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(Gizmodo)   If teens keep smoking Juul it's over, man   ( divider line
    More: Obvious, Tobacco, Electronic cigarette, e-cigarette makers, Nicotine, adult smokers, e-cigarettes, Smoking, youth use  
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7974 clicks; posted to Main » on 20 Jan 2019 at 1:21 AM (5 years ago)   |   Favorite    |   share:  Copy Link

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Demetrius [TotalFark] [OhFark]  
Smartest (9)   Funniest (0)  
2019-01-19 10:00:07 PM  
A few local municipalities in my area will soon be upping the age to purchase any nicotine products to 21, mostly because of Juul and similar products.
Smartest (4)   Funniest (72)  
2019-01-19 10:00:17 PM  
There is no Dana, only Juul.
dr_blasto [TotalFark] [OhFark]  
Smartest (2)   Funniest (3)  
2019-01-19 10:04:17 PM  

fusillade762: There is no Dana, only Juul.

I hear the same in my head.
gopher321 [OhFark]  
Smartest (0)   Funniest (18)  
2019-01-19 10:15:15 PM  
OK, who brought the dog?
Confabulat [TotalFark]  
Smartest (48)   Funniest (0)  
2019-01-19 11:46:26 PM  
If a convenience store clerk is caught selling cigarettes or alcohol to someone underage, they get fired and possibly arrested and the store can face fines or loss of insurance. You have to be 18 to buy Juul too. Why is it Juul's fault if kids are getting sold something they shouldn't? You don't see the FDA threatening to shut down Boone's Farm just because high schoolers like to get drunk off it.
Demetrius [TotalFark] [OhFark]  
Smartest (19)   Funniest (4)  
2019-01-20 12:18:47 AM  

Confabulat: If a convenience store clerk is caught selling cigarettes or alcohol to someone underage, they get fired and possibly arrested and the store can face fines or loss of insurance. You have to be 18 to buy Juul too. Why is it Juul's fault if kids are getting sold something they shouldn't? You don't see the FDA threatening to shut down Boone's Farm just because high schoolers like to get drunk off it.

The product is targeted at kids. There are plenty of kids in high school are 18 years old and can buy it legally, and then distribute to their younger friends. The tobacco companies are fully aware of this. At least increasing the age at least increases the gap between high school kids and those that can buy it legally.

Tobacco companies spend more than $9.5 billion annually marketing cigarettes and smokeless tobacco products. Smoking related illnesses cost the US $170 billion per year. 95% of people that get hooked on nicotine do so before the age of 21. It's a public health epidemic and the tobacco companies are aiming directly at kids.

The government did raise the age of drinking to 21, and when alcohol companies started ramping up their advertising to kids they were promptly and rightly sued. If they leave the kids alone, they'll probably get left alone. Go after kids? Then fark them and they get everything they deserve.
Confabulat [TotalFark]  
Smartest (23)   Funniest (0)  
2019-01-20 12:26:47 AM  

Demetrius: The product is targeted at kids.

How is it targeted at kids? They've removed themselves from social media, they've removed all the fruity flavors from stores, and it's not like the packaging has cartoons or anything on it. I just don't see anything that would make kids interested other than it looks cool.
Smartest (8)   Funniest (0)  
2019-01-20 1:02:05 AM  

Demetrius: A few local municipalities in my area will soon be upping the age to purchase any nicotine products to 21, mostly because of Juul and similar products. they are authoritarian puritains and they need to do something to punish a perceived "other" constantly or they feel like the world is spiraling out of their tiny hands.


But of course they're saying it's "for the children". They always do. The 18th amendment is in many ways the most American one of all. Oh, if only Miles Standish had failed to take Merrymount all those years ago...
Smartest (17)   Funniest (5)  
2019-01-20 1:16:53 AM  

Confabulat: You don't see the FDA threatening to shut down Boone's Farm just because high schoolers like to get drunk off it.

They tried banning booze once. Damn near collapsed law and order. Bounced right back in their face like that lady with the watermelon slingshot.

They tried banning drugs too. Those same drugs are now more popular than ever and some are even being re-legalized at the state level with millions more clamoring for the federales to follow suit. That also exploded on them and badly.

So when they came for cigarettes, they came slowly with lies sandwiched in truths and propaganda. Then the rules came, followed by laws. Each one just a little stricter. Like cooking a frog in a pot. Now they've all but banned smoking indoors everywhere, and while the invention of vape tech threw them for a loop, they're still hard at work and using the same playbook. Banners gon' ban.

