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(Good Morning America)   NOT NEWS: woman gives birth. SORT OF NEWS: via in vitro fertilization. HOLY CRAP: with an embryo that had been frozen since 1992, when the mother was a year old   ( divider line
    More: Unlikely, 27-year-old, Baby, Childbirth, embryo breaks record, GMA  
•       •       •

3144 clicks; posted to Main » on 01 Dec 2020 at 5:30 AM (3 years ago)   |   Favorite    |   share:  Copy Link

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cretinbob [TotalFark] [OhFark]  
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2020-12-01 1:45:07 AM  
i.kym-cdn.comView Full Size
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2020-12-01 2:35:42 AM  
This story has some SNL "Meet your second wife" skit type vibes going on.
2020-12-01 4:31:43 AM  
Does this mean that any ensuing progeria is a feature and not a bug?
forteblast [OhFark]  
Smartest (13)   Funniest (1)  
2020-12-01 4:45:26 AM  
So I guess this couple got the embryos for their kids from a place that stores donated ones.

I wonder why this practice isn't more common among the pro-life crowd. Obviouslythey want to force every pregnant woman to term but the thousands of extra embryos made at the fertility clinic, yeah, we don't need those, destroy them. Or even better, donate them to medical research... the same thing they vilified Planned Parenthood for.
Smartest (5)   Funniest (2)  
2020-12-01 5:36:29 AM  

forteblast: So I guess this couple got the embryos for their kids from a place that stores donated ones.

I wonder why this practice isn't more common among the pro-life crowd. Obviouslythey want to force every pregnant woman to term but the thousands of extra embryos made at the fertility clinic, yeah, we don't need those, destroy them. Or even better, donate them to medical research... the same thing they vilified Planned Parenthood for.

They don't store embryos.
2020-12-01 5:43:39 AM  
A 28 year old jizz popsicle?
2020-12-01 5:45:41 AM  

cretinbob: [ image 494x575]

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2020-12-01 5:45:52 AM  

Moosedick Gladys Greengroin: A 28 year old jizz popsicle?

what smells like bleach?

2020-12-01 5:47:39 AM  
So much for sex being a sexually inherited trait.
Smartest (2)   Funniest (29)  
2020-12-01 5:48:29 AM  
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2020-12-01 5:51:11 AM  

BafflerMeal: [Fark user image 299x259]

Me am play gods!
2020-12-01 5:54:00 AM  

wildcardjack: So much for sex being a sexually inherited trait.

uttertosh [OhFark]  
Smartest (7)   Funniest (0)  
2020-12-01 5:55:32 AM  

Burchill: forteblast: So I guess this couple got the embryos for their kids from a place that stores donated ones.

I wonder why this practice isn't more common among the pro-life crowd. Obviouslythey want to force every pregnant woman to term but the thousands of extra embryos made at the fertility clinic, yeah, we don't need those, destroy them. Or even better, donate them to medical research... the same thing they vilified Planned Parenthood for.

They don't store embryos.

Yes, they do. It's in TFA.
uttertosh [OhFark]  
Smartest (17)   Funniest (2)  
2020-12-01 5:59:06 AM  

forteblast: So I guess this couple got the embryos for their kids from a place that stores donated ones.

I wonder why this practice isn't more common among the pro-life crowd. Obviouslythey want to force every pregnant woman to term but the thousands of extra embryos made at the fertility clinic, yeah, we don't need those, destroy them. Or even better, donate them to medical research... the same thing they vilified Planned Parenthood for.

The pro-life crowd certainly don't rescue homeless children from the street, either. Nope, they only care about the life of the blastocyst while it's still nothing but an arsehole.
Smartest (0)   Funniest (2)  
2020-12-01 6:02:17 AM  

uttertosh: Burchill: forteblast: So I guess this couple got the embryos for their kids from a place that stores donated ones.

I wonder why this practice isn't more common among the pro-life crowd. Obviouslythey want to force every pregnant woman to term but the thousands of extra embryos made at the fertility clinic, yeah, we don't need those, destroy them. Or even better, donate them to medical research... the same thing they vilified Planned Parenthood for.

They don't store embryos.

Yes, they do. It's in TFA.

Embryos are fertilised eggs. Are you suggesting they fertilised the egg when she was one? Perhaps don't trust info from something called Good Morning America. They stored  her egg(s).
uttertosh [OhFark]  
Smartest (30)   Funniest (0)  
2020-12-01 6:03:19 AM  

Burchill: uttertosh: Burchill: forteblast: So I guess this couple got the embryos for their kids from a place that stores donated ones.

