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(Fox News)   "Most of the psychics agreed that we would find Haylee in a neighboring county by morning," he said. "And we did"   ( divider line
    More: Unlikely, Police, Coroner, Franklin County Sheriff Chris Quire, Constable, Sheriff, Kentucky sheriff, United States, Franklin County, Kentucky  
•       •       •

5189 clicks; posted to Main » on 25 Jan 2020 at 8:20 PM (4 years ago)   |   Favorite    |   share:  Copy Link

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feckingmorons [TotalFark]  
Smartest (24)   Funniest (18)  
2020-01-25 7:06:12 PM  
They spelled psychotics wrong several times.
yanceylebeef [TotalFark]  
Smartest (31)   Funniest (2)  
2020-01-25 7:33:41 PM  
Psychic a have a tell that lets you know whether they are fake or not. It's when they tell you they are psychic. Easy Peasy!
MrBallou [TotalFark] [OhFark]  
Smartest (9)   Funniest (5)  
2020-01-25 7:41:02 PM  
Welp, I doubted before, but now I'm convinced. Uncannily accurate precognition, in the form of a wild-assed guess. Bravo.
MattytheMouse [TotalFark]  
Smartest (23)   Funniest (19)  
2020-01-25 7:56:15 PM  
If cops shooting black people cannot convince some people that cops are dangerously irresponsible, then surely cops consulting psychics for their police work will.
2020-01-25 8:02:50 PM Full Size
koder [TotalFark] [OhFark]  
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2020-01-25 8:08:09 PM  
This is probably just unimaginative cops with ego issues tapping into the imaginations of con men but being subconsciously too ashamed to admit they've so too-a-fault self-selective of their force that it's become unable to find a living child without help.
2020-01-25 8:16:48 PM  
This article makes me really mad for a number of reasons. The first and foremost reason is that cops would be consulting psychics in the first place... But that aside, how many psychics did they consult? "Most psychics were correct..." Correct about what...? It just seems like the only information they got was that she'd be alive, which whoop-dee-fluffing-doo they go a 50/50 guess.

And then there's the part about the psychics that got it wrong facing charges... One on hand, good; they're a bunch of charlatans... But on the other hand, how fluffed up is it that the cops went to the frauds for help and are now charging them for hindering an investigation because as it turns out, magic doesn't actually exist?

What a useless article... And what a useless bunch of cops.
2020-01-25 8:21:55 PM  
Statistically speaking they were almost certain to be right. So. Yeah.
2020-01-25 8:23:29 PM  
It's 2020 and people still believe in psychics.

Good Christ people suck.
2020-01-25 8:23:47 PM  
i.gifer.comView Full Size

I see fried chicken in my near future.
Smartest (6)   Funniest (6)  
2020-01-25 8:24:03 PM  
Relax, I'm sure the cops didn't actually use any psychics.  It's just a cover for all the phone sex calls they've been placing at work.
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2020-01-25 8:24:55 PM  
8 of 10 psychics does countdown.
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2020-01-25 8:26:14 PM  

Thong_of_Zardoz: It's 2020 and people still believe in psychics.

Good Christ people suck.

I'm psychics. It's going to rain tomorrow.
Smartest (1)   Funniest (2)  
2020-01-25 8:27:36 PM  
The psychics were then taken into custody for collusion with the culprits.
Smartest (13)   Funniest (1)  
2020-01-25 8:32:16 PM  

Thong_of_Zardoz: It's 2020 and people still believe in psychics.

Good Christ people suck.

Christ, wait til you find out how many people believe in magic sky fairies.
thorpe [TotalFark] [OhFark]  
Smartest (11)   Funniest (4)  
2020-01-25 8:35:02 PM  
Next headline:
"Kentucky Sheriff Indicted for Kickback Scheme Involving Endorsing Psychics"
2020-01-25 8:48:45 PM  
There is no such thing as psychic power. The supernatural does not exist.
2020-01-25 8:50:31 PM  

BrundleFlyForAWhiteGuy: There is no such thing as psychic power. The supernatural does not exist.

