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(Gizmodo)   That night you were singing in the club and that actress picked you up .... never happened. We'll discuss it later, they need you on the set. Quentin wants you in the next scene   ( divider line
    More: Interesting, Amnesia, Memory, indistinguishable false memories, Psychology, psychologist Julia Shaw, Confabulation, false memories, False memory syndrome  
•       •       •

5219 clicks; posted to Main » on 09 Apr 2020 at 3:18 PM (4 years ago)   |   Favorite    |   share:  Copy Link

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kdawg7736 [TotalFark] [OhFark]  
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2020-04-09 12:31:00 PM  
media.makeameme.orgView Full Size
2020-04-09 3:21:06 PM  
That's what they want you to think
Smartest (10)   Funniest (3)  
2020-04-09 3:23:26 PM  
blacklabellogic.files.wordpress.comView Full Size
2020-04-09 3:23:41 PM  
I talked to my mom the other day and she "recounted" how she had paid for my first house.

It never happened.  She never paid for any of my houses.  I had mortgages on all of them and paid them off with my own money.  She never donated a cent.  I asked my only sibling if my mom had ever bought her a house and she said no.  My mom was adamant that she bought my first house for me.

It was disturbing.
Smartest (1)   Funniest (11)  
2020-04-09 3:24:41 PM  
Pfft, I know what's real...

*turns to look above shoulder*

Can you believe this shiat, Disembodied Sentient Pair of Floating Titties?

*Disembodied Sentient Pair of Floating Titties jiggles incredulously*
2020-04-09 3:24:50 PM  
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Smartest (5)   Funniest (0)  
2020-04-09 3:25:50 PM  
If you could give me a solid basic case for what's real we might be onto something.
2020-04-09 3:26:24 PM  

guestguy: Pfft, I know what's real...

*turns to look above shoulder*

Can you believe this shiat, Disembodied Sentient Pair of Floating Titties?

*Disembodied Sentient Pair of Floating Titties jiggles incredulously*

If you refer to me as Disembodied Sentient Pair of Floating Titties one more time....
Smartest (0)   Funniest (0)  
2020-04-09 3:26:29 PM  
That's the ticket!
Smartest (2)   Funniest (18)  
2020-04-09 3:26:45 PM  

RabidRythmDivas: I talked to my mom the other day and she "recounted" how she had paid for my first house.

It never happened.  She never paid for any of my houses.  I had mortgages on all of them and paid them off with my own money.  She never donated a cent.  I asked my only sibling if my mom had ever bought her a house and she said no.  My mom was adamant that she bought my first house for me.

It was disturbing.

What an odd humble-brag.

I remember when my brother mistakenly thought he was the one that introduced me to my wife, Gal Gadot. It was disturbing.
2020-04-09 3:28:04 PM  
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2020-04-09 3:29:04 PM  
I remember writing this article last year
Smartest (0)   Funniest (1)  
2020-04-09 3:29:41 PM  

cowgirl toffee: guestguy: Pfft, I know what's real...

*turns to look above shoulder*

Can you believe this shiat, Disembodied Sentient Pair of Floating Titties?

*Disembodied Sentient Pair of Floating Titties jiggles incredulously*

If you refer to me as Disembodied Sentient Pair of Floating Titties one more time....

Why don't you appreciate the cute nicknames I come up with for you, Juggs McGillicuddy?!
Smartest (0)   Funniest (1)  
2020-04-09 3:29:49 PM  
[OBVIOUS] tag remembers when it was used for this article before.
2020-04-09 3:31:08 PM  
That's a new one...Blue sky on Mars!
Smartest (0)   Funniest (3)  
2020-04-09 3:32:06 PM  
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2020-04-09 3:33:12 PM  

Subtonic: RabidRythmDivas: I talked to my mom the other day and she "recounted" how she had paid for my first house.

It never happened.  She never paid for any of my houses.  I had mortgages on all of them and paid them off with my own money.  She never donated a cent.  I asked my only sibling if my mom had ever bought her a house and she said no.  My mom was adamant that she bought my first house for me.

It was disturbing.

What an odd humble-brag.

I remember when my brother mistakenly thought he was the one that introduced me to my wife, Gal Gadot. It was disturbing.

