18 Produce Facts That'll Make You Do A Double Take

    Don't forget to pick up mushrooms for your next family reunion.

    1. Loofahs are actually edible vegetables.

    2. Adding salt to pineapple makes it sweeter.

    3. Mushrooms share more DNA with humans than with vegetables.

    4. Every part of watermelon is edible.

    5. The word "orange" was originally named after the fruit, not the color.

    6. You can buy fruit salad trees, which grow several different fruits on one plant.

    7. The world's shiniest living thing is actually a berry that grows in Africa.

    8. Oranges are often sold in red bags because it makes the color of the fruit look deeper.

    9. Carrots actually aren't good for rabbits.

    10. Peaches and nectarines are the same fruit.

    11. Vegetables in Alaska grow oversized because of the amount of sun they get.

    12. Potato plants sometimes grow poisonous fruit.

    13. The world's largest cashew tree covers 80,000 square feet.

    14. If you ate a different variety of apple per day, it would take over 20 years to try them all.

    15. There is a berry that can change the way that your taste buds perceive flavor when you eat it.

    16. Your skin can get second-degree burns if you leave lime juice on it during a hot and sunny day. It's often referred to as "margarita dermatitis."

    17. The apples that Johnny Appleseed planted were most likely used for hard apple cider.

    18. And coconut water has been successfully used as an IV injection for treating dehydration.