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(CNN)   With Indian cities running out of water they launch a satellite looking for water. Farked: On the moon   ( divider line
    More: Asinine, Moon, NASA, Indian Space Research Organisation, Space exploration, Human spaceflight, Apollo 11, country's latest lunar mission, International Space Station  
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1456 clicks; posted to Main » on 22 Jul 2019 at 1:35 PM (4 years ago)   |   Favorite    |   share:  Copy Link

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Mugato [TotalFark]  
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2019-07-22 12:53:58 PM  
So India is outsourcing jobs to the moon. I guess that's the next logical step.
Smartest (7)   Funniest (3)  
2019-07-22 12:59:05 PM  
Show us on the doll where India touched you, Subby.
2019-07-22 1:25:06 PM  
encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.comView Full Size
2019-07-22 1:36:45 PM  
Nothing will help until they do the needful.
2019-07-22 1:37:23 PM  
India's going to the moon? Will they establish designated shiatting craters there?
2019-07-22 1:37:34 PM  
they are looking for bobs and vagene
2019-07-22 1:39:02 PM  
They have to do something with all that casino money.
2019-07-22 1:39:37 PM  
Water is easy to find in India.

They were looking for a place which isn't choked with shiat.
2019-07-22 1:39:48 PM  
IIRC, weren't Prof, Manny, Mike, and Wyoh worried about all of Luna's water being shipped back to Terra - most specifically, India - in the form of Grain?
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2019-07-22 1:40:20 PM  
Yeah I saw that but I didn't want to be called Racist or Insensitive so...
2019-07-22 1:41:19 PM  
Where'd they get the money for...Hey, wait a minute! I think maybe when Astronaut Smith from the "National Aeronauticals and Spaces Administration" called me the other day, and told me I hadn't paid my space tax and that the polices had been notified and were coming to arrest me unless I paid my bill with iTunes gift cards...I think that guy might not have been telling the truth.
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2019-07-22 1:41:36 PM  
Once trump finds out that this eill put the whalers out if work hell make sure the space force steps in.
Mugato [TotalFark]  
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2019-07-22 1:41:40 PM  

Prank Call of Cthulhu: India's going to the moon? Will they establish designated shiatting craters there?

Indians would be some of the first to settle on the moon. It's going to need casinos run outside anyone's jurisdiction.
Smartest (3)   Funniest (2)  
2019-07-22 1:42:08 PM  

Bowen: It will travel for two months, before positioning itself in a circular orbit 62 miles (100km) above the moon's surface.

Is this a typo?

Apparently not, from a different article:

Chandrayaan-2 is not scheduled to arrive at the Moon until late August, reaching its destination by increasingly raising its orbit as it continually loops around Earth. The Apollo missions, by comparison, flew straight to the Moon in three days, using the more powerful Saturn V rocket.

They appear to be taking the LONG way.
2019-07-22 1:43:01 PM  
Hey Subby:  just because some people are down, doesn't mean people shouldn't go up.
2019-07-22 1:43:05 PM  

Bowen: It will travel for two months, before positioning itself in a circular orbit 62 miles (100km) above the moon's surface.

Is this a typo?

Nope.  They're taking an extremely slow orbit so as to reduce the energy requirements.  IIRC, basically, they just keep orbiting Earth, raising the Apogee a little each time, until they get close enough to Luna to switch over to orbiting it, then pull the same stunt in reverse, slowly lowering the Aposelene each orbit to circularize it.  The 'Trans-Lunar Injection' is downright perfunctory.
Smartest (1)   Funniest (6)  
2019-07-22 1:44:10 PM  

Prank Call of Cthulhu: India's going to the moon? Will they establish designated shiatting craters there?

I would think so, unfortunately it will probably be the craters that contain water.
2019-07-22 1:44:23 PM  

Bowen: It will travel for two months, before positioning itself in a circular orbit 62 miles (100km) above the moon's surface.

Is this a typo?

No. They're taking the long way. With a very slow rocket.

/Actually, it's because they don't want to build a Saturn V to get there. Go slower with less thrust.
//It's not like they're racing anyone to get there.
2019-07-22 1:44:44 PM  
Meanwhile, we celebrate that we haven't been to the moon in 50 years.

/yeah, I know
Ivo Shandor [TotalFark] [OhFark]  
Smartest (10)   Funniest (0)  
2019-07-22 1:44:48 PM  

K3rberos: Bowen: It will travel for two months, before positioning itself in a circular orbit 62 miles (100km) above the moon's surface.

Is this a typo?

Apparently not, from a different article:

Chandrayaan-2 is not scheduled to arrive at the Moon until late August, reaching its destination by increasingly raising its orbit as it continually loops around Earth. The Apollo missions, by comparison, flew straight to the Moon in three days, using the more powerful Saturn V rocket.

They appear to be taking the LONG way.

