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(PC Gamer)   Fark ready headline of the day: "Fortnite banana's nude body briefly becomes focus of Epic v Apple trial"   ( divider line
    More: Giggity, Court reporter, IPhone, Trial, Appeal, Courtroom, Court, Nudity, Jury  
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3030 clicks; posted to Main » and Fandom » on 11 May 2021 at 1:55 PM (2 years ago)   |   Favorite    |   share:  Copy Link

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Marcos P  
Smartest (2)   Funniest (4)  
2021-05-11 2:37:26 PM  
Get that scrub banana outta here and make way for a legend

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2021-05-11 2:47:41 PM  
external-content.duckduckgo.comView Full Size
2021-05-11 2:49:46 PM  
State of California v. Donald Duck, re: indecent exposure Full Size
2021-05-11 2:50:24 PM  
Woah, Deja Vu much subby?
2021-05-11 2:51:00 PM  

Marcos P: Get that scrub banana outta here and make way for a legend

[Fark user image 425x239]

2021-05-11 2:55:38 PM  
i.kym-cdn.comView Full Size

There can be only one.
xanadian [TotalFark]  
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2021-05-11 3:12:53 PM  
What do you do with a nude banana?

/sung to the tune of "What do you do with a drunken sailor?"
2021-05-11 3:13:58 PM  
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xanadian [TotalFark]  
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2021-05-11 3:18:04 PM  
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2021-05-11 3:18:29 PM  
Apple vs Epic Ace Attorney Style
Youtube kgVy2UNqkho
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2021-05-11 3:19:22 PM  
Verdict will be appealed.
2021-05-11 3:38:35 PM  

BafflerMeal: [iFrame]

so apple's argument is that by using the internet you can go from one site download some software, install it and then run said software and that is bad?  what if i use safari as my browser?  doesn't that ultimately make apple responsible for everything i see or do on the net?
2021-05-11 4:31:14 PM  
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Gawdzila [TotalFark] [OhFark]  
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2021-05-11 5:01:17 PM  

xanadian: What do you do with a nude banana?

/sung to the tune of "What do you do with a drunken sailor?"

Slice 'im up and put 'em in your cereal and
slice 'im up and put 'em in your cereal and
slice 'im up and put 'em in your cereal so
early in the mornin!
2021-05-11 5:24:07 PM  
Is it that much of a surprise that a banana should become a peeler?
2021-05-11 6:59:38 PM  

BafflerMeal: [YouTube video: Apple vs Epic Ace Attorney Style]

This... Says a lot. Farking lawyers.

Using your product, you can download another product that gives you access to dirty things.

Conveniently ignoring Safari, or other browsers that can be downloaded on the App Store. Good thing none of those give you access to anything dirty.

fark you, you hypocritical assholes.
hammer85 [BareFark]  
Smartest (1)   Funniest (0)  
2021-05-11 8:05:43 PM  

Quantumbunny: BafflerMeal: [YouTube video: Apple vs Epic Ace Attorney Style]

This... Says a lot. Farking lawyers.

Using your product, you can download another product that gives you access to dirty things.

Conveniently ignoring Safari, or other browsers that can be downloaded on the App Store. Good thing none of those give you access to anything dirty.

fark you, you hypocritical assholes.

IANAL, but the argument seems to be around the concept of the closed garden.  The Apple App store states no porn in their apps, the epic games store presumably (based on the arguments) also has similar language, but allows the third party app to allow you to put porn games on your PC through the store that goes against the Epic Store policy (which appears to be the argument "do you support sexual content" "no" "then why do you accept an app that allows you to directly download it it."   The argument seems to be by allowing third party apps, you can bypass the policies of the main store, in this case, by getting porn games through the third party, which defeats the purpose of having the policies in the first place.

Safari allows you to view porn, but doesn't really have a way to download a porn app to your phone, legitimately, as far as I'm aware.  There is no pornhub app, or anything equivalent to, on the iPhone, because they prevent third party downloaders.
2021-05-11 8:13:04 PM  
Actually, there's a banana in my pocket AND I'm happy to see you.
Noah_Tall [TotalFark]  
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2021-05-11 9:57:26 PM  
i.pinimg.comView Full Size
2021-05-12 4:22:36 AM  
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2021-05-12 5:03:09 AM  
I guess they found it...unappealing.

Hopefully the court rules that it counts as sexualised content and they appeal it.
Smartest (0)   Funniest (1)  
2021-05-12 8:42:26 AM  
static.onecms.ioView Full Size
mjbok [TotalFark]  
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2021-05-12 2:54:19 PM  

hammer85: Quantumbunny: BafflerMeal: [YouTube video: Apple vs Epic Ace Attorney Style]

This... Says a lot. Farking lawyers.

Using your product, you can download another product that gives you access to dirty things.

Conveniently ignoring Safari, or other browsers that can be downloaded on the App Store. Good thing none of those give you access to anything dirty.

fark you, you hypocritical assholes.

IANAL, but the argument seems to be around the concept of the closed garden.  The Apple App store states no porn in their apps, the epic games store presumably (based on the arguments) also has similar language, but allows the third party app to allow you to put porn games on your PC through the store that goes against the Epic Store policy (which appears to be the argument "do you support sexual content" "no" "then why do you accept an app that allows you to directly download it it."   The argument seems to be by allowing third party apps, you can bypass the policies of the main store, in this case, by getting porn games through the third party, which defeats the purpose of having the policies in the first place.

Safari allows you to view porn, but doesn't really have a way to download a porn app to your phone, legitimately, as far as I'm aware.  There is no pornhub app, or anything equivalent to, on the iPhone, because they prevent third party downloaders.

