Carbon Copy Cloner recently became a paid application.  I found a free alternative to carbon copy cloner that I talk about below.  Note that this is what worked for me to clone my Mac drives for free.

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After reading on some forums I found an application called Superduper.  Superduper is a free app that has two parts.  Free and paid.  The free part let’s you make a carbon copy of your Mac hard drive.  Just like Carbon copy cloner would do.

To find SuperDuper, just Google it and it will show up.  It’s usually the first result in search, or you can search for free carbon copy alternative.  That might bring you to this page.  The website is shirt-pocket then dot then com.  The link to get the Superduper file is in the right menu of that site.  Here’s the site – shirt pocket superduper.

There is also a paid component to SuperDuper hard drive copier that I have not tried.  I just needed it for a one time backup, so I didn’t pay.  If you did, write a quick review below in the comments so we can all see if it’s worth it (or not) to buy super duper.

Next, and last we have clonezilla.  An open source, free, disk imaging software.  You can check out clonezilla here.

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