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(X, Twitter, whatever)   What happened in Wisconsin today is "grave early warning for November". WTF are we going to do? Fark needs an "OUTRAGED" tag   ( divider line
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3822 clicks; posted to Main » and Politics » on 08 Apr 2020 at 8:30 AM (4 years ago)   |   Favorite    |   share:  Copy Link

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2020-04-07 9:43:10 PM  
Original Tweet:

2020-04-07 10:17:02 PM  
This is the plan for November. After all, Republicans can't win elections without resorting to voter suppression, according to leftist firebrand Noam Chomsky Donald Trump.

I mean, they're really mocking our intelligence. And I honestly can't blame them; we are a profoundly stupid society.
2020-04-07 10:33:12 PM  
Definitely worth fixing. Our nation stupified, disfunctional, arrogant and delusional. The beatings continue until morale improves.

I was watching German news broadcasting on PBS World and the guy described something  utterly stupid the Dumpenfuhrer had farked up and blamed us not him.  I was at first pissed he hadn't laid the blame directly on the assclown, calling a rapist a rapist, but then decided he was not wrong.  I'm not sure what to do about the media. Is it Madison where the DNC is to be held? Are the yippies all dead? Is there a book someone could steal?
2020-04-08 12:44:14 AM  
I'm glad I live in a state where everyone can vote by mail

/And those running for office aren't afraid of that
2020-04-08 12:54:03 AM  
Forcing 600k people to stand in line at one of five polling places is disgraceful.
Smartest (13)   Funniest (0)  
2020-04-08 1:59:33 AM  
I know what I'm going to do. I'm going to vote by mail. Like we have been for over a decade now.
Smartest (22)   Funniest (0)  
2020-04-08 2:37:23 AM  

Pincy: I know what I'm going to do. I'm going to vote by mail. Like we have been for over a decade now.

Good for you. Everyone should have that opportunity.
Smartest (8)   Funniest (7)  
2020-04-08 2:42:59 AM  
pics.awwmemes.comView Full Size

I joked hard about this on New Year's Day this year.  We haven't made it 100 days into the year yet, and I'm already considering giving in and punishing my liver like I'm back in the 9th grade again.  The shiat going on this year is overwhelming and apparently never ending.

Georgia mailed out absentee ballot request forms, but I didn't get one since I've sold my house and moved since the deadline to register for the primary passed.  I've got to contact the SOS office to make sure that my wife and I will still be able to vote.  If they try something stupid, there's a chance that I may end up on the national news as a result.
Smartest (18)   Funniest (2)  
2020-04-08 5:21:08 AM  
After 2016, I was of a mind that maybe we deserved what we got. Maybe we got too complacent after 8 years of Obama and didn't take the "Hang in there, Obama" sign people (now simply "the MAGAt crowd") seriously enough.

But four more years...foisted upon us by pandemic circumstances? No one deserves that. America's been on a (reversable) backslide since GWB, but Trump 2 would waffle stomp us down the drain.
2020-04-08 6:25:06 AM  

MaudlinMutantMollusk: I'm glad I live in a state where everyone can vote by mail

/And those running for office aren't afraid of that

It really is a shame Wisconsin doesn't have something like that.

Oh, wait.  What's this?
desertfool [TotalFark]  
Smartest (14)   Funniest (4)  
2020-04-08 7:20:40 AM  

Lucky LaRue: MaudlinMutantMollusk: I'm glad I live in a state where everyone can vote by mail

/And those running for office aren't afraid of that

It really is a shame Wisconsin doesn't have something like that.

Oh, wait.  What's this?

I've already written my WI state Rep and Sen saying that they should just mail every registered voter an absentee ballot in November.

Voter suppression in this state has gotten real bad.
Smartest (23)   Funniest (1)  
2020-04-08 7:52:02 AM  

Lucky LaRue: MaudlinMutantMollusk: I'm glad I live in a state where everyone can vote by mail

/And those running for office aren't afraid of that

It really is a shame Wisconsin doesn't have something like that.

Oh, wait.  What's this?

it's a damn shame that Wisconsin Republicans went to the state and US Supreme Courts to block absentee ballots from being counted after a judge ruled that the date could be extended due to extenuating conditions caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

From SCOTUSblog:

Justices block extension of absentee ballot deadline in Wisconsin

With an order that ended a day marked by twists and turns in the dispute over Wisconsin's plan to hold an election tomorrow, the Supreme Court tonight granted a request by the Republican National Committee and the Republican Party of Wisconsin to block a lower-court order that had extended the deadline for absentee ballots to be submitted. Tonight's ruling by a sharply divided court means that in-person voting will go on tomorrow as scheduled; absentee ballots will be counted as long as they are either received or postmarked by tomorrow. At stake are the delegates in the state's Democratic presidential primary, but also a wide range of state and local races, including a seat on the state's highest court.

