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(NPR)   World hunger is defeated Aaaand it's turned into a disaster   ( divider line
    More: Obvious, Nutrition, Malnutrition, Obesity, middle-income countries, High rates of childhood obesity, new global assessment of child malnutrition, lower household income levels, poor families  
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5016 clicks; posted to Main » and Politics » on 18 Oct 2019 at 8:10 PM (4 years ago)   |   Favorite    |   share:  Copy Link

38 Comments     (+0 »)
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Smartest (3)   Funniest (9)  
2019-10-18 8:12:26 PM  
Oops. It looks like we overshot.
Smartest (12)   Funniest (4)  
2019-10-18 8:19:10 PM  
Sugar is poison.
2019-10-18 8:19:34 PM  
Smartest (12)   Funniest (2)  
2019-10-18 8:21:12 PM  
I blame the parents. Every kid I've seen who is overweight has overweight parents. Every overweight pet I've seen, mainly dogs and cats, has an overweight owner. Kids and pets are at the mercy of the adults in the home, if the adults can't handle their own shiat then you can't expect the kids to escape the effects.
2019-10-18 8:24:00 PM  
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2019-10-18 8:26:44 PM  
Don't mess with Mother Nature nor Darwin... Feast and famine, floods, epidemics, Malaria and Tse Tse flies and all the other plagues of God are for a reason. Mother Nature finds a way!
Smartest (3)   Funniest (0)  
2019-10-18 8:30:23 PM  

uncoveror: Sugar is poison.

Stuffing them with grains isn't helping.
2019-10-18 8:33:31 PM  

uncoveror: Sugar is poison.

Like most things, in moderation it's fine.

/Thankfully I don't have a sweet tooth.
//The can of coke in my fridge is so old I don't remember how it got there
2019-10-18 8:36:15 PM  
Driving everywhere all the time does not help
Boojum2k [TotalFark]  
Smartest (0)   Funniest (6)  
2019-10-18 8:37:52 PM  

NotThatGuyAgain: uncoveror: Sugar is poison.

Like most things, in moderation it's fine.

/Thankfully I don't have a sweet tooth.
//The can of coke in my fridge is so old I don't remember how it got there

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2019-10-18 8:40:56 PM  
Carbs/grains are cheap.  Shrug, not good but not all that unexpected either.

Protein/fresh food is expensive.  It might be much better for you but when you have to make whatever local version of your currency stretch for the month, you go filling and inexpensive.

Again, not great but hardly a surprise either
2019-10-18 8:42:07 PM  

I Am Not A Real Person: Fast food.  It's the fast food.

Yeah, I was amazed how many fast food joints crowd those Pacific islands.
2019-10-18 8:44:10 PM  

AlgaeRancher: Driving everywhere all the time does not help

They mention processed foods and drinks.

Processed food is the devil more than sugar, although they go hand in hand.  Along with salt.

I got in the habit of making most of my meals from scratch probably 20 years ago.  Tastes better (to me) and it's a helluva lot healthier.  Protein, starch, veggies, grains.

A pressure cooker, rice cooker, and a spiffy little egg steamer are invaluable to me.  They save a lot of time and I end up with good food.

/Vacuum sealers are a godsend as well
2019-10-18 8:44:55 PM  

Birnone: I blame the parents. Every kid I've seen who is overweight has overweight parents. Every overweight pet I've seen, mainly dogs and cats, has an overweight owner. Kids and pets are at the mercy of the adults in the home, if the adults can't handle their own shiat then you can't expect the kids to escape the effects.

And sadly I remember some study that found less than 1% of obese children were able to avoid persistent obesity as adults. Once fat kids are doomed to that fate.
2019-10-18 8:46:28 PM  

Recoil Therapy: Carbs/grains are cheap.  Shrug, not good but not all that unexpected either.

Protein/fresh food is expensive.  It might be much better for you but when you have to make whatever local version of your currency stretch for the month, you go filling and inexpensive.

Again, not great but hardly a surprise either

Beans and rice will give you all the protein you need.  I lived on it for about 2 years when killing off debt.

From dry to cooked in my pressure cooker takes about 90 minutes from start to finish.

