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(The Shovel (Australia))   Anti vaxxer shocked to discover he carries "driving passport"   ( divider line
    More: Satire, Human rights, Port Macquarie man, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, United Nations, vaccine passport, Richard Mallison, Next thing, driving test  
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5378 clicks; posted to Main » on 26 Sep 2021 at 9:05 PM (2 years ago)   |   Favorite    |   share:  Copy Link

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Smartest (33)   Funniest (0)  
2021-09-26 9:09:08 PM  
Why is it these people think "passport" has a negative connotation anyway? I like my passport, it lets me visit other countries, which is fun. The idea that it's somehow a contravention of civil rights to have to show it in certain situations is... odd.
2021-09-26 9:11:15 PM  
I can't help thinking that The Onion would've done this better.
2021-09-26 9:14:12 PM  
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Choking on PVC is what the founding fathers would have wanted
Skeleton Man  
Smartest (21)   Funniest (1)  
2021-09-26 9:21:25 PM  
It cracks me up, you know. These idiots that screech about how the GAWT DAMN GUBMINT AIN'T GONNA TELL ME WHAT TO DO!

Biatch, damn near every little thing you do all farking day has the government's fingerprints all over it in one way or another. This is America. Everything in this country is regulated, legislated, restricted/allowed, licensed, and indexed all to shiat.
Smartest (10)   Funniest (0)  
2021-09-26 9:22:12 PM  

wetrat: Why is it these people think "passport" has a negative connotation anyway? I like my passport, it lets me visit other countries, which is fun. The idea that it's somehow a contravention of civil rights to have to show it in certain situations is... odd.

yea, just like all those non-passport people at the border under a bridge, why should lack of a passport prevent them from entering the USA?

anti-passport brigade, assemble!
Smartest (7)   Funniest (0)  
2021-09-26 9:24:08 PM  

wetrat: Why is it these people think "passport" has a negative connotation anyway? I like my passport, it lets me visit other countries, which is fun. The idea that it's somehow a contravention of civil rights to have to show it in certain situations is... odd.

It's because certain less savory regimes had internal passports. The USSR, for example, and to some degree modern China (the basically ineffective hukou system). Japan had a similar system to the hukou, which is retained as a rump in the form of the koseki (family register). That said, there seems to have been a lot of mobility in the Edo period at least.

Internal passports are basically seen as a tool of repressive regimes for good reason. But the vaccine thing is a matter of public health in a pandemic, it's not like they can't go wherever they like. They just won't get some jobs or be able to go to restaurants.
2021-09-26 9:30:12 PM  
I liked their article listing the demands of anti-vax protesters.

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2021-09-26 9:47:00 PM  

Skeleton Man: It cracks me up, you know. These idiots that screech about how the GAWT DAMN GUBMINT AIN'T GONNA TELL ME WHAT TO DO!

Biatch, damn near every little thing you do all farking day has the government's fingerprints all over it in one way or another. This is America. Everything in this country is regulated, legislated, restricted/allowed, licensed, and indexed all to shiat.

That's the way it was, and that's the way we liked it!

Maybe stop and ask yourself that's the way we should be doing it.  I mean, sure, they do a fantastic job of keeping bad drivers off the road, right?  Or it could be that if you pay a small fee, the government will let you do whatever you want.
2021-09-26 9:56:28 PM  

wetrat: Why is it these people think "passport" has a negative connotation anyway? I like my passport, it lets me visit other countries, which is fun. The idea that it's somehow a contravention of civil rights to have to show it in certain situations is... odd.

I like my passport too.  It got me into China, Russia, Estonia, Mexico, Belize, Costa Rica, France, Italy, and Rwanda.  No one should need a "passport" to get into a restaurant.  I think you're misrepresenting the argument.
Smartest (0)   Funniest (0)  
2021-09-26 9:58:01 PM  
They also have an article about Trudeau being seen not in blackface.

I got a chuckle
2021-09-26 9:59:15 PM  
Come to think of it, I am now pro voter ID.  You should need both your DL and your vaccine passport to vote in person for the next 20 years.
2021-09-26 9:59:32 PM  
I carry a weed passport too!
2021-09-26 10:00:12 PM  

Gordon Bennett: I liked their article listing the demands of anti-vax protesters.

[Fark user image image 620x355]

Not to condone any of the obvious douchebaggery on display at these protests, but aren't they being bolstered by construction workers - the ultimate cannot WFH sector?