It takes a big engine and a lot of fuel to do it the fast way. It makes sense to go slower if you don't need to keep a crew alive.
2019-07-22 1:44:54 PM  
So India wants to give the moon Chandrayaan? Is a space disease like star-clamidyia or Kirk's Sphyllis?
SPARC Pile [TotalFark] [OhFark]  
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2019-07-22 1:45:22 PM  
Celine Dion - Water From The Moon ( music video HQ )
Youtube bVorQyjA6gA
2019-07-22 1:46:52 PM  
India has nearly 1.5 billion people.  It's body of law is surprisingly Western. They're smart, and believe in the value and power of rational thought.  If they can figure out how to take care of all those people they're going to be a major force this century.

They'll need clean water to do that tho.
2019-07-22 1:47:34 PM  
Great, now the moon water will be filled with human waste and corpses like the Ganges.
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2019-07-22 1:48:10 PM  

Bowen: It will travel for two months, before positioning itself in a circular orbit 62 miles (100km) above the moon's surface.

Is this a typo?

it has to be, at that speed it wouldn't be able to break pass the Earth's atmosphere.
2019-07-22 1:49:40 PM  
Headline implies India is doing this to solve its water scarcity problems.  Getting water from the moon would be insanely expensive, per gallon, compared to pretty much everything else, including desalinating ocean water.
Mugato [TotalFark]  
Smartest (6)   Funniest (16)  
2019-07-22 1:49:57 PM  
Well if they do ever come up with an algorithm for getting water from the moon we'll never know about it because they never document their code.
2019-07-22 1:50:00 PM  
50,000 births and 15,000 deaths in India every single day.
2019-07-22 1:53:21 PM  

ObscureNameHere: Hey Subby:  just because some people are down dying, doesn't mean people shouldn't go up.

FTFY. They're not "down," they're dying. This isn't a social issue.
2019-07-22 1:53:30 PM  

backhand.slap.of.reason: India has nearly 1.5 billion people.  It's body of law is surprisingly Western. They're smart, and believe in the value and power of rational thought.  If they can figure out how to take care of all those people they're going to be a major force this century.

They'll need clean water to do that tho.

They're smart like the guy who has a Master's degree but can't change a freaking light bulb. (He was my landlord once). Half their people are pooping in the streets daily. It's not like sanitation and water treatment are some sort of mystical juju.
2019-07-22 1:54:12 PM  
First 7-Eleven on the moon coming 2023!
2019-07-22 1:54:30 PM  

Nicholas D. Wolfwood: Bowen: It will travel for two months, before positioning itself in a circular orbit 62 miles (100km) above the moon's surface.

Is this a typo?

Nope.  They're taking an extremely slow orbit so as to reduce the energy requirements.  IIRC, basically, they just keep orbiting Earth, raising the Apogee a little each time, until they get close enough to Luna to switch over to orbiting it, then pull the same stunt in reverse, slowly lowering the Aposelene each orbit to circularize it.  The 'Trans-Lunar Injection' is downright perfunctory.

"Why Chandrayaan 2 will take 48 days to reach Moon"
2019-07-22 1:56:09 PM  

Tymast: Once trump finds out that this eill put the whalers out if work hell make sure the space force steps in.

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2019-07-22 1:56:20 PM  

MaudlinMutantMollusk: backhand.slap.of.reason: India has nearly 1.5 billion people.  It's body of law is surprisingly Western. They're smart, and believe in the value and power of rational thought.  If they can figure out how to take care of all those people they're going to be a major force this century.

They'll need clean water to do that tho.

They're smart like the guy who has a Master's degree but can't change a freaking light bulb. (He was my landlord once). Half their people are pooping in the streets daily. It's not like sanitation and water treatment are some sort of mystical juju.

Was just going to post the same thing.
2019-07-22 1:57:53 PM  

backhand.slap.of.reason: India has nearly 1.5 billion people.  It's body of law is surprisingly Western. They're smart, and believe in the value and power of rational thought.  If they can figure out how to take care of all those people they're going to be a major force this century.

They'll need clean water to do that tho.

Yeah. Good luck with that. India's concept of water rights and regulation makes our patchwork of federal, state, and local laws look incredibly sophisticated by comparison, and we still have states squabbling over water using laws that date back to the Wild farking West. Modi's appeal? "Conserve rainwater." He's already told the country that a "one size fits all" policy of water conservation isn't going to happen, which basically means that the provinces with water aren't going to spend a lot of time helping the provinces without water.

More than a third of India's population - 600 million people, or about twice the folks of the United States - are suffering from a lack of water, and this was after Modi promised that every home in India would have piped water by 2024. Modi's made a lot of promises.
Smartest (2)   Funniest (0)  
2019-07-22 1:59:33 PM  
So they want to build a call center on the moon?
Smartest (7)   Funniest (0)  
2019-07-22 2:02:11 PM  
Not running out of water subby, they have run out of water.  Chennai, their 6th largest city with several million people has zero potable water.  It's all trucked in.  19 out of their 21 LARGEST FARKING CITIESdo not have on demand running water available.  That's 900 hundred million people.

