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(Gothamist)   More followup from the Staten Island bar that declared itself an"autonomous zone"; they got raided for COVID violations and the owner was arrested after 50 covidiots gathered to protest the shutdown   ( divider line
    More: Followup, New York City, Staten Island, owner of a Staten Island tavern, state's orange zone restrictions, Police, city sheriffs, State Liquor Authority, State Senator Andrew Lanza  
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2393 clicks; posted to Main » and Politics » on 02 Dec 2020 at 1:35 PM (3 years ago)   |   Favorite    |   share:  Copy Link

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2020-12-02 1:00:05 PM  
The idiots calling the police Gestapo for arresting the owner (without injuring or killing him) and for closing the bar are the same morons who cheer everytime Herr Drumpf tweets "LAW AND ORDER!".
Rwa2play [TotalFark]  
Smartest (11)   Funniest (2)  
2020-12-02 1:18:11 PM  

Dissident Sheep: The idiots calling the police Gestapo for arresting the owner (without injuring or killing him) and for closing the bar are the same morons who cheer everytime Herr Drumpf tweets "LAW AND ORDER!".

I would have them all sign a waiver:

a) You waive the right to sue the city from any COVID-19 related aftermath, including death.
b) You are banned from getting any COVID-19 related treatment at a NYC Health and Hospitals facility of any kind.
c) Your name will be on a registration list that any non-HHC hospital in New York City is allowed to look at for the purposes of allowing you to be admitted for treatment of COVID-19 symptoms.

I would and they can take me to court for all I care.
the_celt [TotalFark] [OhFark]  
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2020-12-02 1:19:27 PM  
Isn't Staten Island where New York city sends all its trash?
Wait, I think I may have answered my own question.
2020-12-02 1:37:38 PM Full Size
SumoJeb [OhFark]  
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2020-12-02 1:37:39 PM  
i bet some blue lives matter gear got tossed in the trash once those patriots got home.
2020-12-02 1:38:32 PM  
Being Staten Island, I'm sure his "friends of ours", will sort things out.

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2020-12-02 1:38:38 PM  
Ok NYC farkers I have to be there Mon-Weds for work.  What's the food situation?  Restaurants open for takeout?  I am driving, should I go ahead and bring my own food?  What the dilly yo?
2020-12-02 1:39:08 PM  
The one time the should have shot a tear gas canister in, they didn't.  I'd love to see a bunch of covidiots ankle deep in their own vomit as they tried to flee.
Smartest (7)   Funniest (12)  
2020-12-02 1:40:13 PM  
I've visited NYC a few times. I've hit all 5 boroughs. I'm 99% sure Staten Island is full of people who brag I LIVE IN NYC and when someone asks where they embarrassingly say Island and everyone laughs at them for living there. Everyone I know that's lived in the other 4 get that response. Even Long Island gets more respect.
2020-12-02 1:40:25 PM  
This is why you never want to be the tallest blade of grass.
Smartest (10)   Funniest (1)  
2020-12-02 1:40:30 PM  

Rwa2play: Dissident Sheep: The idiots calling the police Gestapo for arresting the owner (without injuring or killing him) and for closing the bar are the same morons who cheer everytime Herr Drumpf tweets "LAW AND ORDER!".

I would have them all sign a waiver:

a) You waive the right to sue the city from any COVID-19 related aftermath, including death.
b) You are banned from getting any COVID-19 related treatment at a NYC Health and Hospitals facility of any kind.
c) Your name will be on a registration list that any non-HHC hospital in New York City is allowed to look at for the purposes of allowing you to be admitted for treatment of COVID-19 symptoms.

I would and they can take me to court for all I care.

That doesn't change the fact that one of them being infected could affect 50-100-1,000 people due to superspreader events.
Smartest (0)   Funniest (0)  
2020-12-02 1:41:02 PM  

eagles95: I've visited NYC a few times. I've hit all 5 boroughs. I'm 99% sure Staten Island is full of people who brag I LIVE IN NYC and when someone asks where they embarrassingly say Island and everyone laughs at them for living there. Everyone I know that's lived in the other 4  dont get that response. Even Long Island gets more respect.

