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(WCVB Boston)   High school senior lights prom-posal on fire in driveway, forcing middle-aged newscasters nationwide to make excruciating "This is LIT" puns on-air   ( divider line
    More: Sappy, Heavy metal music, different ideas, Jacob Hanley, English-language films, Acton teen, creative guy, Acton-Boxborough High School, whole team of people  
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2435 clicks; posted to Main » on 20 Apr 2019 at 2:08 AM (5 years ago)   |   Favorite    |   share:  Copy Link

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BizarreMan [TotalFark]  
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2019-04-19 9:13:35 PM  
What happened to just asking someone out?  Why make a spectacle of yourself?
Dr.Fey [TotalFark] [OhFark]  
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2019-04-20 12:53:35 AM  

BizarreMan: What happened to just asking someone out?  Why make a spectacle of yourself?

What's their favorite dessert after an masked orgy?

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2019-04-20 2:20:45 AM  
It's easy to forget that every year, there are new people forced into enduring a Prom.
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2019-04-20 2:23:26 AM  
turntherightcorner.files.wordpress.comView Full Size
Call me, Jennifer
2019-04-20 2:24:45 AM  
Back in my day, a "promposal" wasn't a thing.  It was a way to get a girl to agree to go out with  you with the implied notion that someone is getting fingered, or a handjob after dropping $200+ on the night.  She and you both would look sophisticated, until a cum stain landed on the prom dress or the rented tux.

Guess i'm just old-fashioned.
2019-04-20 3:07:25 AM  
I predict a restraining order in their future.
2019-04-20 4:45:59 AM  

BizarreMan: What happened to just asking someone out?  Why make a spectacle of yourself?

This generation doesn't know how to communicate with other humans, so they resort to this nonsense.
SBinRR [OhFark]  
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2019-04-20 5:49:27 AM  

Mister Buttons: Back in my day, a "promposal" wasn't a thing.  It was a way to get a girl to agree to go out with  you with the implied notion that someone is getting fingered, or a handjob after dropping $200+ on the night.  She and you both would look sophisticated, until a cum stain landed on the prom dress or the rented tux.

Guess i'm just old-fashioned.

It sure is dusty here on Memory Lane.
2019-04-20 8:18:37 AM  

Mister Buttons: Back in my day, a "promposal" wasn't a thing.  It was a way to get a girl to agree to go out with  you with the implied notion that someone is getting fingered, or a handjob after dropping $200+ on the night.  She and you both would look sophisticated, until a cum stain landed on the prom dress or the rented tux.

Guess i'm just old-fashioned.

They don't call it a cummerbund for nothing
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2019-04-20 8:35:01 AM  

SBinRR: Mister Buttons: Back in my day, a "promposal" wasn't a thing.  It was a way to get a girl to agree to go out with  you with the implied notion that someone is getting fingered, or a handjob after dropping $200+ on the night.  She and you both would look sophisticated, until a cum stain landed on the prom dress or the rented tux.

Guess i'm just old-fashioned.

It sure is dusty here on Memory Lane.

And sticky
2019-04-20 8:50:06 AM  
I'm not clicking on TFA so I'm picturing this flaming promposal looking just like the flaming spiral of body parts scene in the most recent episode of Game of Thrones. Don't ruin it for me.
2019-04-20 9:33:37 AM  
I hate prom season. It means countless dumb "prom-posal" stories in the news and on social media, including the celebrity ones that have become stupidly obvious at this point.

When I was in high school, I skipped prom. Sure, sometimes I get this really terrible feeling, you know? Like something is missing. I check my wallet, check my keys, count my kids*, and go crazy and then I realize that nothing is missing. I decided it was a side-effect of skipping the prom.

Honestly, though, looking back I should have gone. The person I'm with now is the person I was with back then, though we were on some sort of break at the time and I was being a stubborn ass. She went solo with friends. I stayed home. I regret not being able to look back on that night as a shared memory with her.

*yep, still zero kids.
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2019-04-20 11:14:51 AM  

BizarreMan: What happened to just asking someone out?  Why make a spectacle of yourself?

