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(NBC News)   The Barbers Hill Independent School District picks the hill they will die on, will not be bullied into giving up their freedom to force a black kid with dreadlocks to go to a barber   ( divider line
    More: Asinine, High school, high school graduation ceremony, school district's dress code, DeAndre Arnold, Barbers Hill High School, Sandy Arnold, Barbers Hill Independent School District, school rules  
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4358 clicks; posted to Main » on 23 Jan 2020 at 7:05 AM (4 years ago)   |   Favorite    |   share:  Copy Link

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toddalmighty [TotalFark] [OhFark]  
Smartest (24)   Funniest (2)  
2020-01-23 4:08:21 AM  
Barbers Hill? where's the irony tag?
Unobtanium [TotalFark] [OhFark]  
Smartest (35)   Funniest (1)  
2020-01-23 6:10:10 AM  
"We will continue to be a child-centered district that seeks to maximize the potential of EVERY child," he continued. "Local control is sacred to this country, and we will NOT be bullied or intimidated by outside influences."

"State's Rights"
"We will NOT be dragged out of the '50s."

/Whether 18- or 19- is unclear.
//Why not both?
groppet [TotalFark]  
Smartest (5)   Funniest (0)  
2020-01-23 7:06:36 AM  
And how soon until this town finishes dying?
2020-01-23 7:12:17 AM  
We're living in the era of emboldened garbage humans feeling validation and support since our country is ruled by one.
Smartest (2)   Funniest (10)  
2020-01-23 7:14:09 AM  

toddalmighty: Barbers Hill? where's the irony tag?

Some pick their hill to die on, others have their hill thrust upon them.
Weird Hal  
Smartest (6)   Funniest (0)  
2020-01-23 7:16:30 AM  
Texas, America's Waziristan.
Smartest (23)   Funniest (1)  
2020-01-23 7:16:56 AM  

Unobtanium: "We will continue to be a child-centered district that seeks to maximize the potential of EVERY child," he continued. "Local control is sacred to this country, and we will NOT be bullied or intimidated by outside influences."

"State's Rights"
"We will NOT be dragged out of the '50s."

/Whether 18- or 19- is unclear.
//Why not both?

Except they don't even believe in that. If Trump ordered a federal law that mandated he remove his dreadlocks, they'd be hailing at the altar of the federal government as the supreme entity.
Smartest (28)   Funniest (4)  
2020-01-23 7:18:35 AM  
New school administrators being hired in 3...2...1...

/ Maybe not, since it's Texas?

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Smartest (27)   Funniest (3)  
2020-01-23 7:20:37 AM  
I sense a big payday coming for 1 student. According to article he is being punished because he if he unties his hair it would be below the collar; however, he keeps it tied up, so is technically in compliance. Farkers are suspending him for being black.
A'isha P.  
Smartest (22)   Funniest (5)  
2020-01-23 7:21:25 AM  

Unobtanium: "We will continue to be a child-centered district that seeks to maximize the potential of EVERY child," he continued. "Local control is sacred to this country, and we will NOT be bullied or intimidated by outside influences."

Ah, "outside agitators", that racist classic.
Smartest (26)   Funniest (1)  
2020-01-23 7:27:40 AM  
So a HS is telling male students they cannot wear the hair long as in the same length as the women who attend or work there ?

So don't walk at graduation. Who cares. Get your diploma, keep your hair and tell the school to pound sand
Smartest (16)   Funniest (0)  
2020-01-23 7:31:47 AM  
Poole said the district's board of trustees, "which has included African American representation, takes their role of representing the local community as one of their chief priorities."

"We will continue to be a child-centered district that seeks to maximize the potential of EVERY child," he continued. "Local control is sacred to this country, and we will NOT be bullied or intimidated by outside influences."

You're not going to be either "bullied" or "intimidated." You're going to be ordered. Most likely, by a court. It's not like the ACLU hasn't smacked assholes like you before, repeatedly. IANAL, but it would seem that the policy described in that article - which appears to be gender-specific to male students - sounds a lot like the policy that got the Clovis Unified School District in legal hot water.
2020-01-23 7:32:28 AM  

kindms: So a HS is telling male students they cannot wear the hair long as in the same length as the women who attend or work there ?