The dispute came to the Supreme Court on Saturday, two days after U.S. District Judge William Conley extended the deadline for absentee ballots. Conley reasoned that the COVID-19 crisis had created a "huge backlog" of requests for absentee ballots that would make it difficult (if not impossible) for most voters to receive an absentee ballot and return it by election day. Citing concerns about voter fraud, the Republican National Committee and the Republican Party of Wisconsin asked the justices to block that order and instead make clear that the deadline was extended only for ballots that were "postmarked (or otherwise delivered) by April 7."

The plaintiffs in the case, which include the Democratic National Committee and the Democratic Party of Wisconsin, responded on Sunday. They urged the court to leave the April 13 deadline in place, warning them that reinstating the April 7 deadline would "disenfranchise hundreds of thousands or more Wisconsin voters" and force others to go to the polls, which could "exacerbate the unfolding COVID-19 public health disaster."

*emphasis mine
Smartest (24)   Funniest (5)  
2020-04-08 7:54:44 AM  

GreatGlavinsGhost: Forcing 600k people to stand in line at one of five polling places is disgraceful.

If you break down the math with expected turnout, it's ~still~ like 50 people a minute. How many polling places have you ever seen move at that clip?

Tell me that isn't voter suppression.

I'm embarrassed for you, Wisconsin...and I'm from Illinois. We elect criminals for sport.
2020-04-08 8:13:11 AM,_Wisconsin#Politics
Milwaukee County is a Democratic Party stronghold, having voted for the Democratic presidential nominee since 1960, and all but three times since 1912.

Personally I blame Donald Trump.
Smartest (16)   Funniest (1)  
2020-04-08 8:24:09 AM  
Dodo David  
Smartest (2)   Funniest (1)  
2020-04-08 8:32:30 AM  
Wait. Wisconsin out-Floridad Florida?
Juc [TotalFark]  
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2020-04-08 8:36:36 AM  
It seems like Wisconsin decided that they should make sure they spike by 600k covid cases in a couple weeks.
That shiat is downright evil.
Walker [TotalFark]  
Smartest (3)   Funniest (0)  
2020-04-08 8:37:15 AM  
600K people, FIVE places to vote will apply for the Presidential election too, so go ahead and mark Wisconsin down for Trump.
2020-04-08 8:37:55 AM  
I get the feeling that one of the big reasons that the Republican in WI want their guy on the state SC is so that they can find some specious reason to remove the Gov./Lt. Gov. and put one of their own in the state house. One that will go before the court and the regressives will rubber stamp as being completely legal.

Simply put, they want to bury any semblance of actual 'democracy' so that they can hold onto power ad infinitum.  And to give the national party a roadmap to doing the same to the rest of the nation.
2020-04-08 8:37:58 AM  
Obvious solution is obvious

Only party Doners should be allowed to vote. "Use your voice, get a vote". Of course, only the loudest voices should be heard.

It's the only fair and balanced solution!
2020-04-08 8:38:27 AM  
Many people are saying that we'll have to paint a big T or a big B on our doors with lamb's blood. Google Maps camera cars will record the results and send them to the beautiful Publisher's Clearinghouse, who will create a giant card and envelope with the winner's name and will give that to Ryan Seacrest who will present the winner to America during the Ball Drop on New Year's Eve while a massive pack of stray dogs watches on in Times Square. They're saying it's the best plan, but maybe not, we'll have to wait and see.
Smartest (1)   Funniest (0)  
2020-04-08 8:47:39 AM  

pkjun: Pincy: I know what I'm going to do. I'm going to vote by mail. Like we have been for over a decade now.

Good for you. Everyone should have that opportunity.

They did.
2020-04-08 8:49:48 AM  
In other countries, violence would be the answer.  But that's not the way we do it here
Gulper Eel  
Smartest (4)   Funniest (2)  
2020-04-08 8:49:59 AM  
Fast forward to October and Biden has a lead that dwarfs Hillary's supposed 2016 lead. But coronavirus Round 2 is coming around the bend. Trump floats the idea of delaying the presidential election (and his looming curb-stomping).

At that point, we stand back and watch everyone in the politics tab make the opposite argument to the one they're making now.
2020-04-08 8:51:03 AM  

Lucky LaRue: MaudlinMutantMollusk: I'm glad I live in a state where everyone can vote by mail

/And those running for office aren't afraid of that

It really is a shame Wisconsin doesn't have something like that.

