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(CNN)   Cops can do this?   ( divider line
    More: Cool, Driver's license, Driving, Francella Jackson Officer Roger Gemoules, English-language films, American films, Driver's education, Ka'Shawn Baldwin, Driver's license in the United States  
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8929 clicks; posted to Main » on 20 Apr 2019 at 1:15 AM (5 years ago)   |   Favorite    |   share:  Copy Link

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Smartest (12)   Funniest (3)  
2019-04-19 10:24:16 PM  
Cops can do basically anything they want.
2019-04-19 10:54:11 PM  
I was broke. I was and still am a licensed electrician. For the most part I was trying to stay job-free. But early in my career it was slim-pickings. It was time to get a job.

One small problem. I had let the registration, insurance and state safety inspection sticker on my vehicle lapse. The stickers changed colors every year to make them easier to spot. The year in question was green with the expiring (but possibly still good until later in the year) stickers orange. Mine was blue from more than a year ago. To make matters worse, my license was suspended for not paying a traffic ticket.

Nonetheless, after securing a job I drove my vehicle to jobsites.

On one particular day I left the jobsite to get a bite to eat. On the way back I notice a police car on the side street waiting to pull out. He's on the same side as my inspection sticker. As I pass him I see, out of the corner of my eye, his head swivel to follow me.

I make a right at the next street, gun it a bit to try to get to the next turn. It's too late, I see him turn down the street behind me so I non-chalantly make the next turn. Luckily I'm actually within a block of the jobsite as I let him catch up and pull me over.

My heart was racing a bit as he walks up to my window. I wait for the inevitable. It's a young cop. The worst.

Surprisingly he plays it kind of cool and says, "Hey man...your sticker is BLUE!"

I acknowledge it with a shameful, "I know...sorry."

"What's going on?"

I tell him my plight and explain that I just got a new job and I'm hoping that I can take care of everything with my next paycheck. He asks to see my license. He already knows my registration is expired based on the tag on the license plate. He feels me out a bit more with some benign questions.

He's standing there at my window, leaning a bit on his wrists on the part of the door where the window rolls down and lets out a bit of a sigh. I'm just waiting for the hammer to come down. He stands up straight...looks both ways up and down the street. He starts tapping the edge of my license where his wrists were just resting.
He says, "I want to give you a break, I just need to figure out how."

He takes another look at my license and blurts out, "I don't even know if this license is good!"

I don't say a word. I don't move a muscle. I don't react. I know damn well he could walk back to his car and run my license. I'm amazed he didn't do that first.

Finally he hands me my license and says, "OK, here's what I want you to do. Roll up your windows. Get out of the car and lock your doors. Start walking down the street. While you do that I'm going to get back in my cruiser and drive away. Then, well...I mean, at least wait until I'm around the corner. Then, whatever you think you should do. Take care of this."

I said, "Yes, sir. Thank you." I did as he said and started walking down the street. He wasn't out of sight for two seconds before I did a military "about-face" went back to my car and drove it back to the jobsite.

To be was exhilirating.
2019-04-19 11:05:44 PM  
To follow up with the possibilities. He had every right to impound my vehicle. And if he had run my license and found me driving on a suspended license he could have arrested me.
2019-04-20 12:43:21 AM  

jaylectricity: To follow up with the possibilities. He had every right to impound my vehicle. And if he had run my license and found me driving on a suspended license he could have arrested me.

I avoid getting arrested a few days ago.

I was parked and hoping I could wait 'till morning to call a tow truck. A cop spotted me and I spotted his flashing lights. I was out of my car with my hands in the air before he stopped.

My explaination for being where I was after hours: a broken brake caliper.

He didn't ask me for ID and I doubt he even bothered to look at my licence plate. I think he may have recognized me and/or my car and knew I lived nearby.
Smartest (2)   Funniest (2)  
2019-04-20 1:24:02 AM  
i.pinimg.comView Full Size

Get away with first degree murder.
2019-04-20 1:28:51 AM  
No. He was being hazed.
2019-04-20 1:29:13 AM  
Not trying to sound racist, just being realistic.

