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(Vanity Fair)   The Trump vaccine plan is a clusterfark   ( divider line
    More: Obvious, United States Senate, Barack Obama, Mitch McConnell, President of the United States, Donald Trump, Federal government of the United States, federal government, Vaccination  
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8525 clicks; posted to Main » and Politics » on 01 Dec 2020 at 7:30 AM (3 years ago)   |   Favorite    |   share:  Copy Link

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EvilEgg [TotalFark] [OhFark]  
Smartest (36)   Funniest (0)  
2020-12-01 4:10:07 AM  
So his plan is to have the governors make the plans. I live in a state with a functioning government so there likely will be one. But COVID doesn't respect state borders.
2020-12-01 5:26:10 AM  
The entirety of his plan: "How many times can I get a cut of the action and can you add another step where I get one?"
hubiestubert [TotalFark] [OhFark]  
Smartest (7)   Funniest (23)  
2020-12-01 5:54:04 AM  
Does this look like a guy with a plan?

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2020-12-01 7:07:30 AM  
Punting to the states is not a plan.  No football team plans to punt.
Punting is what happens when your plan is a failure or you had no plan to begin with.
Smartest (17)   Funniest (3)  
2020-12-01 7:36:57 AM  
how exactly would it be otherwise? would you go to the federal courthouse to get a shot? vaccinations are always run from the state's department of health and down through counties and enrolled providers.
Smartest (7)   Funniest (1)  
2020-12-01 7:37:06 AM  

Sorelian's Ghost: Punting to the states is not a plan.  No football team plans to punt.
Punting is what happens when your plan is a failure or you had no plan to begin with.

I live in Tennessee and our governor has punted throughout the pandemic. I have no idea how he's going to approach dispensing the vaccine - punting to the counties or something? He is truly a moran.
Smartest (13)   Funniest (0)  
2020-12-01 7:38:12 AM  
Headline is wrong.  There is no plan.
Smartest (17)   Funniest (1)  
2020-12-01 7:39:52 AM  

sleze: Headline is wrong.  There is no plan.

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Smartest (11)   Funniest (0)  
2020-12-01 7:40:15 AM  

usahole: Sorelian's Ghost: Punting to the states is not a plan.  No football team plans to punt.
Punting is what happens when your plan is a failure or you had no plan to begin with.

I live in Tennessee and our governor has punted throughout the pandemic. I have no idea how he's going to approach dispensing the vaccine - punting to the counties or something? He is truly a moran.

The rich first then the peasants.
Smartest (1)   Funniest (46)  
2020-12-01 7:40:52 AM  
the plan is to fight COVID in the courts until it accepts that Donald J. Trump won the election.
Smartest (20)   Funniest (2)  
2020-12-01 7:41:25 AM  

chasd00: how exactly would it be otherwise? would you go to the federal courthouse to get a shot? vaccinations are always run from the state's department of health and down through counties and enrolled providers.

Using the military. Set up temporary field hospitals, or use bases as distribution sites. The military is one giant logistics machine, when organized properly.
Smartest (20)   Funniest (1)  
2020-12-01 7:43:57 AM  

chasd00: how exactly would it be otherwise? would you go to the federal courthouse to get a shot? vaccinations are always run from the state's department of health and down through counties and enrolled providers.

So the states are supposed to distribute it to themselves? And usually when it comes to things like this, the experts from the federal government creates guidelines on how it is to be distributed and administered, so their is one standard being followed, not 50, so if there are issues with it, a solution can be found more quickly.

The reason why Trump wants to punt to the states is because he effectively purged the federal government of career employees that were experts at this. We now have nobody at the federal level that knows how to get a vaccine mass distributed and administered.
Smartest (0)   Funniest (7)  
2020-12-01 7:44:43 AM  

usahole: Sorelian's Ghost: Punting to the states is not a plan.  No football team plans to punt.
Punting is what happens when your plan is a failure or you had no plan to begin with.

I live in Tennessee and our governor has punted throughout the pandemic. I have no idea how he's going to approach dispensing the vaccine - punting to the counties or something? He is truly a moran.

