- ELI5: How does the actual cash get from one bank to another? - 2 hours
- ELI5: How did those Jamster ringtones work? How did they change your ringtone? - 2 hours
- ELI5: Why don't any protestant denominations believe in transubstantiation? - 2 hours
- ELI5: How can currencies change value and be strong/weak? - 3 hours
- ELI5: if FDIC only insures 250,000, where does Google and Facebook have their money? - 3 hours
- ELI5: Why does time seem to pass more quickly as we get older? - 3 hours
- ELI5: How can the universe possibly be infinitely big - 3 hours
- ELI5: Drunk Body Temperature - 4 hours
- ELI5: How don't tribes die out from incest? - 6 hours
- ELI5: Have there ever been successful mechanisms besides taxation to pay for necessary government functions? - 7 hours
- ELI5: An extremely sharp knife cuts through everything (Paper, meat, fruit, veggies, plastic bottles, etc...) with ease, but doesn't cut through - 7 hours
- ELI5: Mine Pi Network with just your phone - 7 hours
- ELI5: How does remotely hacking a computer system work? - 9 hours
- ELI5: how do video game recompilations work to get a game natively running on PC? - 9 hours
- ELI5: How do pharmaceutical companies get away with advertising and selling medication with fatal side effects like strokes and death? - 9 hours
- Eli5: how exactly does breeding dogs for a purpose work? - 10 hours
- ELI5: Why do the Dalits (The Untouchable Class) of India's caste system still get treated poorly, even outside India's borders? - 10 hours
- ELI5: How do some websites know that you’re not in the country your VPN says you’re in? - 11 hours
- ELI5: Why do we yawn and why we yawn one we see others yawn? - 12 hours
- ELI5: Is the US the only country that has a bankruptcy solution for the individual that becomes overwhelmed financially, how does it work in other - 12 hours
- ELI5: What is the importance of having the US dollar as the global reserve currecny? - 13 hours
- ELI5: Why is Growth of a Plant Chemical Change and not physical change? - 13 hours
- ELI5: How was Casey Anthony found not guilty? - 14 hours
- ELI5 : Economists who can speak plain language, why is it important for the American government to maintain USD as the global currency? - 14 hours
- ELI5 why do some injections have to go in a vein and others can just be injected into flesh? - 16 hours
- ELI5: How do massive bombs get buried and remain unnoticed? - 16 hours
- ELI5 - When a baby is born en caul (still in the placenta) do they remain folded up? - 16 hours
- ELI5: how energy consumption works? - 17 hours
- ELI5: Air Conditioning - 18 hours
- ELI5: How does an image processing algorithm work? - 18 hours
- ELI5 why does a scalp massage feel so good and produce happy feelings - 19 hours
- ELI5: How do you move your limbs in such a controlled manner? - 19 hours
- ELI5: How do gaming graphics cards (let's say Nvidia 5090) fit into thin laptops when the counterparts that are sold for desktops are at least - 21 hours
- ELI5: If energy can’t be created or destroyed, how was energy created in the first place - 21 hours
- ELI5 Why can't we suck greenhouse gases into space - 21 hours
- ELI5: Why did PMC Wagner go rogue on June 23,2023? What were their intentions? - 23 hours
- ELI5: How come meteors air burst when entering the atmosphere, and not just disintegrate? - 23 hours
- ELI5: What exactly is bankruptcy? - 25 hours
- ELI5: Why can't we convert signals sent from the brain to nerves/neurons into computer language and control the body remotely? - 25 hours
- ELI5 how much energy does a data center require? - 25 hours
- ELI5: What is an Interaction Net, how do they work, and why are they helpful in parallelizing languages? - 26 hours
- ELI5: Why do traditional door locks lock twice (keys turns around 720 degrees)? - 26 hours
- Eli5: What is the evolutionary reason for men growing a beard? - 27 hours
- ELI5: How do pixels know when to change - 27 hours
- ELI5: Why don't the GPU and ASIC manufacturers mine crypto on their own when they can profit for themselves with all the power? - 28 hours
- ELI5: how wifi isn't harmful - 28 hours