That's why I'm so adamantly for gun rights despite sharing no politics with the NRA. It's not that I want any cletus or jimbo to have an M-2 mounted on the bed of their pickup truck, it's that I'm afraid of what's NEXT on the docket for "sensible regulation" afterwards. Knives? Bows? Clubs? Hands with the index finger extended and the thumb raised?
2019-01-20 1:24:53 AM  
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2019-01-20 1:26:08 AM  

Demetrius: Confabulat: If a convenience store clerk is caught selling cigarettes or alcohol to someone underage, they get fired and possibly arrested and the store can face fines or loss of insurance. You have to be 18 to buy Juul too. Why is it Juul's fault if kids are getting sold something they shouldn't? You don't see the FDA threatening to shut down Boone's Farm just because high schoolers like to get drunk off it.

The product is targeted at kids. There are plenty of kids in high school are 18 years old and can buy it legally, and then distribute to their younger friends. The tobacco companies are fully aware of this. At least increasing the age at least increases the gap between high school kids and those that can buy it legally.

Tobacco companies spend more than $9.5 billion annually marketing cigarettes and smokeless tobacco products. Smoking related illnesses cost the US $170 billion per year. 95% of people that get hooked on nicotine do so before the age of 21. It's a public health epidemic and the tobacco companies are aiming directly at kids.

The government did raise the age of drinking to 21, and when alcohol companies started ramping up their advertising to kids they were promptly and rightly sued. If they leave the kids alone, they'll probably get left alone. Go after kids? Then fark them and they get everything they deserve.

So it's "my body, my choice" until you don't like the choice?
Smartest (16)   Funniest (1)  
2019-01-20 1:38:41 AM  
I'd like to see a question added to these surveys where they try to determine how many kids are using e-cigs: where did you get it?
a. A friend
b. Store
c. Parent/relative

Because I've heard stories of parents buying them for their kids so they won't take up cigarettes.

And if the stores aren't carding, prosecute just like for alcohol, cigarettes, cough drops, etc.

/got carded buying cough drops last night
//the gray hair and crows feet weren't enough ID
2019-01-20 1:42:10 AM  
I'm a little curious about the previous commenters opinion that they are being marketed to kids.  I don't think I've seen a single advertisement for Juul, but I don't read magazines or much TV.   Everything I've heard about Juuls has been word of mouth, with mixed results.  Some had success with it, some weened back on cigs.

/I'm a smoker
//Joe Camel and Marlboro Man were in top 5 advertising mascots growing up in the 80's.
///Mom smoking in the car with the windows up surely didn't help growing up.
SumoJeb [OhFark]  
Smartest (1)   Funniest (1)  
2019-01-20 1:43:00 AM  

Confabulat: Demetrius: The product is targeted at kids.

How is it targeted at kids? They've removed themselves from social media, they've removed all the fruity flavors from stores, and it's not like the packaging has cartoons or anything on it. I just don't see anything that would make kids interested other than it looks cool.

the only people I have heard mention Juul in conversation is under 20's.  Clearly the marketing is targeting that age group.
Smartest (0)   Funniest (3)  
2019-01-20 1:43:28 AM  

AquaTatanka: Nicotine addict-like typing detected.

Guess again, Uri Geller.
Smartest (2)   Funniest (0)  
2019-01-20 1:45:49 AM  
So why are they not concerned with the merchants selling this stuff to minors? That's why I don't buy into the tobacco companies targeting minors. Because you have to be 18 to buy.
Smartest (0)   Funniest (1)  
2019-01-20 1:46:01 AM  

Chevello: I'd like to see a question added to these surveys where they try to determine how many kids are using e-cigs: where did you get it?
a. A friend
b. Store
c. Parent/relative

Because I've heard stories of parents buying them for their kids so they won't take up cigarettes.

And if the stores aren't carding, prosecute just like for alcohol, cigarettes, cough drops, etc.

/got carded buying cough drops last night
//the gray hair and crows feet weren't enough ID

The state does in fact take tobacco sales and the like VERY seriously. Big fines. And you got carded for cough drops? What kind and where do I get some?
2019-01-20 1:46:02 AM  

fusillade762: There is no Dana, only Juul.