You spell like a transplant...i figur Ohio. It's pronounced: mowrawn. You seem okay, but get out more.
Smartest (5)   Funniest (9)  
2020-12-01 7:45:27 AM  
Pushing distribution decisions to the states makes the most sense, rather than having DC try to make policy for everyone. Biden will do the same thing and suddenly you'll all be fine with it because it won't be a Trump policy any more.
Smartest (12)   Funniest (0)  
2020-12-01 7:46:46 AM  

Merltech: usahole: Sorelian's Ghost: Punting to the states is not a plan.  No football team plans to punt.
Punting is what happens when your plan is a failure or you had no plan to begin with.

I live in Tennessee and our governor has punted throughout the pandemic. I have no idea how he's going to approach dispensing the vaccine - punting to the counties or something? He is truly a moran.

The rich first then the peasants.

First the Rich, then the skilled peasants, then the regular peasants.
UCLA nurses threatening to go on strike because the football team is getting all the COVID tests.
2020-12-01 7:47:26 AM  

chasd00: how exactly would it be otherwise? would you go to the federal courthouse to get a shot? vaccinations are always run from the state's department of health and down through counties and enrolled providers.

It's more about setting uniform priorities and establishing a system to track who got it and remind them to return for the second dose, if they got a 2 dose version. Leaving it to the states could/will be uneven in competency. There will be problems with people moving between states as well if each state has to build its own tracking system.
Smartest (8)   Funniest (2)  
2020-12-01 7:49:55 AM  
In another reality run by adults, these @$$hats would all be rounded up and put on trial for causing mass deaths. But in our reality which is run by petulant children, the children will vote for their fellow children (watch Georgia come January 5th).
Gooch [BareFark]  
Smartest (12)   Funniest (7)  
2020-12-01 7:49:59 AM  
I'm suspicious of any new vaccine where the wealthy, famous and powerful haven't already gotten it first.
Smartest (4)   Funniest (0)  
2020-12-01 7:54:05 AM  
I think Canada decided to use the military to coordinate distribution.
Smartest (0)   Funniest (1)  
2020-12-01 7:55:26 AM  

TheDirtyNacho: if they got a 2 dose version.

Single Dose vaccines aren't, typically. So you're 1/2 as technically correct but double the functionally factual.
2020-12-01 7:57:38 AM  

jjorsett: Pushing distribution decisions to the states makes the most sense, rather than having DC try to make policy for everyone. Biden will do the same thing and suddenly you'll all be fine with it because it won't be a Trump policy any more.

*If* Biden does the same thing, it'll be because people with actual knowledge have suggested it as the best possible scenario. Under Trump, it's because the fed gov't has no plan, hopes to lay any bad off on the individual states while claiming any good for itself for its wisdom in laying it off on individual states and/or Trump can somehow get a cut.
2020-12-01 8:00:09 AM  

goodncold: I think Canada decided to use the military to coordinate distribution.

Because a large chunk of our population is incapable of coherent critical thinking, and/or is batshiat insane, this will cause a paranoid mass freakout that makes Jade Helm look like child's play. Can you imagine?
Smartest (6)   Funniest (1)  
2020-12-01 8:04:45 AM  
It's because right wingers are the "fake it til you make it" people in every farking endeavor. So, like everything they do like shiat, they'll half ass it, fark it all up, throw up their hands and say "not my fault" and some actual adult will have to clean up after the shiatty diarrhea splatter they left all over the floor and walls. It's what, literally, always happens with right wingers.
2020-12-01 8:04:58 AM  
If Trump is talking about the vaccine, then is he finally admiting that covid is real, and that he's been full of shiat this whole time?
2020-12-01 8:10:26 AM  
Part of the idea of Federalism was that some things have to be handled more locally. But I doubt that much thought was put into this.
Smartest (0)   Funniest (0)  
2020-12-01 8:12:49 AM  

usahole: Sorelian's Ghost: Punting to the states is not a plan.  No football team plans to punt.
Punting is what happens when your plan is a failure or you had no plan to begin with.

I live in Tennessee and our governor has punted throughout the pandemic. I have no idea how he's going to approach dispensing the vaccine - punting to the counties or something? He is truly a moran.

He outlined it last week.
Smartest (1)   Funniest (0)  
2020-12-01 8:13:11 AM  
So what did the current administration learn from kicking the covid response plan down to the state level in March and April?