Certainly not a humble-brag.  But re-reading it, I can see where it might look that way.  To clarify, I've owned three different houses, but never more than one at a time.  And I don't currently own any.  But I bought and paid for all of them with my own money.
2020-04-09 3:33:12 PM  

guestguy: cowgirl toffee: guestguy: Pfft, I know what's real...

*turns to look above shoulder*

Can you believe this shiat, Disembodied Sentient Pair of Floating Titties?

*Disembodied Sentient Pair of Floating Titties jiggles incredulously*

If you refer to me as Disembodied Sentient Pair of Floating Titties one more time....

Why don't you appreciate the cute nicknames I come up with for you, Juggs McGillicuddy?!

i.pinimg.comView Full Size
Smartest (1)   Funniest (12)  
2020-04-09 3:34:28 PM  

cowgirl toffee: guestguy: cowgirl toffee: guestguy: Pfft, I know what's real...

*turns to look above shoulder*

Can you believe this shiat, Disembodied Sentient Pair of Floating Titties?

*Disembodied Sentient Pair of Floating Titties jiggles incredulously*

If you refer to me as Disembodied Sentient Pair of Floating Titties one more time....

Why don't you appreciate the cute nicknames I come up with for you, Juggs McGillicuddy?!

[ image 400x192] [View Full Size image _x_]


Fark user image
2020-04-09 3:35:23 PM  

guestguy: cowgirl toffee: guestguy: cowgirl toffee: guestguy: Pfft, I know what's real...

*turns to look above shoulder*

Can you believe this shiat, Disembodied Sentient Pair of Floating Titties?

*Disembodied Sentient Pair of Floating Titties jiggles incredulously*

If you refer to me as Disembodied Sentient Pair of Floating Titties one more time....

Why don't you appreciate the cute nicknames I come up with for you, Juggs McGillicuddy?!

[ image 400x192] [View Full Size image _x_]


[Fark user image 844x66]

In one year you are going to forget why you put that there.
Smartest (1)   Funniest (0)  
2020-04-09 3:36:56 PM  

cowgirl toffee: guestguy: cowgirl toffee: guestguy: cowgirl toffee: guestguy: Pfft, I know what's real...

*turns to look above shoulder*

Can you believe this shiat, Disembodied Sentient Pair of Floating Titties?

*Disembodied Sentient Pair of Floating Titties jiggles incredulously*

If you refer to me as Disembodied Sentient Pair of Floating Titties one more time....

Why don't you appreciate the cute nicknames I come up with for you, Juggs McGillicuddy?!

[ image 400x192] [View Full Size image _x_]


[Fark user image 844x66]

In one year you are going to forget why you put that there.

Yet it will still make me laugh  :D
2020-04-09 3:37:49 PM  

guestguy: cowgirl toffee: guestguy: cowgirl toffee: guestguy: cowgirl toffee: guestguy: Pfft, I know what's real...

*turns to look above shoulder*

Can you believe this shiat, Disembodied Sentient Pair of Floating Titties?

*Disembodied Sentient Pair of Floating Titties jiggles incredulously*

If you refer to me as Disembodied Sentient Pair of Floating Titties one more time....

Why don't you appreciate the cute nicknames I come up with for you, Juggs McGillicuddy?!

[ image 400x192] [View Full Size image _x_]


[Fark user image 844x66]

In one year you are going to forget why you put that there.

Yet it will still make me laugh  :D

More than likely.  :P
Smartest (0)   Funniest (0)  
2020-04-09 3:38:26 PM  

guestguy: cowgirl toffee: guestguy: Pfft, I know what's real...

*turns to look above shoulder*

Can you believe this shiat, Disembodied Sentient Pair of Floating Titties?

*Disembodied Sentient Pair of Floating Titties jiggles incredulously*

If you refer to me as Disembodied Sentient Pair of Floating Titties one more time....

Why don't you appreciate the cute nicknames I come up with for you, Juggs McGillicuddy?!

Come on that's enough, leave Special Breasteses alone
Smartest (6)   Funniest (1)  
2020-04-09 3:41:14 PM  
Fark user imageView Full Size
Smartest (2)   Funniest (0)  
2020-04-09 3:41:21 PM  

cowgirl toffee: guestguy: Pfft, I know what's real...

*turns to look above shoulder*

Can you believe this shiat, Disembodied Sentient Pair of Floating Titties?

