- Crime - Channelate - 18 hours
- Troubletown, U.S.A. - Penny Arcade - 49 hours
- Scream Cipher - XKCD - 50 hours
- you won't believe this one weird trick - Dinosaur Comics - 55 hours
- Troubletown, U.S.A. - Penny Arcade - 58 hours
- Meteor - Savage Chicken - 59 hours
- Thinking the Best - Savage Chicken - 84 hours
- Macaulay Hulkin - Penny Arcade - 97 hours
- Dropped Phone - PoorlyDLines - 99 hours
- KM3NeT - XKCD - 99 hours
- Macaulay Hulkin - Penny Arcade - 106 hours
- Doom Response - Savage Chicken - 108 hours
- Eventually - Savage Chicken - 131 hours
- Roses - Channelate - 137 hours
- Archive Request - XKCD - 142 hours
- Bot Or Not - Penny Arcade - 144 hours
- Cactus - PoorlyDLines - 146 hours
- Bot Or Not - Penny Arcade - 156 hours
- Nightly News - Savage Chicken - 156 hours
- Sandwich - Channelate - 186 hours
- Hardwood - XKCD - 207 hours
- The Ocho - Penny Arcade - 217 hours
- What’s Important - PoorlyDLines - 218 hours
- nobody tell him about new new wave, and the upcoming new new new wave (FINAL_2_222_updated) - Dinosaur Comics - 222 hours
- The Ocho - Penny Arcade - 226 hours
- Perfect Gift - Savage Chicken - 227 hours
- So Much Love - Savage Chicken - 251 hours
- Nuclear Winter - Penny Arcade - 263 hours
- Atom - XKCD - 269 hours
- this comic features a rare and treasured "4th panel blank", truly among the most unique of the blank panels - Dinosaur Comics - 270 hours
- Nuclear Winter - Penny Arcade - 275 hours
- This Moment - Savage Chicken - 275 hours
- Affected - Savage Chicken - 299 hours
- Incoming Asteroid - XKCD - 309 hours
- Andy Serkis - Penny Arcade - 311 hours
- Good Thoughts - PoorlyDLines - 314 hours
- move fast and measure things - Dinosaur Comics - 318 hours
- Andy Serkis - Penny Arcade - 322 hours
- Street Scream - Savage Chicken - 323 hours
- Suspension Bridge - XKCD - 381 hours
- Kingdom Come - Penny Arcade - 384 hours
- Try Streem - Penny Arcade - 385 hours
- i happen so much - Dinosaur Comics - 390 hours
- Kingdom Come - Penny Arcade - 395 hours
- An Important Lesson - Savage Chicken - 395 hours
- Fun Time - Savage Chicken - 419 hours
- Overture - Penny Arcade - 428 hours
- Rotary Tool - XKCD - 433 hours
- sorry if you're finding out that chocolatey filling isn't chocolate in this way, but better late than never - Dinosaur Comics - 438 hours
- Overture - Penny Arcade - 443 hours
- Trouble Sleeping - Savage Chicken - 443 hours
- The Largest Cat - PoorlyDLines - 457 hours
- Kingdom - Savage Chicken - 467 hours
- Stromatolites - XKCD - 472 hours
- Vengeance is Mine, Saith The Lord - Penny Arcade - 479 hours
- talk with/to the hand - Dinosaur Comics - 486 hours
- Vengeance is Mine, Saith The Lord - Penny Arcade - 491 hours
- Living in the Present - Savage Chicken - 491 hours
- AlphaMove - XKCD - 549 hours
- Whip Smart - Penny Arcade - 552 hours
- boy, is my face red! and my ears. from the sonic onslaught, exactly - Dinosaur Comics - 556 hours
- Whip Smart - Penny Arcade - 562 hours
- Amazing Creativity - Savage Chicken - 563 hours
- Cloak&Dagger fan art - Penny Arcade - 577 hours
- 20 Years - Savage Chicken - 588 hours
- Humidifier Review - XKCD - 596 hours
- Is It Ninja Guyden Or Ninja Gayden - Penny Arcade - 598 hours
- I’m a Bird - PoorlyDLines - 602 hours