This new generation is thinking 24/7 about how things will look on Facebook/Instagram/whateveriscoolnow the goal is clicks and maybe something going "viral". This is also why we are seeing hundreds of people every year fall off of cliffs and building trying to get "selfies". I'm sure lots of kids are still just asking each other out but they are missing out on hundreds of likes and shares.
2019-04-20 11:18:59 AM  

RTOGUY: BizarreMan: What happened to just asking someone out?  Why make a spectacle of yourself?

This new generation is thinking 24/7 about how things will look on Facebook/Instagram/whateveriscoolnow the goal is clicks and maybe something going "viral". This is also why we are seeing hundreds of people every year fall off of cliffs and building trying to get "selfies". I'm sure lots of kids are still just asking each other out but they are missing out on hundreds of likes and shares.

Everything has to be a bigger deal now; promposals, flash mob wedding proposals, weddings that cost more than a house, gender reveal parties...never been so happy to be a boring old dude.  All that attention seeking seems like so much work...
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2019-04-20 12:04:20 PM  
It's cute now, but wait until she dumps him and he begs her to take him back the same way.
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2019-04-20 12:08:42 PM  
A co-worker who has a daughter in high school told me girls tell their friends what they expect for a prom-posal and the friends tell the boy she expects to ask her what he needs. Candy, flowers, etc.

Guys, if some girl sends her friends to you with a list of expectations for the spectacle you must put on to ask her to prom, thank that girl for doing you a huge favor and then run like hell in the other direction.
Dr.Fey [TotalFark] [OhFark]  
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2019-04-20 1:28:41 PM  

Iowan73: It's cute now, but wait until she dumps him and he begs her to take him back the same way.

...only in the blood of her parents and younger sister...
Al Boondy  
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2019-04-20 7:20:32 PM  
An Acton teen who wanted "to just make a big splash," came up with a unique way to ask his burning question.

Jacob Hanley, a senior at Acton-Boxborough High School, invited his friend to prom by lighting the question on fire this week.
"He's a very creative guy and he was hoping to just make a big splash on, you know, how he wanted to invite his friend to the prom," said Ann-Marie Hanley, Jacob's mom. "So, he thought up several different ideas, but this is the one that came to the forefront."

"I've always had this idea just to like write, 'Prom,' in fire," said Jacob.

Jacob invited two friends, including his intended date, upstairs Tuesday night. When he excused himself under the pretense of going to the bathroom, he ran outside to put his plan in motion.

"He had a whole team of people in the driveway, all of his friends, waiting, and they were helping with lighting it up and so he left for the bathroom, and he went down and helped them out with lighting, you know, the 'prom' with the question mark. And then his idea to get their attention was to blast heavy metal music," his mom explained.

While it might seem like a bad idea for a variety of reasons, it apparently worked in this case -- Jacob's date said,"Yes," and the family didn't report any damage from the fire.

"I looked out the window. Obviously, as soon as I saw - first I just saw a glimpse of fire, and I was a little concerned, but then I saw the word spelled out, and I saw Jacob and all his friends," said Claire Langin. "This was much more than I was expecting, and I liked it."

"It worked pretty well," Jacob said.
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2019-04-20 8:06:16 PM  

Curmudgeonly: RTOGUY: BizarreMan: What happened to just asking someone out?  Why make a spectacle of yourself?

This new generation is thinking 24/7 about how things will look on Facebook/Instagram/whateveriscoolnow the goal is clicks and maybe something going "viral". This is also why we are seeing hundreds of people every year fall off of cliffs and building trying to get "selfies". I'm sure lots of kids are still just asking each other out but they are missing out on hundreds of likes and shares.

Everything has to be a bigger deal now; promposals, flash mob wedding proposals, weddings that cost more than a house, gender reveal parties...never been so happy to be a boring old dude.  All that attention seeking seems like so much work...

The first time I ever heard of that phrase (gender reveal party), it was probably 2-3 years ago.  I was thrown what is that?  A friend that was married mentioned that him and his wife went to one and I said, "what are you talking about?"

At first I was thinking like someone had gender-swapped surgeries and they were going to reveal what they chose...then he told me it was for saying what gender the baby to be was going to be...was like, "oooh, well that's...special..."

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