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2020-12-02 1:41:06 PM  
2020-12-02 1:41:17 PM  
Maybe they can keep that asshole locked up long enough for him to catch the 'rona, or more likely spread it.
Jeebus Saves  
Smartest (3)   Funniest (16)  
2020-12-02 1:41:59 PM  

Dissident Sheep: The idiots calling the police Gestapo for arresting the owner (without injuring or killing him) and for closing the bar are the same morons who cheer everytime Herr Drumpf tweets "LAW AND ORDER!".

And the idiots calling to defund the police are the same morans who cheer on the police arresting and fining people for trying to run a business.
Smartest (11)   Funniest (2)  
2020-12-02 1:44:16 PM  

Jeebus Saves: Dissident Sheep: The idiots calling the police Gestapo for arresting the owner (without injuring or killing him) and for closing the bar are the same morons who cheer everytime Herr Drumpf tweets "LAW AND ORDER!".

And the idiots calling to defund the police are the same morans who cheer on the police arresting and fining people for trying to run a business.

Yes, and you think this conflicts somehow.
Durp LUL
2020-12-02 1:44:21 PM  

fragMasterFlash: Maybe they can keep that asshole locked up long enough for him to catch the 'rona, or more likely spread it.

The worst part is that, more likely, he's going to give it to multiple folks, including everyone in lockup with him as well as the cops who had to drag his ass out of there.

Belligerent ignorance is neck-and-neck with COVID-19 when it comes to sickening & killing Americans...
Smartest (2)   Funniest (0)  
2020-12-02 1:44:55 PM  

Dissident Sheep: The idiots calling the police Gestapo for arresting the owner (without injuring or killing him) and for closing the bar are the same morons who cheer everytime Herr Drumpf tweets "LAW AND ORDER!".

Well duh - laws are only for those people.
Smartest (8)   Funniest (0)  
2020-12-02 1:45:20 PM  

Jeebus Saves: Dissident Sheep: The idiots calling the police Gestapo for arresting the owner (without injuring or killing him) and for closing the bar are the same morons who cheer everytime Herr Drumpf tweets "LAW AND ORDER!".

And the idiots calling to defund the police are the same morans who cheer on the police arresting and fining people for trying to run a business.

Trying to run a business... riiiiiight. Creating plague rats aint a legal business.
Smartest (2)   Funniest (0)  
2020-12-02 1:46:00 PM  

SirDigbyChickenCaesar: Ok NYC farkers I have to be there Mon-Weds for work.  What's the food situation?  Restaurants open for takeout?  I am driving, should I go ahead and bring my own food?  What the dilly yo?

I'm not in NYC but another heavily blue metro area.  I have to assume the situation will be similar - takeout and delivery are readily available.  No need to bring your own food.
Smartest (7)   Funniest (2)  
2020-12-02 1:46:05 PM  

Jeebus Saves: Dissident Sheep: The idiots calling the police Gestapo for arresting the owner (without injuring or killing him) and for closing the bar are the same morons who cheer everytime Herr Drumpf tweets "LAW AND ORDER!".

And the idiots calling to defund the police are the same morans who cheer on the police arresting and fining people for trying to run a business.

...ignoring safety precautions and continuously voting in fascists who won't help them during a pandemic.

2020-12-02 1:46:53 PM  
For some people, covid is a near non-issue. For others, there's a 10 percent chance of death if you catch it, if not higher.

• You don't have to care that you'll transmit it someone who will be killed by it, any more than you have you have to care about driving drunk and killing someone that way.

• However, the state should not allow facilitating the transmission of the disease, any more it should countenance individuals negligently or maliciously harming others in any other way, again such as allowing drunk driving or driving tractor trailers with unsecured loads.
2020-12-02 1:47:03 PM  

FormlessOne: fragMasterFlash: Maybe they can keep that asshole locked up long enough for him to catch the 'rona, or more likely spread it.

The worst part is that, more likely, he's going to give it to multiple folks, including everyone in lockup with him as well as the cops who had to drag his ass out of there.

Belligerent ignorance is neck-and-neck with COVID-19 when it comes to sickening & killing Americans...