Does a reddit app count?
hammer85 [BareFark]  
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2021-05-12 5:27:46 PM  

mjbok: hammer85: Quantumbunny: BafflerMeal: [YouTube video: Apple vs Epic Ace Attorney Style]

This... Says a lot. Farking lawyers.

Using your product, you can download another product that gives you access to dirty things.

Conveniently ignoring Safari, or other browsers that can be downloaded on the App Store. Good thing none of those give you access to anything dirty.

fark you, you hypocritical assholes.

IANAL, but the argument seems to be around the concept of the closed garden.  The Apple App store states no porn in their apps, the epic games store presumably (based on the arguments) also has similar language, but allows the third party app to allow you to put porn games on your PC through the store that goes against the Epic Store policy (which appears to be the argument "do you support sexual content" "no" "then why do you accept an app that allows you to directly download it it."   The argument seems to be by allowing third party apps, you can bypass the policies of the main store, in this case, by getting porn games through the third party, which defeats the purpose of having the policies in the first place.

Safari allows you to view porn, but doesn't really have a way to download a porn app to your phone, legitimately, as far as I'm aware.  There is no pornhub app, or anything equivalent to, on the iPhone, because they prevent third party downloaders.

Does a reddit app count? would it?  You can't download/buy other apps using the reddit app, and it follows the same sort of logic as safari.  The reddit app isn't a separate storefront, is.  The arguments and entire case is about allowing third party storefronts on the primary storefront.
hammer85 [BareFark]  
Smartest (0)   Funniest (0)  
2021-05-12 5:31:06 PM  

hammer85: mjbok: hammer85: Quantumbunny: BafflerMeal: [YouTube video: Apple vs Epic Ace Attorney Style]

This... Says a lot. Farking lawyers.

Using your product, you can download another product that gives you access to dirty things.

Conveniently ignoring Safari, or other browsers that can be downloaded on the App Store. Good thing none of those give you access to anything dirty.

fark you, you hypocritical assholes.

IANAL, but the argument seems to be around the concept of the closed garden.  The Apple App store states no porn in their apps, the epic games store presumably (based on the arguments) also has similar language, but allows the third party app to allow you to put porn games on your PC through the store that goes against the Epic Store policy (which appears to be the argument "do you support sexual content" "no" "then why do you accept an app that allows you to directly download it it."   The argument seems to be by allowing third party apps, you can bypass the policies of the main store, in this case, by getting porn games through the third party, which defeats the purpose of having the policies in the first place.

Safari allows you to view porn, but doesn't really have a way to download a porn app to your phone, legitimately, as far as I'm aware.  There is no pornhub app, or anything equivalent to, on the iPhone, because they prevent third party downloaders.

Does a reddit app count? would it?  You can't download/buy other apps using the reddit app, and it follows the same sort of logic as safari.  The reddit app isn't a separate storefront, is.  The arguments and entire case is about allowing third party storefronts on the primary storefront.

Storefront probably isn't the best word for it, because that would include in-app purchases such as the awards on Reddit, and actual online stores like Amazon, Walmart, etc..  App store is probably the better technical term in this case.
Dinjiin [BareFark]  
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2021-05-12 8:33:14 PM  
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2021-05-12 10:35:36 PM  

hammer85: hammer85: mjbok: hammer85: Quantumbunny: BafflerMeal: [YouTube video: Apple vs Epic Ace Attorney Style]

This... Says a lot. Farking lawyers.

Using your product, you can download another product that gives you access to dirty things.

Conveniently ignoring Safari, or other browsers that can be downloaded on the App Store. Good thing none of those give you access to anything dirty.

fark you, you hypocritical assholes.

IANAL, but the argument seems to be around the concept of the closed garden.  The Apple App store states no porn in their apps, the epic games store presumably (based on the arguments) also has similar language, but allows the third party app to allow you to put porn games on your PC through the store that goes against the Epic Store policy (which appears to be the argument "do you support sexual content" "no" "then why do you accept an app that allows you to directly download it it."   The argument seems to be by allowing third party apps, you can bypass the policies of the main store, in this case, by getting porn games through the third party, which defeats the purpose of having the policies in the first place.

Safari allows you to view porn, but doesn't really have a way to download a porn app to your phone, legitimately, as far as I'm aware.  There is no pornhub app, or anything equivalent to, on the iPhone, because they prevent third party downloaders.

Does a reddit app count? would it?  You can't download/buy other apps using the reddit app, and it follows the same sort of logic as safari.  The reddit app isn't a separate storefront, is.  The arguments and entire case is about allowing third party storefronts on the primary storefront.

Storefront probably isn't the best word for it, because that would include in-app purchases such as the awards on Reddit, and actual online stores like Amazon, Walmart, etc..  App store is probably the better technical term in this case.

Yes, why does app store on an appstore matter? iPhones come preloaded with apps that let you view pornography, post racist screeds, buy illegal goods. They do nothing to stop this, nor do they mind or police apps liked browsers, Reddit, Craig's list... So it's okay to make apps that do this (Safari) and have apps that do this in your app store. But an app store with an app store that let's you do this is a problem?

It's incredibly intellectually dishonest, hypocritical, and bullshiat.

Apple lawyers should try to argue on something with an ounce of merit about their walled garden... Consumer safety of purchases on their platform vs other apps, security, transparent APIs, data security. These are all things they claim are better about their walled garden platform and there could be merit in that type of argument. Claiming literally anything about access to bad things is completely bunk until Safari and any app with any access to unvetted use posted content is gone from their own store.

Apps like Reddit and Craig's list allow payments within Apple's payment platform, while Safari allows you to bypass it entirely and make payments to anything or anyone without Apple's iOS and app store payment API. As I understand it, so do other browsers within the app store.

Access to the naughty is completely off the table as an argument.
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