I wonder why this practice isn't more common among the pro-life crowd. Obviouslythey want to force every pregnant woman to term but the thousands of extra embryos made at the fertility clinic, yeah, we don't need those, destroy them. Or even better, donate them to medical research... the same thing they vilified Planned Parenthood for.

They don't store embryos.

Yes, they do. It's in TFA.

Embryos are fertilised eggs. Are you suggesting they fertilised the egg when she was one? Perhaps don't trust info from something called Good Morning America. They stored  her egg(s).

Narrator: those weren't her eggs.
2020-12-01 6:17:13 AM  
"We were meant to be parents and we were meant even more to be parents to Brian"

nothing happens for a reason. Infinite causes, sure, but it's all numerical chaos. This bullshiat wishful thinking is what's preventing our species from having a pleasant, or at least not as dire, immediate future.

Fertility Warriors? Really? At what price and consumption of desperately needed resource during a time of plague? If they're warriors they're farking fighting for the wrong army.

Adopt a kid who's already breathing and probably suffering. There's millions. Ice cubes don't need love, living babies do, and there are plenty needy ones to choose from. Your uterus doesn't have to have that workout for you to be a mother. Nor does your baby need to be lily white to be a great child.

I'm pro IVF, it's one path to become Culture, however this waste of resources is almost as criminal as Republicans. How much money and freezer space (again, during a time of plague and global warming-i doubt these freezers are solar powered) are we using to preserve this jism+ovum collection?

Oh yeah, fark pro life precious snowflake quiverful entitlement white supremacists for white babies fark faces too. If you attach the word "warrior" to your ill advised concepts of procreation on an overpopulated world where actual living babies are starving... fark off.
2020-12-01 6:18:32 AM  

Burchill: uttertosh: Burchill: forteblast: So I guess this couple got the embryos for their kids from a place that stores donated ones.

I wonder why this practice isn't more common among the pro-life crowd. Obviouslythey want to force every pregnant woman to term but the thousands of extra embryos made at the fertility clinic, yeah, we don't need those, destroy them. Or even better, donate them to medical research... the same thing they vilified Planned Parenthood for.

They don't store embryos.

Yes, they do. It's in TFA.

Embryos are fertilised eggs. Are you suggesting they fertilised the egg when she was one? Perhaps don't trust info from something called Good Morning America. They stored  her egg(s).

It was someone else's embryo.

Or is this just bad journalism?

Also, theoretically what you propose is possible.
Smartest (0)   Funniest (6)  
2020-12-01 6:19:22 AM  
I liked this argument better when it was about Frog Lady.
uttertosh [OhFark]  
Smartest (2)   Funniest (0)  
2020-12-01 6:31:44 AM  

yohohogreengiant: Burchill: uttertosh: Burchill: forteblast: So I guess this couple got the embryos for their kids from a place that stores donated ones.

I wonder why this practice isn't more common among the pro-life crowd. Obviouslythey want to force every pregnant woman to term but the thousands of extra embryos made at the fertility clinic, yeah, we don't need those, destroy them. Or even better, donate them to medical research... the same thing they vilified Planned Parenthood for.

They don't store embryos.

Yes, they do. It's in TFA.

Embryos are fertilised eggs. Are you suggesting they fertilised the egg when she was one? Perhaps don't trust info from something called Good Morning America. They stored  her egg(s).

It was someone else's embryo.

Or is this just bad journalism?

Also, theoretically what you propose is possible.

National Embryo Donation Center

It's in TFA. I am not Googling that for you.
2020-12-01 6:38:10 AM  

Smoking GNU: wildcardjack: So much for sex being a sexually inherited trait.


The old line was "if your parents didn't have sex, neither will you".
2020-12-01 6:56:12 AM  
i.imgflip.comView Full Size
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2020-12-01 7:04:35 AM  
So she will be born old enough to buy alcohol?
jaytkay [OhFark]  
Smartest (13)   Funniest (0)  
2020-12-01 7:13:20 AM  
The time the embryo spent in frozen preservation set the new known record for the longest-frozen embryo to ever come to birth, according to research staff at the University of Tennessee

Why would you experiment with that? "Let's see if this old-ass frozen egg produces a healthy child or one that develops exciting new developmental problems as she ages. "
Smartest (5)   Funniest (0)  
2020-12-01 7:15:04 AM  

uttertosh: yohohogreengiant: Burchill: uttertosh: Burchill: forteblast: So I guess this couple got the embryos for their kids from a place that stores donated ones.

I wonder why this practice isn't more common among the pro-life crowd. Obviouslythey want to force every pregnant woman to term but the thousands of extra embryos made at the fertility clinic, yeah, we don't need those, destroy them. Or even better, donate them to medical research... the same thing they vilified Planned Parenthood for.