*Disembodied Sentient Pair of Floating Titties jiggles incredulously*

If you refer to me as Disembodied Sentient Pair of Floating Titties one more time....

But, we love your disembodied sentient pair of floating titties...
2020-04-09 3:41:38 PM  

jim32rr: guestguy: cowgirl toffee: guestguy: Pfft, I know what's real...

*turns to look above shoulder*

Can you believe this shiat, Disembodied Sentient Pair of Floating Titties?

*Disembodied Sentient Pair of Floating Titties jiggles incredulously*

If you refer to me as Disembodied Sentient Pair of Floating Titties one more time....

Why don't you appreciate the cute nicknames I come up with for you, Juggs McGillicuddy?!

Come on that's enough, leave Special Breasteses alone

images-na.ssl-images-amazon.comView Full Size
Smartest (1)   Funniest (4)  
2020-04-09 3:42:44 PM  

RabidRythmDivas: Subtonic: RabidRythmDivas: I talked to my mom the other day and she "recounted" how she had paid for my first house.

It never happened.  She never paid for any of my houses.  I had mortgages on all of them and paid them off with my own money.  She never donated a cent.  I asked my only sibling if my mom had ever bought her a house and she said no.  My mom was adamant that she bought my first house for me.

It was disturbing.

What an odd humble-brag.

I remember when my brother mistakenly thought he was the one that introduced me to my wife, Gal Gadot. It was disturbing.

Certainly not a humble-brag.  But re-reading it, I can see where it might look that way.  To clarify, I've owned three different houses, but never more than one at a time.  And I don't currently own any.  But I bought and paid for all of them with my own money.

Hey guys, check out Lord Fauntleroy here! They have 'money'!
Smartest (3)   Funniest (0)  
2020-04-09 3:42:54 PM  
I actually have experiences that I can relate where I absolutely remembered something with total clarity, only to find out later that what I remember didn't happen, or didn't happen like that.

It is not intentional.  Your brain has to do a lot of work to interpret all that sensory input.  And sometimes it just fills in the gaps.  That's why that paper bag on the side of the road looked just like a dog, right up until you got closer to it and focused on it better.  Had that not happened, you would have remembered it being a dog.  Your memory would show it to you as a living dog.
(Yes, that has happened.)

I have remembered scenes from movies SO vividly, then watched the same movie again later and realized that that scene was not anything like I remembered it.

It's kind of amusing that they are still doing studies about this.  Because this sort of thing has been known about for some time.
Smartest (3)   Funniest (0)  
2020-04-09 3:44:30 PM  

RabidRythmDivas: I talked to my mom the other day and she "recounted" how she had paid for my first house.

It never happened.  She never paid for any of my houses.  I had mortgages on all of them and paid them off with my own money.  She never donated a cent.  I asked my only sibling if my mom had ever bought her a house and she said no.  My mom was adamant that she bought my first house for me.

It was disturbing.

My ex-wife did and still does this. She'll do things like insist we went to see certain movies together and I know with 100% certainty I never saw it. She may have gone with her friend or something but it wasn't me but there's no convincing her otherwise. It was stuff like that along with other events she would recount to friends and family that never happened. It got to the point where I stopped trying and would just nod in agreement about that time we climbed that mountain we 'd never been to or whatever other tale she was telling.

The other thing she would do was take complaints her girlfriends made about their significant others and apply them to me. I know this to be fact because there were times I'd be sitting there when her friends told the story, then two days later she'd get mad about something and be like "you remember when you did this?" and I'm like.."that sounds familiar" because it was the exact same story only this time it was me doing it.
I often wondered if she knew she was telling lies and just didn't care or actually believed what she was saying. I think in her world she actually believed it.

It's bizarre and frustrating because you can't combat it. Even proof won't change her mind. It happened, that's it. And nothing you can do or say will change that in her mind.
Smartest (0)   Funniest (3)  
2020-04-09 3:46:36 PM  

cowgirl toffee: jim32rr: guestguy: cowgirl toffee: guestguy: Pfft, I know what's real...

*turns to look above shoulder*

Can you believe this shiat, Disembodied Sentient Pair of Floating Titties?

*Disembodied Sentient Pair of Floating Titties jiggles incredulously*

If you refer to me as Disembodied Sentient Pair of Floating Titties one more time....