Are you the gate keeper?
Smartest (7)   Funniest (1)  
2019-01-20 1:46:10 AM  

Demetrius: Confabulat: If a convenience store clerk is caught selling cigarettes or alcohol to someone underage, they get fired and possibly arrested and the store can face fines or loss of insurance. You have to be 18 to buy Juul too. Why is it Juul's fault if kids are getting sold something they shouldn't? You don't see the FDA threatening to shut down Boone's Farm just because high schoolers like to get drunk off it.

The product is targeted at kids. There are plenty of kids in high school are 18 years old and can buy it legally, and then distribute to their younger friends. The tobacco companies are fully aware of this. At least increasing the age at least increases the gap between high school kids and those that can buy it legally.

Tobacco companies spend more than $9.5 billion annually marketing cigarettes and smokeless tobacco products. Smoking related illnesses cost the US $170 billion per year. 95% of people that get hooked on nicotine do so before the age of 21. It's a public health epidemic and the tobacco companies are aiming directly at kids.

The government did raise the age of drinking to 21, and when alcohol companies started ramping up their advertising to kids they were promptly and rightly sued. If they leave the kids alone, they'll probably get left alone. Go after kids? Then fark them and they get everything they deserve.

Vaping isn't smoking, so your reference to smoking related illnesses is strange.   Most of the "smoking related" illnesses are actually cancer and can come from things like chewing tobacco as well.  Vaping has its own problems, but lung, throat, gum, mouth, etc. cancer aren't one of them that we know of.

/Doesn't smoke
//Doesn't vape
///Addicted to slashies before age 21
Confabulat [TotalFark]  
Smartest (3)   Funniest (0)  
2019-01-20 1:48:20 AM  

SumoJeb: Confabulat: Demetrius: The product is targeted at kids.

How is it targeted at kids? They've removed themselves from social media, they've removed all the fruity flavors from stores, and it's not like the packaging has cartoons or anything on it. I just don't see anything that would make kids interested other than it looks cool.

the only people I have heard mention Juul in conversation is under 20's.  Clearly the marketing is targeting that age group.

18 and 19 year olds are perfectly legal ages to buy nicotine. And what marketing are you referring to?
2019-01-20 1:49:40 AM  
The state does in fact take tobacco sales and the like VERY seriously. Big fines. And you got carded for cough drops? What kind and where do I get some?

The one's that can be turned into meth.  I don't want it in my search history, but google's there if you need it.
2019-01-20 1:50:43 AM  

Mister Buttons: I'm a little curious about the previous commenters opinion that they are being marketed to kids.  I don't think I've seen a single advertisement for Juul, but I don't read magazines or much TV.   Everything I've heard about Juuls has been word of mouth, with mixed results.  Some had success with it, some weened back on cigs.

/I'm a smoker
//Joe Camel and Marlboro Man were in top 5 advertising mascots growing up in the 80's.
///Mom smoking in the car with the windows up surely didn't help growing up.

I've also never seen an ad for Juul. I did read about it, the biggest thing is that they are 54mg nicotine per ml when typical juice is 3mg usually to max 24mg (I doubt you can buy pre-mixed at higher than 12mg).

Anyways, a study that averaged studies concerning cigarette use among schizophrenics found that 90% smoke. I think I have a legitimate medical reason for my nicotine use.
Smartest (3)   Funniest (0)  
2019-01-20 1:53:08 AM  

Demetrius: Confabulat: If a convenience store clerk is caught selling cigarettes or alcohol to someone underage, they get fired and possibly arrested and the store can face fines or loss of insurance. You have to be 18 to buy Juul too. Why is it Juul's fault if kids are getting sold something they shouldn't? You don't see the FDA threatening to shut down Boone's Farm just because high schoolers like to get drunk off it.

The product is targeted at kids. There are plenty of kids in high school are 18 years old and can buy it legally, and then distribute to their younger friends. The tobacco companies are fully aware of this. At least increasing the age at least increases the gap between high school kids and those that can buy it legally.

Tobacco companies spend more than $9.5 billion annually marketing cigarettes and smokeless tobacco products. Smoking related illnesses cost the US $170 billion per year. 95% of people that get hooked on nicotine do so before the age of 21. It's a public health epidemic and the tobacco companies are aiming directly at kids.

The government did raise the age of drinking to 21, and when alcohol companies started ramping up their advertising to kids they were promptly and rightly sued. If they leave the kids alone, they'll probably get left alone. Go after kids? Then fark them and they get everything they deserve.