Don't name your kid "Ka'Shawn Baldwin" at birth, there will be repercussions down the line.  I'm glad this guy got out of shiat, but that is not a name you want on the court docket later in life.
Smartest (2)   Funniest (1)  
2019-04-20 1:32:50 AM  
My best friend lost his license when he was 17; the judge told him basically that he would never, ever get his license back without about $10,000 in his pocket.

Why yes, he is half-black.
2019-04-20 1:33:41 AM  

jaylectricity: I was broke. I was and still am a licensed electrician. For the most part I was trying to stay job-free. But early in my career it was slim-pickings. It was time to get a job.

One small problem. I had let the registration, insurance and state safety inspection sticker on my vehicle lapse. The stickers changed colors every year to make them easier to spot. The year in question was green with the expiring (but possibly still good until later in the year) stickers orange. Mine was blue from more than a year ago. To make matters worse, my license was suspended for not paying a traffic ticket.

Nonetheless, after securing a job I drove my vehicle to jobsites.

On one particular day I left the jobsite to get a bite to eat. On the way back I notice a police car on the side street waiting to pull out. He's on the same side as my inspection sticker. As I pass him I see, out of the corner of my eye, his head swivel to follow me.

I make a right at the next street, gun it a bit to try to get to the next turn. It's too late, I see him turn down the street behind me so I non-chalantly make the next turn. Luckily I'm actually within a block of the jobsite as I let him catch up and pull me over.

My heart was racing a bit as he walks up to my window. I wait for the inevitable. It's a young cop. The worst.

Surprisingly he plays it kind of cool and says, "Hey man...your sticker is BLUE!"

I acknowledge it with a shameful, "I know...sorry."

"What's going on?"

I tell him my plight and explain that I just got a new job and I'm hoping that I can take care of everything with my next paycheck. He asks to see my license. He already knows my registration is expired based on the tag on the license plate. He feels me out a bit more with some benign questions.

He's standing there at my window, leaning a bit on his wrists on the part of the door where the window rolls down and lets out a bit of a sigh. I'm just waiting for the hammer to come down. He stands up straight...looks both ways up and down the street. He starts tapping the edge of my license where his wrists were just resting.
He says, "I want to give you a break, I just need to figure out how."

He takes another look at my license and blurts out, "I don't even know if this license is good!"

I don't say a word. I don't move a muscle. I don't react. I know damn well he could walk back to his car and run my license. I'm amazed he didn't do that first.

Finally he hands me my license and says, "OK, here's what I want you to do. Roll up your windows. Get out of the car and lock your doors. Start walking down the street. While you do that I'm going to get back in my cruiser and drive away. Then, well...I mean, at least wait until I'm around the corner. Then, whatever you think you should do. Take care of this."

I said, "Yes, sir. Thank you." I did as he said and started walking down the street. He wasn't out of sight for two seconds before I did a military "about-face" went back to my car and drove it back to the jobsite.

To be was exhilirating.

Cool story, bro.

/hope things have fallen into place
2019-04-20 1:35:11 AM  

Mister Buttons: Not trying to sound racist, just being realistic.

Don't name your kid "Ka'Shawn Baldwin" at birth, there will be repercussions down the line.  I'm glad this guy got out of shiat, but that is not a name you want on the court docket later in life.

People also discriminate based on the name.
2019-04-20 1:35:58 AM  

0z79: My best friend lost his license when he was 17; the judge told him basically that he would never, ever get his license back without about $10,000 in his pocket.

Why yes, he is half-black.

I don't understand.
10k for a fine? For lawyer's costs to fight this? (To bribe the judge?)
Smartest (3)   Funniest (0)  
2019-04-20 1:36:22 AM  
One of those decent cops you hear tell about.
2019-04-20 1:37:00 AM  
I saw one of my city's cops changing an older black woman's car tire on the side of the road.  Didn't even think to send that to sochul medeeah.
Rent Party  
Smartest (7)   Funniest (0)  
2019-04-20 1:37:55 AM  
Don't confuse "can" and "should' subby.  Cops "can" do pretty much any damn thing they want.  They "should" try to help people in need like the cop in TFA, because they "can" do that, too.