- ELI5 Why is it that if you suddenly look at the second hand of a watch it seems to stay still for more than a second? - 30 hours
- ELI5: What are sororities and fraternities (Greek life) in American culture - 30 hours
- Eli5 Einstein work on QFT, Quantum Electrodynamics and Polariton Chemistry - 30 hours
- ELI5: Why is there rivalry between different branches in the U.S military if they're all on the same side? - 30 hours
- ELI5: Can someone explain why the stock market has been so volatile lately, like I’m five? - 30 hours
- ELI5 What does Durkheim's social fact mean? - 31 hours
- ELI5: Why do exothermic reactions not break the laws of Thermodynamics? - 31 hours
- ELI5 How do seashells work? - 32 hours
- ELI5: What’s a “linearly actuating barrel”? - 32 hours
- ELI5:What makes the James Webb telescope so significant? - 33 hours
- ELI5 How does the raised debt ceiling get paid? - 33 hours
- ELI5: how small is a genetic bottleneck, and how did humans get out of it? - 34 hours
- Eli5: how has coca cola recipe been kept a secret? Doesn't someone know the ingredients? Someone has to mix it up, right? - 34 hours
- Eli5: What difference between Carbon Fiber vs Carbon composite vs carbon graphite/graphite? - 34 hours
- ELI5: In the double-slit experiment why don't the edges of the slits cause the wave to collapse? - 34 hours
- ELI5: How does the Vough F8x Crusader's flight stick work? What's the benefit of there being two prongs behind each other? I've never seen - 34 hours
- ELI5 - why aren’t powered trailers a thing? - 34 hours
- ELI5 why we associate reading with intelligence - 34 hours
- ELI5: what would be the amount of water flowing from a pipe having a certain radius and flowing with constant speed in a given time period? and how - 34 hours
- ELI5: what would be the amount of water flowing from a pipe having a certain radius and flowing with constant speed in a given time period? and how - 34 hours
- ELI5: Why do the metal parts of things like phone chargers not shock us? - 35 hours
- ELI5 Stock market and Dow Jones Industrial Average - 36 hours
- ELI5: Why has it become customary for people to include their direct and indirect pronouns? - 36 hours
- ELI5: how do sperm whales not rupture their own organs or the organs of other sperm whales with their loud clicks? - 38 hours
- ELI5: Positional asphyxiation in babies - 38 hours
- Eli5 The state of Alabama just completed the first execution of an inmate using pure nitrogen gas with some graphic results. Why would they use pure - 38 hours
- ELI5: How can you think of something that you dont know? - 39 hours
- ELI5: The structure of an atom - 39 hours
- ELI5: Static shocks at playpark - 40 hours
- ELI5 How does ETFs and DCA work? - 40 hours
- ELI5: Why do big tech companies invest in smaller tech companies despite them being techincally rivals? - 40 hours
- ELI5: If the human body can generate heat in the form of fever when you are sick to protect/defend itself, why doesnt it produce heat during winter to - 40 hours
- ELI5: How does pee come out so strong? - 41 hours
- ELI5: What are L2 Blockchains? - 42 hours
- ELI5: What is the pattern to orchestral flute fingerings??? - 44 hours
- ELI5: when watching a sporting event, how do they edit highlights so quickly? - 44 hours
- ELI5: How do websites know which ads to show me? - 44 hours
- ELI5 How can one remember that he forgot something but can’t remember what he had forgotten? - 44 hours
- ELI5: How does the body know to produce more saliva to protect teeth right before you vomit? - 47 hours
- ELI5: Why is there a CE symbol in toys/books not released in europe? - 47 hours
- ELI5 Why do most articles and statistics show that the IT field is still in high demand while degree holders are struggling to find jobs? - 48 hours
- ELI5 why we can't just go through objects. - 48 hours
- ELI5: speed of light question? - 48 hours
- ELI5: Is it possible for a modern video game to be run by thousands of NES consoles connected together? - 48 hours
- ELI5!! How does a radio turn waves into sound? - 48 hours
- ELI5 how calculators actually calculate things, and how we know that the answers we get are accurate. - 48 hours