I know the Fark demographic is tech WFH/ retired. I get the concerns re health and I am in no way condoning anti mask anti vac MA FREEDUMBS!!! elements here. Isn't it true that a lot of these people are just trying to provide for their children, and have been hurting?

Fark likes to decry the sense of entitlement and lack of empathy of the billionaires, but how is sneering like this any different from Wall Street douches on balconies drinking champagne, laughing at Occupy protestors?

Yeah yeah I know, "why can't they get un-offshorable tech qualifications?" is the new "why can't the poors just buy more money?"

The people protesting have been under longer lockdown periods than anyone in the world. Should they all just throw themselves off a bridge?
2021-09-26 10:00:42 PM  

adamatari: wetrat: Why is it these people think "passport" has a negative connotation anyway? I like my passport, it lets me visit other countries, which is fun. The idea that it's somehow a contravention of civil rights to have to show it in certain situations is... odd.

It's because certain less savory regimes had internal passports. The USSR, for example, and to some degree modern China (the basically ineffective hukou system). Japan had a similar system to the hukou, which is retained as a rump in the form of the koseki (family register). That said, there seems to have been a lot of mobility in the Edo period at least.

Internal passports are basically seen as a tool of repressive regimes for good reason. But the vaccine thing is a matter of public health in a pandemic, it's not like they can't go wherever they like. They just won't get some jobs or be able to go to restaurants.

You have to also understand  were most of the "anti-passport" outcry in America is coming from, people who think going to the Virgin Islands or Puerto Rico requires a passport.
X-Geek [TotalFark]  
Smartest (0)   Funniest (0)  
2021-09-26 10:03:18 PM  
Sovereign citizen anti-vaxxer says "I warned you!"
2021-09-26 10:07:50 PM  
There are two rights at play here.

Body autonomy says you don't have to accept a life-saving vaccine.

Common decency says you should.

I prefer anyone who can't accept social responsibility to fark off and die, so a third one that also happens to be my kink?
2021-09-26 10:11:40 PM  
Yes. A driver's license is the same thing as a vaccination card.
2021-09-26 10:15:34 PM  

NathanAllen: There are two rights at play here.

Body autonomy says you don't have to accept a life-saving vaccine.

Common decency says you should.

I prefer anyone who can't accept social responsibility to fark off and die, so a third one that also happens to be my kink?

Something I've loved over the last year and a half is seeing the left shift to using rightwing arguments.  We're watching the start of the conservative/liberal flip right now.  The finger waggers used to be the "moral majority" pearl clutchers.  Now accepting a vaccine passport as your lord and savior is the new version of moral superiority.
2021-09-26 10:17:31 PM  

bobbyjoebobby: Yes. A driver's license is the same thing as a vaccination card.

I know, right.  I got pulled over and the cop gave me a ticket because I showed him a picture on my phone of my drivers license.  Such bullshiat.  The bouncer at the club takes a picture of my drivers license as proof of age all the time.  The cop was being such a dick.
2021-09-26 10:19:01 PM  

adamatari: wetrat: Why is it these people think "passport" has a negative connotation anyway? I like my passport, it lets me visit other countries, which is fun. The idea that it's somehow a contravention of civil rights to have to show it in certain situations is... odd.

It's because certain less savory regimes had internal passports. The USSR, for example, and to some degree modern China (the basically ineffective hukou system). Japan had a similar system to the hukou, which is retained as a rump in the form of the koseki (family register). That said, there seems to have been a lot of mobility in the Edo period at least.

Internal passports are basically seen as a tool of repressive regimes for good reason. But the vaccine thing is a matter of public health in a pandemic, it's not like they can't go wherever they like. They just won't get some jobs or be able to go to restaurants.

You needed a key to show you were allowed into the Playboy Club.
You need a card to check a book out of the library.
You need a ticket to get into a theater.
And I need feet to run away from you.
2021-09-26 10:21:12 PM  

Jeebus Saves: NathanAllen: There are two rights at play here.

Body autonomy says you don't have to accept a life-saving vaccine.

Common decency says you should.

I prefer anyone who can't accept social responsibility to fark off and die, so a third one that also happens to be my kink?

Something I've loved over the last year and a half is seeing the left shift to using rightwing arguments.  We're watching the start of the conservative/liberal flip right now.  The finger waggers used to be the "moral majority" pearl clutchers.  Now accepting a vaccine passport as your lord and savior is the new version of moral superiority.