They just don't.
Smartest (1)   Funniest (3)  
2019-04-20 1:38:47 AM  

jaylectricity: I was broke. I was and still am a licensed electrician. For the most part I was trying to stay job-free. But early in my career it was slim-pickings. It was time to get a job.

One small problem. I had let the registration, insurance and state safety inspection sticker on my vehicle lapse. The stickers changed colors every year to make them easier to spot. The year in question was green with the expiring (but possibly still good until later in the year) stickers orange. Mine was blue from more than a year ago. To make matters worse, my license was suspended for not paying a traffic ticket.

Nonetheless, after securing a job I drove my vehicle to jobsites.

On one particular day I left the jobsite to get a bite to eat. On the way back I notice a police car on the side street waiting to pull out. He's on the same side as my inspection sticker. As I pass him I see, out of the corner of my eye, his head swivel to follow me.

I make a right at the next street, gun it a bit to try to get to the next turn. It's too late, I see him turn down the street behind me so I non-chalantly make the next turn. Luckily I'm actually within a block of the jobsite as I let him catch up and pull me over.

My heart was racing a bit as he walks up to my window. I wait for the inevitable. It's a young cop. The worst.

Surprisingly he plays it kind of cool and says, "Hey man...your sticker is BLUE!"

I acknowledge it with a shameful, "I know...sorry."

"What's going on?"

I tell him my plight and explain that I just got a new job and I'm hoping that I can take care of everything with my next paycheck. He asks to see my license. He already knows my registration is expired based on the tag on the license plate. He feels me out a bit more with some benign questions.

He's standing there at my window, leaning a bit on his wrists on the part of the door where the window rolls down and lets out a bit of a sigh. I'm just waiting for the hammer to come down. He stands up straight...looks both ways up ...

Not so exhilarating when you're stopped a couple blocks from home with a half-ounce of weed in your glove box, pre-legalization... Luckily, the cop knew me and my brother, knew we lived very close and let us go. My brother's gasping when I reached for my insurance (in the same glove box, naturally) made the cop decide that it wasn't worth it, since we were way out in the boonies and he'd have to drive us AAALLL the way back to town..

He just told me to get my muffler fixed. It was in the trunk, after having fallen off while cruising down the highway..

/miss that Oldsmobile
//looked like shiat, smelled like shiat
///brown like shiat
////still, first car....
Smartest (0)   Funniest (0)  
2019-04-20 1:40:58 AM  

Resident Muslim: 0z79: My best friend lost his license when he was 17; the judge told him basically that he would never, ever get his license back without about $10,000 in his pocket.

Why yes, he is half-black.

I don't understand.
10k for a fine? For lawyer's costs to fight this? (To bribe the judge?)

Because he was pulled over in his crappy old Camaro SS over and over again.. the cops saw him driving and dollar signs flashed in their eyes.

Flippin' Inland Northwest, just a few miles from "Don't Fail, Idaho.".... not much he can do to fight it, not as a chef with a criminal history.
2019-04-20 1:47:47 AM  
I got my second speeding ticket on my way to court for my first one. "NEVER SPEED TO TRAFFIC COURT!" was the officers helpful (and very loud) advice.

Smartest (3)   Funniest (0)  
2019-04-20 2:00:17 AM  
A happy, gainfully employed taxpayer probably is worth more to a police force than a ticket for something that is easily corrected, and does not bear on their ability to drive.  I was once stranded in central Georgia and the sheriff gave me a ride to the AutoZone to get my ride repaired.  It's good PR that's for sure.
HairyNevus [TotalFark]  
Smartest (0)   Funniest (1)  
2019-04-20 2:05:18 AM  
I think it works like Spider-Man: everybody gets one.
Smartest (0)   Funniest (10)  
2019-04-20 2:24:53 AM Full Size

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2019-04-20 2:25:24 AM  

Gyrfalcon: One of those decent cops you hear tell about.

