Hey!!! It’s been a minute, sorry about that – I slept in.

Anyway, here’s a comic, what a jokester. What a silly snaky jokester.

I’ve got a new site I’ll be updating now too, where I’m slowly uploading all Moonbeard comics. Check it out, let me know what you think. It’s new and probably broken in ways I’m not aware of yet: squires.nz. Note that I’ve only uploaded Moonbeard up to partway through 2014 at present. Will be gradually filling it in over time, but needing to re-scan some comics, and break them into panels for the mobile functionality. It’s a lot.

The reasons for a new site are two-fold:

  • – This one is old and is garbage for reading comics on mobile and I’m not smart enough to fix it
  • – I want a place I can upload comics that are not Moonbeard too without needing to update two places at the same time
  • Ironically, I now do have two sites I’ll be updating as I’m not ready to retire this one
  • But, anyway
  • How’ve you been?