Supernatural does exist, though I'm not sure they're going to be able to squeeze another season out of it. That show jumped the shark years ago.
Wendigogo [TotalFark]  
Smartest (2)   Funniest (3)  
2020-01-25 8:52:30 PM  

MattytheMouse: This article makes me really mad for a number of reasons. The first and foremost reason is that cops would be consulting psychics in the first place... But that aside, how many psychics did they consult? "Most psychics were correct..." Correct about what...? It just seems like the only information they got was that she'd be alive, which whoop-dee-fluffing-doo they go a 50/50 guess.

And then there's the part about the psychics that got it wrong facing charges... One on hand, good; they're a bunch of charlatans... But on the other hand, how fluffed up is it that the cops went to the frauds for help and are now charging them for hindering an investigation because as it turns out, magic doesn't actually exist?

What a useless article... And what a useless bunch of cops.

The charlatan psychics (yes, redundant- they all are) did NOT get charged for hindering anything. That is a completely ridiculous idea.
There were two or three other adults that were helping Haylee hide. The featured article doesn't make that clear.
And the charlatans were brought in because, as the cop said, leave no stone unturned when you're trying to bring a kid home. Silly or not, he was doing everything possible to find her.
2020-01-25 8:54:13 PM  

big pig peaches: BrundleFlyForAWhiteGuy: There is no such thing as psychic power. The supernatural does not exist.

Supernatural does exist, though I'm not sure they're going to be able to squeeze another season out of it. That show jumped the shark years ago.

Ok, I laughed.
2020-01-25 8:54:19 PM  
Joseph Smith, before he founded the Mormon church, used to use psychic powers to find people's missing cattle.  Turns out they were always tied up where his brothers left them after they stole them the night before.

Even the 19th century cops in upstate New York knew they were full of shiat so they got arrested, served time, and as part of their plea agreement agreed to never take money while claiming to be psychics ever again.

A few months later they started a church after claiming an angel told them too.
2020-01-25 8:55:18 PM  

winedrinkingman: Joseph Smith, before he founded the Mormon church, used to use psychic powers to find people's missing cattle.  Turns out they were always tied up where his brothers left them after they stole them the night before.

Even the 19th century cops in upstate New York knew they were full of shiat so they got arrested, served time, and as part of their plea agreement agreed to never take money while claiming to be psychics ever again.

A few months later they started a church after claiming an angel told them too.

My point is, when ever psychics start giving useful info to the police it is time to arrest the psychics.
2020-01-25 8:56:27 PM  

Wendigogo: The charlatan psychics

As opposed to the "legitimate" psychics???
2020-01-25 8:57:28 PM  

Wendigogo: MattytheMouse: This article makes me really mad for a number of reasons. The first and foremost reason is that cops would be consulting psychics in the first place... But that aside, how many psychics did they consult? "Most psychics were correct..." Correct about what...? It just seems like the only information they got was that she'd be alive, which whoop-dee-fluffing-doo they go a 50/50 guess.

And then there's the part about the psychics that got it wrong facing charges... One on hand, good; they're a bunch of charlatans... But on the other hand, how fluffed up is it that the cops went to the frauds for help and are now charging them for hindering an investigation because as it turns out, magic doesn't actually exist?

What a useless article... And what a useless bunch of cops.

The charlatan psychics (yes, redundant- they all are) did NOT get charged for hindering anything. That is a completely ridiculous idea.
There were two or three other adults that were helping Haylee hide. The featured article doesn't make that clear.
And the charlatans were brought in because, as the cop said, leave no stone unturned when you're trying to bring a kid home. Silly or not, he was doing everything possible to find her.

Oh, that makes more sense. I guess I misread the last part of that article.

Still, consulting psychics is like, one of those sources that could set the investigation back and should never have been considered in the first place.
Smartest (0)   Funniest (6)  
2020-01-25 9:00:39 PM  
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Wendigogo [TotalFark]  
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2020-01-25 9:01:38 PM  

Thong_of_Zardoz: Wendigogo: The charlatan psychics

As opposed to the "legitimate" psychics???