- i wrote a first draft of this comic in 2009, which means that "maybe there's some downsides to this here internet thing" thing would've been - Dinosaur Comics - 606 hours
- Is It Ninja Guyden Or Ninja Gayden - Penny Arcade - 611 hours
- Lots of Things - Savage Chicken - 611 hours
- Creepy Crawlies - Savage Chicken - 635 hours
- Muons - XKCD - 647 hours
- The Tooth House - Penny Arcade - 648 hours
- The Tooth House - Penny Arcade - 659 hours
- open mic night, more like open mic eternity - Dinosaur Comics - 660 hours
- Lost Weekend - Savage Chicken - 660 hours
- Dirty One - Penny Arcade - 720 hours
- T. Rex Evolution - XKCD - 726 hours
- anyway enjoy the time you have left with Normal Eyes - Dinosaur Comics - 726 hours
- Dirty One - Penny Arcade - 731 hours
- Monkey At A Typewriter - Savage Chicken - 731 hours
- Spending Time - PoorlyDLines - 745 hours
- Aging Worries - Savage Chicken - 755 hours
- Unit Circle - XKCD - 765 hours
- Thanos SNAP - Penny Arcade - 767 hours
- welp, these chips aren't gonna tune themselves - Dinosaur Comics - 774 hours
- Thanos SNAP - Penny Arcade - 779 hours
- Lunchroom Bargaining - Savage Chicken - 780 hours
- Regrets - Savage Chicken - 803 hours
- Chemical Formulas - XKCD - 808 hours
- Bot Without My Daughter - Penny Arcade - 815 hours
- someone's got a case of the skulkies - Dinosaur Comics - 822 hours
- Bot Without My Daughter - Penny Arcade - 827 hours
- Bad Television - Savage Chicken - 827 hours
- New Vest - PoorlyDLines - 866 hours
- Human Altitude - XKCD - 883 hours
- Russophobia - Penny Arcade - 889 hours
- the past is a foreign country; i made all my best mistakes there - Dinosaur Comics - 895 hours
- Russophobia - Penny Arcade - 899 hours
- Math Homework - Savage Chicken - 899 hours
- The Moon - PoorlyDLines - 913 hours
- Life Plan - Savage Chicken - 924 hours
- Not Match - Penny Arcade - 934 hours
- Uncanceled Units - XKCD - 942 hours
- you COULD mail the list to yourself, if you wish to be, objectively, Extra - Dinosaur Comics - 942 hours
- Not Match - Penny Arcade - 946 hours
- Place of Work - Savage Chicken - 947 hours
- Wave Your Arms - Savage Chicken - 971 hours
- Don't Talk to Me - Nedroid - 978 hours
- Trivia Night - Nedroid - 978 hours
- Reindeer Games - Nedroid - 978 hours
- Old Town Road - Nedroid - 978 hours
- Anglophiles - Nedroid - 978 hours
- Banner Year - Nedroid - 978 hours
- Movie Snacks - Nedroid - 978 hours
- Mystery Bike - Nedroid - 978 hours
- Wet Seat - Nedroid - 978 hours
- Behind - Nedroid - 978 hours
- Radon - XKCD - 983 hours
- Anticipatr - Penny Arcade - 984 hours
- Anticipatr - Penny Arcade - 996 hours
- The Latest A.I. - Savage Chicken - 996 hours
- Chess Zoo - XKCD - 1057 hours
- Big Stick Energy - Penny Arcade - 1057 hours
- evil spock beamed the victim's heart out of their chest. DONE. - Dinosaur Comics - 1062 hours
- Big Stick Energy - Penny Arcade - 1068 hours
- Worried? - Savage Chicken - 1068 hours
- Getting Angry - PoorlyDLines - 1083 hours
- Kind Of - Savage Chicken - 1091 hours
- Trimix - XKCD - 1094 hours
- Helldiverinos - Penny Arcade - 1104 hours
- but for real, a round of applause for everyone who buys books, ESPECIALLY my books, but others might be okay too - Dinosaur Comics - 1111 hours
- Helldiverinos - Penny Arcade - 1115 hours
- The Plan for More - Savage Chicken - 1115 hours
- Airport - PoorlyDLines - 1129 hours
- Grocery Total - Savage Chicken - 1140 hours