Oh shut up. Vaccine cards are not a new thing. They aren't a slippery slope. And supporting public health measure that have used for centuries doesn't make you a fascist. Society has been through countless pandemics. Literally billions of lives have been lost to learn some of these lessons and morons like you think you're sooooo insightful because you think you know better based on time spent on Facebook.
Smartest (4)   Funniest (0)  
2021-09-26 10:22:33 PM  

bobbyjoebobby: Yes. A driver's license is the same thing as a vaccination card.

The same?  No.

In the same category?  Yes.
2021-09-26 10:23:29 PM  
Wait, aren't these the same people who keep insisting on "voting passports" who are now against "going to squall*mart passports?"
2021-09-26 10:24:37 PM  

Optimal_Illusion: adamatari: wetrat: Why is it these people think "passport" has a negative connotation anyway? I like my passport, it lets me visit other countries, which is fun. The idea that it's somehow a contravention of civil rights to have to show it in certain situations is... odd.

It's because certain less savory regimes had internal passports. The USSR, for example, and to some degree modern China (the basically ineffective hukou system). Japan had a similar system to the hukou, which is retained as a rump in the form of the koseki (family register). That said, there seems to have been a lot of mobility in the Edo period at least.

Internal passports are basically seen as a tool of repressive regimes for good reason. But the vaccine thing is a matter of public health in a pandemic, it's not like they can't go wherever they like. They just won't get some jobs or be able to go to restaurants.

You needed a key to show you were allowed into the Playboy Club.
You need a card to check a book out of the library.
You need a ticket to get into a theater.
And I need feet to run away from you.

So what you're saying is that I should provide proof of vaccination to check out a library book.  I'm on board with that.  What could go wrong?
2021-09-26 10:26:42 PM  

wetrat: Why is it these people think "passport" has a negative connotation anyway? I like my passport, it lets me visit other countries, which is fun. The idea that it's somehow a contravention of civil rights to have to show it in certain situations is... odd.

Fun? FUN? Socialism comes from those countries. There's nothing FUN about it.
foo monkey [TotalFark]  
Smartest (4)   Funniest (0)  
2021-09-26 10:27:08 PM  

cyberspacedout: I can't help thinking that The Onion would've done this better.

The Shovel is the site, not named, for people who think they're funny, but aren't.
2021-09-26 10:29:29 PM  

Troy Aikman's Giant Thumbs: Jeebus Saves: NathanAllen: There are two rights at play here.

Body autonomy says you don't have to accept a life-saving vaccine.

Common decency says you should.

I prefer anyone who can't accept social responsibility to fark off and die, so a third one that also happens to be my kink?

Something I've loved over the last year and a half is seeing the left shift to using rightwing arguments.  We're watching the start of the conservative/liberal flip right now.  The finger waggers used to be the "moral majority" pearl clutchers.  Now accepting a vaccine passport as your lord and savior is the new version of moral superiority.

Oh shut up. Vaccine cards are not a new thing. They aren't a slippery slope. And supporting public health measure that have used for centuries doesn't make you a fascist. Society has been through countless pandemics. Literally billions of lives have been lost to learn some of these lessons and morons like you think you're sooooo insightful because you think you know better based on time spent on Facebook.

I must have missed history class that day when they taught about needing a polio vaccine to eat at a restaurant.

Have you heard about Utah and their "public health measure" about porn?  Hey, glad there isn't a slippery slope.  Newsflash, fascist, I learned about that on Drew Curtis', not Zuckies
2021-09-26 10:29:43 PM  

Jeebus Saves: NathanAllen: There are two rights at play here.

Body autonomy says you don't have to accept a life-saving vaccine.

Common decency says you should.

I prefer anyone who can't accept social responsibility to fark off and die, so a third one that also happens to be my kink?

Something I've loved over the last year and a half is seeing the left shift to using rightwing arguments.  We're watching the start of the conservative/liberal flip right now.  The finger waggers used to be the "moral majority" pearl clutchers.  Now accepting a vaccine passport as your lord and savior is the new version of moral superiority.

The difference is that there are legitimate authorities and there are illegitimate authorities. Legitimate authorities are people like doctors and scientists; illegitimate authorities are people like cops and preachers. Which ones you trust says a lot about you.
2021-09-26 10:30:18 PM  

Jeebus Saves: NathanAllen: There are two rights at play here.

