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(Fark)   "Every secret of a writer's soul, every experience of his life, every quality of his mind, is written large in his works." -Virginia Woolf. I wonder what my Batman slash fic says about me. This is your Fark Writer's Thread, secrets revealed edition   ( divider line
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282 clicks; posted to Main » and Discussion » on 08 Apr 2020 at 1:25 PM (4 years ago)   |   Favorite    |   share:  Copy Link

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toraque [TotalFark] [OhFark]  
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2020-04-08 11:28:17 AM  
So I don't have any great secrets to reveal, sadly.  I also don't have any Batman slash fic.  I was going to go with 'shopping Batman with Bugs Bunny in drag' but you can only fit so much into a headline, and I guess you go to post with the characters you have, not the characters you want.  I did however write a story once about someone accidentally summoning an elder god by crapping on a religious shrine, which probably doesn't say anything good about me at all.

Very little writing progress to report this week: I've had my free time basically sucked up by trying to solve a work issue and haven't had time for much else.  I'm pretty sure I know where my short story for this year's anthology is going, though, which is a good thing.  As another famous literary mind once said, "Knowing is half the battle!"

Fark Fiction Anthology update!

We're still getting in a flow of submissions, although the first wave has slowed down a bit.  Usually in the first few weeks we get a bunch, things slow down for a while, and then right at the end we get a bunch all at once as people race the deadline.  We don't have enough in to say that any genre or category is overrepresented, so feel free to send in whatever you have!

The 2020 Fark Fiction Anthology Submissions page
2020-04-08 1:36:27 PM  
I'm suddenly concerned about my Dora the Explorer tentacle porn stories and why they has 10,000 followers on blogspot.

Tentacles everywhere.  Tokyo, Madrid, Cincinnati and, uh, elsewhere.
2020-04-08 2:08:59 PM  
*Looks at everything in AO3 account.*

Apparently I need to drink more water 'cause DAMN I am thirsty...

Gotta sit down this week and have a go at drafting an entry for the anthology, too, I've got a fun new idea in mind, and it might end up being part of a larger series if I can quit procrastinating.
tdyak [TotalFark] [OhFark]  
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2020-04-08 2:43:21 PM  
I find pulling a lot more from my childhood experiences a lot as I grow older for my writing.  I grew up as a military brat, growing up on military bases moving every few years.  However, a lot of my friends also moved to the same bases (thanks Dad and his group staying together on x-fers), so it was different bases, same faces.

In other words, I really identify with the TV show "The Venture Bros.", because I see a *LOT* of Dr. Venture in my life growing up.  The friends of his Dad being the military friends my dad had, taking me on TDY's, because they would be "educational" and "once in a lifetime opportunities".

Then, thanks to BRAC (, I find that literally everywhere I grew up no longer exists.  It's different.  it's been influential in my writing more and more.

Born, Raised and Transferred.

However, I have not sent in anything for the fark anthology.
2020-04-08 2:48:27 PM  
I grew up in Ann Arbor, which is a big college town. I spent most of my younger years exploring the city and partying way too much.
Because of boredom and to enhance social distancing I made a blog this week to log my adventures around town during the coronapocalypse.
2020-04-08 2:51:57 PM  

giantmeteor: I grew up in Ann Arbor, which is a big college town. I spent most of my younger years exploring the city and partying way too much.
Because of boredom and to enhance social distancing I made a blog this week to log my adventures around town during the coronapocalypse.

My blog sucks
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2020-04-08 3:17:02 PM  
free on smashwords. published today in 'authors give back' (perverts)

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2020-04-08 3:18:09 PM  
I was attempting to write in my past position - that has declined to 0 since. I updated my laptop, where I usually write, for work purposes and then... did nothing with it. Does it count that I've dreamed really hard about things? Not having written, especially during this extreme downtime, is kind of deteriorating my insides...
/decided today was the day to work drink
//i have so few emails to respond to, they'll never know
tdyak [TotalFark] [OhFark]  
Smartest (1)   Funniest (0)  
2020-04-08 3:43:42 PM  

RadicalEd: I was attempting to write in my past position - that has declined to 0 since. I updated my laptop, where I usually write, for work purposes and then... did nothing with it. Does it count that I've dreamed really hard about things? Not having written, especially during this extreme downtime, is kind of deteriorating my insides...
/decided today was the day to work drink
//i have so few emails to respond to, they'll never know

What got me back to writing, and really helped as a writing exercise, was writing flash-fiction.

