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(NPR)   The rising Chesapeake Bay is rapidly turning Annapolis, MD, one of the country's oldest state capitals and one-time capital of the US, into America's Venice. So they're suing oil companies for contributing to global warming   ( divider line
    More: Interesting, Petroleum, Consumer protection, Fossil fuel, Global warming, city of Annapolis, Joe Biden, dozen companies, fossil fuel industry  
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3563 clicks; posted to Main » and Politics » on 25 Feb 2021 at 6:26 PM (3 years ago)   |   Favorite    |   share:  Copy Link

79 Comments     (+0 »)
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2021-02-25 5:12:39 PM  
The new home of the US Navel-Gazing Academy?
2021-02-25 5:50:48 PM  
Baltimore... But you get the idea

The Expanse - Baltimore
Youtube EVfaupmStAE
valenumr [TotalFark]  
Smartest (0)   Funniest (1)  
2021-02-25 6:30:49 PM  
Sounds like balit-less
edmo [TotalFark] [OhFark]  
Smartest (19)   Funniest (0)  
2021-02-25 6:33:50 PM  
Good luck with that. Try suing ammo makers for all the murder while you're at it. Waste of time and money.
2021-02-25 6:40:37 PM  
Next up, lawsuits against spoon manufacturers for making people obese.
Smartest (29)   Funniest (1)  
2021-02-25 6:43:15 PM  

Weatherkiss: Next up, lawsuits against spoon manufacturers for making people obese.

Spoon manufacturers don't spend billions misrepresenting the effects of spoons to consumers.
2021-02-25 6:46:36 PM  

edmo: Good luck with that. Try suing ammo makers for all the murder while you're at it. Waste of time and money.

Gun makers are protected against lawsuits because Congress made a law making it that way....I suppose that would also apply to ammo makers.

There is no law protecting oil and gas producers against lawsuits for the effects of climate change.
Smartest (7)   Funniest (0)  
2021-02-25 6:47:00 PM  
Tangier Island says "you'll get used to it"
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2021-02-25 6:53:06 PM  

Sasquach: Tangier Island says "you'll get used to it"

Now I has a sad..... used to spend summers in Reedville
Smartest (11)   Funniest (0)  
2021-02-25 6:53:07 PM  

maxheck: Weatherkiss: Next up, lawsuits against spoon manufacturers for making people obese.

Spoon manufacturers don't spend billions misrepresenting the effects of spoons to consumers.

Though the sugar industry DID, who do you think funded all the anti-fat research in the 70's and 80's that gave us the carb heavy food pyramid?
Smartest (9)   Funniest (9)  
2021-02-25 7:00:16 PM  
Articles like this are really troubling, because they are histrionic and use clickbait-ish images to misinform the audience.

The image used showing a flooded street is post-hurricane. Almost all coastal towns experience flooding after a hurricane.

The article also makes claims without facts. "64 days of flooding will become 360".

Well, per NASA, sea rise is 3.3mm per year. 30 years would be 4 inches. That is not going to make Annapolis a Venice. Anyone that has ever been there can tell you that.

But, it's NPR, and they decided facts have no relevance in modern media 4 years ago.

It's a shame, because it is a real and important issue - but telling porkies is just going to convince people there is no problem.
Smartest (5)   Funniest (0)  
2021-02-25 7:01:05 PM  
So make it America's Venice.

Look what a big ditch did for San Antonio. The Riverwalk is consistently in the top tourist attractions in Texas.
Smartest (11)   Funniest (0)  
2021-02-25 7:02:19 PM  

robodog: maxheck: Weatherkiss: Next up, lawsuits against spoon manufacturers for making people obese.

Spoon manufacturers don't spend billions misrepresenting the effects of spoons to consumers.

Though the sugar industry DID, who do you think funded all the anti-fat research in the 70's and 80's that gave us the carb heavy food pyramid?

A lot of the same players for the "tobacco doesn't cause cancer" brigade are now throwing FUD around regarding climate change. e.g. Steven Milloy.
CarnySaur [TotalFark]  
Smartest (5)   Funniest (0)  
2021-02-25 7:06:13 PM  
The crabs are finally getting the upper hand, or claw.
2021-02-25 7:06:59 PM  
We are spending too much money so we are going to uselessly spend more.
Smartest (13)   Funniest (0)  
2021-02-25 7:07:41 PM  

zgrizz: Articles like this are really troubling, because they are histrionic and use clickbait-ish images to misinform the audience.

The image used showing a flooded street is post-hurricane. Almost all coastal towns experience flooding after a hurricane.

The article also makes claims without facts. "64 days of flooding will become 360".