- Features of Adulthood - XKCD - 1150 hours
- Fingerstyle - Penny Arcade - 1152 hours
- call me todd rogers because i'm gonna cheat really obviously but it's going to take decades for any consequences to catch up to me - Dinosaur Comics - 1159 hours
- Fingerstyle - Penny Arcade - 1163 hours
- The Right Amount - Savage Chicken - 1163 hours
- Origami Black Hole - XKCD - 1224 hours
- January Commissions are OPEN! - Penny Arcade - 1225 hours
- The Mirror'd Hall - Penny Arcade - 1225 hours
- The Mirror'd Hall - Penny Arcade - 1236 hours
- Where’d All the Carrots Go? - Savage Chicken - 1236 hours
- New Hope - Savage Chicken - 1260 hours
- Skew-T Log-P - XKCD - 1264 hours
- My 2025 Commissions Opening Friday! - Penny Arcade - 1269 hours
- All Aboard - Penny Arcade - 1270 hours
- hey, it's a new decade!! i started writing this comic in 2019 and only finished it now lol - Dinosaur Comics - 1277 hours
- All Aboard - Penny Arcade - 1283 hours
- Time Capsule Instructions - XKCD - 1317 hours
- Always Two There Are - Penny Arcade - 1322 hours
- Always Two There Are - Penny Arcade - 1330 hours
- Lasering Incidents - XKCD - 1388 hours
- Kryptography - Penny Arcade - 1393 hours
- Kryptography - Penny Arcade - 1393 hours
- Kryptography - Penny Arcade - 1403 hours
- Waxing And Relaxing All Cool - Penny Arcade - 1417 hours
- Sun Avoidance - XKCD - 1435 hours
- Waxing And Relaxing All Cool - Penny Arcade - 1451 hours
- D Roll - XKCD - 1481 hours
- The Fourth Panel - Penny Arcade - 1488 hours
- Best of 2024 - Savage Chicken - 1498 hours
- The Fourth Panel - Penny Arcade - 1500 hours
- Exclusion Principle - XKCD - 1552 hours
- Trash Tier - Penny Arcade - 1561 hours
- No Gifts - Savage Chicken - 1571 hours
- Trash Tier - Penny Arcade - 1572 hours
- Sometime - PoorlyDLines - 1585 hours
- The Most Infamous - Savage Chicken - 1595 hours
- Wanda Maximum - Penny Arcade - 1609 hours
- Linear Sort - XKCD - 1615 hours
- Wanda Maximum - Penny Arcade - 1619 hours
- yes hello where is this end of history i was promised - Dinosaur Comics - 1619 hours
- Homemade Gift Ideas - Savage Chicken - 1619 hours
- Space - PoorlyDLines - 1634 hours
- Slow Year for Santa - Savage Chicken - 1643 hours
- Paul Bearer - Penny Arcade - 1656 hours
- Phase Change - XKCD - 1659 hours
- as an ai model, i cannot write archive text for webcomics - Dinosaur Comics - 1663 hours
- Christmas Surprise - Savage Chicken - 1667 hours
- Paul Bearer - Penny Arcade - 1668 hours
- El Hefe - Penny Arcade - 1727 hours
- METAR - XKCD - 1729 hours
- Hide - PoorlyDLines - 1731 hours
- historiography is a fascinating topic that we simply do not have the time or space to get into here! or elsewhere!! - Dinosaur Comics - 1736 hours
- El Hefe - Penny Arcade - 1739 hours
- Friday the 13th: Part XXXIV - Savage Chicken - 1739 hours
- Santa Secret - Savage Chicken - 1763 hours
- The Maritime Approximation - XKCD - 1774 hours
- Weak Point - Penny Arcade - 1775 hours
- Conversation With Snail - PoorlyDLines - 1777 hours
- sorry everyone but you can't do any stories about this fantastic "raice issem" character until i've been dead for 70 years. i'm falling - Dinosaur Comics - 1783 hours
- Too Immersed - Savage Chicken - 1786 hours
- Weak Point - Penny Arcade - 1787 hours
- Comic for 2021.12.21 - Explosm - 1794 hours
- PAX Unplugged Recap - Penny Arcade - 1800 hours