Oh, wait.  What's this?

The republicans made sure that option was going to be null.

In a rare moment of truthfulness, Trump admitted that if voting was made to be easy, republicans would not win elections.
runwiz [TotalFark] [OhFark]  
Smartest (11)   Funniest (3)  
2020-04-08 8:52:00 AM  
We have 7 months to develop a workable, vote-by-mail plan, vote online, early voting etc...However, you know that Republicans at the state level and in Congress will do everything in their power to stop it. And it will be Republicans only who will try to stop it.
2020-04-08 8:52:10 AM  

backhand.slap.of.reason: In other countries, violence would be the answer.  But that's not the way we do it here

2020-04-08 8:52:27 AM  

The Pope of Manwich Village: Many people are saying that we'll have to paint a big T or a big B on our doors with lamb's blood. Google Maps camera cars will record the results and send them to the beautiful Publisher's Clearinghouse, who will create a giant card and envelope with the winner's name and will give that to Ryan Seacrest who will present the winner to America during the Ball Drop on New Year's Eve while a massive pack of stray dogs watches on in Times Square. They're saying it's the best plan, but maybe not, we'll have to wait and see.

*sheds tear* that's the most American thing I've ever heard
2020-04-08 8:52:34 AM  
I will say this: they do make one hell of a bratwurst though.
2020-04-08 8:52:52 AM  
"WTF are we going to do?"

Maybe y'all should have thought about how easy rights are to lose before you sat out the last one, huh?

Or maybe voting for a reality tv show character isn't all that funny when it comes to real lives?

Or why not do some due diligence outside of network news taking heads to find out more about the candidates?

This is the bed you made.
2020-04-08 8:54:22 AM  

Walker: 600K people, FIVE places to vote will apply for the Presidential election too, so go ahead and mark Wisconsin down for Trump.

Yep, and of course, those 600K are mostly in blue areas, so Wisconsin will be red forever.
Smartest (27)   Funniest (1)  
2020-04-08 8:55:05 AM  

stlbluez: AliceBToklasLives: After all, Republicans can't win elections without resorting to voter suppression
Getting past for a minute that the flip side of this seems to be that Democrats can't seem to win without voter fraud..

It might also be worth asking yourself why, when voting is remotely inconvenient... democrats apparently don't want to bother voting.

привет товарищ!

/The Washington Post reported that so far there were a total of four confirmed cases of voter fraud nationwide in the 2016 election. That's out of about 135 million votes cast.
//5 voting places for 600,000 people is more than just "remotely inconvenient"
2020-04-08 8:55:35 AM  

Gulper Eel: Fast forward to October and Biden has a lead that dwarfs Hillary's supposed 2016 lead. But coronavirus Round 2 is coming around the bend. Trump floats the idea of delaying the presidential election (and his looming curb-stomping).

At that point, we stand back and watch everyone in the politics tab make the opposite argument to the one they're making now.

Or, we could have our respective states switch to all mail in ballots by the end of the summer. Like Washington, Oregon, and Colorado already do.
Smartest (2)   Funniest (2)  
2020-04-08 8:56:39 AM  
I have friends and co-workers in Wisconsin.  They voted absentee.  It's there if people want to do it.  Hell, I'd think it's easier than going to a polling place...
2020-04-08 8:57:03 AM  

Gulper Eel: Fast forward to October and Biden has a lead that dwarfs Hillary's supposed 2016 lead. But coronavirus Round 2 is coming around the bend. Trump floats the idea of delaying the presidential election (and his looming curb-stomping).

At that point, we stand back and watch everyone in the politics tab make the opposite argument to the one they're making now.

Except, that if you only have 1/30th of the regular polling places in urban centers, all the swing stays will go red, so no need to delay.  That's what really happened here.

The Wisconsin GOP don't care about the primary, they cared about the other state wide races, like state supreme court, that were on the ballot.  With Milwaukee's vote suppressed, things are looking good for their candidate.
Smartest (0)   Funniest (3)  
2020-04-08 8:57:23 AM  
Meanwhile, Joe Biden would rather have a virtual convention than spend a few days in Wisconsin in August.
kkinnison [TotalFark] [OhFark]  
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2020-04-08 8:58:49 AM  

Lucky LaRue: MaudlinMutantMollusk: I'm glad I live in a state where everyone can vote by mail

/And those running for office aren't afraid of that

It really is a shame Wisconsin doesn't have something like that.

Oh, wait.  What's this?

Reports are as many as 300k requested absentee ballots and did not get them
2020-04-08 8:59:51 AM  

I hereby demand that I be given a Fark account: Walker: 600K people, FIVE places to vote will apply for the Presidential election too, so go ahead and mark Wisconsin down for Trump.