2019-01-20 1:53:28 AM  
Nicotine is a neurotrophic, probably addictive, but not the carcinogen. The carcinogen is in the tar. Full of half burnt cyclic hydrocarbons. Of course, the vapes are overheating the innocent polyethylene glycol, but you'd have to regulate fog machines if you get concerned about that.
Smartest (1)   Funniest (3)  
2019-01-20 1:56:55 AM  
Bayer making cough drops again?

bmd.bestmedicaldegrees.comView Full Size
2019-01-20 1:58:55 AM  

wildcardjack: Nicotine is a neurotrophic, probably addictive, but not the carcinogen. The carcinogen is in the tar. Full of half burnt cyclic hydrocarbons. Of course, the vapes are overheating the innocent polyethylene glycol, but you'd have to regulate fog machines if you get concerned about that.

VG (Vegetable Glycerin) vs. PG (Propylene Glycol) usually its a 70%/30% mix.
2019-01-20 1:59:08 AM  

Demetrius: A few local municipalities in my area will soon be upping the age to purchase any nicotine products to 21, mostly because of Juul and similar products.

Which is bullshiat. I don't smoke and have never smoked but raising the age from 18 to 21 shows that it was never about "protecting the youth" and was always about controlling behavior that those in power don't like.
Smartest (2)   Funniest (9)  
2019-01-20 1:59:56 AM  

Confabulat: Demetrius: The product is targeted at kids.

How is it targeted at kids? They've removed themselves from social media, they've removed all the fruity flavors from stores, and it's not like the packaging has cartoons or anything on it. I just don't see anything that would make kids interested other than it looks cool.

pixel.nymag.comView Full Size
Smartest (0)   Funniest (4)  
2019-01-20 2:03:47 AM  

doglover: AquaTatanka: Nicotine addict-like typing detected.

Guess again, Uri Geller.

cdn-images-1.medium.comView Full Size
2019-01-20 2:03:58 AM  

Confabulat: Demetrius: The product is targeted at kids.

How is it targeted at kids? They've removed themselves from social media, they've removed all the fruity flavors from stores, and it's not like the packaging has cartoons or anything on it. I just don't see anything that would make kids interested other than it looks cool.

Also, you don't see Juul ads all over gas stations and 7-11s like regular cigarettes.
Smartest (17)   Funniest (0)  
2019-01-20 2:04:34 AM  

MythDragon: Confabulat: Demetrius: The product is targeted at kids.

How is it targeted at kids? They've removed themselves from social media, they've removed all the fruity flavors from stores, and it's not like the packaging has cartoons or anything on it. I just don't see anything that would make kids interested other than it looks cool.

[ image 700x467]

Flavors target adults. Very few adults use tobacco flavored vapes. It's almost impossible to get them to taste right.

The problem is that adults want the same thing in a vape that teenagers want.
Smartest (12)   Funniest (0)  
2019-01-20 2:04:48 AM  

To The Escape Zeppelin!: Demetrius: A few local municipalities in my area will soon be upping the age to purchase any nicotine products to 21, mostly because of Juul and similar products.

Which is bullshiat. I don't smoke and have never smoked but raising the age from 18 to 21 shows that it was never about "protecting the youth" and was always about controlling behavior that those in power don't like.

I'm of the belief if you're old enough to die for your country, you should be able to smoke and drink. Making it 21 is bullshiat.
2019-01-20 2:06:25 AM  

Chevello: I'd like to see a question added to these surveys where they try to determine how many kids are using e-cigs: where did you get it?
a. A friend
b. Store
c. Parent/relative

Because I've heard stories of parents buying them for their kids so they won't take up cigarettes.

And if the stores aren't carding, prosecute just like for alcohol, cigarettes, cough drops, etc.

/got carded buying cough drops last night
//the gray hair and crows feet weren't enough ID

What state do you live in, and what were those cough drops? I'm on the ass-end of a two week gastro-bug, and could use a high-strength cough suppressant/suppository.

No slashes, I used dashes.
2019-01-20 2:10:50 AM  
And sorry for the double post, but, I work at a very large liquor store in Colorado. It's not even under 21s popping in to ask about Juul specifically, they call us. All the time, once the tobacco shoppes are closed.