I started here (, where I was published several times, by people I never met and didn't know.  Then, I just kept on going, writing a small flash fiction every day.  Then I took that and grew it until was writing a bit every day.

Setting a goal, then achieving it helped start the process for me.
2020-04-08 4:01:13 PM  

patr55: free on smashwords. published today in 'authors give back' (perverts)

[Fark user image 850x1292]

"Fanasty Shorts"? I cannot decide if I am titillated or aghast. One moment while I Google this- OH. MY. GOD. WHEW.
2020-04-08 4:08:12 PM  
So, I 've been living in a homeless shelter for the last month, and observing this Pandemic from that perspective is amazing as a journalist, but a bit unsettling as a human being.

But I have learned something about my writing process which I wanted to share. Because it is difficult to keep charged with so many people competing for a very limited number of plugs, I have been writing pen-to-paper, and have never been so prolific. For the past few years writing for this smallville newspaper on a deadline, I always did all my writing on my laptop. In college, doing court reporting, I likewise did all my "serious" writing on a computer.

But writing with a pen works on slightly different part of the brain than typing does - at least, it seems to for me.

If I were superduperstitious, I would say that it is easier for the Goddess of Scribes to guide my quill when I am actually holding one. Luckily, I don't really believe in that kind of stuff. I only pretend to believe, because it seems to  brings results.

I kept a couple full-sized notebooks, one for my journal and the other for my short stories, but they got stolen. Now I use 5x7 composition books, 88 cents each at WalMart, which I can handily keep in my pocket.

I'm rewriting my Fark anthology story, which was in the stolen notebook, and it seems to be improving.

And I keep smiling every day, and telling incredibly stupid jokes to make people laugh.
2020-04-08 4:28:31 PM  
Hi, FARK! Just dropped in to shamelessly self-promote!

Well, I'm also giving away FARK subscriptions this month, as it seems FARK's ad revenue is in a spot of bother. I'm willing to FARK up nine more people for the next 30 days... buuut you hafta go read my WEB SERIAL and leave a comment that proves you read some of it, then tell me whether you want TF or bare and link me to your profile.

Today happens to be Tin Soldier's third birthday. I'm going to be celebrating it next week with some extra art and I'll try to submit a link - but today only (Apr. 8) I'll offer you a special "real birthday" option of a month of TF AND bareFARK if you ask for it.

Petty insults qualify if they involve proof of reading, for example: "Your blog sucks because Doug did rainbow-colored people better. And I mean DISNEY'S Doug!!" But I have to OK you for other people to see you - my house, my rules, it cuts down on the spam - so it'll take a while for your comments to pop up, unless they're totally irrelevant in which case they go in the round file.

Because these are trying times, let me serve you up a funny installment. You may not know the characters and the setting, but I think this one stands alone pretty well:
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GTA San Rosille : The kids steal a car and drive it through a farmers' market. That bird up there is one of the kids and, yes, I do my own art. I know it sucks. I'm a little improved since I have a good stylus and tablet, but it still sucks.

Work in progress right now, needs more shading:
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2020-04-08 4:32:57 PM  

Spice Must Flow: So, I 've been living in a homeless shelter for the last month, and observing this Pandemic from that perspective is amazing as a journalist, but a bit unsettling as a human being.

But I have learned something about my writing process which I wanted to share. Because it is difficult to keep charged with so many people competing for a very limited number of plugs, I have been writing pen-to-paper, and have never been so prolific. For the past few years writing for this smallville newspaper on a deadline, I always did all my writing on my laptop. In college, doing court reporting, I likewise did all my "serious" writing on a computer.

But writing with a pen works on slightly different part of the brain than typing does - at least, it seems to for me.

If I were superduperstitious, I would say that it is easier for the Goddess of Scribes to guide my quill when I am actually holding one. Luckily, I don't really believe in that kind of stuff. I only pretend to believe, because it seems to  brings results.

I kept a couple full-sized notebooks, one for my journal and the other for my short stories, but they got stolen. Now I use 5x7 composition books, 88 cents each at WalMart, which I can handily keep in my pocket.

