Morphing text particles

Here's another short code snippet for you that produces the cool text transition effect above.

It extracts bitmap data from a PNG font and creates particles for non-blank pixels. Then it moves the particles to form another word:

<style>body {background-colorblack;}</style>
let phrases = ['     :-(', '     :-)','Welcome', 'to another', 'JavaScript', 'tutorial:', '> morphing', '| text', '<particles','----------','__________',];
let framesPerPhase = 127;
let size = 10;
let imgData;
let canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
canvas.width = 1200;
let counter = 0;
let phraseCounter = -1;
let phase = 2;
let canvas2 = document.createElement("canvas");
canvas2.width = 800;
canvas2.height = 400;
let particles = [];
let activeParticleCount = 0;
let phraseParticleCount;
let spread = 100;
let context = canvas.getContext("2d");
let context2 = canvas2.getContext("2d");
let img = new Image();
img.src = 'fnt.png';
function setTarget(particlexy) {
  particle.targetX = x;
  particle.targetY = y;
  particle.speedX = (particle.targetX - particle.x) / framesPerPhase;
  particle.speedY = (particle.targetY - particle.y) / framesPerPhase;
function calculatePhrase() {
  phraseParticleCount = 0;
  let phrase = phrases[phraseCounter];
  for (let letter = 0letter < phrase.lengthletter++) {
    let char = phrase.charCodeAt(letter);
    for (let y = 0y < 8y++)
      for (let x = 0x < 8x++) {
        let offset = x * 4;
        let pixel =[char * 8 * 4 + offset + y * (canvas.width * 4)];
        if (!pixel) {
          let particle;
          if (!particles[phraseParticleCount]) {
            particle = {
              targetXx * size + letter * 8 * size,
              targetY100 + y * size,
            particle.x = particle.targetX - spread / 2 + Math.floor(Math.random() * spread);
            particle.y = particle.targetY - spread / 2 + Math.floor(Math.random() * spread);
          } else {
            particle = particles[phraseParticleCount];
            particle.brightnessIncrease = 2;
          setTarget(particlex * size + letter * 8 * size100 + y * size);
  if (phraseParticleCount >= activeParticleCount) {
    activeParticleCount = phraseParticleCount;
  } else {
    for (let i = phraseParticleCounti < activeParticleCounti++) {
      let particle = particles[i];
      particle.brightnessIncrease = -2;
function animate() {
  if(phase == 1) {
    context2.clearRect(00, canvas2.width, canvas2.height);
    for (let i = 0i < activeParticleCounti++) {
      let particle = particles[i];
      particle.x = particle.x + particle.speedX;
      particle.y = particle.y + particle.speedY;
      let color = particle.color;
      if (color > 2) {
        context2.fillStyle = 'rgb(' + color + ',' + color + ',' + color + ')';
      color = color + particle.brightnessIncrease;
      if (color > 254)
        color = 254;
      if (color < 0)
        color = 0;
      particle.color = color;
  if (counter % framesPerPhase == 0) {
    if (phase == 3) {
      phase = 1;
      if (phraseCounter == phrases.length)
        phraseCounter = 0;
img.onload = function() {
  imgData = context.getImageData(00canvas.widthcanvas.height);


[1-4] HTML setup
[5] phrases to display
[6] number of frames per one phase of animation
[7] particle size
[8] an array with the bitmap of the source font set
[9-10] canvas with the source font (will not be visible)
[11] animation frame counter
[12] current phrase
[13] current animation phase (1=animate, 2=wait)
[14-16] the target canvas that will show the animation
[17] the array of particles that will do all the work
[18] the number of particles that are currently active
[19] the number of particles needed to display a given phrase
[20] the distance between the randomized particle location and the target location (only for the first phrase)
[21-25] HTML setup for the two canvases and the source image (taken from here)

[27-32] Set target coordinates for a given particle, calculate its speed

[34-73] Convert a phrase to particles:
[35] reset the particle counter
[36] get the phrase from the array
[37-38] Get the ASCII code of each letter
[39-40] For each pixel in the 8x8 grid:
[41] get the offset of the red component (since it's a black and white image, all RGB components are equal, so I just picked the first one)
[42] get that byte from the imgData array
[43-61] if it's not empty:
[45-54] if a new particle needs to be created:
[47-54] randomize its coordinates around the target, set color to black and brightness increase to positive
[56-57] otherwise reuse an existing particle, set the brightness increase to positive
[59-60] set the target coords for the particle and increase the particles count
[64-65] if the number of particles in the new phrase is equal or greater than in the previous one, update the count
[66-72] otherwise set the brightness increase to negative for all redundant particles

[75-109] the animation function:
[77-93] if we're in phase 1, animate the particles:
[80-81] update their coordinates
[84-85] draw the particles.
[87] update their brightness (dimming if negative). The Red, Green and Blue components or the color are equal, resulting in shades of gray
[88-91] make sure that the color is in the 0-255 that can be handled by RGB
[95-96] if the counter reached a multiple of framesPerPhase, go to the next phase
[97-103] go back to phase 1 if phase 2 finished. Increase the phrase counter (and reset if last phrase)
[109-112] when the image is first loaded:
[110-111] draw the font bitmap on the invisible canvas and copy the pixel data to the imgData array
[112] start the animation!

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