R Askscience - 48 Hours
- How are extremely poisonous chemicals like VX able to kill me with my skin exposed to just a few milligrams, when I weigh a thousand times that? Why - 1 hour
- Can yeast prions infect humans? - 2 hours
- How do immune cells "know" when they have produced the correct antibody for a given antigen? - 2 hours
- How were there enough food for carnivorous dinosaurs to sustain themselves and survive or how were preys able to repopulate inspite of being hunted - 2 hours
- What are real world benefits of genetics research? Can we actually treat genetic diseases? Any specific examples would be amazing - 15 hours
- how would sending something into space at a significant distance (like 1ly+) be calculated/executed? - 15 hours
- Besides dairy, are there other foods that we know humans evolved to eat relatively recently? - 21 hours
- Why is it okay to feed wild birds (except maybe waterfowl?), but not wild mammals? - 22 hours
- Would the 'green flash' phenomenon occur on other planets? - 24 hours
- Do all knots make a rope shorter? - 24 hours
- Is it possible for a gas giant to exist in a star's habitable zone? - 42 hours
- Where do tires & asphalt go? - 42 hours
- When we bite our tongue/inner cheeks, why doesn't it get infected given the fact that our mouth is moist and full of bacteria? - 46 hours
- How have white blood cells evolved over the years? - 48 hours