Yep, and of course, those 600K are mostly in blue areas, so Wisconsin will be red forever.

By design.
Smartest (5)   Funniest (1)  
2020-04-08 9:00:40 AM  

Lucky LaRue: MaudlinMutantMollusk: I'm glad I live in a state where everyone can vote by mail

/And those running for office aren't afraid of that

It really is a shame Wisconsin doesn't have something like that.

Oh, wait.  What's this?

Can't speak for Milwaukee but my wife and I and my parents requested absentee ballots using the new online process and they didn't arrive. The poll worker at my parents polling place said they had no clue how they were going to reconcile it as a huge chunk of the log book was marked absentee with ppl voting in person instead.
jso2897 [TotalFark]  
Smartest (12)   Funniest (0)  
2020-04-08 9:01:08 AM  

Milwaukee County is a Democratic Party stronghold, having voted for the Democratic presidential nominee since 1960, and all but three times since 1912.

Personally I blame Donald Trump.

"They had things - levels of voting that, if you ever agreed to it, you'd never have a Republican elected in this country again."
Donald Trump
Smartest (0)   Funniest (4)  
2020-04-08 9:02:22 AM  
This is just a primary, isn't it, and not a real election. It's hard to see why the government is involved in helping parties select candidates in the first place.
The Red Zone  
Smartest (16)   Funniest (1)  
2020-04-08 9:04:13 AM  
I voted in Green Bay, wi yesterday.  Got in line at 6pm and finally voted at 11:45pm.  Two polling locations for a total population of 100k.  Most workers said fark this and called out resulting in the consolidation of locations.  The two remaining locations were short staffed.  Social distancing was lack luster at best.

I am utterly disgusted and outraged at the total disregard for the well being of the state of Wisconsin by those who voted against a delayed absentee ballot.
Smartest (9)   Funniest (1)  
2020-04-08 9:04:27 AM  

orbister: This is just a primary, isn't it, and not a real election. It's hard to see why the government is involved in helping parties select candidates in the first place.

State Supreme Court election as well. That's why the GOP acted like they did; suppress the turnout to increase the chances of the seat staying red.
2020-04-08 9:05:04 AM  
When gerrymandering and voter purges STILL can't stop the Blue Wave, the GOP resorts to biological warfare and directly hurls a plague at Americans!
jso2897 [TotalFark]  
Smartest (6)   Funniest (0)  
2020-04-08 9:06:15 AM  

anwserman: orbister: This is just a primary, isn't it, and not a real election. It's hard to see why the government is involved in helping parties select candidates in the first place.

State Supreme Court election as well. That's why the GOP acted like they did; suppress the turnout to increase the chances of the seat staying red.

There were actually numerous state and local issues on the ballot.
Smartest (2)   Funniest (0)  
2020-04-08 9:14:18 AM  

Derp Du Jour: Obvious solution is obvious

Only party Doners should be allowed to vote. "Use your voice, get a vote". Of course, only the loudest voices should be heard.

It's the only fair and balanced solution!

Primary elections should be run by the political parties in question, not by the government.  There's no reason to waste taxpayer money for some group whom I may not even vote for.
Smartest (0)   Funniest (0)  
2020-04-08 9:14:32 AM  

jso2897: anwserman: orbister: This is just a primary, isn't it, and not a real election. It's hard to see why the government is involved in helping parties select candidates in the first place.

State Supreme Court election as well. That's why the GOP acted like they did; suppress the turnout to increase the chances of the seat staying red.

There were actually numerous state and local issues on the ballot.

I am duly corrected. Many thanks.
Smartest (4)   Funniest (3)  
2020-04-08 9:16:51 AM  
The problem with this narrative is that Milwaukee is a Democratic stronghold (Government of Milwaukee -- Wikipedia) and blaming the lack of polling places in the city on Republicans is simply wrong. The Democrats must have thought that they could delay the election, as the Wisconsin governor ordered at the last minute. But all the courts, up to the Wisconsin Supreme Court and the US Supreme Court sid he couldn't issue such an order and the election had to proceed. Then the Democrats, who had failed to plan for that possibility, were caught flat-footed.
ayrlander [BareFark] [OhFark]  
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2020-04-08 9:21:08 AM  

GreatGlavinsGhost: Forcing 600k people to stand in line at one of five polling places is disgraceful.

Meanwhile, at GOP headquarters:
Fark user imageView Full Size
2020-04-08 9:27:27 AM  
Maybe if they would have offered up one "ownership share" of the Packers for every successful vote cast, things would have gone more smoothly.
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