It only takes 1 bad one to give 100 good ones a bad name.
2019-04-20 2:44:56 AM  
DNRTFA: yeah, they can. And whatever it is, they can do worse
2019-04-20 2:46:36 AM  

GrailOfThunder: Gyrfalcon: One of those decent cops you hear tell about.

It only takes 1 bad one to give 100 good ones a bad name.

Good ones will generally give a fair amount of leeway for something minor when the person they're dealing with is cooperative, obviously not trying to cause trouble, and hasn't been a problem in the past.

Bad ones don't care and wind up in the news for being twatwaffles.
2019-04-20 2:52:06 AM  

GrailOfThunder: Gyrfalcon: One of those decent cops you hear tell about.

It only takes 1 bad one to give 100 good ones a bad name.

A rotten apple spoils the batch.
2019-04-20 3:03:09 AM  
Cop was a school resource officer (a term that still churns my guts), so it sounds like he was already sort of used to dealing with kids like the one he pulled over.

/close to where i live
2019-04-20 3:07:35 AM  
fark cops...always
2019-04-20 5:50:16 AM  

apathy2673: [ image 636x382]
[ image 760x428]
[ image 200x252]

I've never understood dress codes.
2019-04-20 6:33:38 AM  

Gyrfalcon: One of those decent cops you hear tell about.

It's most of them.
2019-04-20 6:37:49 AM  

tramp stamp: Bad ones don't care and wind up in the news for being twatwaffles.

Why mess with people unless it's -10°?
Detroit Woman Walks Home in Snow After Police Impound Car
Youtube ghBFNE-rfuo
Smartest (0)   Funniest (10)  
2019-04-20 6:39:21 AM  

jaylectricity: To follow up with the possibilities. He had every right to impound my vehicle. And if he had run my license and found me driving on a suspended license he could have arrested me.

My co-worker has a major disdain for tags. He refused to buy new ones for... ever? He finally got pulled over for speeding and the cop says "I'm actually kind of impressed. Not only did you make it this long but if you wouldn't have been speeding, you're back to the correct tag color for this year. I never would've known."
Smartest (0)   Funniest (1)  
2019-04-20 6:46:31 AM  

Puffy McBooze: fark cops...always

I'd rather not... not sure what I might catch.
Smartest (1)   Funniest (0)  
2019-04-20 6:47:29 AM  

Enthusiast34: Gyrfalcon: One of those decent cops you hear tell about.

It's most of them.

Flip that... reverse it.
2019-04-20 7:13:34 AM  
These stories tend to show up rather predictably after there's been a decent flurry of "bad apples" caught curb-stomping someone for resisting arrest or murdering a minority.

Yes, I'm that cynical about cops. No, I don't think I'm overdoing it.
Smartest (2)   Funniest (0)  
2019-04-20 7:45:50 AM  
they give their drunk co workers rides home all the time. not really a secret
Smartest (0)   Funniest (2)  
2019-04-20 8:29:32 AM  

S10Calade: Enthusiast34: Gyrfalcon: One of those decent cops you hear tell about.

It's most of them.

Flip that... reverse it.

Them of most its?
2019-04-20 8:42:17 AM  

doglover: Cops can do basically anything they want.

Trying trying trying to put a negative spin on this arent you?
Smartest (0)   Funniest (0)  
2019-04-20 8:43:48 AM  

0z79: My best friend lost his license when he was 17; the judge told him basically that he would never, ever get his license back without about $10,000 in his pocket.

Why yes, he is half-black.

This happened to me, but I got a DUI when I was 20.  It cost about that much to get my license back.  Took 7 years of no license to do it too.
2019-04-20 8:52:23 AM  

Enthusiast34: Gyrfalcon: One of those decent cops you hear tell about.

It's most of them.

The problem is their absolute inability and lack of effort to stop the bad ones. Instead they defend them as their comrades and equals.
rnatalie [TotalFark] [OhFark]  
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2019-04-20 9:14:06 AM  
I've had small town cops offer me rides when I was just walking down the street.
Smartest (0)   Funniest (4)  
2019-04-20 9:14:17 AM  

S10Calade: Enthusiast34: Gyrfalcon: One of those decent cops you hear tell about.