Body autonomy says you don't have to accept a life-saving vaccine.

Common decency says you should.

I prefer anyone who can't accept social responsibility to fark off and die, so a third one that also happens to be my kink?

Something I've loved over the last year and a half is seeing the left shift to using rightwing arguments.  We're watching the start of the conservative/liberal flip right now.  The finger waggers used to be the "moral majority" pearl clutchers.  Now accepting a vaccine passport as your lord and savior is the new version of moral superiority.

Glad I could fulfill your kink.

Now if you could return the favor It would only be fair.
2021-09-26 10:33:35 PM  

NathanAllen: Jeebus Saves: NathanAllen: There are two rights at play here.

Body autonomy says you don't have to accept a life-saving vaccine.

Common decency says you should.

I prefer anyone who can't accept social responsibility to fark off and die, so a third one that also happens to be my kink?

Something I've loved over the last year and a half is seeing the left shift to using rightwing arguments.  We're watching the start of the conservative/liberal flip right now.  The finger waggers used to be the "moral majority" pearl clutchers.  Now accepting a vaccine passport as your lord and savior is the new version of moral superiority.

Glad I could fulfill your kink.

Now if you could return the favor It would only be fair.

Fine.  Bend over and lube up.  I'll go get the sawzall dildo attachment and someone dressed as Lamont Sanford to pull the trigger.
Smartest (2)   Funniest (6)  
2021-09-26 10:34:22 PM  

Jeebus Saves: Optimal_Illusion: adamatari: wetrat: Why is it these people think "passport" has a negative connotation anyway? I like my passport, it lets me visit other countries, which is fun. The idea that it's somehow a contravention of civil rights to have to show it in certain situations is... odd.

It's because certain less savory regimes had internal passports. The USSR, for example, and to some degree modern China (the basically ineffective hukou system). Japan had a similar system to the hukou, which is retained as a rump in the form of the koseki (family register). That said, there seems to have been a lot of mobility in the Edo period at least.

Internal passports are basically seen as a tool of repressive regimes for good reason. But the vaccine thing is a matter of public health in a pandemic, it's not like they can't go wherever they like. They just won't get some jobs or be able to go to restaurants.

You needed a key to show you were allowed into the Playboy Club.
You need a card to check a book out of the library.
You need a ticket to get into a theater.
And I need feet to run away from you.

So what you're saying is that I should provide proof of vaccination to check out a library book.  I'm on board with that.  What could go wrong?

Like you've ever cracked open a book... Good one!

/high fives
2021-09-26 10:37:57 PM  

Kalyco Jack: Jeebus Saves: NathanAllen: There are two rights at play here.

Body autonomy says you don't have to accept a life-saving vaccine.

Common decency says you should.

I prefer anyone who can't accept social responsibility to fark off and die, so a third one that also happens to be my kink?

Something I've loved over the last year and a half is seeing the left shift to using rightwing arguments.  We're watching the start of the conservative/liberal flip right now.  The finger waggers used to be the "moral majority" pearl clutchers.  Now accepting a vaccine passport as your lord and savior is the new version of moral superiority.

The difference is that there are legitimate authorities and there are illegitimate authorities. Legitimate authorities are people like doctors and scientists; illegitimate authorities are people like cops and preachers. Which ones you trust says a lot about you.

Are the doctors and scientists the same ones saying that if you're vaccinated you can still spread covid, but are also calling for vaccine passports?  Did the study saying that vaccinated people still have the same viral load, but cant spread it as long get retracted?  You can have one or the other.  Because if you can spread it when you're vaccinated, vaccine passports are pointless.
Smartest (1)   Funniest (1)  
2021-09-26 10:38:49 PM  

adamatari: wetrat: Why is it these people think "passport" has a negative connotation anyway? I like my passport, it lets me visit other countries, which is fun. The idea that it's somehow a contravention of civil rights to have to show it in certain situations is... odd.

It's because certain less savory regimes had internal passports. The USSR, for example, and to some degree modern China (the basically ineffective hukou system). Japan had a similar system to the hukou, which is retained as a rump in the form of the koseki (family register). That said, there seems to have been a lot of mobility in the Edo period at least.

I've seen Japanese people - they have no rump.
2021-09-26 10:40:15 PM  

Jeebus Saves: NathanAllen: Jeebus Saves: NathanAllen: There are two rights at play here.