/It was several years before I could eat them again, lol
2019-10-18 9:12:47 PM  

NotThatGuyAgain: Recoil Therapy: Carbs/grains are cheap.  Shrug, not good but not all that unexpected either.

Protein/fresh food is expensive.  It might be much better for you but when you have to make whatever local version of your currency stretch for the month, you go filling and inexpensive.

Again, not great but hardly a surprise either

Beans and rice will give you all the protein you need.  I lived on it for about 2 years when killing off debt.

From dry to cooked in my pressure cooker takes about 90 minutes from start to finish.

/It was several years before I could eat them again, lol

Yeah, I should have included processed food in there as that's where many of the problems come from.

Beans and rice are huge in many cultures for just that reason, they're cheap and will keep you strong enough to go do the backbreaking work that your ancestors have been doing for countless millennia.

/the lack of exercise from no longer having to do said backbreaking work should also be factored in
Smartest (5)   Funniest (0)  
2019-10-18 9:20:26 PM  

feanorn: uncoveror: Sugar is poison.

Stuffing them with grains isn't helping.

Oh, you're just seeing a confluence of a number of things.
High carb high fat (western) diet
Increased mechanization
Increased standard of living (meaning more free time and less subsistence living)
Globalization (meaning wider distribution of cheap luxury goods)
Reliable disaster aid

As bad as poverty and hunger are in the Third World, the base standard of living has improved so much over the last 30 years, kids can actually eat enough, survive long enough, and sit still long enough, with an absence of parasites and diseases, to get fat.

This may or may not be good, but it's a thing.
Smartest (5)   Funniest (0)  
2019-10-18 9:25:55 PM  
What is meant by "processed food"? I fear that I'm going to get a different answer from each person I would ask.
Smartest (1)   Funniest (0)  
2019-10-18 9:30:45 PM  

LiberalConservative: Birnone: I blame the parents. Every kid I've seen who is overweight has overweight parents. Every overweight pet I've seen, mainly dogs and cats, has an overweight owner. Kids and pets are at the mercy of the adults in the home, if the adults can't handle their own shiat then you can't expect the kids to escape the effects.

And sadly I remember some study that found less than 1% of obese children were able to avoid persistent obesity as adults. Once fat kids are doomed to that fate.

Be like Fred Rogers
2019-10-18 9:40:21 PM  

uncoveror: Sugar is poison.

No, it isn't.
Smartest (0)   Funniest (0)  
2019-10-18 9:45:39 PM  
Eliminate hunger and reduce poverty, and the percentage of overweight kids is going to go up, and the number of places where the percentage of children who are overweight is 10%.  It would be odd if it were any other way.
2019-10-18 9:46:44 PM  

blahpers: What is meant by "processed food"? I fear that I'm going to get a different answer from each person I would ask.

I'd define it as pretty much any relatively inexpensive, multi ingredient shelf stable/frozen food that's mass produced in a factory.  The vast majority of which tend to have huge/unhealthy levels of sodium and sugar to make it taste better.

Quick and dirty but that should cover a lot of food defined that way.
Smartest (1)   Funniest (0)  
2019-10-18 9:51:34 PM  

Recoil Therapy: Carbs/grains are cheap.  Shrug, not good but not all that unexpected either.

Protein/fresh food is expensive.  It might be much better for you but when you have to make whatever local version of your currency stretch for the month, you go filling and inexpensive.

Again, not great but hardly a surprise either

This.  Getting fat is easy with cheap food.  Healthy food, not so much.  Healthy food also tends to not store as well.  Grain will sit in a bag a long while and be fine.  Meat, eggs, veggies, fruit?  Not so much.
2019-10-18 10:55:44 PM  
It is brilliant.  Fat people are so unattractive that it solves the population problem.
2019-10-18 11:58:31 PM  

IamAwake: Recoil Therapy: Carbs/grains are cheap.  Shrug, not good but not all that unexpected either.

Protein/fresh food is expensive.  It might be much better for you but when you have to make whatever local version of your currency stretch for the month, you go filling and inexpensive.

Again, not great but hardly a surprise either

This.  Getting fat is easy with cheap food.  Healthy food, not so much.  Healthy food also tends to not store as well.  Grain will sit in a bag a long while and be fine.  Meat, eggs, veggies, fruit?  Not so much.