Keep your pantyhose on. Your reading comp sucks, my friend. There isn't any psychic that isn't a charlatan.
2020-01-25 9:03:24 PM  

Wendigogo: Thong_of_Zardoz: Wendigogo: The charlatan psychics

As opposed to the "legitimate" psychics???

Keep your pantyhose on. Your reading comp sucks, my friend. There isn't any psychic that isn't a charlatan.

Fair enough. I feel shame now.
Wendigogo [TotalFark]  
Smartest (3)   Funniest (1)  
2020-01-25 9:03:57 PM  

MattytheMouse: Wendigogo: MattytheMouse: This article makes me really mad for a number of reasons. The first and foremost reason is that cops would be consulting psychics in the first place... But that aside, how many psychics did they consult? "Most psychics were correct..." Correct about what...? It just seems like the only information they got was that she'd be alive, which whoop-dee-fluffing-doo they go a 50/50 guess.

And then there's the part about the psychics that got it wrong facing charges... One on hand, good; they're a bunch of charlatans... But on the other hand, how fluffed up is it that the cops went to the frauds for help and are now charging them for hindering an investigation because as it turns out, magic doesn't actually exist?

What a useless article... And what a useless bunch of cops.

The charlatan psychics (yes, redundant- they all are) did NOT get charged for hindering anything. That is a completely ridiculous idea.
There were two or three other adults that were helping Haylee hide. The featured article doesn't make that clear.
And the charlatans were brought in because, as the cop said, leave no stone unturned when you're trying to bring a kid home. Silly or not, he was doing everything possible to find her.

Oh, that makes more sense. I guess I misread the last part of that article.

Still, consulting psychics is like, one of those sources that could set the investigation back and should never have been considered in the first place.

I thought it sounded silly too, which is why I looked at another source that confirmed they were referring to different people. Reporting accurate facts without confusing readers is hard, I guess.
2020-01-25 9:06:01 PM  

Wendigogo: MattytheMouse: Wendigogo: MattytheMouse: This article makes me really mad for a number of reasons. The first and foremost reason is that cops would be consulting psychics in the first place... But that aside, how many psychics did they consult? "Most psychics were correct..." Correct about what...? It just seems like the only information they got was that she'd be alive, which whoop-dee-fluffing-doo they go a 50/50 guess.

And then there's the part about the psychics that got it wrong facing charges... One on hand, good; they're a bunch of charlatans... But on the other hand, how fluffed up is it that the cops went to the frauds for help and are now charging them for hindering an investigation because as it turns out, magic doesn't actually exist?

What a useless article... And what a useless bunch of cops.

The charlatan psychics (yes, redundant- they all are) did NOT get charged for hindering anything. That is a completely ridiculous idea.
There were two or three other adults that were helping Haylee hide. The featured article doesn't make that clear.
And the charlatans were brought in because, as the cop said, leave no stone unturned when you're trying to bring a kid home. Silly or not, he was doing everything possible to find her.

Oh, that makes more sense. I guess I misread the last part of that article.

Still, consulting psychics is like, one of those sources that could set the investigation back and should never have been considered in the first place.

I thought it sounded silly too, which is why I looked at another source that confirmed they were referring to different people. Reporting accurate facts without confusing readers is hard, I guess.

Well it IS Fox News..
Wendigogo [TotalFark]  
Smartest (1)   Funniest (0)  
2020-01-25 9:09:31 PM  

MattytheMouse: Wendigogo: MattytheMouse: Wendigogo: MattytheMouse: This article makes me really mad for a number of reasons. The first and foremost reason is that cops would be consulting psychics in the first place... But that aside, how many psychics did they consult? "Most psychics were correct..." Correct about what...? It just seems like the only information they got was that she'd be alive, which whoop-dee-fluffing-doo they go a 50/50 guess.

And then there's the part about the psychics that got it wrong facing charges... One on hand, good; they're a bunch of charlatans... But on the other hand, how fluffed up is it that the cops went to the frauds for help and are now charging them for hindering an investigation because as it turns out, magic doesn't actually exist?