It's most of them.

Flip that... reverse it.

Ti esrever dna ti pilf, nwod gniht ym tup ?
Smartest (0)   Funniest (1)  
2019-04-20 9:18:19 AM  

dkulprit: S10Calade: Enthusiast34: Gyrfalcon: One of those decent cops you hear tell about.

It's most of them.

Flip that... reverse it.

Ti esrever dna ti pilf, nwod gniht ym tup ?

Ok... u win.
ElFugawz [BareFark]  
Smartest (0)   Funniest (0)  
2019-04-20 9:21:14 AM  

Mister Buttons: Not trying to sound racist, just being realistic.

Don't name your kid "Ka'Shawn Baldwin" at birth, there will be repercussions down the line.  I'm glad this guy got out of shiat, but that is not a name you want on the court docket later in life.

KaShawn sounds fine. Easy to pronounce. Nice variation on Shawn. No association with bad people or things. Same with Baldwin. Unless you don't like Alec Baldwin, maybe. What's the problem? Why should someone be faulted for naming their kids that if they want.
nursetim [TotalFark]  
Smartest (0)   Funniest (3)  
2019-04-20 10:18:31 AM  

jaylectricity: To follow up with the possibilities. He had every right to impound my vehicle. And if he had run my license and found me driving on a suspended license he could have arrested me.

Maybe he didn't have SCMODS.
2019-04-20 10:40:45 AM  
I'm just shocked that CNN had an article about a white cop interacting with a black man that didn't involve the words "Beating" ,"Unarmed", "Shot repeatedly", "Investigating", and "Racism"
2019-04-20 10:45:29 AM  

Rent Party: Don't confuse "can" and "should' subby.  Cops "can" do pretty much any damn thing they want.  They "should" try to help people in need like the cop in TFA, because they "can" do that, too.

They just don't.

Except when they do.

1. I was running a little late for work one day about 20 years ago and blew a stop sign with the 'ol slow-down. It was a very low-traffic intersection and I was making a right, so I only looked to the right as I was making the turn and a cop was right there. He pulled me over, checked my documents, and let me go with a verbal warning.

2.  We got a puppy and my work was closest to home, but still about 20 miles away, so in those first weeks, I raced home at lunch time to take him out. Was doing 70 in a 55 and passed a cop that was obscured from my vision until the last second. I look in my rear view mirror and see him pull out, so I pull over immediately. I still got a ticket, but he said that since I didn't make him chase me down, he wrote it for something like 'failure to obey traffic signs' instead of speeding, so the citation didn't carry any points against my license.

3. Got pulled over in NY doing 75 in a 55 on our way to NH (from PA) for vacation. Cop walks up to the window and says "I was going to write you up until I saw your daughter in the back" (She was about 5 at the time). He checked my documents and handed them back saying "Keep it under 70" and let me go.

2019-04-20 10:49:32 AM  

Sniffers Row: I'm just shocked that CNN had an article about a white cop interacting with a black man that didn't involve the words "Beating" ,"Unarmed", "Shot repeatedly", "Investigating", and "Racism"

A white officer pulled over a black man who was beating a yellow light on the way to an interview.  The man was cooperative and unarmed, so he was not shot repeatedly.  After investigating the situation, the officer took pitty and offered the man a ride to his interview.  On the way, they had a spirited but respectful conversation about the state of racism in this country.
2019-04-20 10:56:32 AM  

darthstormer: Sniffers Row: I'm just shocked that CNN had an article about a white cop interacting with a black man that didn't involve the words "Beating" ,"Unarmed", "Shot repeatedly", "Investigating", and "Racism"

A white officer pulled over a black man who was beating a yellow light on the way to an interview.  The man was cooperative and unarmed, so he was not shot repeatedly.  After investigating the situation, the officer took pitty and offered the man a ride to his interview.  On the way, they had a spirited but respectful conversation about the state of racism in this country.