So don't walk at graduation. Who cares. Get your diploma, keep your hair and tell the school to pound sand

And what happens to the next kid? "Fark you, got mine" isn't a great way to foster change.
2020-01-23 7:43:09 AM  

Unobtanium: "We will continue to be a child-centered district that seeks to maximize the potential of EVERY child," he continued. "Local control is sacred to this country, and we will NOT be bullied or intimidated by outside influences."

"State's Rights"
"We will NOT be dragged out of the '50s."

/Whether 18- or 19- is unclear.
//Why not both?

Yeah, that's bullshiat. Ask Austin about how much Republicans support "local control".
Smartest (3)   Funniest (0)  
2020-01-23 7:54:38 AM  
The philosophy of small government strikes again.
2020-01-23 8:00:25 AM  

king of vegas: We're living in the era of emboldened garbage humans feeling validation and support since our country is ruled by one.

Yep. "It's not racism/misogyny/et al, it's my CHRISTIAN FAITH SO I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT."
2020-01-23 8:02:05 AM  

REDARMYVODKA: New school administrators being hired in 3...2...1...

/ Maybe not, since it's Texas?

[Fark user image image 500x576]

They used to have a tourism campaign that was quite on the nose:

"It's like a whole other country."
uttertosh [OhFark]  
Smartest (0)   Funniest (12)  
2020-01-23 8:03:26 AM  

A'isha P.: Unobtanium: "We will continue to be a child-centered district that seeks to maximize the potential of EVERY child," he continued. "Local control is sacred to this country, and we will NOT be bullied or intimidated by outside influences."

Ah, "outside agitators", that racist classic.

Misread that as alligators. Link was disappointing.
Smartest (8)   Funniest (0)  
2020-01-23 8:06:41 AM  

FormlessOne: kindms: So a HS is telling male students they cannot wear the hair long as in the same length as the women who attend or work there ?

So don't walk at graduation. Who cares. Get your diploma, keep your hair and tell the school to pound sand

And what happens to the next kid? "Fark you, got mine" isn't a great way to foster change.

Change ? Defying a BS rule by school administrators and showing them the power to walk across the stage holds no weight ?

I mean what better way to change something than to defy it and show it actually has zero power at all. The only reason walking across a stage is seen as a value is because of people just like yourself who seem to think a ceremony is important in some grand scheme. It is not. The work that went into getting your diploma is what matters. A 30s walk across the stage to be handed an empty cardboard place holder for your diploma once they mail it to you is not.

It's nonsense. If he can get paid or successfully sue the schools even better. But they really have no power here. You can't go to prom or walk at graduation are really not powerful incentives to be brow beaten by a bunch of school administrators
2020-01-23 8:06:47 AM  
It's a high school graduation, it's meaningless. Let them ship the diploma to you. I've needed my high school diploma once, and it was for a crap job. I'm not even entirely sure where the thing is.

There was one reason I showed up for my high school graduation. Kristie. She was senior class president, prom queen, varsity lacrosse, varsity soccer and drop dead gorgeous. For reasons I'll never understand, she liked me and she sat with me. Willingly. Almost eagerly.

/ I said 'almost'
Smartest (12)   Funniest (1)  
2020-01-23 8:09:19 AM  
Get your diploma, get your pictures in your cap and gown with dreads intact, f*ck their ceremony and f*ck their racist asses. You stayed the course and got yours. Time to move on.

One more thing... if you've picked a college already, don't worry about paying for it. Your old school district will be picking up the tab and then some.
2020-01-23 8:14:09 AM  

king of vegas: We're living in the era of emboldened garbage humans feeling validation and support since our country is ruled by one.

But if it was a white kid, plenty of farkers here wouldn't care, wouldn't be calling racism.
Weird Hal  
Smartest (7)   Funniest (0)  
2020-01-23 8:17:23 AM  

LiberalConservative: king of vegas: We're living in the era of emboldened garbage humans feeling validation and support since our country is ruled by one.

But if it was a white kid, plenty of farkers here wouldn't care, wouldn't be calling racism.

But if!
uttertosh [OhFark]  
Smartest (8)   Funniest (0)  
2020-01-23 8:20:02 AM  

LiberalConservative: king of vegas: We're living in the era of emboldened garbage humans feeling validation and support since our country is ruled by one.

But if it was a white kid, plenty of farkers here wouldn't care, wouldn't be calling racism.