Their monsoon season came and went again with no monsoons...1.3 billion people, and 1.1 billion of them do not have readily available water.  And yet, climate change is a hoax, right?  fark you if you truly believe that.  Northern Africa starved due to climate change, and millions died from famine- because of climate change.
This is no different.  Hundreds of millions are about to be thrust into a water war zone because of overpopulation, greed and resource mismanagement.  And, they have nukes.
Smartest (1)   Funniest (0)  
2019-07-22 2:04:07 PM  

K3rberos: Bowen: It will travel for two months, before positioning itself in a circular orbit 62 miles (100km) above the moon's surface.

Is this a typo?

Apparently not, from a different article:

Chandrayaan-2 is not scheduled to arrive at the Moon until late August, reaching its destination by increasingly raising its orbit as it continually loops around Earth. The Apollo missions, by comparison, flew straight to the Moon in three days, using the more powerful Saturn V rocket.

They appear to be taking the LONG way.

Without needing to maintain squishy meat bags, there isn't any need to rush like there was with Apollo.
2019-07-22 2:06:23 PM  
I can't wait for India to announce a water pipeline project from the moon to earth.
2019-07-22 2:09:14 PM  

Mugato: So India is outsourcing jobs to the moon. I guess that's the next logical step.

Imagine having to call the moon for tech support?
2019-07-22 2:09:30 PM  
It's on par with India since ... ever. There's just something a bit uglier about India's corruption and attitude to its vulnerable.

People with no drinking water and living on the street? Karma, destiny, your role in this life, etc. You got a majority religion that enforces poverty and no upward social movement for those it deems society's destitute and damned.

Blow billions on the military (why the fark did India need nuke submarines and an aircraft carrier in the Cold War?), bureaucrats' corrupt pockets, and obscenely expensive big construction projects throughout its history, ranging from temples and the Taj Mahal to today a giant statue for Gandhi's No. 3 guy and now outer space? This isn't out of the ordinary, nothing to see here, thank you come again ...
2019-07-22 2:12:32 PM  

FormlessOne: backhand.slap.of.reason: India has nearly 1.5 billion people.  It's body of law is surprisingly Western. They're smart, and believe in the value and power of rational thought.  If they can figure out how to take care of all those people they're going to be a major force this century.

They'll need clean water to do that tho.

Yeah. Good luck with that. India's concept of water rights and regulation makes our patchwork of federal, state, and local laws look incredibly sophisticated by comparison, and we still have states squabbling over water using laws that date back to the Wild farking West. Modi's appeal? "Conserve rainwater." He's already told the country that a "one size fits all" policy of water conservation isn't going to happen, which basically means that the provinces with water aren't going to spend a lot of time helping the provinces without water.

More than a third of India's population - 600 million people, or about twice the folks of the United States - are suffering from a lack of water, and this was after Modi promised that every home in India would have piped water by 2024. Modi's made a lot of promises.

Apparently, the promises have been Modi-fied.
2019-07-22 2:14:35 PM  
Well , we know how this is going to end.

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KangTheMad [recently expired TotalFark]  
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2019-07-22 2:15:01 PM  
Well, give us the timeline on fixing all of India's problems then.
2019-07-22 2:19:49 PM  
Here you go, subby

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2019-07-22 2:25:28 PM  
India is now on the way to becoming the fourth country -- in addition to United States, China and the former Soviet Union -- to make a soft-landing on the lunar surface.

LOL Israel
2019-07-22 2:26:02 PM  

stir22: Not running out of water subby, they have run out of water.  Chennai, their 6th largest city with several million people has zero potable water.  It's all trucked in.  19 out of their 21 LARGEST FARKING CITIESdo not have on demand running water available.  That's 900 hundred million people.

Their monsoon season came and went again with no monsoons...1.3 billion people, and 1.1 billion of them do not have readily available water.  And yet, climate change is a hoax, right?  fark you if you truly believe that.  Northern Africa starved due to climate change, and millions died from famine- because of climate change.
This is no different.  Hundreds of millions are about to be thrust into a water war zone because of overpopulation, greed and resource mismanagement.  And, they have nukes.

Hell, before climate change, India didn't even have 900 million people!
2019-07-22 2:26:53 PM  

Nicholas D. Wolfwood: IIRC, weren't Prof, Manny, Mike, and Wyoh worried about all of Luna's water being shipped back to Terra - most specifically, India - in the form of Grain?

This comment needs more love.

/Throw rocks at em.
2019-07-22 2:27:40 PM  

Super Chronic: India is now on the way to becoming the fourth country -- in addition to United States, China and the former Soviet Union -- to make a soft-landing on the lunar surface.

LOL Israel

I mean, it *landed*
2019-07-22 2:29:11 PM  

Practical_Draconian: Blow billions on the military (why the fark did India need nuke submarines and an aircraft carrier in the Cold War?),

1. India was non-aligned in the Cold War. Thus, they couldn't rely on the USA or USSR.
2. India sits along a major shipping strait and is well-positioned to control the Indian Ocean.
3. Their navy has them well-positioned to be a major thorn in the side of China's African ambitions.
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