Body autonomy says you don't have to accept a life-saving vaccine.

Common decency says you should.

I prefer anyone who can't accept social responsibility to fark off and die, so a third one that also happens to be my kink?

Something I've loved over the last year and a half is seeing the left shift to using rightwing arguments.  We're watching the start of the conservative/liberal flip right now.  The finger waggers used to be the "moral majority" pearl clutchers.  Now accepting a vaccine passport as your lord and savior is the new version of moral superiority.

Glad I could fulfill your kink.

Now if you could return the favor It would only be fair.

Fine.  Bend over and lube up.  I'll go get the sawzall dildo attachment and someone dressed as Lamont Sanford to pull the trigger.

No, my kink, not yours.

2021-09-26 10:48:08 PM  

NathanAllen: Jeebus Saves: NathanAllen: Jeebus Saves: NathanAllen: There are two rights at play here.

Body autonomy says you don't have to accept a life-saving vaccine.

Common decency says you should.

I prefer anyone who can't accept social responsibility to fark off and die, so a third one that also happens to be my kink?

Something I've loved over the last year and a half is seeing the left shift to using rightwing arguments.  We're watching the start of the conservative/liberal flip right now.  The finger waggers used to be the "moral majority" pearl clutchers.  Now accepting a vaccine passport as your lord and savior is the new version of moral superiority.

Glad I could fulfill your kink.

Now if you could return the favor It would only be fair.

Fine.  Bend over and lube up.  I'll go get the sawzall dildo attachment and someone dressed as Lamont Sanford to pull the trigger.

No, my kink, not yours.


Deflecting wont help you.  Look, if you don't want your kink known, don't use the same screen name on fark as you do when you subscribed to my Onlyfans.  You know how hard it was to find someone that looked like Lamont?  Demond Wilson used to to it for free until he went all born again.
DON.MAC [TotalFark] [OhFark]  
Smartest (3)   Funniest (1)  
2021-09-26 10:53:48 PM  

Jeebus Saves: I got pulled over and the cop gave me a ticket because I showed him a picture on my phone of my drivers license.

Your license to drive is a bit in a computer somewhere. The plastic card with a mug shot on it is a certificate of license that lets the cop figure out if the computer database matches the person. Around here they have photos of likely drivers (and their status) on their screen before they turn on the lights. They also have insurance and registration details too.
Smartest (9)   Funniest (1)  
2021-09-26 10:57:31 PM  

Jeebus Saves: I like my passport too.  It got me into China, Russia, Estonia, Mexico, Belize, Costa Rica, France, Italy, and Rwanda.  No one should need a "passport" to get into a restaurant.  I think you're misrepresenting the argument.

A vaccine "passport" is literally the quickest and easiest way to show that you're willing to do the absolute barest of minimums to be a functional member of society, and that you're willing do do your part to help stop a deadly pandemic that has already unnecessarily killed the better part of a million US citizens by now.

All the plague rats have had plenty of opportunity to do the right thing on their own by now, if for no other reason than enlightened self-interest... Their staunch refusal and toddler temper tantrums deserve scorn and exclusion at this point.

You want to be out and be part of society?  Then do your damn part and show you're worthy to be included, because so far the only thing the anti-vaxxers are doing is actively giving everyone the finger and screaming at the top of their lungs that they don't give half a shiat if the people expecting to serve them will die because of them... And then crying and whining when people choose to not hang out with them anymore.

I for one am done with their shiat.
2021-09-26 10:59:05 PM  

DON.MAC: Jeebus Saves: I got pulled over and the cop gave me a ticket because I showed him a picture on my phone of my drivers license.

Your license to drive is a bit in a computer somewhere. The plastic card with a mug shot on it is a certificate of license that lets the cop figure out if the computer database matches the person. Around here they have photos of likely drivers (and their status) on their screen before they turn on the lights. They also have insurance and registration details too.

And I can still get a ticket for not having one when pulled over.  I'll try showing a picture of my drivers license next time I go vote.  Or buy beer.  Or get on a plane.  Or we can continue to pretend an easily altered piece of plain white paper is keeping us safe.

