Answer to level 9 of Google Blockly programming Maze. Please only use this answer to the Google blockly game if you are stuck!  I know some teachers have also looked at this so don’t worry too much.  I am a professional programmer and I got stuck for a few minutes too.

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Here is a link to the Blockly maze question 9 this cheat tutorial is answering:

Google Blockly Maze level 9

Okay, here goes, so you still learn something at least, I will make the blockly code into real programming code and you still need to translate it into the blocks (easy).

while (true) {
if (Maze.isPathLeft()) {
} else {
if (Maze.isPathForward()) {
} else {
if (Maze.isPathRight()) {


I hope that helped you solve level 9 or stage 9 of the google blockly maze puzzle game.

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