Well, per NASA, sea rise is 3.3mm per year. 30 years would be 4 inches. That is not going to make Annapolis a Venice. Anyone that has ever been there can tell you that.

But, it's NPR, and they decided facts have no relevance in modern media 4 years ago.

It's a shame, because it is a real and important issue - but telling porkies is just going to convince people there is no problem.

Global average sea level rise is not local sea level rise. Especially for a city at the end of a funnel-shaped bay when high tide comes. For an extreme example of this, see the Bay of Fundy. It has a 52 foot tidal range.
2021-02-25 7:08:29 PM  

Albert911emt: edmo: Good luck with that. Try suing ammo makers for all the murder while you're at it. Waste of time and money.

Gun makers are protected against lawsuits because Congress made a law making it that way....I suppose that would also apply to ammo makers.

There is no law protecting oil and gas producers against lawsuits for the effects of climate change.

Can you name any item for which manufacturers can be held liable for the criminal misuse of products which have been sold in accordance with all applicable laws?  Suing for defective products or false claims is entirely different kind of liability.  Congress had to act since Democrats wish to use lawsuits as an end run around the 2nd Amendment.
Smartest (0)   Funniest (0)  
2021-02-25 7:08:33 PM  
LOL today on 'Punching Yourself In The Face'
Smartest (8)   Funniest (1)  
2021-02-25 7:09:21 PM  
Wow.  Lot of corporate shills and do nothing types in this thread.
2021-02-25 7:10:53 PM  
The pharma-industrial complex will never lead you astray though. Trust the syndicate.
2021-02-25 7:17:05 PM  

State_College_Arsonist: Albert911emt: edmo: Good luck with that. Try suing ammo makers for all the murder while you're at it. Waste of time and money.

Gun makers are protected against lawsuits because Congress made a law making it that way....I suppose that would also apply to ammo makers.

There is no law protecting oil and gas producers against lawsuits for the effects of climate change.

Can you name any item for which manufacturers can be held liable for the criminal misuse of products which have been sold in accordance with all applicable laws?  Suing for defective products or false claims is entirely different kind of liability.  Congress had to act since Democrats wish to use lawsuits as an end run around the 2nd Amendment.

That argument is kind of silly, considering republicans refuse to admit that the phrase "well-regulated militia" of the 2ndA means exactly what it says - that Congress should enact laws regulating the ownership and use of firearms. Since republicans won't do their jobs as defined by the Constitution, lawsuits seemed a reasonable response.
Smartest (0)   Funniest (3)  
2021-02-25 7:20:37 PM  
Having lived in Annapolis, it cannot fall into the sea fast enough for me.
Smartest (10)   Funniest (0)  
2021-02-25 7:21:52 PM  

State_College_Arsonist: Can you name any item for which manufacturers can be held liable for the criminal misuse of products which have been sold in accordance with all applicable laws?

Tobacco, leaded gasoline, asbestos, Vioxx, Thalidomide, lawn darts etc were all legal in their time, but found to be damaging to society at large.
2021-02-25 7:29:13 PM  

maxheck: State_College_Arsonist: Can you name any item for which manufacturers can be held liable for the criminal misuse of products which have been sold in accordance with all applicable laws?

Tobacco, leaded gasoline, asbestos, Vioxx, Thalidomide, lawn darts etc were all legal in their time, but found to be damaging to society at large.

2021-02-25 7:32:27 PM  

maxheck: Weatherkiss: Next up, lawsuits against spoon manufacturers for making people obese.

Spoon manufacturers don't spend billions misrepresenting the effects of spoons to consumers.

Obviously you've never used a spork.
Smartest (3)   Funniest (3)  
2021-02-25 7:34:57 PM  

Albert911emt: State_College_Arsonist: Albert911emt: edmo: Good luck with that. Try suing ammo makers for all the murder while you're at it. Waste of time and money.

Gun makers are protected against lawsuits because Congress made a law making it that way....I suppose that would also apply to ammo makers.

There is no law protecting oil and gas producers against lawsuits for the effects of climate change.

Can you name any item for which manufacturers can be held liable for the criminal misuse of products which have been sold in accordance with all applicable laws?  Suing for defective products or false claims is entirely different kind of liability.  Congress had to act since Democrats wish to use lawsuits as an end run around the 2nd Amendment.

That argument is kind of silly, considering republicans refuse to admit that the phrase "well-regulated militia" of the 2ndA means exactly what it says - that Congress should enact laws regulating the ownership and use of firearms. Since republicans won't do their jobs as defined by the Constitution, lawsuits seemed a reasonable response.