Why don't you appreciate the cute nicknames I come up with for you, Juggs McGillicuddy?!

Come on that's enough, leave Special Breasteses alone

[ image 522x348]

Welcome back to Fark, CT!

backonmymeds.comView Full Size
Noah_Tall [TotalFark]  
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2020-04-09 3:47:42 PM  
pmctvline2.files.wordpress.comView Full Size
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2020-04-09 3:47:58 PM  
This article fails to mention any of the work Elisabeth Loftus, which was the pioneer in this kind of study, and has paid dearly for it. *sigh*
Smartest (2)   Funniest (9)  
2020-04-09 3:49:52 PM  
There was a study on people who had split brains (where the corpus callosum was severed). They'd have the participant sitting in a room and the researcher would ask them to walk to the door. When they got to the door thr researcher would ask the participant what they were doing. And they would make something up like 'going to the bathroom' or 'getting some water.'

Because the two halves of the brain couldn't communicate, there was memory issues. And to compensate, your brain would make something up.

Moral of the story is not to trust your brain and you should stab it with qtips regularly.
2020-04-09 3:50:30 PM  

guestguy: cowgirl toffee: jim32rr: guestguy: cowgirl toffee: guestguy: Pfft, I know what's real...

*turns to look above shoulder*

Can you believe this shiat, Disembodied Sentient Pair of Floating Titties?

*Disembodied Sentient Pair of Floating Titties jiggles incredulously*

If you refer to me as Disembodied Sentient Pair of Floating Titties one more time....

Why don't you appreciate the cute nicknames I come up with for you, Juggs McGillicuddy?!

Come on that's enough, leave Special Breasteses alone

[ image 522x348]

Welcome back to Fark, CT!

[ image 298x169]

Thanks.... wait... why did I come back again?   :P

3.bp.blogspot.comView Full Size
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2020-04-09 3:54:01 PM  

abhorrent1: RabidRythmDivas: I talked to my mom the other day and she "recounted" how she had paid for my first house.

It never happened.  She never paid for any of my houses.  I had mortgages on all of them and paid them off with my own money.  She never donated a cent.  I asked my only sibling if my mom had ever bought her a house and she said no.  My mom was adamant that she bought my first house for me.

It was disturbing.

My ex-wife did and still does this. She'll do things like insist we went to see certain movies together and I know with 100% certainty I never saw it. She may have gone with her friend or something but it wasn't me but there's no convincing her otherwise. It was stuff like that along with other events she would recount to friends and family that never happened. It got to the point where I stopped trying and would just nod in agreement about that time we climbed that mountain we 'd never been to or whatever other tale she was telling.

The other thing she would do was take complaints her girlfriends made about their significant others and apply them to me. I know this to be fact because there were times I'd be sitting there when her friends told the story, then two days later she'd get mad about something and be like "you remember when you did this?" and I'm like.."that sounds familiar" because it was the exact same story only this time it was me doing it.
I often wondered if she knew she was telling lies and just didn't care or actually believed what she was saying. I think in her world she actually believed it.

It's bizarre and frustrating because you can't combat it. Even proof won't change her mind. It happened, that's it. And nothing you can do or say will change that in her mind.

That's terrible, and I'm sure why she is known as "ex".  In all seriousness, something like that is a mental disease.  I did not stay at a Holiday Inn last night, so I don't know what it is called, but I'm willing to bet there is a term for it other than "bat-shiat crazy story maker upper syndrome".  Not being able to accurately discern reality from's like that part of her brain never fully developed past the age of 5.  As if there is some trauma under there that made part of her refuse to get with the program, so to speak.  That must have been hell on you.
2020-04-09 3:55:44 PM  

cowgirl toffee: guestguy: cowgirl toffee: jim32rr: guestguy: cowgirl toffee: guestguy: Pfft, I know what's real...

*turns to look above shoulder*

Can you believe this shiat, Disembodied Sentient Pair of Floating Titties?

*Disembodied Sentient Pair of Floating Titties jiggles incredulously*

If you refer to me as Disembodied Sentient Pair of Floating Titties one more time....

Why don't you appreciate the cute nicknames I come up with for you, Juggs McGillicuddy?!

Come on that's enough, leave Special Breasteses alone

[ image 522x348]

Welcome back to Fark, CT!

