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‘AWS vs. K8s’ Is the New ‘Windows vs. Linux’ (zwischenzugs.com)
6 points by ingve on March 25, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

The title doesn't cover the nuance so please go ahead and RTFM. The argument is that Kubernetes is like Linux was some time ago - for geeks and hackers who spent the extra time and dealt with the annoyances and bugs because Linux offered something to them that Windows did not: "Some liked to tinker, some wanted an OS to be ‘free’, some wanted more control over their software, some wanted a faster system, but all had some niche reason to justify the effort."

The argument then goes that K8S is a bit Linux was back then - harder to use but ultimately more rewarding, more open in the long run and you avoid lock-in. The other side of this is that userland ecosystem for K8S is a bit of a mess - not sure how to solve that, currently, without reinventing OpenShift.

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