- Reddit when can we all agree to ban X comments? - 1 hour
- Since Elon Musk showed his true colors at the inauguration yesterday, should Reddit ban twitter/X links? - 1 hour
- How do you think the 21st century will be taught in schools starting in 2100? - 1 hour
- What do you think is the limit for someone to be considered addicted to social media? - 3 hours
- If you were given $1 Million but couldn't spend it on yourself, how would you use it? - 3 hours
- What Subject Do You Think Should Be Added To Schools? - 3 hours
- What's the best advertisement line you have ever heard? - 3 hours
- What’s your life about? - 3 hours
- Where us the most difficult place on Earth to gain citizenship? - 4 hours
- What's something that people had in the 1900s that we don't have now? - 4 hours
- When you feel lost, full of self-loathing, and you just feel defeated by the world, what do you do to restore your hope in this draining life? - 4 hours
- Conservatives, how do you feel about Donald Trump pardoning Jan 6 rioters that physically assaulted police officers? - 6 hours
- What are your thoughts about a ban of American political topics here? - 6 hours
- Who's someone social media has told you to hate that you don't really understand the animosity towards? - 7 hours
- Would you rather live 100 years in the future or 100 years in the past? Why? - 7 hours
- What's the hottest thing someone has ever whispered in your ear? - 8 hours
- what is the grossest thing you've ever encountered? - 10 hours
- Why didn’t he or she get a second date? - 10 hours
- Whats something that everybody does but nobody admits to doing? - 11 hours
- What would you think if you had the chance to gain immortality, but you no longer have the ability to make children? - 11 hours
- What are your thoughts of a Reddit wide ban of x links? - 12 hours
- Gamers, dont say the title of the game, but what game is instantly recognized by one quote? - 12 hours
- What’s the biggest financial myth people still believe that’s actually hurting them in today’s economy? - 13 hours
- How are you coping with all the bullshit in the world right now? - 13 hours
- What would happen if you said “I hate you” to your parents growing up? - 13 hours
- What did your ex ruin for you? - 14 hours
- Where did it go wrong for you? - 14 hours
- What harmless thing gives you an irrationally strong reaction? - 14 hours
- What’s something, which doesn’t seem like much, that makes your day? - 14 hours
- What would happen if every dream you’ve ever had suddenly came true all at once? - 14 hours
- What is your favourite drink? - 14 hours
- What's a cultural or societal norm from your youth that seems strange or outdated to you now? - 15 hours
- It's been 24 hours. Why haven't grocery prices gone down yet? - 15 hours
- What is the one thing that cheers you up every time you feel depressed? - 15 hours
- What’s something that makes you cringe, but is “normal” to other people? - 17 hours
- How much do you fear death? Why? - 17 hours
- What are your non-negotiables in relationships? - 17 hours
- What’s one thing you really need right now? - 17 hours
- What historical event is almost unbelievable when you read about it? - 17 hours
- What is stopping Luigi from running for public office and halting his prosecution due to election interference? - 17 hours
- What is the most useless job that makes amazing money? - 18 hours
- What's the worst thing you can do to a pizza? - 18 hours
- What is the most absurd thing you've ever believed in? - 18 hours
- When it's not a good occasion to say "I'll take two!"? - 18 hours
- What’s the weirdest compliment you’ve ever received? - 19 hours
- What is the worst thing anyone has ever said about your weight? - 19 hours
- Does working out/exercise improve sex drive? What else can help? - 20 hours
- If you could pass one law in the U.S. today, what would it be and why? - 20 hours
- What's the weirdest sexual incident you've ever had? - 21 hours
- What are your thoughts the "transgender and nonbinary people don’t exist" executive order? - 21 hours
- What do you think about deleting Meta platforms such as Instagram, Facebook etc. after Zuck’s rise into the oligarchy? - 22 hours
- Have you ever been seriously addicted to something? What was it? How long did you do it? - 22 hours
- Now that we've seen the various ways people have downplayed Elon's salutes, how do you think they will excuse him when he says "Heil - 23 hours
- When did you realise Elon is batshit crazy? - 23 hours