Nice. A response that's both dishonest and stupid at the same time.
Smartest (2)   Funniest (0)  
2021-02-25 7:38:25 PM  

fanbladesaresharp: maxheck: Weatherkiss: Next up, lawsuits against spoon manufacturers for making people obese.

Spoon manufacturers don't spend billions misrepresenting the effects of spoons to consumers.

Obviously you've never used a spork.

I'm ok with Big Spork. At least they don't spend billions lobbying congress to prevent the adoption of forks.
Smartest (0)   Funniest (3)  
2021-02-25 7:38:43 PM  

rich_mitch: Having lived in Annapolis, it cannot fall into the sea fast enough for me.

I can already hear the Annapolis is sinking parties in Eastport.
2021-02-25 7:38:51 PM  

mrschwen: Albert911emt: State_College_Arsonist: Albert911emt: edmo: Good luck with that. Try suing ammo makers for all the murder while you're at it. Waste of time and money.

Gun makers are protected against lawsuits because Congress made a law making it that way....I suppose that would also apply to ammo makers.

There is no law protecting oil and gas producers against lawsuits for the effects of climate change.

Can you name any item for which manufacturers can be held liable for the criminal misuse of products which have been sold in accordance with all applicable laws?  Suing for defective products or false claims is entirely different kind of liability.  Congress had to act since Democrats wish to use lawsuits as an end run around the 2nd Amendment.

That argument is kind of silly, considering republicans refuse to admit that the phrase "well-regulated militia" of the 2ndA means exactly what it says - that Congress should enact laws regulating the ownership and use of firearms. Since republicans won't do their jobs as defined by the Constitution, lawsuits seemed a reasonable response.

Nice. A response that's both dishonest and stupid at the same time.

Yeah, ok. Once again, a conservative can't argue on the merits and the facts.
2021-02-25 7:39:27 PM  

maxheck: Weatherkiss: Next up, lawsuits against spoon manufacturers for making people obese.

Spoon manufacturers don't spend billions misrepresenting the effects of spoons to consumers.

I see you're in the pocket of Big Spoon.

/fark the oil companies.
2021-02-25 7:39:56 PM  

Albert911emt: edmo: Good luck with that. Try suing ammo makers for all the murder while you're at it. Waste of time and money.

Gun makers are protected against lawsuits because Congress made a law making it that way....I suppose that would also apply to ammo makers.

There is no law protecting oil and gas producers against lawsuits for the effects of climate change.

Laws only matter to the degree that people in power want to enforce them. The same way we 'save the banks' because they are too big to fail.

What's right or wrong won't matter. I mean, I don't even know that we should blame these companies... They played their part, but so did we all. Since, at least the 90s kids were taught about this in public schools all over the country.

Excessive consumption is our culture. We all certainty went along for the ride. And all the people I see blaming big companies, at least, that I personally know, aren't willing to make any lifestyle changes beyond buying a new Tesla for the good of the environment.

Anyway, like I said, it doesn't matter. As long as we need oil and gas, these companies will get slaps in the wrist.
Smartest (0)   Funniest (0)  
2021-02-25 7:42:26 PM  

Weatherkiss: Next up, lawsuits against spoon manufacturers for making people obese.

We were investigating an oil conglomerate back in the late 90's. It lasted until this old guy with flabby jowls said "if the United States continues to investigate us, we just won't do business with them." That came out of the mouth of someone born in this country.

You wanna defend that guy and his colleagues? OK.
2021-02-25 7:43:24 PM  

zgrizz: Articles like this are really troubling, because they are histrionic and use clickbait-ish images to misinform the audience.

The image used showing a flooded street is post-hurricane. Almost all coastal towns experience flooding after a hurricane.

The article also makes claims without facts. "64 days of flooding will become 360".

Well, per NASA, sea rise is 3.3mm per year. 30 years would be 4 inches. That is not going to make Annapolis a Venice. Anyone that has ever been there can tell you that.

But, it's NPR, and they decided facts have no relevance in modern media 4 years ago.

It's a shame, because it is a real and important issue - but telling porkies is just going to convince people there is no problem.

Opens article

CTRL-f "venice" 0/0 found

Adds troll to list
2021-02-25 7:43:39 PM  
Fark user imageView Full Size
Smartest (1)   Funniest (4)  
2021-02-25 7:43:50 PM  

CarnySaur: The crabs are finally getting the upper hand, or claw.

I went to Maryland & all I got was crabs
Smartest (2)   Funniest (0)  
2021-02-25 7:44:23 PM  
2021-02-25 7:48:51 PM  

Fark_Guy_Rob: Albert911emt: edmo: Good luck with that. Try suing ammo makers for all the murder while you're at it. Waste of time and money.