Smoker. Wish I never started. One of my few regrets in life. And, we dont carry them.
Confabulat [TotalFark]  
Smartest (30)   Funniest (2)  
2019-01-20 2:14:34 AM  
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This is literally the only marketing for Juul I have ever seen. If that's aimed at kids I'm further out of the loop than I thought.
Smartest (0)   Funniest (10)  
2019-01-20 2:18:07 AM  
I work in substance abuse recovery with several ex-con biker type dudes.  Some classic Chicano, some bearded white guys, all inked and pierced.  And all vapers.  You should hear them when a shipment from their vape dealer (mixes to order) comes in.

Dude 1: "Try this, Juicy Peach"
Dude 2: "It tastes like Snapple!"
Dude 3: "Oooh, it does!"
Dude 2: "Mine's Watermelon"
Dude 3: "I'll try it.  This one's butterscotch."
Dude 2: "Eww!  Gross!"
Smartest (26)   Funniest (11)  
2019-01-20 2:21:40 AM  
I don't smoke, vape or anything else - but I don't understand why regulators always act like only 8 year olds would want fruit or any other sweet flavors in products.

I guess adults only want flavors like Tire Fire or Battery Acid.
Smartest (0)   Funniest (0)  
2019-01-20 2:24:21 AM  

doglover: AquaTatanka: Nicotine addict-like typing detected.

Guess again, Uri Geller.

Nah. Just favorited! and move on...
Smartest (7)   Funniest (3)  
2019-01-20 2:24:57 AM  

Dokstarr: I don't understand why regulators

Because they want total control and feel that "for the children" as an aegis that lets shields them from criticism and lets them do anything they want. And to an extent, as you can see in this very thread, some people fall for it.

It's a tale as old as law.
2019-01-20 2:29:21 AM  
Of the hundreds of brands, I guess Juul really pissed some ppl of the be singled out. Hive those kids some Lucky Strikes so we can listen to our crickets again.
2019-01-20 2:30:50 AM  
Damn phone
Smartest (0)   Funniest (9)  
2019-01-20 2:30:53 AM  

Dokstarr: I don't smoke, vape or anything else - but I don't understand why regulators always act like only 8 year olds would want fruit or any other sweet flavors in products.

I guess adults only want flavors like Tire Fire or Battery Acid.

Tastes like burning!
Smartest (2)   Funniest (0)  
2019-01-20 2:31:23 AM  

Confabulat: [ image 425x566]

This is literally the only marketing for Juul I have ever seen. If that's aimed at kids I'm further out of the loop than I thought.

I see a lot of ads for them on gaming and anime sites, and they advertise on social networks that are not used by anyone over 25.
Smartest (0)   Funniest (3)  
2019-01-20 2:35:55 AM  

bughunter: Dokstarr: I don't smoke, vape or anything else - but I don't understand why regulators always act like only 8 year olds would want fruit or any other sweet flavors in products.

I guess adults only want flavors like Tire Fire or Battery Acid.

Tastes like burning!

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Smartest (9)   Funniest (0)  
2019-01-20 2:43:31 AM  

doglover: Confabulat: You don't see the FDA threatening to shut down Boone's Farm just because high schoolers like to get drunk off it.

They tried banning booze once. Damn near collapsed law and order. Bounced right back in their face like that lady with the watermelon slingshot.

They tried banning drugs too. Those same drugs are now more popular than ever and some are even being re-legalized at the state level with millions more clamoring for the federales to follow suit. That also exploded on them and badly.

So when they came for cigarettes, they came slowly with lies sandwiched in truths and propaganda. Then the rules came, followed by laws. Each one just a little stricter. Like cooking a frog in a pot. Now they've all but banned smoking indoors everywhere, and while the invention of vape tech threw them for a loop, they're still hard at work and using the same playbook. Banners gon' ban.

That's why I'm so adamantly for gun rights despite sharing no politics with the NRA. It's not that I want any cletus or jimbo to have an M-2 mounted on the bed of their pickup truck, it's that I'm afraid of what's NEXT on the docket for "sensible regulation" afterwards. Knives? Bows? Clubs? Hands with the index finger extended and the thumb raised?

Just as an aside on sensible regulation and the "they've all but banned smoking indoors everywhere" That is pretty much the perfect example of it.

