People Are Bringing Up Dangerous Things People Didn't Realize Were Bad At The Time, And I'm Just Sitting Here Glad We No Longer Casually Use Arsenic

    Imagine playing with mercury FOR FUN.

    Recently, Reddit user u/pinkyfirefly asked, "What is something that used to be considered safe/okay but now we know is harmful?"

    Here are some of the super disturbing responses:

    1. "Arsenic. It's wild to us now, but in the 1800s, someone figured out how to make a green dye out of arsenic."

    green dress dyed with arsenic

    2. "My mother talks about how when she was in high school in the 1970s, they would roll mercury around in their hands during science class with no gloves on."

    students in a chemistry classroom

    3. "Heroin. It was originally sold as a cough medicine by Bayer."

    ad for Bayer Pharmaceuticals with heroin listed as a sedative for coughs

    4. "All of the snow in The Wizard of Oz was asbestos. They used to sell it for your own Christmas tree at home, too; you'd just spray it out of a can."

    snow falling on Dorothy and the Scarecrow in The Wizard of Oz

    5. "Smoking. My grandmother's doctor prescribed smoking cigarettes. She was experiencing anxiety while she was pregnant with my mother (1951)."

    Cigarette ad

    6. "Radiation makeup."

    7. "There used to be [radiation] devices to measure children's feet. Basically, the children would put their shoes on, stick their feet into this machine, and it would blast their feet with radiation so that nervous parents could see the children's feet inside the shoes to be sure they fit. Congrats, the shoes fit, but now your child has a ton of other health concerns!"

    a shoe-fitting fluoroscope

    8. "Cocaine. I've heard it used to be used in place of caffeine and in certain medicines."

    vintage coca cola can and bottle

    9. "Playing with mercury from broken thermometers."

    mercury thermometer

    10. "Lysol as a douche. Look it up."

    Lysol and a douche

    11. "Lobotomies."

    ad for lobotomies with a before and after schizophrenia patient looking happier after, calling them a "veritable household pet"

    12. "Keeping/adding lead to gasoline. It was literally getting in the air causing people to behave more violently."

    motor fuel with a label saying it contains lead

    13. "DDT. My mom said that the American military used to spray all the students (in post-war Japan) to get rid of lice."

    man spraying another man

    14. "Radium paint [was] used for glow in the dark clock hands. Women were hired to paint the clock hands, but were never told it was hazardous. Many suffered radiation poisoning."

    woman painting a clock

    15. "Teflon. Or the chemicals used in its production: C8. It’s present in every American’s blood."

    16. "Benzene ... [was] used to make deacaffeinated coffee."

    cup of coffee

    17. "Letting little kids sit in the front seat of the car. I remember being early elementary age and having fights with my younger sisters on who got to sit in the front seat."

    kid in front seat of a car

    18. "Solid metal dashboards in vehicles without seatbelts. A friend of mine in the Army had a vintage car from the 1950s before seat belts were mandatory equipment. He was a reckless driver who liked to speed and weave in and out of traffic on the interstate. I only rode with him once."

    neon vintage car with metal dashboard and thin wheel

    19. "Mercurochrome used to be a common disinfectant all the way until the late '90s. It was banned in the US and several other countries due to its high mercury content. Skinned knee? Slather on some bright red Mercury liquid, heal you right up!"

    Mercurochrome with a bandage and gauze

    20. "Lead paint."

    paint and a brush

    21. And finally..."Meth. In WWII Germany it was widely used among the general population and in the military."

    soldiers marching

    Submissions have been edited for length/clarity.