Gun makers are protected against lawsuits because Congress made a law making it that way....I suppose that would also apply to ammo makers.

There is no law protecting oil and gas producers against lawsuits for the effects of climate change.

Laws only matter to the degree that people in power want to enforce them. The same way we 'save the banks' because they are too big to fail.

What's right or wrong won't matter. I mean, I don't even know that we should blame these companies... They played their part, but so did we all. Since, at least the 90s kids were taught about this in public schools all over the country.

Excessive consumption is our culture. We all certainty went along for the ride. And all the people I see blaming big companies, at least, that I personally know, aren't willing to make any lifestyle changes beyond buying a new Tesla for the good of the environment.

Anyway, like I said, it doesn't matter. As long as we need oil and gas, these companies will get slaps in the wrist.

Nothing you said is wrong, and that's really annoying.
2021-02-25 7:49:23 PM  

Albert911emt: mrschwen: Albert911emt: State_College_Arsonist: Albert911emt: edmo: Good luck with that. Try suing ammo makers for all the murder while you're at it. Waste of time and money.

Gun makers are protected against lawsuits because Congress made a law making it that way....I suppose that would also apply to ammo makers.

There is no law protecting oil and gas producers against lawsuits for the effects of climate change.

Can you name any item for which manufacturers can be held liable for the criminal misuse of products which have been sold in accordance with all applicable laws?  Suing for defective products or false claims is entirely different kind of liability.  Congress had to act since Democrats wish to use lawsuits as an end run around the 2nd Amendment.

That argument is kind of silly, considering republicans refuse to admit that the phrase "well-regulated militia" of the 2ndA means exactly what it says - that Congress should enact laws regulating the ownership and use of firearms. Since republicans won't do their jobs as defined by the Constitution, lawsuits seemed a reasonable response.

Nice. A response that's both dishonest and stupid at the same time.

Yeah, ok. Once again, a conservative can't argue on the merits and the facts.

Sorry about your legal career.
Smartest (2)   Funniest (1)  
2021-02-25 7:50:01 PM  

Albert911emt: State_College_Arsonist: Albert911emt: edmo: Good luck with that. Try suing ammo makers for all the murder while you're at it. Waste of time and money.

Gun makers are protected against lawsuits because Congress made a law making it that way....I suppose that would also apply to ammo makers.

There is no law protecting oil and gas producers against lawsuits for the effects of climate change.

Can you name any item for which manufacturers can be held liable for the criminal misuse of products which have been sold in accordance with all applicable laws?  Suing for defective products or false claims is entirely different kind of liability.  Congress had to act since Democrats wish to use lawsuits as an end run around the 2nd Amendment.

That argument is kind of silly, considering republicans refuse to admit that the phrase "well-regulated militia" of the 2ndA means exactly what it says - that Congress should enact laws regulating the ownership and use of firearms. Since republicans won't do their jobs as defined by the Constitution, lawsuits seemed a reasonable response.

That's a prefatory clause (or the reason) while the part you oh conveniently left off "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Is the objective clause (the purpose) and the clause is pretty clear when you look at how "the people" is used in other bill of rights clauses it's clear 2nd amendment means you can't ban guns.

What well regulated means in slave time talk was "healthy".  In other words the purpose of the 2nd amendment is to keep the people packing heat.
2021-02-25 7:50:14 PM  
How is this different than the past 300 years?
Smartest (1)   Funniest (0)  
2021-02-25 7:51:30 PM  

NikolaiFarkoff: The new home of the US Navel-Gazing Academy?

USNA will simply weigh anchor and sail down the Severn River to Potomac Bay.  There's plenty of places to land helicopters and even C-130's so resupply from the USNA Farm would be easy.
Smartest (4)   Funniest (0)  
2021-02-25 7:54:29 PM  

Sean VasDeferens: How is this different than the past 300 years?

That's the funny part. I have 100 year old pictures showing the area flooded. It's just a nuisance now because they put some shiat there and a parking lot instead of a place to receive some fresh slaves.
Smartest (0)   Funniest (0)  
2021-02-25 7:56:52 PM  

maxheck: zgrizz: Articles like this are really troubling, because they are histrionic and use clickbait-ish images to misinform the audience.

The image used showing a flooded street is post-hurricane. Almost all coastal towns experience flooding after a hurricane.

The article also makes claims without facts. "64 days of flooding will become 360".