It's more poor people don't know how to cook, so they are unable to take advantage of cheap healthy food.  This time of year winter squash is usually priced $0.50 - 1$/lb (you can store them for months as long as they are cool and dry), Beets are almost always $1/lb (last for months in the refrigerator) and sweet potatoes usually hover just above $1/lb.  Buy some combination of all three, cook them essentially the same way way on a ( foil covered pan ~1hr at 400°F) on Sunday and you have the base of filling healthy meals all week @ only $0.25 - $0.50/serving.

Spaghetti squash is generally only $1/lb, is dead simple in the microwave, and essentially turns into pasta.  Drown with pasta sauce, salsa, or melted cheese and you should even be able to make most of the vegetable haters happy.
2019-10-19 12:01:30 AM  

NotThatGuyAgain: AlgaeRancher: Driving everywhere all the time does not help

They mention processed foods and drinks.

Processed food is the devil more than sugar, although they go hand in hand.  Along with salt.

I got in the habit of making most of my meals from scratch probably 20 years ago.  Tastes better (to me) and it's a helluva lot healthier.  Protein, starch, veggies, grains.

A pressure cooker, rice cooker, and a spiffy little egg steamer are invaluable to me.  They save a lot of time and I end up with good food.

/Vacuum sealers are a godsend as well

Name checks out

/I kid, nice to know some people care about eating quality foods.
Smartest (1)   Funniest (0)  
2019-10-19 12:45:21 AM  
If I could only choose one of the two, I'd prefer to be fat. Ymmv.
2019-10-19 1:41:33 AM  

AlgaeRancher: NotThatGuyAgain: AlgaeRancher: Driving everywhere all the time does not help

They mention processed foods and drinks.

Processed food is the devil more than sugar, although they go hand in hand.  Along with salt.

I got in the habit of making most of my meals from scratch probably 20 years ago.  Tastes better (to me) and it's a helluva lot healthier.  Protein, starch, veggies, grains.

A pressure cooker, rice cooker, and a spiffy little egg steamer are invaluable to me.  They save a lot of time and I end up with good food.

/Vacuum sealers are a godsend as well

Name checks out

/I kid, nice to know some people care about eating quality foods.

I laughed.

Seriously, it doesn't take a lot of extra effort to eat better if you have the right stuff in your kitchen.  There are even recipes out there for prepping crock pot food, freezing it, and ya just toss it in the crock pot before you go to work.

I do have one guilty pleasure that's a semi-regular but this is about it.  If I could make a decent pastry crust (I suck at it, even been taught by a chef)  I'd whip up a pile of these and vacu-seal them and toss em in the freezer.
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/I'll cut you over a beef patty
2019-10-19 1:46:42 AM  

NotThatGuyAgain: AlgaeRancher: NotThatGuyAgain: AlgaeRancher: Driving everywhere all the time does not help

They mention processed foods and drinks.

Processed food is the devil more than sugar, although they go hand in hand.  Along with salt.

I got in the habit of making most of my meals from scratch probably 20 years ago.  Tastes better (to me) and it's a helluva lot healthier.  Protein, starch, veggies, grains.

A pressure cooker, rice cooker, and a spiffy little egg steamer are invaluable to me.  They save a lot of time and I end up with good food.

/Vacuum sealers are a godsend as well

Name checks out

/I kid, nice to know some people care about eating quality foods.

I laughed.

Seriously, it doesn't take a lot of extra effort to eat better if you have the right stuff in your kitchen.  There are even recipes out there for prepping crock pot food, freezing it, and ya just toss it in the crock pot before you go to work.

I do have one guilty pleasure that's a semi-regular but this is about it.  If I could make a decent pastry crust (I suck at it, even been taught by a chef)  I'd whip up a pile of these and vacu-seal them and toss em in the freezer.
[Fark user image 500x350]

/I'll cut you over a beef patty

Ugh, I had the freezer crockpot recipes as an example because I've used them where they've been pretty healthy.  The ones on that site are full of processed shiat.
2019-10-19 7:27:21 AM  
The obesity is another symptom of the same disease, food can be had cheap, but cheap food isn't fit for humans to eat.

Even at basic subsistence is not a sure thing, hell 1/6 Americans, many of those children, are classified as food insecure.