Show me any article demonstrating this hypothetical 'white kid' that you reference.

Oh. You don't have one to show. I wonder why.
Smartest (5)   Funniest (0)  
2020-01-23 8:22:53 AM  

rewind2846: Get your diploma, get your pictures in your cap and gown with dreads intact, f*ck their ceremony and f*ck their racist asses. You stayed the course and got yours. Time to move on.

One more thing... if you've picked a college already, don't worry about paying for it. Your old school district will be picking up the tab and then some.

He got in school suspension for refusing to cut it. The article wasn't clear what would happen if keeps refusing. It could escalate to OSS and possibly expulsion. He may not be able to finish his classes to graduate anyway.

Total dicks.
Smartest (5)   Funniest (0)  
2020-01-23 8:24:55 AM  
Kids, no employer will ask if you walked at graduation. The threat of schools to ban you from walking is just weak bullies trying to bully you while they still can. You'll have more fun and feel better about yourself showing them you still don't respect or fear them, and more fun at parties with friends on graduation nights than at the stuffy ceremonies. If they were so smart and right about things they could convince you to see things their way without threats.
2020-01-23 8:26:25 AM  
FormlessOne: Poole said the district's board of trustees, "which has included African American representation,

This sounds suspiciously like the old saw "I have a black friend.. "
2020-01-23 8:27:04 AM  

kindms: So a HS is telling male students they cannot wear the hair long as in the same length as the women who attend or work there ?

So don't walk at graduation. Who cares. Get your diploma, keep your hair and tell the school to pound sand

I agree!  Those black folk can go be black somewhere else!
2020-01-23 8:31:11 AM  

kindms: FormlessOne: kindms: So a HS is telling male students they cannot wear the hair long as in the same length as the women who attend or work there ?

So don't walk at graduation. Who cares. Get your diploma, keep your hair and tell the school to pound sand

And what happens to the next kid? "Fark you, got mine" isn't a great way to foster change.

Change ? Defying a BS rule by school administrators and showing them the power to walk across the stage holds no weight ?

I mean what better way to change something than to defy it and show it actually has zero power at all. The only reason walking across a stage is seen as a value is because of people just like yourself who seem to think a ceremony is important in some grand scheme. It is not. The work that went into getting your diploma is what matters. A 30s walk across the stage to be handed an empty cardboard place holder for your diploma once they mail it to you is not.

It's nonsense. If he can get paid or successfully sue the schools even better. But they really have no power here. You can't go to prom or walk at graduation are really not powerful incentives to be brow beaten by a bunch of school administrators

I agree again!  Those black folk can show their power by NOT drinking at the White folk's fountain, NOT eating at white folk's Delis, NOT using the white folk's bathrooms.

You see sitting at the back of the bus shows without a doubt white folk DON'T have power over black folk!
Smartest (11)   Funniest (0)  
2020-01-23 8:34:49 AM  

Some Bass Playing Guy: FormlessOne: Poole said the district's board of trustees, "which has included African American representation,

This sounds suspiciously like the old saw "I have a black friend.. "

And I kinda read "which has included..." as meaning. "Well, we *used* to included African American representation, y'know, for show, but that guy isn't around anymore, but we can still get retroactive diversity credit, right?  We cool?"
2020-01-23 8:36:46 AM  

amb: I sense a big payday coming for 1 student. According to article he is being punished because he if he unties his hair it would be below the collar; however, he keeps it tied up, so is technically in compliance. Farkers are suspending him for being black.

Saw the interview with the administrator dickbag last night on the local news.  He was about what I expected him to be.   It'll be fun to see him get his comeuppance.    The kid needs to flat out say "fine, I wont walk".
Smartest (8)   Funniest (2)  
2020-01-23 8:38:28 AM  

LiberalConservative: king of vegas: We're living in the era of emboldened garbage humans feeling validation and support since our country is ruled by one.

But if it was a white kid, plenty of farkers here wouldn't care, wouldn't be calling racism.

If it were a white kid we wouldn't be.

If it were a 12 foot silent bug like creature we wouldn't be here because it wouldve just eaten the administration.