Founding Fathers (tm): "We never thought THIS would happen".
2020-12-01 8:14:42 AM  

chasd00: how exactly would it be otherwise? would you go to the federal courthouse to get a shot? vaccinations are always run from the state's department of health and down through counties and enrolled providers.

Ssshhhhh!!! Orange man bad!!
2020-12-01 8:18:00 AM  
help the poor lifers in prison first. the rapists, murderers, kiddie diddlers, politicians and other assorted scumbags. millions of them. then watch them for a while, see if they grow a 3rd eye or sumthin.
2020-12-01 8:19:49 AM  
He's selling the vaccine to the highest bidders - just like everything else with 'merikun healthcare?
2020-12-01 8:20:00 AM  

jjorsett: Pushing distribution decisions to the states makes the most sense, rather than having DC try to make policy for everyone. Biden will do the same thing and suddenly you'll all be fine with it because it won't be a Trump policy any more.

No actually, not at all.

Federal leadership is needed to:
1) Ensure coordinated distribution from the production facilities to all 50 states.  To give the vaccine, states have to HAVE the vaccine.  We all have seen the abject failure of leaving acquisition to states when it came to PPE, vaccines would be an even BIGGER cluster fark if states are left to handle acquisition on their own.  Production and shipping bottlenecks/competition would be worse since there are far fewer manufacturers, plus you have cold chain issues to work out... and then you have...prioritization..continued in my next point.

2)  Feds should set prioritization guidelines at minimum or ideally just set official policy requirements states HAVE to follow.  Otherwise some states will distribute on a voluntary basis alone, others might prioritize healthcare workers, the vulnerable, some may even have a first come first serve or whoever can pay policy.  If you have different standards between states now you have all the problems of distributing vaccines with people running the full spectrum of avoiding shots if they are required to driving across state lines to get them.  Which is hugely problematic to make sure states get what they need if some are under distributing and others are over distributing relative to their expected demand. and then you get to... dose tracking, continued below.

3) For the two part vaccines, you have to somehow keep track of who has received the first dose and needs the second vs. who is good.  You want to throw out-of-staters into that? Now state-based tracking doesn't work, and not all hospitals are even digitized.  The feds could create a system to keep track of it otherwise you are just dependent upon people to come back for their second dose and often times they are really not good at this.

Not having a federal plan in place isn't just an abject failure of leadership, its dereliction of duty at least and at worst could be described as purposeful sabotage since we know the problems that can arise from not planning and they have chosen to say fark it.
Smartest (0)   Funniest (16)  
2020-12-01 8:21:16 AM  

Sorelian's Ghost: Punting to the states is not a plan.  No football team plans to punt.

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2020-12-01 8:24:09 AM  

chasd00: how exactly would it be otherwise? would you go to the federal courthouse to get a shot? vaccinations are always run from the state's department of health and down through counties and enrolled providers.

If kristi "positive pants, no you cant haz de weeds" noem were your gov you might be a wee bit more nervous.
Truck Fump  
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2020-12-01 8:25:24 AM  

baltimoreblonde: If Trump is talking about the vaccine, then is he finally admiting that covid is real, and that he's been full of shiat this whole time?

Logic don't enter into it.

You should know that after four years...:-)
2020-12-01 8:25:54 AM  

Chinesenookiefactory: chasd00: how exactly would it be otherwise? would you go to the federal courthouse to get a shot? vaccinations are always run from the state's department of health and down through counties and enrolled providers.

Ssshhhhh!!! Orange man bad!!

Because this isn't most vaccinations, with established distribution networks and policies in place and they also don't have the urgency of this pandemic.

Its not about the individual people giving the shots, or local distributions.  States are downstream.  Yah, use existing structures and the state will be the primary role model.  But, its the big shipments from the centralized manufacturing, the decisions about who gets what when.  How to track (the NEED to track, if there isn't set policy I guarantee you some states/counties will fark this up badly).  The feds need to do the upstream legwork that sets the basis for everything else.

We couldn't, and still can't, get necessary PPE to places due to a lack of centralized coordination and that is a helluva lot less complicated.
Smartest (5)   Funniest (0)  
2020-12-01 8:28:38 AM  
I hate it when people confuse "goal" with "plan".