The only items my wife and I normally pull from the middle of the grocery store are soup, pasta, spices and canned tomatoes/sauce. It is expensive to eat primarily fresh, like $600 for two for a month. Most Americans can't afford this, which is why they eat cardboard coated in sugar, and the result is insanely fat children.
2019-10-19 7:46:03 AM  
Healthy food isn't economically viable, the shareholders demand more profits!
aungen [TotalFark] [OhFark]  
Smartest (2)   Funniest (0)  
2019-10-19 8:31:35 AM  

Birnone: I blame the parents. Every kid I've seen who is overweight has overweight parents. Every overweight pet I've seen, mainly dogs and cats, has an overweight owner. Kids and pets are at the mercy of the adults in the home, if the adults can't handle their own shiat then you can't expect the kids to escape the effects.

Stop being poor and stressed, and start sleeping more! Also, that fruit will require a 4 day walk to the nearest grocery store.
2019-10-19 9:17:50 AM  

RogermcAllen: IamAwake: Recoil Therapy: Carbs/grains are cheap.  Shrug, not good but not all that unexpected either.

Protein/fresh food is expensive.  It might be much better for you but when you have to make whatever local version of your currency stretch for the month, you go filling and inexpensive.

Again, not great but hardly a surprise either

This.  Getting fat is easy with cheap food.  Healthy food, not so much.  Healthy food also tends to not store as well.  Grain will sit in a bag a long while and be fine.  Meat, eggs, veggies, fruit?  Not so much.

It's more poor people don't know how to cook, so they are unable to take advantage of cheap healthy food.  This time of year winter squash is usually priced $0.50 - 1$/lb (you can store them for months as long as they are cool and dry), Beets are almost always $1/lb (last for months in the refrigerator) and sweet potatoes usually hover just above $1/lb.  Buy some combination of all three, cook them essentially the same way way on a ( foil covered pan ~1hr at 400°F) on Sunday and you have the base of filling healthy meals all week @ only $0.25 - $0.50/serving.

Spaghetti squash is generally only $1/lb, is dead simple in the microwave, and essentially turns into pasta.  Drown with pasta sauce, salsa, or melted cheese and you should even be able to make most of the vegetable haters happy.

My wife and kid will not touch either. Yes I got them to try it.
2019-10-19 10:14:04 AM  

blahpers: What is meant by "processed food"? I fear that I'm going to get a different answer from each person I would ask.

If you aren't processing the hell out of your beans, you're going to poison yourself.
2019-10-19 12:47:12 PM  

NotThatGuyAgain: uncoveror: Sugar is poison.

Like most things, in moderation it's fine.

/Thankfully I don't have a sweet tooth.
//The can of coke in my fridge is so old I don't remember how it got there do you have such self control...
2019-10-19 2:15:47 PM  

blahpers: What is meant by "processed food"? I fear that I'm going to get a different answer from each person I would ask.

A chicken is processed, it doesn't just jump into the plastic wrapper.

Whey and creatine are processed into powders, yet still used by pretty healthy people.

Just pay attention to what you're doing.
Smartest (0)   Funniest (0)  
2019-10-19 3:27:36 PM  

aungen: Birnone: I blame the parents. Every kid I've seen who is overweight has overweight parents. Every overweight pet I've seen, mainly dogs and cats, has an overweight owner. Kids and pets are at the mercy of the adults in the home, if the adults can't handle their own shiat then you can't expect the kids to escape the effects.

Stop being poor and stressed, and start sleeping more! Also, that fruit will require a 4 day walk to the nearest grocery store.

It's nice to think that all obese people are very poor and far away from a source of non junk food which is too expensive for them to eat anyways but it's not true. Crappy food affects the kind of calories you're eating, obesity is caused by the amount of calories you're eating. If you're burning 2000 calories a day but eating 3000 calories a day you're going to gain weight. That's why one person's cat can be slim and healthy, while another person's cat is fat even though it eats the same kind of cat food. It's getting fed too much. I'm aware some people have medical conditions which affect their weight, obviously I'm not talking about those people. This article was not about people like that.
Smartest (0)   Funniest (0)  
2019-10-19 10:58:03 PM  

AntonChigger: uncoveror: Sugar is poison.

No, it isn't.

In the same sense that oxygen is, I suppose
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