Well, per NASA, sea rise is 3.3mm per year. 30 years would be 4 inches. That is not going to make Annapolis a Venice. Anyone that has ever been there can tell you that.

But, it's NPR, and they decided facts have no relevance in modern media 4 years ago.

It's a shame, because it is a real and important issue - but telling porkies is just going to convince people there is no problem.

Global average sea level rise is not local sea level rise. Especially for a city at the end of a funnel-shaped bay when high tide comes. For an extreme example of this, see the Bay of Fundy. It has a 52 foot tidal range.

Temperature plays a role, too. Florida will flood before other places at the same elevation because all the heat goes into the water. Water expands when it's warmed, which actually draws up the sea level higher than it should be. It's like a very gradual, very wide "hill" of water centered on a population center.
Smartest (1)   Funniest (0)  
2021-02-25 7:58:25 PM  

0z79: maxheck: zgrizz: Articles like this are really troubling, because they are histrionic and use clickbait-ish images to misinform the audience.

The image used showing a flooded street is post-hurricane. Almost all coastal towns experience flooding after a hurricane.

The article also makes claims without facts. "64 days of flooding will become 360".

Well, per NASA, sea rise is 3.3mm per year. 30 years would be 4 inches. That is not going to make Annapolis a Venice. Anyone that has ever been there can tell you that.

But, it's NPR, and they decided facts have no relevance in modern media 4 years ago.

It's a shame, because it is a real and important issue - but telling porkies is just going to convince people there is no problem.

Global average sea level rise is not local sea level rise. Especially for a city at the end of a funnel-shaped bay when high tide comes. For an extreme example of this, see the Bay of Fundy. It has a 52 foot tidal range.

Temperature plays a role, too. Florida will flood before other places at the same elevation because all the heat goes into the water. Water expands when it's warmed, which actually draws up the sea level higher than it should be. It's like a very gradual, very wide "hill" of water centered on a population center.

Florida is also slowly sliding into the ocean with the rest of the shelf. Maybe if we Crack immortality I'll have some beach front property in Orlando for a few thousand years.
2021-02-25 8:01:18 PM  

edmo: Good luck with that. Try suing ammo makers for all the murder while you're at it. Waste of time and money.

How does someone sue if they suicide?
2021-02-25 8:02:18 PM  
I didn't realize Annapolis has been on run on 100% renewable energy for the last 100 or so years.
2021-02-25 8:02:58 PM  

Intrepid00: Albert911emt: State_College_Arsonist: Albert911emt: edmo: Good luck with that. Try suing ammo makers for all the murder while you're at it. Waste of time and money.

Gun makers are protected against lawsuits because Congress made a law making it that way....I suppose that would also apply to ammo makers.

There is no law protecting oil and gas producers against lawsuits for the effects of climate change.

Can you name any item for which manufacturers can be held liable for the criminal misuse of products which have been sold in accordance with all applicable laws?  Suing for defective products or false claims is entirely different kind of liability.  Congress had to act since Democrats wish to use lawsuits as an end run around the 2nd Amendment.

That argument is kind of silly, considering republicans refuse to admit that the phrase "well-regulated militia" of the 2ndA means exactly what it says - that Congress should enact laws regulating the ownership and use of firearms. Since republicans won't do their jobs as defined by the Constitution, lawsuits seemed a reasonable response.

That's a prefatory clause (or the reason) while the part you oh conveniently left off "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Is the objective clause (the purpose) and the clause is pretty clear when you look at how "the people" is used in other bill of rights clauses it's clear 2nd amendment means you can't ban guns.

What well regulated means in slave time talk was "healthy".  In other words the purpose of the 2nd amendment is to keep the people packing heat.

I didn't leave anything off.  We all know about that clause, but the well-regulated part is what is conveniently ignored time and again. And despite republicans' lies to the contrary, no one has suggested banning any guns, but only that they should be "well regulated" which they aren't.
Smartest (1)   Funniest (0)  
2021-02-25 8:03:40 PM  

StoPPeRmobile: edmo: Good luck with that. Try suing ammo makers for all the murder while you're at it. Waste of time and money.

How does someone sue if they suicide?

The surviving family can with a will via the estate. Doesn't mean they will win but it wouldn't be an automatic throw out on lack of party.
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2021-02-25 8:05:30 PM  
We got something like Chesapeake Bay in the Northwest, it called The Puget Sound

i.imgur.comView Full Size
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2021-02-25 8:05:59 PM  

maxheck: Weatherkiss: Next up, lawsuits against spoon manufacturers for making people obese.

Spoon manufacturers don't spend billions misrepresenting the effects of spoons to consumers.

You sound like you sell spoons!
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