

How to remove oil stains from suede shoes. You’ll need a nail brush and a suede brush for this. Dry cleaners sometimes use a sponge with some warm water. Be careful if doing this! In general, oil is one of the most difficult things to remove from suede.

Some shoe stores sell suede protection spray. You might think suede protecting spray is a way to cheat you out of your hard earned coin. It might be, but it does work! Clean your shoes before applying the spray and remember to spray regularly to keep up the coating. It’s like sun tan cream, reapply after swimming. Suede protection spray is a better deal in wetter climates, I wouldn’t buy it if I lived in a hot dry climate where the biggest danger to your shoes is dirt. Do buy suede spray if you live in a wet climate like New York.

Secret ways to clean suede shoes. Check your home for white vinager. You can put a little white vinager on a sponge or towel and use that to agitate a stain. Let it dry, then use the suede brush.

To remove chewing gum from shoes. Place the shoes in the freezer to remove chewing gum. It just works and will allow you to pull off the chewing gum once frozen.

If you’ve given up on cleaning suede shoes, here are a few last resort tips. Warning! these tips will probably damage the suede shoes, only use these when you have given up all hope. Roll up socks and fill the inside of the suede shoes with these socks. Place suede shoes in washing machine on the lowest cycle. Let the shoes dry once the cycle completes. Once dry, inspect your stain. Is it still there? has the suede stain been cleaned from your shoes? If it has cleaned it a little, you could try the washing machine method again and hope it does more. Use just the water cycle first, if that doesn’t work, then try with some washing powder.

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