What's your plan?
We vaccinate everyone.
That's not a plan. That's a goal. How do you propose we achieve this?
Smartest (15)   Funniest (0)  
2020-12-01 8:30:51 AM  

chasd00: how exactly would it be otherwise? would you go to the federal courthouse to get a shot? vaccinations are always run from the state's department of health and down through counties and enrolled providers.

there's actually an ENTIRE BRANCH of the US military dedicated to public health. They're called the US Public Health Service ( )

You can call up the national guard in each state to provide general logistical support (put cones here in this parking lot. be a warm body over there), and then the military provides the actual doctors and nurses and pharmacists to deliver the shots.

That doesn't mean that's the right way to do it, but it isn't crazy to think that the ENTIRE BRANCH OF THE US MILITARY DEDICATED TO PUBLIC HEALTH might need to be involved in this.
Smartest (3)   Funniest (10)  
2020-12-01 8:37:47 AM  
If I was offered the vaccine tomorrow, I'd still wait for Jan. 21. And yes, I know it'll be the same vaccine. I don't trust the Trump admiration to keep their fingers out of the vials when delivering the product.
Smartest (0)   Funniest (0)  
2020-12-01 8:38:25 AM  

Wicked Chinchilla: jjorsett: Pushing distribution decisions to the states makes the most sense, rather than having DC try to make policy for everyone. Biden will do the same thing and suddenly you'll all be fine with it because it won't be a Trump policy any more.

No actually, not at all.

Federal leadership is needed to:
1) Ensure coordinated distribution from the production facilities to all 50 states.  To give the vaccine, states have to HAVE the vaccine.  We all have seen the abject failure of leaving acquisition to states when it came to PPE, vaccines would be an even BIGGER cluster fark if states are left to handle acquisition on their own.  Production and shipping bottlenecks/competition would be worse since there are far fewer manufacturers, plus you have cold chain issues to work out... and then you have...prioritization..continued in my next point.

2)  Feds should set prioritization guidelines at minimum or ideally just set official policy requirements states HAVE to follow.  Otherwise some states will distribute on a voluntary basis alone, others might prioritize healthcare workers, the vulnerable, some may even have a first come first serve or whoever can pay policy.  If you have different standards between states now you have all the problems of distributing vaccines with people running the full spectrum of avoiding shots if they are required to driving across state lines to get them.  Which is hugely problematic to make sure states get what they need if some are under distributing and others are over distributing relative to their expected demand. and then you get to... dose tracking, continued below.

3) For the two part vaccines, you have to somehow keep track of who has received the first dose and needs the second vs. who is good.  You want to throw out-of-staters into that? Now state-based tracking doesn't work, and not all hospitals are even digitized.  The feds could create a system to keep track of it otherwise you are just dependent upon people to come back for their second dose and often times they are really not good at this.

Not having a federal plan in place isn't just an abject failure of leadership, its dereliction of duty at least and at worst could be described as purposeful sabotage since we know the problems that can arise from not planning and they have chosen to say fark it.

Yeah, and compliance with the 2nd shot is likely going to be really bad with this one due to a high incidence of fatigue and feeling crummy if it's left up to individuals.
Smartest (2)   Funniest (0)  
2020-12-01 8:40:28 AM  
FFS, if he issued a federal level plan, you'd be crying and complaining because he didn't do it the way you want.

Instead, the governor that you saw fit to vote for can decide how to approach is based upon your own state's needs.

If a governor who is of the same intelligence level as the moron who wrote TFA feels so bad about systemic racism that they want to prioritize minority communities, then they are free to give that a shot and see how it works out. If the vaccine works, they can claim credit for being a true SJW and if the vaccine doesn't or turns out to have horrible side effects they can call it racist.

Or they can do what everyone expects and give it to medical personnel first, then the elderly and people with high risk medical conditions, etc.

It's not like someone needs to tell the states how to distribute a vaccine in the middle of a pandemic...because it hasn't been done. And if it has, then just forward the link describing how it was done to your governor.
Smartest (0)   Funniest (2)  
2020-12-01 8:41:03 AM  

ChrisDe: If I was offered the vaccine tomorrow, I'd still wait for Jan. 21. And yes, I know it'll be the same vaccine. I don't trust the Trump admiration to keep their fingers out of the vials when delivering the product.