What a useless article... And what a useless bunch of cops.

The charlatan psychics (yes, redundant- they all are) did NOT get charged for hindering anything. That is a completely ridiculous idea.
There were two or three other adults that were helping Haylee hide. The featured article doesn't make that clear.
And the charlatans were brought in because, as the cop said, leave no stone unturned when you're trying to bring a kid home. Silly or not, he was doing everything possible to find her.

Oh, that makes more sense. I guess I misread the last part of that article.

Still, consulting psychics is like, one of those sources that could set the investigation back and should never have been considered in the first place.

I thought it sounded silly too, which is why I looked at another source that confirmed they were referring to different people. Reporting accurate facts without confusing readers is hard, I guess.

Well it IS Fox News..

Ha. I found the slightly more detailed article here:
Smartest (4)   Funniest (0)  
2020-01-25 9:10:17 PM  
Don't want people to know how you really solved a crime. Give psychics credit.
2020-01-25 9:12:37 PM  

browniepoints999: Statistically speaking they were almost certain to be right. So. Yeah.

Also see: Most car accidents occur close to home.

/ as opposed to somewhere you're usually not
Smartest (1)   Funniest (0)  
2020-01-25 9:13:29 PM  

MattytheMouse: If cops shooting black people cannot convince some people that cops are dangerously irresponsible, then surely cops consulting psychics for their police work will.

I think this is a case where the parents requested it and brought in the crazy people. Not defending the cops, but I don't think they consulted them out of their own idea.  Where they went wrong was reinforcing the stupidity by somehow claiming they were right.
2020-01-25 9:18:16 PM  

dkulprit: MattytheMouse: If cops shooting black people cannot convince some people that cops are dangerously irresponsible, then surely cops consulting psychics for their police work will.

I think this is a case where the parents requested it and brought in the crazy people. Not defending the cops, but I don't think they consulted them out of their own idea.  Where they went wrong was reinforcing the stupidity by somehow claiming they were right.

Subsequent comments have made me reconsider whether or not I was too harsh on the cops... But I'm still made at this articke for being an incoherent poorly written piece of crap!
Smartest (5)   Funniest (5)  
2020-01-25 9:19:33 PM  
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2020-01-25 9:21:31 PM  
Man, Fox News is really digging in deep with the alternative reality crowd.
Wendigogo [TotalFark]  
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2020-01-25 9:23:28 PM  

stuffy: Don't want people to know how you really solved a crime. Give psychics credit.

Seeing as how most normal people don't give any credence to psychics, I think this is the last thing you want getting into the news. You look desperate, foolish, and incompetent.

Crap like this works in TV shows and movies, not in real life. They got lucky.
Smartest (5)   Funniest (0)  
2020-01-25 9:27:13 PM  

Wendigogo: stuffy: Don't want people to know how you really solved a crime. Give psychics credit.

Seeing as how most normal people don't give any credence to psychics, I think this is the last thing you want getting into the news. You look desperate, foolish, and incompetent.

Crap like this works in TV shows and movies, not in real life. They got lucky.

They didn't even sound lucky.  She was caught burglarizing a friends ex boyfriend's house.  It sounds like she was troubled, they knew her friends were no good, and lived a town over.  It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to figure out where she would be.  That would be like guessing I was in the city on the weekdays when knowing i worked in the city.
aungen [TotalFark] [OhFark]  
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2020-01-25 9:27:28 PM  

yanceylebeef: Psychic a have a tell that lets you know whether they are fake or not. It's when they tell you they are psychic. Easy Peasy!

Smartest (6)   Funniest (3)  
2020-01-25 9:28:31 PM  

stuffy: Don't want people to know how you really solved a crime. Give psychics credit.