Sounds like a lot of you are for real id and all the safety that brings.
2021-09-26 11:01:22 PM  

Excelsior: Then do your damn part and show you're worthy to be included, because so far the only thing the anti-vaxxers are doing is actively giving everyone the finger and screaming at the top of their lungs that they don't give half a shiat if the people expecting to serve them will die because of them

Why isn't the person serving me my moons of hammy vaccinated?
2021-09-26 11:11:13 PM  

wetrat: Why is it these people think "passport" has a negative connotation anyway? I like my passport, it lets me visit other countries, which is fun. The idea that it's somehow a contravention of civil rights to have to show it in certain situations is... odd.

"These people"? Really?

And now Fark libs are defending internal passports, the most hatred aspect of life in the Soviet Union and also associated with slave states in the antebellum South and South Africa under apartheid.
2021-09-26 11:12:14 PM  

Skeleton Man: It cracks me up, you know. These idiots that screech about how the GAWT DAMN GUBMINT AIN'T GONNA TELL ME WHAT TO DO!

Biatch, damn near every little thing you do all farking day has the government's fingerprints all over it in one way or another. This is America. Everything in this country is regulated, legislated, restricted/allowed, licensed, and indexed all to shiat.

Dude. It's a satire site. Get a grip.
2021-09-26 11:18:05 PM  

winedrinkingman: Come to think of it, I am now pro voter ID.  You should need both your DL and your vaccine passport to vote in person for the next 20 years.

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2021-09-26 11:21:29 PM  

The Repeated Meme: Gordon Bennett: I liked their article listing the demands of anti-vax protesters.

[Fark user image image 620x355]

Not to condone any of the obvious douchebaggery on display at these protests, but aren't they being bolstered by construction workers - the ultimate cannot WFH sector?

I know the Fark demographic is tech WFH/ retired. I get the concerns re health and I am in no way condoning anti mask anti vac MA FREEDUMBS!!! elements here. Isn't it true that a lot of these people are just trying to provide for their children, and have been hurting?

Fark likes to decry the sense of entitlement and lack of empathy of the billionaires, but how is sneering like this any different from Wall Street douches on balconies drinking champagne, laughing at Occupy protestors?

Yeah yeah I know, "why can't they get un-offshorable tech qualifications?" is the new "why can't the poors just buy more money?"

The people protesting have been under longer lockdown periods than anyone in the world. Should they all just throw themselves off a bridge?

They could get the damn vaccine and wear a mask for starters before they whine and biatch about their inability to work... but I suppose that's crazy talk.
2021-09-26 11:26:58 PM  

40 degree day: wetrat: Why is it these people think "passport" has a negative connotation anyway? I like my passport, it lets me visit other countries, which is fun. The idea that it's somehow a contravention of civil rights to have to show it in certain situations is... odd.

Fun? FUN? Socialism comes from those countries. There's nothing FUN about it.

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2021-09-26 11:31:35 PM  

Jeebus Saves: Kalyco Jack: Jeebus Saves: NathanAllen: There are two rights at play here.

Body autonomy says you don't have to accept a life-saving vaccine.

Common decency says you should.

I prefer anyone who can't accept social responsibility to fark off and die, so a third one that also happens to be my kink?

Something I've loved over the last year and a half is seeing the left shift to using rightwing arguments.  We're watching the start of the conservative/liberal flip right now.  The finger waggers used to be the "moral majority" pearl clutchers.  Now accepting a vaccine passport as your lord and savior is the new version of moral superiority.

The difference is that there are legitimate authorities and there are illegitimate authorities. Legitimate authorities are people like doctors and scientists; illegitimate authorities are people like cops and preachers. Which ones you trust says a lot about you.

Are the doctors and scientists the same ones saying that if you're vaccinated you can still spread covid, but are also calling for vaccine passports?  Did the study saying that vaccinated people still have the same viral load, but cant spread it as long get retracted?  You can have one or the other.  Because if you can spread it when you're vaccinated, vaccine passports are pointless.

It's almost like the huge unvaxxed population is playing a part in cases spiking...
2021-09-26 11:32:56 PM  

GloomCookie613: Jeebus Saves: Kalyco Jack: Jeebus Saves: NathanAllen: There are two rights at play here.

Body autonomy says you don't have to accept a life-saving vaccine.

Common decency says you should.

I prefer anyone who can't accept social responsibility to fark off and die, so a third one that also happens to be my kink?

Something I've loved over the last year and a half is seeing the left shift to using rightwing arguments.  We're watching the start of the conservative/liberal flip right now.  The finger waggers used to be the "moral majority" pearl clutchers.  Now accepting a vaccine passport as your lord and savior is the new version of moral superiority.