They don't store embryos.

Yes, they do. It's in TFA.

Embryos are fertilised eggs. Are you suggesting they fertilised the egg when she was one? Perhaps don't trust info from something called Good Morning America. They stored  her egg(s).

It was someone else's embryo.

Or is this just bad journalism?

Also, theoretically what you propose is possible.

National Embryo Donation Center

It's in TFA. I am not Googling that for you.

The woman who just gave birth to the baby was one year old when the embryo was frozen.

Yes, subby's headline was confusing.
2020-12-01 7:18:52 AM  

uttertosh: yohohogreengiant: Burchill: uttertosh: Burchill: forteblast: So I guess this couple got the embryos for their kids from a place that stores donated ones.

I wonder why this practice isn't more common among the pro-life crowd. Obviouslythey want to force every pregnant woman to term but the thousands of extra embryos made at the fertility clinic, yeah, we don't need those, destroy them. Or even better, donate them to medical research... the same thing they vilified Planned Parenthood for.

They don't store embryos.

Yes, they do. It's in TFA.

Embryos are fertilised eggs. Are you suggesting they fertilised the egg when she was one? Perhaps don't trust info from something called Good Morning America. They stored  her egg(s).

It was someone else's embryo.

Or is this just bad journalism?

Also, theoretically what you propose is possible.

National Embryo Donation Center

It's in TFA. I am not Googling that for you.

You have more sense than I do, citizen:

From the NEDC site:

"As a means to save these tiny lives and bring hope to those who desperately want children, the Christian Medical & Dental Associations (CMDA) catalyzed and planned, along with the Baptist Hospital for Women and Southeastern Fertility Center, the development of the National Embryo Donation Center (NEDC) in
Knoxville, Tennessee."

My sphincter just clenched.

So I wanted to say they I had just had a triple espresso de cafe Boricua and my blood pressure was in full rage when I posted my screed. My sincere apologies if I offended IVF patients, people struggling to conceive. Good luck, science-speed.

And yet:

1) there are great reasons to have a fully genetically assayed, diverse, robust embryo repository (Children of Men, Interstellar... Etc) also, if sane people ruled, we should have concurrent stem cell lines from these precious snowflakes available on demand for research.

2) NEDC are guaranteed NOT the people you want doing this. If there ever came a genuine global (see point 1) need to break the glass on those ebryocsicles , you'd have to fight these farkers tooth and nail and they'd probably torch it as per God's will rather than allow them to be used to idk... Actually save the human race from extinction.

3) they say 1,000,000 "extra" embryos a year from IVF in the US(this number is disputed). They have embryos decades old. Ok, the scale is bullshiat staggering in terms of money and resource however you slice this. I'm pro IVF, but at a certain point... Come on, how much are we spending/subsidizing (it's US government certified, so that means we're spending some taxes  on this endeavor) this when we're ignoring hungry actually breathing, crying , suffering, babies in our country (but yeah, I understand, they're brown, or the wrong religion... So... Tough titties kids).

3) The "fertility warriors" in TFA are still mad. This "everything has a reason, it was meant to be" ideology/magical thinking is killing us and other species. it's thinly masked prosperity gospel, it promotes class divides, it actually destroys our ability to empathise, to reach out to the other. Things have causes, and I applaud your efforts to know the cause of the infertility and to treat it. Meanwhile, there are actually babies dying from lack of food and love. The resources to this science must also be tempered with the simple economy of how to keep the people (babies) actually alive healthy and well.

4) but Jesus loves capitalism and embryos (distilled to a shot glass argument)
2020-12-01 7:22:02 AM  

NicoFinn: uttertosh: yohohogreengiant: Burchill: uttertosh: Burchill: forteblast: So I guess this couple got the embryos for their kids from a place that stores donated ones.

I wonder why this practice isn't more common among the pro-life crowd. Obviouslythey want to force every pregnant woman to term but the thousands of extra embryos made at the fertility clinic, yeah, we don't need those, destroy them. Or even better, donate them to medical research... the same thing they vilified Planned Parenthood for.

They don't store embryos.

Yes, they do. It's in TFA.

Embryos are fertilised eggs. Are you suggesting they fertilised the egg when she was one? Perhaps don't trust info from something called Good Morning America. They stored  her egg(s).

It was someone else's embryo.

Or is this just bad journalism?

Also, theoretically what you propose is possible.

National Embryo Donation Center

It's in TFA. I am not Googling that for you.

The woman who just gave birth to the baby was one year old when the embryo was frozen.

Yes, subby's headline was confusing.