Past 5-10 years is where the real good longitudinal data on smoking bans has come in and essentially everything is showing how great it was for all types of service workers (bars, restaurants, even hospitals in some countries). Drops in all the major cancer rates for those employees, higher qualities of life, lower cough-related/lung issues; just a groundswell of information on how much of a positive impact those bans had to protect bystanders from SHS-related death and disability.
2019-01-20 3:34:16 AM  
I have a solution, every e cig battery will need a built in high pitch alarm. It will be set higher than adults can hear but loud enough that it'll drive teens nuts trying to use them. I know I would have never smoked a cigarette if it sound like a saturn misele firework with every puff.
2019-01-20 3:39:12 AM  
Just kick the manufacturer in the Juuls.
Smartest (4)   Funniest (0)  
2019-01-20 3:55:44 AM  
JUUL is so high in nic concentration its astounding.  54mg and 39mg if I recall correctly.

While some juice companies for e-cigs will custom mix a juice thats 18-24-36mg stuff, its so rare to have it being asked for, the typical stuff being sold is 12mg or less, more like 9mg max, 6 for the middle and 3mg for the low-test stuff.  I can think of ONE friend of a friend that likes 36mg juice.  I can think of TWO friends that like 18mg juice, its just way WAY too strong for anyone thats really over cigs.

3mg works for me because I use a drip atomizer, so im getting a very direct hit of vapor.  6 and 9 are more suited for tanks, which arent as efficient as the typical dripper device...

So when Johnny wants to be cool like his friends and gets his own JUUL, and the stronger mixed stuff ...hes getting one hell of a nic blast.  I am not sure how efficient JUUL is compared to drippers, tanks etc. but the (very rough) comparison with a vape juice and a cig would be like this:

(BTW - JUUL is based on what Id consider a cartridge - probably not as efficient as a tank or dripper, so even if its half the nic getting into the user its still just blowing those users away with nic as they use them.) 

Unfiltered Camel, Lucky Strike : 24mg juice or so, maybe a little less

Marlboro Red, Camel Filter: 18mg juice

Marlboro Light: 12mg juice

So when I quit cigs in two days, I was using Camel Filter cigs, and first got some 24mg juice, which was much too much for me.  But sure as shiat, the stuff did replace the nic I was getting from smokes.

I quickly went to 12mg juice, used that for maybe 6 months at most, then started using 6 when I started to use a drip atomizer.  Then 3 for the last 4+ years or so.

In my inexpert opinion, JUUL is dangerous as fark and is designed to completely hook naive inexperienced vape users into buying expensive replacement cartridges and keep them hooked by providing a very high - dangerously so - dose of nicotine.
Smartest (2)   Funniest (0)  
2019-01-20 3:58:55 AM  

TheManofPA: doglover: Confabulat: You don't see the FDA threatening to shut down Boone's Farm just because high schoolers like to get drunk off it.

They tried banning booze once. Damn near collapsed law and order. Bounced right back in their face like that lady with the watermelon slingshot.

They tried banning drugs too. Those same drugs are now more popular than ever and some are even being re-legalized at the state level with millions more clamoring for the federales to follow suit. That also exploded on them and badly.

So when they came for cigarettes, they came slowly with lies sandwiched in truths and propaganda. Then the rules came, followed by laws. Each one just a little stricter. Like cooking a frog in a pot. Now they've all but banned smoking indoors everywhere, and while the invention of vape tech threw them for a loop, they're still hard at work and using the same playbook. Banners gon' ban.

That's why I'm so adamantly for gun rights despite sharing no politics with the NRA. It's not that I want any cletus or jimbo to have an M-2 mounted on the bed of their pickup truck, it's that I'm afraid of what's NEXT on the docket for "sensible regulation" afterwards. Knives? Bows? Clubs? Hands with the index finger extended and the thumb raised?

Just as an aside on sensible regulation and the "they've all but banned smoking indoors everywhere" That is pretty much the perfect example of it.

Past 5-10 years is where the real good longitudinal data on smoking bans has come in and essentially everything is showing how great it was for all types of service workers (bars, restaurants, even hospitals in some countries). Drops in all the major cancer rates for those employees, higher qualities of life, lower cough-related/lung issues; just a groundswell of information on how much of a positive impact those bans had to protect bystanders from SHS-related death and disability.

Who knew that 2nd hand smoke only took 5-10 years to cause cancer?
Smartest (0)   Funniest (0)  
2019-01-20 4:01:24 AM  

tjsands1118: I have a solution, every e cig battery will need a built in high pitch alarm. It will be set higher than adults can hear but loud enough that it'll drive teens nuts trying to use them. I know I would have never smoked a cigarette if it sound like a saturn misele firework with every puff.

Some LED devices do this. Circuits like the Joule Thief can whine if they're tuned right.
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