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thefactualnews on Sept 18, 2020 | hide | past | favorite

Of course it's multivariate. But that doesn't map nicely to our tribal discourse, where everything must be binary and in perfect opposition. Nothing gets solved, it's just endless deflection.

It's insanely frustrating how difficult it seems to be for everyone to just say: forest management needs to be better AND climate change is creating an environment more likely to catch on fire and burn more intensely.

Let's work on fixing both?

Casually not mentioning this year controlled burns were canceled this year due to covid-19 air pollution worries.

Blaming the fires on Climate Change doesn't actually fix anything. We can stop all human emissions, 100%, and the climate will still continue to warm, fires would continue to burn, etc. I guess I am a bit tired of the "woe is me" political rhetoric, which usually doesn't contain any actual solutions and instead just tries to pass the buck on to the public.

Come up with some real solutions. CA, WA, OR are wealthy states, and could go buy up hundreds or thousands of firefighting aircraft. They can engineer homes with fire resistant materials and landscaping. Instead of promoting policies that encourage sprawl into wildlands, come up with better building codes and zoning regulations. Mitigate fires with controlled burns and forest management. And yes, if we want to curb climate change that's a noble goal, but maybe politicians could start by providing adequate civil services and then work up their ambitions from there.

quote: This week, The Factual surveyed 29 articles from 23 news sources across the political spectrum to see how the media is talking about the West Coast’s mega-fire season

Giant personal pet peeve of mine is for people to present themselves as arbiters of "the facts" and then turn out to not at all be about the science, but rather about trying to triangulate a centrist message in media. It is "the truth is in the middle" taken to an ideological extreme that becomes trivial to manipulate by simply funding crazier X-wing media.

On top of that this is a <1 hr old account registered to spam this one link to its own website. If there's a bar at all on HN this should be below it.

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