- What happened to all the threads about Musk's sieg heil? - 25 hours
- What was the first lie you remember being told to you that made you feel betrayed? - 25 hours
- What’s a piece of wisdom you’ll never forget? - 25 hours
- Employees of Tesla and SpaceX, what's the internal chatter right now surrounding Elon's salute? - 26 hours
- What's a small decision you made that changed your life significantly? - 26 hours
- Anyone else worried about what the next 4 years will bring us? - 26 hours
- Since we are in the middle of a future history textbook - what are some future test questions? - 27 hours
- People who live in small towns, what is the hot local controversy right now? - 28 hours
- Americans how are you feeling right now? - 28 hours
- Cat logic is now law. What becomes completely normal as a result of this? - 29 hours
- What is going to kill you some day? - 30 hours
- What are the chances Trump will actually deport all undocumented immigrants? - 30 hours
- What is the best, most satisfying physical sensation you've ever felt? - 31 hours
- If you could have any superpower what would you have and why? - 31 hours
- What is the smartest financial decision you've ever made? - 33 hours
- What do you all think of Elon Musk doing the Nazi Salute live on TV? Will there be any consequences? - 34 hours
- To Tesla owners: After today's salute, how do you feel about your vehicle and are you going to do anything about it? - 34 hours
- So, what else needs to happen until the world understands that Trump, Elon Musk and Co. are not a good leadership? - 34 hours
- What is something better than what people think it is? - 35 hours
- How do you feel about Elon Musk's salutes during the inauguration? - 35 hours
- What's a double standard you really can't stand? - 36 hours
- what are you most proud of achieving in your life so far? - 36 hours
- Which part time jobs are there that don't suck? - 37 hours
- What’s the best advice you’ll give to the future generation? - 37 hours
- if you could chose any profession, what would it be? - 37 hours
- What do you hate most about showering? - 37 hours
- If Elon buys TikTok how would he rename it? - 37 hours
- What’s a wholesome story you haven’t had a chance to share in conversation? - 37 hours
- What is something that, no matter how simply put, you still cannot understand? - 37 hours
- What’s the darkest secret you’ve wanted to share anonymously? - 38 hours
- what is the weirdest way you have made money? - 38 hours
- "Men are simple creatures" What are your best examples of that statement? - 38 hours
- What’s a random piece of advice you’ve received that turned out to be life-changing? - 38 hours
- How do you get over a broken heart? - 38 hours
- What’s a pet peeve that makes you want to scream your lungs out? - 38 hours
- If you were given a chance to know about something that you haven't gotten the answer to until now, what would it be? - 38 hours
- How do you deal with an annoying co-worker? - 38 hours
- A Priest, a Rabbi and a black charismatic preacher walk into a bar - What is the rest of the joke? - 38 hours
- What is one skill you think is imperative for people to know how to do,but most people in this age/generation can’t do? - 38 hours
- What is the one thing you won't cheap out on? - 40 hours
- What is something that has greatly improved your mental health? - 41 hours
- What is a false stereotype about attractive people? - 41 hours
- What is something we should all be doing? - 42 hours
- When was the last time you had no worries and was just going through life at ease? - 42 hours
- What is a minor inconvenience that really pisses you off? - 42 hours
- What made you lose a lot of weight? - 43 hours
- Should companies enforce the 4-day work week? Why? - 43 hours
- Did your parents spank you as a form of discipline? How did it impact you? - 43 hours
- People who let their parents count to 0, what happened after? - 44 hours
- What is your body count and how did you hide them? - 44 hours
- What are some things that are often considered ‘recent’ but are actually much older than most people realize? - 45 hours
- Whats the most saddest scene you've ever watched? - 45 hours
- What is something you're addicted to and can't quit it? - 45 hours
- What is subtle sign you noticed which clearly gave away that the person is way more smart than they are pretending to be ? - 47 hours
- What expensive thing is absolutely worth the money ? - 47 hours
- What is the difference between 'confidence' and 'arrogance'? - 47 hours