2019-04-20 11:08:24 AM  

Resident Muslim: I don't understand.
10k for a fine? For lawyer's costs to fight this? (To bribe the judge?)

Probably about $10k to get a lawyer to do things.

In my state (Illinois) driver license suspension for administrative stuff are a racket. To apply for a driving permit (allows you to drive for work while a license is suspended) you have to go before a hearing officer at the DMV. It's widely recognized that anyone who goes into a meeting alone to face the hearing officer will be summarily denied, because reasons. You have to go hire a lawyer to do it for you because it's almost as if they respect you more if you have the money to show up with a lawyer. It definitely helps if you hire one of the couple of lawyers that specialize in driver license suspensions. I've only heard anecdotal stories of money changing hands, and it wouldn't surprise me if there is some back room bribery going on.

A former co-worker of mine had a license suspension for DUIs. He was a two-term loser with a second DUI, and he had something like a 5-year suspension that he served. He worked where he could walk to work and also got rides from his spouse. After the suspension was served he still didn't have a license for years afterwards. The reason why is to get the license reinstated you have to show up at a hearing and the hearing officer asks you lots of questions to determine your suitability to drive. They look at his suspension and unlike almost everyone else he didn't go through the driving permit process to get a breathalyzer interlock on his car and get a permit to drive to work. They ask him why and he tells them he didn't need to drive so he just walked, rode a bike, or got rides. They refuse to believe him. Every time he spends the $500 reinstatement hearing fee (about 5-6 times so far) they ask if he drove during his suspension (with the assumption that everyone does). He tells them he didn't drive during his suspension and they summarily dismiss his reinstatement because they refuse to believe him. They want him to admit to something he didn't do, pretty much like parole hearings for prisoners who are innocent. He could probably lawyer up and fight it but that's about $10,000 to get that done...
2019-04-20 11:27:09 AM  

mrmopar5287: Resident Muslim: I don't understand.
10k for a fine? For lawyer's costs to fight this? (To bribe the judge?)

Probably about $10k to get a lawyer to do things.

In my state (Illinois) driver license suspension for administrative stuff are a racket. To apply for a driving permit (allows you to drive for work while a license is suspended) you have to go before a hearing officer at the DMV. It's widely recognized that anyone who goes into a meeting alone to face the hearing officer will be summarily denied, because reasons. You have to go hire a lawyer to do it for you because it's almost as if they respect you more if you have the money to show up with a lawyer. It definitely helps if you hire one of the couple of lawyers that specialize in driver license suspensions. I've only heard anecdotal stories of money changing hands, and it wouldn't surprise me if there is some back room bribery going on.

A former co-worker of mine had a license suspension for DUIs. He was a two-term loser with a second DUI, and he had something like a 5-year suspension that he served. He worked where he could walk to work and also got rides from his spouse. After the suspension was served he still didn't have a license for years afterwards. The reason why is to get the license reinstated you have to show up at a hearing and the hearing officer asks you lots of questions to determine your suitability to drive. They look at his suspension and unlike almost everyone else he didn't go through the driving permit process to get a breathalyzer interlock on his car and get a permit to drive to work. They ask him why and he tells them he didn't need to drive so he just walked, rode a bike, or got rides. They refuse to believe him. Every time he spends the $500 reinstatement hearing fee (about 5-6 times so far) they ask if he drove during his suspension (with the assumption that everyone does). He tells them he didn't drive during his suspension and they summarily dismiss his reinstatement because they refuse to believe him. They want him to admit to something he didn't do, pretty much like parole hearings for prisoners who are innocent. He could probably lawyer up and fight it but that's about $10,000 to get that done...

"The justice that's you can afford."
2019-04-20 11:40:05 AM  
The name of the person who was pulled over ins Ka'Shawn Baldwin.  I am going to go out on a limb here and guess from his name that his race is "successful and attractive".  This established, Officer Roger Gemoules will be facing reprimand for not drawing his service revolver and unloading at least two rounds into the center mass of Mister Baldwin, as is proper police procedure.
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