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The White House and Twitter Censorship (wsj.com)
16 points by admissionsguy on Aug 13, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

So now given proof, was is the recourse?

His account has been restored. The content was suppressed for as long as it needed to be. The old tweets have almost zero relevance.

I doubt you can sue the government on 1st amendment grounds for punitive damages… maybe best you can do is enjoin the gov from doing it again? Like that’s going to matter?

This woman netted $25k after being removed from a local hearing. I think being kicked off Twitter is several orders of magnitude greater in effect.


Just as the third party doctrine is used to subvert the fifth amendment, now the surveillance capitalism is good to subvert the first amendment. At least in the third-world countries, and countries ruled by tin-pot dictators, ordinary people are aware of what to say, what to do, and stay within those boundaries. The land of freedom, which the US is said to be, is a giant illusion.

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