Opinion Worst examples of partisanship and hypocritical arguments in politics?


May 31, 2019
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What are some examples of hypocritical arguments and blatant partisanship you have seen recently?
Off the top of my head:

Ted Lieu and Jerry Nadler when Candace Owens was testifying:

As a conservative, Republicans and their budget talks, yet not even trying to chip away at the deficit
  • Lowering the debt when whichever party isn't in power
  • Ending foreign wars when whichever party isn't in power
  • Trump is unstable and can't be trusted but we'll vote to increase military spending
  • We should ban guns. We should also legalize drugs because banning drugs didn't work
  • Pro-feminism & pro-Islam
Dnc literally purchasing Russian propaganda to influence the election.
What are some examples of hypocritical arguments and blatant partisanship you have seen recently?
The electoral college since 2016 and the popular vote. Hillary and Trump both campaigned for the electoral college vote Trump won. But we have had 3 years of whining and crying about how Hillary won the popular vote by the same people who if Trump had won the popular and Hillary the electoral College vote would be praising the electoral college as an important check against demagogues.
Lefties celebrating the death of David Koch. For one thing, these people endlessly moralize about such behavior when it concerns their own fallen heroes. Secondly, David Koch supported all the same things they do. They’re in no position to criticize him for his pro-corporate, open borders, globalist political positions.
Lefties celebrating the death of David Koch. For one thing, these people endlessly moralize about such behavior when it concerns their own fallen heroes. Secondly, David Koch supported all the same things they do. They’re in no position to criticize him for his pro-corporate, open borders, globalist political positions.

It's funny how that works isn't it?
I can remember a few years back when the White House media guy, Tony Snow (RIP), passed from cancer and lefties were celebrating. Made me sick as he was a good guy and family man. As much as I dislike some of the idiot socialists right now I'd never wish death upon them.
The thread about how we need slave labor...err I mean illegal immigrants because "Americans would never do that job" by the same people who push for $15 min wage
The thread about how we need slave labor...err I mean illegal immigrants because "Americans would never do that job" by the same people who push for $15 min wage
thanks for summing that up. There was so much wrong with that thread that i ran in terror. but ya, thats the summary.
The thread about how we need slave labor...err I mean illegal immigrants because "Americans would never do that job" by the same people who push for $15 min wage
Add "border control" by decriminalizing border crossings, abolishing ICE, offering free tuition and free healthcare to illegals.
Every time Trump says, "I'm the least_________ person you ever met"
The supposed progressive left who swear they are pro democracy, free-speech etc, while at the same time shut down lectures at universities because they don't agree with the views of the speaker. They label others to silence them-"you are transphobic", " you are racist", etc.