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[flagged] The Rabbit R1 Walked So That Cake Could Run. (cake.computer)
20 points by lucstn 25 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments

Who wants these odd shaped devices that don't really replace your phones???

I can't tell if I live in a bubble or if there is a universe of people who want to carry 2-3 smart devices.

But that's not what this is for. It's specifically for people who don't want to carry along a smartphone because of it's addiction potential.

I've tried this before with the Lightphone 2, but the problem was that I still rely on my phone for a number of "utility" apps besides just calling and texting, and if the device doesn't support these I'll still need my phone. Stuff like:

Google Maps Uber/Lyft Google Authenticator Spotify etc.

set up an app that blocks certain applications for x amount of time per day then????

So this is an enclosure for an Apple Watch that you have to carry in your pocket?

Not to be a pessimist, but I already leave home with just my watch - receiving all the touted benefits of this device.

What’s the catch?

How many times a day do you charge it? swiss watches used to be lifetime usage, apparently today if you don't know how the cloud is feeling you'll be behind

I charge mine like every 3 days

I wear my Apple Watch at all times except when I shower.

I charge it when I shower and it lasts till the next time I shower.

I'm not German so I do shower every day, which makes this routine work.

Can you send and receive messages on Slack and Telegram without a phone?

Love the website design. Simple and quick, no forest of pop-ups and cookie banners. It’s how the internet should be.

"Tranform"? [0]

Just stopped reading and closed the page after reading the first word. (Just kidding)

This might actually work given what the Rabbit could do but with a new accessory for the Apple Watch.

We'll see.

[0] https://cake.computer/about

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