Is having mental toughness environmental or genetics?


Brown Belt
Nov 25, 2014
Reaction score
I am having a hard time trying to develop maximum mental resiliency, the ability to suck it up and move on to overcome my shitty life. By trying to suck it up, I tend to think about poor people and everyone from the olden times that had an infinite harder life than mine. So, I feel ashamed about complaining how I fucking hate work, fantasize about quitting 24/7 (can't out of fear of being unemployed for a long time again) and use it as a motivation to suck it up.

So this got me wondering if having that kind of mental toughness possible by just trying to suck it up or is it all down to environment or genetics etc? Why do people from the older generation or in poorer countries have a stone cold attitude but I can't?
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Very few people like work, most do not like their job, but like you say it beats being unemployed. So instead for focusing on how much you hate work, think about rather what would you like to do, then make an actionable plan. Take night classes one at a time. Get that certification. Take it one step at a time and before you know it you will be qualified to work in a profession you do enjoy (at least enjoy more), sure there will be set backs along the way but you can learn from those as well. Then fantasy becomes reality when you can tell your current employed to eat a dick, you are out.
I am having a hard time trying to develop maximum mental resiliency, the ability to suck it up and move on to overcome my shitty life. By trying to suck it up, I tend to think about poor people and everyone from the olden times that had an infinite harder life than mine. So, I feel ashamed about complaining about how I fucking hate work, fantasizing about quitting (can't out of fear of being unemployed long time again) and use it as a motivation to suck it up.

So this got me wondering if having that kind of mental toughness possible by just trying to suck it up or is it all down to environment or genetics etc? Why do people from the older generation or in poorer countries have a stone cold attitude but I can't?
It's probably genetic and environment/cultural.

But, it can also be tool education. If you have the right mental tools in place. It might be easier. For example, I rely on a mental framework of "why". I know why I'm doing certain things and life goals it connects to. This makes toughness much easier.
In my life it’s come down to life experience. Being able to get through tough times and knowing you’ll pop out the other side and be relatively okay. After a while, it builds resilience.
Absolutely everything is environment and/or genetics. Anything else is magic and doesn't exist.

If you're asking if you can grow stronger mental toughness, yes you can.

You're asking why people who've gone through tough shit are mentally stronger? Maybe because will is like a muscle and working it out grows it.
Quite simply, it’s difficult and hard for everyone.

You just have to keep in mind that is very much worth it in the end.

it also help sometimes to know that people are rooting for you, so know that I am rooting for your eventual successes.
I am having a hard time trying to develop maximum mental resiliency, the ability to suck it up and move on to overcome my shitty life. By trying to suck it up, I tend to think about poor people and everyone from the olden times that had an infinite harder life than mine. So, I feel ashamed about complaining about how I fucking hate work, fantasize about quitting 24/7 (can't out of fear of being unemployed for a long time again) and use it as a motivation to suck it up.

So this got me wondering if having that kind of mental toughness possible by just trying to suck it up or is it all down to environment or genetics etc? Why do people from the older generation or in poorer countries have a stone cold attitude but I can't?

It would have to be some of both I would think. I also think disposition would have something to do with it. I watched a docu on Navy seals training and any thoughts of how I might be able to do it went out the window when they described just how little sleep these guys got. When I was young, I could handle that but I was a mess mentally, now I'm stronger mentally but don't have the resilience and chemistry of youth.

Also, I've noticed that people can be "tough" or "strong" in one way and a basketcase in many others. Great fighters have exceptional mental toughness but they are almost always deeply insecure, Ali, Robinson, way more insecure than the public would ever know. I think that's a weakness, if someone can make some off the cuff comment and they are either hurt or angered, I don't think of that as "tough".
Open this thread feels good way to NOT start

Think about others having it worse is'nt much help either, i don't give shit some egyptian slave was whipped to death to build pyramids, it just add stuff in your head you don't need

Don't overthink about shit, don't talk about it, don't write about it... just suck it up and do stuff you have to do

The thought will stay in your mind for a while, but if you get used to not complain about shit not being easy gradually you will also let go all the mental bitching

Either that or truly "rebel", and do the quitting you dream about and see how it goes

Live in eternal complain feels worse than the struggle itself, all while still having to do the struggle too lol
Also, a lot of people in shittier situations either A. It’s all they know or B. They have given up
Always both.

In your case I'd say you're not asking the right questions though. You can't really do anything in life at a very high level if you don't enjoy it at least to some extent. Imagine asking an Olympic winner "So what made you fall in love with [insert sport]?" and they answered "Well you know my parents placed very heavy expectations for me to succeed and make the family rich. I don't really like this sport." People like that do exist and they burn out before reaching the end goal. Feeling like a trapped animal in a dead end job you don't like isn't something you can convince your mind of liking; that would be totally inauthentic. Your efforts would be better spent at setting up your life in such a way that you don't feel like you have to kick yourself in the butt to move forward. You don't need "willpower" (forcing yourself) if you're already in the flow state. Every job has some tedium but it can't be 100% of the job.
Definitely part of both..

but there is no “ptsd” in third world countries… tels you a lot about the soft generation in western countries
Look at the war against tobacco… before weak ppl could have a smoke and be fine.. now they’re on all sorts of medications for their anxiety and stress because “cigarettes” are bad
I am having a hard time trying to develop maximum mental resiliency, the ability to suck it up and move on to overcome my shitty life. By trying to suck it up, I tend to think about poor people and everyone from the olden times that had an infinite harder life than mine. So, I feel ashamed about complaining how I fucking hate work, fantasize about quitting 24/7 (can't out of fear of being unemployed for a long time again) and use it as a motivation to suck it up.

So this got me wondering if having that kind of mental toughness possible by just trying to suck it up or is it all down to environment or genetics etc? Why do people from the older generation or in poorer countries have a stone cold attitude but I can't?