[ image 298x169]

Thanks.... wait... why did I come back again?   :P

[ image 320x240]

Cuz you's the Queen o' Fark
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ralphjr [TotalFark] [OhFark]  
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2020-04-09 3:55:58 PM  
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CarnySaur [TotalFark]  
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2020-04-09 3:56:41 PM  
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2020-04-09 3:57:04 PM  

AquaTatanka: cowgirl toffee: guestguy: cowgirl toffee: jim32rr: guestguy: cowgirl toffee: guestguy: Pfft, I know what's real...

*turns to look above shoulder*

Can you believe this shiat, Disembodied Sentient Pair of Floating Titties?

*Disembodied Sentient Pair of Floating Titties jiggles incredulously*

If you refer to me as Disembodied Sentient Pair of Floating Titties one more time....

Why don't you appreciate the cute nicknames I come up with for you, Juggs McGillicuddy?!

Come on that's enough, leave Special Breasteses alone

[ image 522x348]

Welcome back to Fark, CT!

[ image 298x169]

Thanks.... wait... why did I come back again?   :P

[ image 320x240]

I didn't know you left but I'm wondering if you fell off that fence

I got a baaaad case of bronchitis and pleurisy that would not leave.  It was really hard to breathe. Painful even.  Regardless, I wasn't tested for covid-19.  If I wanted to get tested, I would have had to cough on a rich person and wait for the results.  :/
2020-04-09 3:58:29 PM  

Call the Guy: cowgirl toffee: guestguy: cowgirl toffee: jim32rr: guestguy: cowgirl toffee: guestguy: ...

Cuz you's the Queen o' Fark
[Fark user image 425x531]


i.pinimg.comView Full Size
Smartest (1)   Funniest (0)  
2020-04-09 3:59:19 PM  

cowgirl toffee: AquaTatanka: cowgirl toffee: guestguy: cowgirl toffee: jim32rr: guestguy: cowgirl toffee: guestguy: Pfft, I know what's real...

*turns to look above shoulder*

Can you believe this shiat, Disembodied Sentient Pair of Floating Titties?

*Disembodied Sentient Pair of Floating Titties jiggles incredulously*

If you refer to me as Disembodied Sentient Pair of Floating Titties one more time....

Why don't you appreciate the cute nicknames I come up with for you, Juggs McGillicuddy?!

Come on that's enough, leave Special Breasteses alone

[ image 522x348]

Welcome back to Fark, CT!

[ image 298x169]

Thanks.... wait... why did I come back again?   :P

[ image 320x240]

I didn't know you left but I'm wondering if you fell off that fence

I got a baaaad case of bronchitis and pleurisy that would not leave.  It was really hard to breathe. Painful even.  Regardless, I wasn't tested for covid-19.  If I wanted to get tested, I would have had to cough on a rich person and wait for the results.  :/

Yikes...didn't realize that was the case.  Hope you're doing better now.
Wendigogo [TotalFark]  
Smartest (0)   Funniest (6)  
2020-04-09 4:00:07 PM  

AquaTatanka: GodComplex: There was a study on people who had split brains (where the corpus callosum was severed). They'd have the participant sitting in a room and the researcher would ask them to walk to the door. When they got to the door thr researcher would ask the participant what they were doing. And they would make something up like 'going to the bathroom' or 'getting some water.'

Because the two halves of the brain couldn't communicate, there was memory issues. And to compensate, your brain would make something up.

Moral of the story is not to trust your brain and you should stab it with qtips regularly.

Why use qtips... just feed it plenty of alcohol.   You don't need to worry about false memories when you get so drunk that you don't remember anything!

I was told by my doctor that alcohol actually removes the "plaque" in your brain that can accumulate over time and cause memory loss and dementia. Think of it as Listerine for your brain.

What do you mean you don't believe me? That's what he SAID. Are you calling me a liar?!
2020-04-09 4:00:22 PM  
Things that confuse only researchers:
"What's shocking is that people were better at classifying silent videos than when they had the audio account. In other words, they were better when they literally didn't know what the memory being told was about at all than when they could hear it being told," Shaw said. "I honestly don't know why though-the data didn't give me an answer for this. It seems that somehow in an audio-only context we actively rely on the wrong cues... but it's unclear what those cues are."