It's impolite to wear a tinfoil hat indoors.
Smartest (1)   Funniest (0)  
2020-12-01 8:42:51 AM  
I'm sure Bill Gates has already planned it all out to make sure everyone gets their 5g chip.
2020-12-01 8:43:47 AM  

buravirgil: usahole: Sorelian's Ghost: Punting to the states is not a plan.  No football team plans to punt.
Punting is what happens when your plan is a failure or you had no plan to begin with.

I live in Tennessee and our governor has punted throughout the pandemic. I have no idea how he's going to approach dispensing the vaccine - punting to the counties or something? He is truly a moran.

You spell like a transplant...i figur Ohio. It's pronounced: mowrawn. You seem okay, but get out more.

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Diagonal [TotalFark]  
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2020-12-01 8:50:39 AM  

usahole: Sorelian's Ghost: Punting to the states is not a plan.  No football team plans to punt.
Punting is what happens when your plan is a failure or you had no plan to begin with.

I live in Tennessee and our governor has punted throughout the pandemic. I have no idea how he's going to approach dispensing the vaccine - punting to the counties or something? He is truly a moran.

The horrifying part is that 40+% of Americans think that is a really, really good idea, sort of like how serious national problems do not need a serious national solution. The stoopidz is just mind-boggling.
Smartest (0)   Funniest (1)  
2020-12-01 8:51:07 AM  

puckrock2000: buravirgil: usahole: Sorelian's Ghost: Punting to the states is not a plan.  No football team plans to punt.
Punting is what happens when your plan is a failure or you had no plan to begin with.

I live in Tennessee and our governor has punted throughout the pandemic. I have no idea how he's going to approach dispensing the vaccine - punting to the counties or something? He is truly a moran.

You spell like a transplant...i figur Ohio. It's pronounced: mowrawn. You seem okay, but get out more.

[Fark user image image 227x222]

Thank you, I was going to post that pic for him myself.
2020-12-01 8:53:53 AM  
Given that several states have stated they will do their own testing and verification of a vaccine, then their own seems unlikely that a push from the White House would be accepted anyway.
2020-12-01 8:56:54 AM  
Narrator: There was no plan.
LineNoise [OhFark]  
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2020-12-01 8:57:08 AM  

ongbok: So the states are supposed to distribute it to themselves?


but this also has a little bit of sense to it. The states have a better handle on their local communities and logistics to have a better idea of who gets it first, and where it will have the greatest uptake.

I mean for everyone its a no-brainer that healthcare workers and first responders go first. They are at the highest risk for infection and have the greatest impact if they are down for some time with it. Then probably teachers. After that though, you have to start making decisions about what groups are going to be hesitant to take it, or difficult to inoculate en mass, and if you hold up other people from getting it while you are sitting on a stockpile you aren't doing anyone any good. Places like NY or Florida may want to prioritize hospitality because of the impact on its economy, etc.
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2020-12-01 9:03:30 AM  
Rural communities are going to be screwed.

In big cities, major hospitals have super cold refrigerators for the Pfizer vaccine and expertise to do mass injections. And for the vaccines that can be stored in regular refrigerators, there's a drug store every 100 feet.

In rural counties, the closest vaccine access point may be a 35 mile drive, and they'll only be able to offer the vaccines that do not require super cold storage. That's going to be a logistics nightmare, and I don't see a lot of GOP Governors rising to that challenge (looking at you, Texas).
2020-12-01 9:07:26 AM  

Merltech: usahole: Sorelian's Ghost: Punting to the states is not a plan.  No football team plans to punt.
Punting is what happens when your plan is a failure or you had no plan to begin with.

I live in Tennessee and our governor has punted throughout the pandemic. I have no idea how he's going to approach dispensing the vaccine - punting to the counties or something? He is truly a moran.

The rich first then the peasants.

Even better:  It doesn't matter what they do.  They're barely going to be able to get started before Inauguration Day.  They have just enough time to start to fark it all up, dilly-dally, and make sure that VIPs (i.e. wealthy, connected Republicans and their families) get it, before forcing President Biden to step in.

And because he's going to have to change the whole plan around, vaccine distribution will slow or even momentarily stop because that's what happens when you stop dicking around on this scale and start with a real plan.  But that'll be all the GOP needs to shriek about how "Biden's already killing Americans by not getting them the vaccine developed under our Glorious, Cheated Leader".

And I"m going to continue to have a full-face rash from all the facepalming.  That's the least of my worries, of course.
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