The difference is that there are legitimate authorities and there are illegitimate authorities. Legitimate authorities are people like doctors and scientists; illegitimate authorities are people like cops and preachers. Which ones you trust says a lot about you.

Are the doctors and scientists the same ones saying that if you're vaccinated you can still spread covid, but are also calling for vaccine passports?  Did the study saying that vaccinated people still have the same viral load, but cant spread it as long get retracted?  You can have one or the other.  Because if you can spread it when you're vaccinated, vaccine passports are pointless.

It's almost like the huge unvaxxed population is playing a part in cases spiking...

What part of the vaccinated can still spread it don't you understand?
DON.MAC [TotalFark] [OhFark]  
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2021-09-26 11:36:29 PM  

Jeebus Saves: DON.MAC: Jeebus Saves: I got pulled over and the cop gave me a ticket because I showed him a picture on my phone of my drivers license.

Your license to drive is a bit in a computer somewhere. The plastic card with a mug shot on it is a certificate of license that lets the cop figure out if the computer database matches the person. Around here they have photos of likely drivers (and their status) on their screen before they turn on the lights. They also have insurance and registration details too.

And I can still get a ticket for not having one when pulled over.  I'll try showing a picture of my drivers license next time I go vote.  Or buy beer.  Or get on a plane.  Or we can continue to pretend an easily altered piece of plain white paper is keeping us safe.

Sounds like a lot of you are for real id and all the safety that brings.

There is a real problem with proof of identity. Society used to just let someone else vouch for ID.  Then seals and latter hard to duplicate paper documents.  Every large university has a few machines that can make plastic drivers license close enough to fool most people.  In the case of the intended purpose a photo of a DL should be fine for dealing with the police.  The police shouldn't care since they can look up the number on your potentially fake ID in their computer and see a picture of you from the DMV.  A shop that take checks doesn't have that ability.  The real issue with proof of identity is anything held by the person is subject to alteration.

There is an interesting security talk about ID.
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2021-09-26 11:38:42 PM  

Jeebus Saves: What part of the vaccinated can still spread it don't you understand?

The overall viral load (and chance of spreading) of vaccinated people is a miniscule fraction of the spread by the unvaccinated.
2021-09-26 11:45:53 PM  

Excelsior: Jeebus Saves: What part of the vaccinated can still spread it don't you understand?

The overall viral load (and chance of spreading) of vaccinated people is a miniscule fraction of the spread by the unvaccinated.

Today, some of those data were published in CDC's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR), demonstrating that Delta infection resulted in similarly high SARS-CoV-2 viral loads in vaccinated and unvaccinated people.
2021-09-26 11:54:07 PM  

Jeebus Saves: Troy Aikman's Giant Thumbs: Jeebus Saves: NathanAllen: There are two rights at play here.

Body autonomy says you don't have to accept a life-saving vaccine.

Common decency says you should.

I prefer anyone who can't accept social responsibility to fark off and die, so a third one that also happens to be my kink?

Something I've loved over the last year and a half is seeing the left shift to using rightwing arguments.  We're watching the start of the conservative/liberal flip right now.  The finger waggers used to be the "moral majority" pearl clutchers.  Now accepting a vaccine passport as your lord and savior is the new version of moral superiority.

Oh shut up. Vaccine cards are not a new thing. They aren't a slippery slope. And supporting public health measure that have used for centuries doesn't make you a fascist. Society has been through countless pandemics. Literally billions of lives have been lost to learn some of these lessons and morons like you think you're sooooo insightful because you think you know better based on time spent on Facebook.

I must have missed history class that day when they taught about needing a polio vaccine to eat at a restaurant.

Have you heard about Utah and their "public health measure" about porn?  Hey, glad there isn't a slippery slope.  Newsflash, fascist, I learned about that on Drew Curtis', not Zuckies

Yeah, you did miss that day since they probably covered how smallpox vaccine cards were required for employment, schools, riding the bus or visiting the theater in the early 20th century.  And when people started faking the cards, people were required to show theirs scars.

And pretty weak whataboutism. Utah tried doing that long before covid or covid vaccine cards were even a wet dream for your little troll brain, so you can't blame covid unlike you think the coronavirus can operate Obama's time machine.

Curious how many people you want to kill before you are happy. Oh right, your type is never happy.
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