Because the listeners aren't distracted by a compelling narrative, they attend to the body cues that signal someone's spinning a fantasy.
2020-04-09 4:03:05 PM  

AquaTatanka: cowgirl toffee: AquaTatanka: cowgirl toffee: guestguy: cowgirl toffee: jim32rr: guestguy: cowgirl toffee: guestguy:...

Glad, you're feeling better!   I've stayed safe by not seeing any other humans for the last month!

How does it feel knowing you live a lifestyle that most of the world call "quarantine"?

We can tell our friends we were quarantine before quarantine was cool.  :P
2020-04-09 4:05:39 PM  

guestguy: cowgirl toffee: AquaTatanka: cowgirl toffee: guestguy: cowgirl toffee: jim32rr: guestguy: cowgirl toffee: guestguy: ...

Yikes...didn't realize that was the case.  Hope you're doing better now.

It still hurts to walk any distance for chest pains and being out of breath.  I tell ya... that was rough.

A little fun note... the hospital could not get an IV in my arms, so they put one in my boob.  I was so worried one boob was going to be A LOT bigger than the other when it was all said and done.
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2020-04-09 4:05:47 PM  
No shiat, sherlock. Welcome to my world.

I (used to OMG!) hallucinate instead of dream. These were not fun. Once, watched an apartment building engulfed in flames knowing my 2yo son was inside. I can still remember the feeling of the neighbors holding me back (son was asleep next to me). 

The worst? Swimming, sort of, away from my grandfather, still belted in an SUV, who simply said "I love you" as I turned around and left, both of us knowing he would die, both of us knowing I couldn't help him. Go ahead and figure out how to deal with survivor guilt over something that ain't real. And you have to get up in the morning and look at your loved one in the face and say "Good morning" and act like nothing happened. OOOH that shiat farks with you hard.

So my memory? Yup. Very aware of how flawed it can be, and how easily my brain can be fooled. One of the things that pissed me off about the SUV episode is that I don't know why I didn't try harder, only that I was overwhelmed with the conviction that there was no chance I could get him out (he's 83 and 275lbs. . probably not a reasonable conclusion, but I still should have tried). IT WASN'T REAL. But in the moment, you can't tell the difference. . . *sigh*

/however, the brain isn't perfect, and sometimes if you can find the glitch, it can pull you out of the hallucination
//said SUV episode? There wasn't any actual water. . .
///I've only managed it twice in 14 years. . .

abhorrent1: It's bizarre and frustrating because you can't combat it. Even proof won't change her mind. It happened, that's it. And nothing you can do or say will change that in her mind.

My mom has done this all my life. Gaslighting like you wouldn't believe. My brother and I finally figured it out once after she claimed something didn't happen that we both damn well know did. Farking frustrating as hell. . .
Smartest (0)   Funniest (0)  
2020-04-09 4:05:48 PM  

cowgirl toffee: If I wanted to get tested, I would have had to cough on a rich person and wait for the results.

I am so stealing that...
Smartest (1)   Funniest (0)  
2020-04-09 4:07:09 PM  

cowgirl toffee: guestguy: cowgirl toffee: AquaTatanka: cowgirl toffee: guestguy: cowgirl toffee: jim32rr: guestguy: cowgirl toffee: guestguy: ...

Yikes...didn't realize that was the case.  Hope you're doing better now.

It still hurts to walk any distance for chest pains and being out of breath.  I tell ya... that was rough.

A little fun note... the hospital could not get an IV in my arms, so they put one in my boob.  I was so worried one boob was going to be A LOT bigger than the other when it was all said and done.

Just have 'em hang a bag off of each... bag.

//welcome back Paint gal!
2020-04-09 4:07:13 PM  
Wow, what a crap study.

"Scientist": "You mom said you robbed a store once when you were 12"

lab rat: "She did? ...Gee, I guess I robbed a store then."

"Scientist": "Ah-ha!  False memory"

(Skeptics): "Um, that's not a memory, they just believed the story you told them."

"Scientist":   "You can't tell those two things apart, so I'm just going to say they are the same thing.  I Win!"
2020-04-09 4:07:40 PM  

bughunter: cowgirl toffee: If I wanted to get tested, I would have had to cough on a rich person and wait for the results.

I am so stealing that...

Be my guest.  :)
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