There's nothing quite like getting tossed in jail over a traffic ticket that you can't pay because you are out of work and then catching a deadly disease.
X-Geek [TotalFark]  
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2020-12-02 1:48:22 PM  
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2020-12-02 1:49:04 PM  

Jeebus Saves: Dissident Sheep: The idiots calling the police Gestapo for arresting the owner (without injuring or killing him) and for closing the bar are the same morons who cheer everytime Herr Drumpf tweets "LAW AND ORDER!".

And the idiots calling to defund the police are the same morans who cheer on the police arresting and fining people for trying to run a business.

Nope. This is exactly what police should be doing, enforcing the law and arresting those who endanger the lives of others. This is literally an action to "serve and protect". Shooting unarmed black people in the back and then falsifying police reports is not.
Smartest (4)   Funniest (0)  
2020-12-02 1:49:23 PM  

Dissident Sheep: The idiots calling the police Gestapo for arresting the owner (without injuring or killing him) and for closing the bar are the same morons who cheer everytime Herr Drumpf tweets "LAW AND ORDER!".

They only like it when laws are applied to people they hate.
2020-12-02 1:49:26 PM  
"They're getting farking raided by the goddamn gestapo," said Scott LoBaido

Your country just got invaded. This is why all other countries have militaries. If you don't like getting invaded, where's yours?
2020-12-02 1:49:41 PM  
They are probably pretty upset to find out they are the little people.  Maybe you shoulda blue lives matter harder?

I love that the staff got slammed with $1,000 tickets too.  That is gonna hurt the tip jar, huh?
2020-12-02 1:50:13 PM  

Begoggle: Jeebus Saves: Dissident Sheep: The idiots calling the police Gestapo for arresting the owner (without injuring or killing him) and for closing the bar are the same morons who cheer everytime Herr Drumpf tweets "LAW AND ORDER!".

And the idiots calling to defund the police are the same morans who cheer on the police arresting and fining people for trying to run a business.

Yes, and you think this conflicts somehow.
Durp LUL

Actually both statements are just blanket stereotypes with no basis in fact.
Smartest (1)   Funniest (1)  
2020-12-02 1:50:54 PM  

JungleBoogie: • For some people, covid is a near non-issue. For others, there's a 10 percent chance of death if you catch it, if not higher.

• You don't have to care that you'll transmit it someone who will be killed by it, any more than you have you have to care about driving drunk and killing someone that way.

• However, the state should not allow facilitating the transmission of the disease, any more it should countenance individuals negligently or maliciously harming others in any other way, again such as allowing drunk driving or driving tractor trailers with unsecured loads.

Death isn't the only consequence of the disease. So that number is meaningless as a risk assessment without other variables. 

I agree with your other points.
Smartest (0)   Funniest (0)  
2020-12-02 1:56:41 PM  

SirDigbyChickenCaesar: Ok NYC farkers I have to be there Mon-Weds for work.  What's the food situation?  Restaurants open for takeout?  I am driving, should I go ahead and bring my own food?  What the dilly yo?

You should be fine, most places are open for takeout or delivery. Masks are mandatory. If you're coming from out of state I think you're technically supposed to quarantine, but if you're only gonna be there for two days I don't think you'll even have the time. You're also supposed to fill out a bit of paperwork. You can do a quick google - NY DoH has all the info up on their website. Depends on your employment and location.

/not in NY, but NY and NJ are doing pretty much the same thing
Rwa2play [TotalFark]  
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2020-12-02 1:57:25 PM  

eagles95: I've visited NYC a few times. I've hit all 5 boroughs. I'm 99% sure Staten Island is full of people who brag I LIVE IN NYC and when someone asks where they embarrassingly say Island and everyone laughs at them for living there. Everyone I know that's lived in the other 4 get that response. Even Long Island gets more respect.

Rwa2play [TotalFark]  
Smartest (4)   Funniest (0)  
2020-12-02 1:58:20 PM  

SirDigbyChickenCaesar: Ok NYC farkers I have to be there Mon-Weds for work.  What's the food situation?  Restaurants open for takeout?  I am driving, should I go ahead and bring my own food?  What the dilly yo?