If it were a lemur we wouldn't be here because lemurs can't lear from books and would never have graduated.
2020-01-23 8:40:38 AM  

Some Bass Playing Guy: FormlessOne: Poole said the district's board of trustees, "which has included African American representation,

This sounds suspiciously like the old saw "I have a black friend.. "

I this case it looks like an even weaker "I used to have a black friend"
2020-01-23 8:46:24 AM  

LiberalConservative: king of vegas: We're living in the era of emboldened garbage humans feeling validation and support since our country is ruled by one.

But if it was a white kid, plenty of farkers here wouldn't care, wouldn't be calling racism.

Nah, they'd be calling it cultural appropriation.

School district is still being silly though.
Bermuda59 [TotalFark]  
Smartest (1)   Funniest (6)  
2020-01-23 8:51:49 AM  

Some Bass Playing Guy: FormlessOne: Poole said the district's board of trustees, "which has included African American representation,

This sounds suspiciously like the old saw "I have a black friend.. "

Don't you mean "I have a friend who happens to be black"

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Smartest (2)   Funniest (0)  
2020-01-23 8:53:46 AM  
So, don't show up for graduation. Big deal. You won't miss anything.
2020-01-23 8:55:35 AM  

Some Bass Playing Guy: FormlessOne: Poole said the district's board of trustees, "which has included African American representation,

This sounds suspiciously like the old saw "I have a black friend.. "

I went to a boarding school. They had rules about hair length. A jewish boy I knew would spend about a half hour every morning putting gel in his hair in order to meet their requirements. No farkin' way would he let "them" tell him how he should have his hair. Well, okay there was a bit of subterfuge, but Mitch would not be denied.
Long live Mitch!
/Great dude
//Terrible taste in music (IMO)
///How does hair length determine suitability anyway? I thought brains and being decent with others is all that matters. I'm way too Canadian.
2020-01-23 9:06:47 AM  
Here is the thing.  They have a rule about hair length (which is dumb but whatever)  He wants to keep his hair longer and so he comes up with a solution.  He keeps it tied up.  I don't see how that is not a win-win?  Heck, tell him they will punish him if he takes it down, but otherwise, for all intents and purposes his hair is short (when tied up).

I think it is just a " you will respect my authority" thing.
2020-01-23 9:15:51 AM  
Turn not showing up for graduation into a protest and have other people follow you. I'm sure the school would be upset if a lot of people didn't show up for the their little gathering.
2020-01-23 9:19:14 AM  

uttertosh: LiberalConservative: king of vegas: We're living in the era of emboldened garbage humans feeling validation and support since our country is ruled by one.

But if it was a white kid, plenty of farkers here wouldn't care, wouldn't be calling racism.

Show me any article demonstrating this hypothetical 'white kid' that you reference.

Oh. You don't have one to show. I wonder why.

You didn't wonder very well then.
Why write such an article if people aren't going froth and generate clicks for their employer?
2020-01-23 9:20:56 AM  

sturnus vulgaris: LiberalConservative: king of vegas: We're living in the era of emboldened garbage humans feeling validation and support since our country is ruled by one.

But if it was a white kid, plenty of farkers here wouldn't care, wouldn't be calling racism.

Nah, they'd be calling it cultural appropriation.

School district is still being silly though.

Heh, probably what would happen. And yes, they are.
Smartest (3)   Funniest (0)  
2020-01-23 9:22:04 AM  

kindms: So a HS is telling male students they cannot wear the hair long as in the same length as the women who attend or work there ?

So don't walk at graduation. Who cares. Get your diploma, keep your hair and tell the school to pound sand

Normally I'd agree with you since the graduation ceremony is senseless pageantry given that high school isn't really an accomplishment anymore, it's a baseline expectation that it's assumed everyone gets and those who don't are outliers. I skipped mine and went to a field party instead and 30+ years later have zero regrets. In this case however he's not being allowed to even attend school, which will put his ability to graduate in jeopardy.

/I've never understood the obsession some people have with men's hair length (among other things). Historically, long hair on men was common until the 19th century, and became socially acceptable again 50 years ago. I'm all for structure and standards but they have to have a meaningful purpose. The "it's a distraction" argument is, and always has been, pure BS as are most of the other excuses tendered. The focus of a high school should be on developing minds and I'd be very skeptical of anyone claiming that long hair detracts from that.
2020-01-23 9:23:22 AM  

kindms: So a HS is telling male students they cannot wear the hair long as in the same length as the women who attend or work there ?