To get to the bottom of it I suspended my policy of not reading TFA because I like to be as uninformed as possible before commenting. That's the American way, dammit.
2020-12-01 7:24:13 AM  

thealgorerhythm: [ image 500x500]

Thank you for this.
aungen [TotalFark] [OhFark]  
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2020-12-01 7:37:56 AM  
Eggs can be stored in the first stage.  Blast's are frozen and stored in the 2nd stage.

The cutting-edge thing to do is freeze them after hitting day 3-7 blast, then waiting a few months for the mom to recover and normalize after the fertility drugs and surgery, THEN go in and implant.  Doing it this way significantly improves the chances of success.

Assuming screaming, pooping, and never sleeping again is your idea of 'success.'
aungen [TotalFark] [OhFark]  
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2020-12-01 7:39:09 AM  
But I'm a physicist, so I'm out of my lane.
I have no idea what babies are.

Do we have any experts on Fark?
2020-12-01 7:40:50 AM  

aungen: But I'm a physicist, so I'm out of my lane.
I have no idea what babies are.

Do we have any experts on Fark?

Just treat them like perfect spheres, collisions are inelastic, assume a low coefficient of friction and you'll do at least as well as the parents in TFA
T Baggins  
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2020-12-01 7:45:04 AM  

jaytkay: The time the embryo spent in frozen preservation set the new known record for the longest-frozen embryo to ever come to birth, according to research staff at the University of Tennessee

Why would you experiment with that? "Let's see if this old-ass frozen egg produces a healthy child or one that develops exciting new developmental problems as she ages. "

It doesn't say it was a deliberate experiment. Perhaps the donors originally stored the embryos for themselves, then after 25 years decided they didn't want them, so donated them. Or perhaps they originated from the UK or Australia, where there are 5-10 year storage limits, then were dumped on the US market. That's where the US got shiatty European olive oil until 2016...if EVOO didn't sell in Europe in the first 18 months, they'd ship it to the US. Or perhaps these were just unpopular embryos for their price. They aren't technically sold in the US, but I think fees can be used as a type of loophole, and a dealer might discount storage fees on prior decades' stock to clear out inventory.
Marcos P  
Smartest (3)   Funniest (2)  
2020-12-01 7:48:13 AM  
We don't need any more people.
Smartest (0)   Funniest (11)  
2020-12-01 7:52:34 AM  

Marcos P: We don't need any more people.

Maybe not you, buy I'm still hungry.
2020-12-01 8:10:24 AM  
They implanted the mother when she was one?
WTFDYW [BareFark]  
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2020-12-01 8:15:29 AM  

Burchill: uttertosh: Burchill: forteblast: So I guess this couple got the embryos for their kids from a place that stores donated ones.

I wonder why this practice isn't more common among the pro-life crowd. Obviouslythey want to force every pregnant woman to term but the thousands of extra embryos made at the fertility clinic, yeah, we don't need those, destroy them. Or even better, donate them to medical research... the same thing they vilified Planned Parenthood for.

They don't store embryos.

Yes, they do. It's in TFA.

Embryos are fertilised eggs. Are you suggesting they fertilised the egg when she was one? Perhaps don't trust info from something called Good Morning America. They stored  her egg(s).

WTFDYW [BareFark]  
Smartest (0)   Funniest (0)  
2020-12-01 8:18:25 AM  

uttertosh: yohohogreengiant: Burchill: uttertosh: Burchill: forteblast: So I guess this couple got the embryos for their kids from a place that stores donated ones.

I wonder why this practice isn't more common among the pro-life crowd. Obviouslythey want to force every pregnant woman to term but the thousands of extra embryos made at the fertility clinic, yeah, we don't need those, destroy them. Or even better, donate them to medical research... the same thing they vilified Planned Parenthood for.

They don't store embryos.

Yes, they do. It's in TFA.

Embryos are fertilised eggs. Are you suggesting they fertilised the egg when she was one? Perhaps don't trust info from something called Good Morning America. They stored  her egg(s).

It was someone else's embryo.

Or is this just bad journalism?

Also, theoretically what you propose is possible.

National Embryo Donation Center

It's in TFA. I am not Googling that for you.

Don't mind him. He's a stroke victim.
2020-12-01 8:23:39 AM  
I don't care how many layers of aluminum foil they used, I bet that baby tastes funky.
Smartest (0)   Funniest (0)  
2020-12-01 8:48:11 AM  

forteblast: So I guess this couple got the embryos for their kids from a place that stores donated ones.

I wonder why this practice isn't more common among the pro-life crowd. Obviouslythey want to force every pregnant woman to term but the thousands of extra embryos made at the fertility clinic, yeah, we don't need those, destroy them. Or even better, donate them to medical research... the same thing they vilified Planned Parenthood for.