As long as you avoid Staten Island, you're good.
2020-12-02 1:59:13 PM  

the_celt: Isn't Staten Island where New York city sends all its trash?
Wait, I think I may have answered my own question.

Not all of it, but they do their best to concentrate it their.

/ sorry Darci
/ but hey, you moved, so that's cool
Smartest (1)   Funniest (1)  
2020-12-02 1:59:14 PM  

Dissident Sheep: The idiots calling the police Gestapo for arresting the owner (without injuring or killing him) and for closing the bar are the same morons who cheer everytime Herr Drumpf tweets "LAW AND ORDER!".

Well, in fact:  1) they knew what he was doing; 2) they knew where he would be; 3) they had time to get a warrant for his arrest and 4) they didn't get one. It's not supposed to work that way. There are many exception carved out of our rights under 4th amendment, but I think that's not one of them.

I think they are trying to use the exception of "an offense committed in the presence of an officer" which is why they sent the cops in "undercover." That is mere pretense.
2020-12-02 2:00:59 PM  

eagles95: I've visited NYC a few times. I've hit all 5 boroughs. I'm 99% sure Staten Island is full of people who brag I LIVE IN NYC and when someone asks where they embarrassingly say Island and everyone laughs at them for living there. Everyone I know that's lived in the other 4 get that response. Even Long Island gets more respect.

Staten Island is the Florida of NYC. At this rate it's going to earn a Fark tag.

/lived there from 6th-12th grade, Dad still lives there
2020-12-02 2:01:54 PM  
Ah, Staten Island.  The northernmost county in West Virginia........

Seriously:  my wife is a native Staten Islander, and her brother moved to West Virginia into a development
where there are no less than 8 other SI expats.  It is the most redneck of all the 5 boros.
2020-12-02 2:04:33 PM  

WastrelWay: Dissident Sheep: The idiots calling the police Gestapo for arresting the owner (without injuring or killing him) and for closing the bar are the same morons who cheer everytime Herr Drumpf tweets "LAW AND ORDER!".

Well, in fact:  1) they knew what he was doing; 2) they knew where he would be; 3) they had time to get a warrant for his arrest and 4) they didn't get one. It's not supposed to work that way. There are many exception carved out of our rights under 4th amendment, but I think that's not one of them.

I think they are trying to use the exception of "an offense committed in the presence of an officer" which is why they sent the cops in "undercover." That is mere pretense.

They were flouting the law.  Going through a judge to get a warrant was just more steps...send in a detective, witness the crime(s) and move in.  It isn't entrapment it is just easier....and completely by the book

But you didn't mention if there was a gold fringed flag present, so that might change things!
Smartest (2)   Funniest (1)  
2020-12-02 2:05:02 PM  

iaazathot: Death isn't the only consequence of the disease. So that number is meaningless as a risk assessment without other variables.

This kind of objection is just silly.

Death and the severity of other meaningful consequences of COVID are *extremely* strongly correlated.  But deaths due to COVID are relatively easy to measure, while "any of a wide range of symptoms due to COVID" are hard as hell to measure.  So looking at deaths due to COVID as a proxy is an extremely useful way of looking at the overall problem since you have relatively complete data for that and shiat data for everything else.

In other words, there's a reason that scientific publications, including extremely reputable ones like the Nature article cited, use Deaths as a measure.  And it's not because they aren't aware that there are consequences from COVID other than death.

The fundamental point about variability in outcomes based on demographics that was the core of the argument still stands.  That's what matters to the argument.
Smartest (1)   Funniest (0)  
2020-12-02 2:05:13 PM  

centrifugal bumblepuppy: eagles95: I've visited NYC a few times. I've hit all 5 boroughs. I'm 99% sure Staten Island is full of people who brag I LIVE IN NYC and when someone asks where they embarrassingly say Island and everyone laughs at them for living there. Everyone I know that's lived in the other 4 get that response. Even Long Island gets more respect.

Staten Island is the Florida of NYC. At this rate it's going to earn a Fark tag.

/lived there from 6th-12th grade, Dad still lives there

If it makes you feel any better, a good half of my family still lives there, including my sister.

