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The End of the Arab-Israeli Conflict (ottomansandzionists.com)
29 points by brandonlc on Sept 17, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

Is it weird that I'm seeing almost nothing about this online?

In a way maybe that's good. The media doesn't tend to improve anything by reporting on it, they just poke and prod it until the good news gets made bad.

It was on the homepage of CNN for maybe a couple hours.

In contrast negative, trivial, news about Trump stays there for days. Mainstream media doesn't even pretend to be impartial.

A truly sensational accomplishment which the MSM simply can’t bear to concede to Trump and Kushner.

I got a chuckle out of this clip of John Kerry which certainly has not aged well;


No. Why would you expect to see anything positive about Trump online, even if it was true?

It’s very good news, but not the conflict that most people are focused on (ie, Israel-vs-Palestine).

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