I worked at a job in New Mexico where they tried to implement "hair standards" for men only. Turns out there was a state law that said all rules in a workplace must apply equally to everyone. As soon as we started compiling a list of all the female employees that were going to be required to cut their hair to shorter than 2" they immediately relented.
Smartest (1)   Funniest (0)  
2020-01-23 9:30:20 AM  

kindms: So a HS is telling male students they cannot wear the hair long as in the same length as the women who attend or work there ?

So don't walk at graduation. Who cares. Get your diploma, keep your hair and tell the school to pound sand

Then alter your diploma, so future potential employers don't think you got your "education" in small-town Texas.

/unless you're off to Bible college
Rock Krenn  
Smartest (14)   Funniest (0)  
2020-01-23 9:30:51 AM  
The racist dickbaggery is strong with this school district. Key points from the article:

1. The kid is a senior and has always worn dreadlocks
2. They changed the rules about hair 3 months before graduation
3. He's being suspended for the same hair that, apparently, didn't cause race riots and the formation of street gangs for the for 3 years and 8 months he attended the school up to that point.
4. He's being suspended for the theoretical length of his hair if he were to let it down, not the actual situation where he keeps his hair up in accordance with the regulations

Don't they realize that he's also naked under his clothes. That means if his clothes fell off he'd be totally naked and that is completely against the dress code. Therefore he must be punished with expulsion.

If the kid and his family decide to push this I can't imagine that they won't leave scorched earth where the school district offices used to be.
Smartest (5)   Funniest (0)  
2020-01-23 9:32:46 AM  

Tyrosine: /I've never understood the obsession some people have with men's hair length (among other things).

Religious populations value conformity over freedom of expression.

There's a reason these assclowns cheered when Bush restricted our First Amendment rights.
2020-01-23 9:36:32 AM  

amb: I sense a big payday coming for 1 student. According to article he is being punished because he if he unties his hair it would be below the collar; however, he keeps it tied up, so is technically in compliance. Farkers are suspending him for being black.

The dress code regarding hair is stupid but it stipulates length even when the hair is worn down.

Sorry to call bullshiat on your narrative but hair length is a measurement that has nothing to do with race no matter how much you want it to be.

/Hanlon, et all
2020-01-23 9:37:24 AM  

rewind2846: Get your diploma, get your pictures in your cap and gown with dreads intact, f*ck their ceremony and f*ck their racist asses. You stayed the course and got yours. Time to move on.

Did you miss the part where they've suspended him?  He's not gonna get a diploma or graduate period at this rate.
Smartest (1)   Funniest (0)  
2020-01-23 9:41:44 AM  

PickleBarrel: kindms: So a HS is telling male students they cannot wear the hair long as in the same length as the women who attend or work there ?

So don't walk at graduation. Who cares. Get your diploma, keep your hair and tell the school to pound sand

I agree!  Those black folk can go be black somewhere else!

so you think me telling the kid to ignore the schools wishes and keeping his hair is being racist ?

I have dyed my hair, i had it high and tight and i have had it down to my waist which it currently is. I wore many many odd hair styles in middle in HS

Im telling the kid to be himself and not worry about some BS arbitrary fashion police and keep on keeping on. And to you that is telling black folk to go be black someplace else ? Thats kind of odd

Me: Hey be yourself and dont worry about those people telling you to conform
Smartest (0)   Funniest (0)  
2020-01-23 9:46:53 AM  

NotThatGuyAgain: amb: I sense a big payday coming for 1 student. According to article he is being punished because he if he unties his hair it would be below the collar; however, he keeps it tied up, so is technically in compliance. Farkers are suspending him for being black.

The dress code regarding hair is stupid but it stipulates length even when the hair is worn down.

Sorry to call bullshiat on your narrative but hair length is a measurement that has nothing to do with race no matter how much you want it to be.

/Hanlon, et all

depends. why was the rule changed mid school year ? who else does it cause to have to cut their hair ? If the rule change was specifically implemented to cause distress for this one student, as in the admin changed the rule to specifically target this young man then yes it very well could be argued that it is racist.

the rules used to be you could basically dress how you wanted as long as it doesnt cause a "disruption" which of course gave schools WIDE room to implement stupid shyte. But I fail to see how hair length could be shown to be a distraction at any level or length. Its really to bad he didnt register as a Rastafarian and then it would be even more fun to see everyone squirm.
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