IVF is forbidden for Catholics for this very reason
kdawg7736 [TotalFark] [OhFark]  
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2020-12-01 8:50:47 AM  
But wouldn't that child be 28 years old already, so it is a lot older than you think, similar to cloning?
Smartest (1)   Funniest (0)  
2020-12-01 8:54:56 AM  

forteblast: So I guess this couple got the embryos for their kids from a place that stores donated ones.

I wonder why this practice isn't more common among the pro-life crowd. Obviouslythey want to force every pregnant woman to term but the thousands of extra embryos made at the fertility clinic, yeah, we don't need those, destroy them. Or even better, donate them to medical research... the same thing they vilified Planned Parenthood for.

You suck at pretending to understand viewpoint other than your own.
Smartest (2)   Funniest (1)  
2020-12-01 8:56:20 AM  

yohohogreengiant: FTFA:
"We were meant to be parents and we were meant even more to be parents to Brian"

nothing happens for a reason. Infinite causes, sure, but it's all numerical chaos. This bullshiat wishful thinking is what's preventing our species from having a pleasant, or at least not as dire, immediate future.

Fertility Warriors? Really? At what price and consumption of desperately needed resource during a time of plague? If they're warriors they're farking fighting for the wrong army.

Adopt a kid who's already breathing and probably suffering. There's millions. Ice cubes don't need love, living babies do, and there are plenty needy ones to choose from. Your uterus doesn't have to have that workout for you to be a mother. Nor does your baby need to be lily white to be a great child.

I'm pro IVF, it's one path to become Culture, however this waste of resources is almost as criminal as Republicans. How much money and freezer space (again, during a time of plague and global warming-i doubt these freezers are solar powered) are we using to preserve this jism+ovum collection?

Oh yeah, fark pro life precious snowflake quiverful entitlement white supremacists for white babies fark faces too. If you attach the word "warrior" to your ill advised concepts of procreation on an overpopulated world where actual living babies are starving... fark off.

Lol. Look at you being mad about a healthy baby.

Diagonal [TotalFark]  
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2020-12-01 8:57:00 AM  

MythDragon: So she will be born old enough to buy alcohol?

If you accept the "life begins at conception" stoopidz, then she is already 27, so I guess she can legally buy booze. Wicked!
Smartest (1)   Funniest (1)  
2020-12-01 8:57:28 AM  

jaytkay: The time the embryo spent in frozen preservation set the new known record for the longest-frozen embryo to ever come to birth, according to research staff at the University of Tennessee

Why would you experiment with that? "Let's see if this old-ass frozen egg produces a healthy child or one that develops exciting new developmental problems as she ages. "

Your parents rolled the dice on you and...well, here we are.
forteblast [OhFark]  
Smartest (4)   Funniest (1)  
2020-12-01 9:17:29 AM  

gar1013: forteblast: So I guess this couple got the embryos for their kids from a place that stores donated ones.

I wonder why this practice isn't more common among the pro-life crowd. Obviouslythey want to force every pregnant woman to term but the thousands of extra embryos made at the fertility clinic, yeah, we don't need those, destroy them. Or even better, donate them to medical research... the same thing they vilified Planned Parenthood for.

You suck at pretending to understand viewpoint other than your own.

Just saying that republicans think IVF is fine because rich white people use it and abortion is bad because poor people of color use it would've been too obvious.
Grumpy Cat  
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2020-12-01 9:23:00 AM  
Those two girls are going to have the cutest little nose jobs when they are old enough.
Smartest (0)   Funniest (4)  
2020-12-01 9:23:30 AM  
Frozen sisters? They are gonna get real tired of hearing that "build a snowman" song.
2020-12-01 9:54:00 AM  
I tried freezing eggs once.  They came out tasting a bit off once thawed.  I think I need to put some baking soda in the freezer and hope that works 'cause I'm too lazy to clean the freezer.  Still ate the dozen though it took a lot of seasonings and cheese to get through.

no i'm not serious
Smartest (0)   Funniest (0)  
2020-12-01 10:22:16 AM  
90sclothes.comView Full Size

90sclothes.comView Full Size
aungen [TotalFark] [OhFark]  
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2020-12-01 11:21:44 AM  

yohohogreengiant: aungen: But I'm a physicist, so I'm out of my lane.
I have no idea what babies are.

Do we have any experts on Fark?

Just treat them like perfect spheres, collisions are inelastic, assume a low coefficient of friction and you'll do at least as well as the parents in TFA

OMG I'm in tears.  Thank you, that was hilarious.
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