I'm rewriting my Fark anthology story, which was in the stolen notebook, and it seems to be improving.

And I keep smiling every day, and telling incredibly stupid jokes to make people laugh.

I have at least 3 notebooks of small size in my purse - I agree writing by hand is a very different experience and mindset. I was trying to trend back to that before all this hit. I wish you well in your endeavors (also, depending on area of US to help out?).

tdyak:What got me back to writing, and really helped as a writing exercise, was writing flash-fiction.

I started here (, where I was published several times, by people I never met and didn't know.  Then, I just kept on going, writing a small flash fiction every day.  Then I took that and grew it until was writing a bit every day.

Setting a goal, then achieving it helped start the process for me.

Thanks, I will check that out. I was trying to do a writing prompt a day for a bit, but that fizzled when I hit junky writing prompts. I do need a kick in the pants in regards to writing. I think about writing and stories before I fall asleep - its the only way I fall asleep, but I never get around to writing any of it these days.
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2020-04-08 5:11:52 PM  
For the next book... is it also going to be in that nursing-home-large font?^^
2020-04-08 6:09:38 PM  

RadicalEd: Spice Must Flow: So, I 've been living in a homeless shelter for the last month, and observing this Pandemic from that perspective is amazing as a journalist, but a bit unsettling as a human being.

But I have learned something about my writing process which I wanted to share. Because it is difficult to keep charged with so many people competing for a very limited number of plugs, I have been writing pen-to-paper, and have never been so prolific. For the past few years writing for this smallville newspaper on a deadline, I always did all my writing on my laptop. In college, doing court reporting, I likewise did all my "serious" writing on a computer.

But writing with a pen works on slightly different part of the brain than typing does - at least, it seems to for me.

If I were superduperstitious, I would say that it is easier for the Goddess of Scribes to guide my quill when I am actually holding one. Luckily, I don't really believe in that kind of stuff. I only pretend to believe, because it seems to  brings results.

I kept a couple full-sized notebooks, one for my journal and the other for my short stories, but they got stolen. Now I use 5x7 composition books, 88 cents each at WalMart, which I can handily keep in my pocket.

I'm rewriting my Fark anthology story, which was in the stolen notebook, and it seems to be improving.

And I keep smiling every day, and telling incredibly stupid jokes to make people laugh.

I have at least 3 notebooks of small size in my purse - I agree writing by hand is a very different experience and mindset. I was trying to trend back to that before all this hit. I wish you well in your endeavors (also, depending on area of US to help out?).

tdyak:What got me back to writing, and really helped as a writing exercise, was writing flash-fiction.

I started here (, where I was published several times, by people I never met and didn't know.  Then, I just kept on going, writing a small flash fiction every day.  Then I took that and grew it until was writing a bit every day.

Setting a goal, then achieving it helped start the process for me.

Thanks, I will check that out. I was trying to do a writing prompt a day for a bit, but that fizzled when I hit junky writing prompts. I do need a kick in the pants in regards to writing. I think about writing and stories before I fall asleep - its the only way I fall asleep, but I never get around to writing any of it these days.

Appreciate offers of help, but things are ok, mostly.

Starting a new job Monday at Reno's Amazon fulfillment center, which will pay ok, and get paid the following Friday, which should be enough to get a weekly hotel, if they are not all booked again.

Getting hot meals twice a day, not sleeping outside. But thanks
2020-04-08 9:43:54 PM  

Harry Freakstorm: I'm suddenly concerned about my Dora the Explorer tentacle porn stories and why they has 10,000 followers on blogspot.


2020-04-08 10:48:11 PM  
Speaking of Batman slash fiction (heh heh), my GLBT paranormal erotic shifter romance "Full Moon Fever" is available for pre-order at eXtasy Books. This is an ebook. It will be for sale at Amazon on April 10.

Full Moon Fever - Pre-order

Also, my short horror story "A Job To Die For" appears in "Horror For Hire: Second Shift". This ebook is available for pre-order at Amazon.

Horror For Hire: Second Shift - Pre-order

I've been busy doing final edits for "Full Moon Fever", and I need to start promoting it, so I won't be writing much for awhile. I want to take a break anyway.
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