R Askscience - 48 Hours
- How are non-absorbable sutures removed when they are deep inside the body? - 1 hour
- How do vaginas acquire their microflora? - 1 hour
- Why is it so hard to fight viruses ? - 1 hour
- If you have your own unique bacteria, does that mean a child would have the combination of their parents bacteria? - 16 hours
- How does lighter skin give you more vitamin D? - 16 hours
- How do scientists know about gene sequences? - 20 hours
- Why are the type of influenza categorized in the way they are? What makes type A, type A? What makes type D, type D? - 27 hours
- Google News tells me that today is the anniversary of Dolly the Sheep. Whatever happened to Dolly? - 27 hours
- Do germs really “crawl”? - 27 hours
- Can someone help me debunk this young earth claim? - 32 hours
- The current English language is vastly different than "Old English" from 500 years ago, does this exist in all languages? - 47 hours
- Do people with polydactyly feel phantom pain? - 48 hours
- What is the longest sperm can survive in the female body? - 48 hours
- If all the cells in your body are replaced every 7 years or so, how are tattoos permanent? - 48 hours