Have a retired investigator buddy that said his department periodically hired a psychic to give them leads to follow.
But usually only when they had info they were not supposed to have and could not legally follow up on it. Fruit of the poison tree and all that.
But when the psychic told them to look there, well, that was OK.
/Doesn't sound like a bad strategy really.
2020-01-25 9:34:30 PM  

MattytheMouse: Wendigogo: MattytheMouse: This article makes me really mad for a number of reasons. The first and foremost reason is that cops would be consulting psychics in the first place... But that aside, how many psychics did they consult? "Most psychics were correct..." Correct about what...? It just seems like the only information they got was that she'd be alive, which whoop-dee-fluffing-doo they go a 50/50 guess.

And then there's the part about the psychics that got it wrong facing charges... One on hand, good; they're a bunch of charlatans... But on the other hand, how fluffed up is it that the cops went to the frauds for help and are now charging them for hindering an investigation because as it turns out, magic doesn't actually exist?

What a useless article... And what a useless bunch of cops.

The charlatan psychics (yes, redundant- they all are) did NOT get charged for hindering anything. That is a completely ridiculous idea.
There were two or three other adults that were helping Haylee hide. The featured article doesn't make that clear.
And the charlatans were brought in because, as the cop said, leave no stone unturned when you're trying to bring a kid home. Silly or not, he was doing everything possible to find her.

Oh, that makes more sense. I guess I misread the last part of that article.

Still, consulting psychics is like, one of those sources that could set the investigation back and should never have been considered in the first place.

Usually it's not so much a matter of the police consulting psychics as it is the psychics offering.  At that point, it's legally a person offering information regarding an ongoing felony investigation involving a missing person.  They do indeed have to listen.  They don't have to believe, or act on any of it - but when someone claims to have information like that you check (unless it's completely insane like, "Ted Bundy's dog's hairdresser kidnapped her and took her to Jupiter" or something.)  Even then, you still do a quick look around to make sure that they aren't just expressing something that really happened in a crazy way.
2020-01-25 9:35:03 PM  
Ah, so someone brought in the Stupendous Yappi.

Mulder's negative energy
Youtube u9URNm6RzBo
2020-01-25 9:37:54 PM  
Maybe the local cops had some inkling that the girl, or one of her felonious friends, had consulted a psychic...

/Nah, too reasonable
2020-01-25 9:42:23 PM  
"It's hard to believe, but most [of the psychics] agreed "

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Wendigogo [TotalFark]  
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2020-01-25 9:42:35 PM  

dkulprit: Wendigogo: stuffy: Don't want people to know how you really solved a crime. Give psychics credit.

Seeing as how most normal people don't give any credence to psychics, I think this is the last thing you want getting into the news. You look desperate, foolish, and incompetent.

Crap like this works in TV shows and movies, not in real life. They got lucky.

They didn't even sound lucky.  She was caught burglarizing a friends ex boyfriend's house.  It sounds like she was troubled, they knew her friends were no good, and lived a town over.  It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to figure out where she would be.  That would be like guessing I was in the city on the weekdays when knowing i worked in the city.

Rocket surgeon?
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Good point about her being troubled. But I guess, better that than dead. Which is sadly how these stories often turn out. Hopefully she'll get the help she needs.
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2020-01-25 9:42:54 PM  
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2020-01-25 9:46:03 PM  
From the comments: Psychics
are totally demonic. A spiritual battle rages. Very demonic. I met one. She had one of those divining sticks with crystals on it pointed at me. The woman was looking for spirits on my land. I denounced it in the name of Christ and is spun in circles and came apart. That is no lie. Greater is HE that is in You, than HE that is in the world.

People are farking stupid.
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2020-01-25 9:46:50 PM  
Amazing how some little farking crim going on a burglary spree with a friend is treated as a 'poor missing girl' case. Wonder what she looks like? White, blonde and passably good looking you say?
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2020-01-25 10:13:03 PM  
I predict she is was caught up to no good and probably with a boyfriend.

She was found Friday in another jurisdiction, Scott County, after police there responded to a burglary call and found her and a friend trying to break in to a house belonging to the friend's boyfriend, the Frankfort State-Journal reported

Darn, so close.
Smartest (2)   Funniest (3)  
2020-01-25 10:16:22 PM  
This is the kind of hard hitting journalism I've come to expect from Fox News.

By the way, did anything happen in Washington this week?
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