/thankfully she lives in one of the "nicer" areas and pretty much everything you could want is within a two block radius
Smartest (0)   Funniest (7)  
2020-12-02 2:05:43 PM  
I heard NY got Staten Island when they fought NJ for it. And NY lost.
2020-12-02 2:08:31 PM  

WastrelWay: Dissident Sheep: The idiots calling the police Gestapo for arresting the owner (without injuring or killing him) and for closing the bar are the same morons who cheer everytime Herr Drumpf tweets "LAW AND ORDER!".

Well, in fact:  1) they knew what he was doing; 2) they knew where he would be; 3) they had time to get a warrant for his arrest and 4) they didn't get one. It's not supposed to work that way. There are many exception carved out of our rights under 4th amendment, but I think that's not one of them.

I think they are trying to use the exception of "an offense committed in the presence of an officer" which is why they sent the cops in "undercover." That is mere pretense.

Remind me again, is the paperwork still in place for Harris to depose Biden?  I can't remember which amendment that falls under.
Smartest (0)   Funniest (2)  
2020-12-02 2:08:36 PM  

SirDigbyChickenCaesar: Ok NYC farkers I have to be there Mon-Weds for work.  What's the food situation?  Restaurants open for takeout?  I am driving, should I go ahead and bring my own food?  What the dilly yo?

I think I know a bar that may be open.
Smartest (5)   Funniest (0)  
2020-12-02 2:09:49 PM  

WastrelWay: Well, in fact:  1) they knew what he was doing; 2) they knew where he would be; 3) they had time to get a warrant for his arrest and 4) they didn't get one. It's not supposed to work that way. There are many exception carved out of our rights under 4th amendment, but I think that's not one of them.

I think they are trying to use the exception of "an offense committed in the presence of an officer" which is why they sent the cops in "undercover." That is mere pretense.


The guy announced that he was going to do something illegal in public.  The police showed up to watch him do something illegal in public.  They then arrested him.

There isn't a problem with that workflow.

I'm not a lawyer, but my understanding is that they issue arrest warrants for things that have actually happened, not for things that the police think might happen at some point in the future.  So I'm not even sure how you expected them to get a warrant.  "Your Honor, I'd like to get an arrest warrant because I think somebody might commit a crime in the future" seems a lot more problematic than what actually happened.
Latinwolf [recently expired TotalFark]  
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2020-12-02 2:11:20 PM  

Dissident Sheep: The idiots calling the police Gestapo for arresting the owner (without injuring or killing him) and for closing the bar are the same morons who cheer everytime Herr Drumpf tweets "LAW AND ORDER!".

And I'll bet many of them had no issue with cops choking a black man to death because he was selling cigarettes.
Latinwolf [recently expired TotalFark]  
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2020-12-02 2:13:29 PM  

Jeebus Saves: Dissident Sheep: The idiots calling the police Gestapo for arresting the owner (without injuring or killing him) and for closing the bar are the same morons who cheer everytime Herr Drumpf tweets "LAW AND ORDER!".

And the idiots calling to defund the police are the same morans who cheer on the police arresting and fining people for trying to run a business.

The cops aren't shooting those white people for running an illegal business, while people of color are getting shot for less.
2020-12-02 2:14:20 PM  
But a bunch of communist pinheads with pink and green hair can shut down a downtown and declare it an autonomous zone and that's perfectly fine.
2020-12-02 2:16:37 PM  

/ signing off for the day...
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2020-12-02 2:17:04 PM  
When our supposed leaders are ordering everything closed, then jetting off to large gatherings or having birthday parties at fancy restaurants, it's difficult to take them seriously.  Here in California I haven't done squat in months, but our governor is having a damn good time.
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2020-12-02 2:18:00 PM  

Jeebus Saves: Dissident Sheep: The idiots calling the police Gestapo for arresting the owner (without injuring or killing him) and for closing the bar are the same morons who cheer everytime Herr Drumpf tweets "LAW AND ORDER!".

And the idiots calling to defund the police are the same morans who cheer on the police arresting and fining people for trying to run a business.

I apparently missed when the bar owner was arrested and had a cop kneel on his neck until he was dead.
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