- Photoshop this fancy dressed Trogon [Photoshop] - 2 hours
- You'll have a swingin' good time [Florida] - 2 hours
- "This meeting could have been a hangover" [Obvious] - 3 hours
- Breaking: SpaceX [News] - 3 hours
- Why you shouldn't take medicine that is out of date or use your private parts as piranha bait [Obvious] - 4 hours
- World's oldest female barber, 108, has cut her activity rate a little but will keep on offering her services on the side as long as there are - 4 hours
- These Highlander sequels are getting ridiculous [Sick] - 5 hours
- World's oldest meteorite impact crater found in Australia sheds light on early Earth. Now word on how many things living in it can kill you - 5 hours
- Pet owners, take note: A brand of cat food has been recalled because of potential bird flu contamination [PSA] - 5 hours
- Costco is coming to The Villages which raises the question "Which is a better weapon, an unripe avocado or a ribeye steak?" [Florida] - 6 hours
- Policeman of the Year goes to rookie Sag Harbor cop who pulled over Justin Timberlake for drunk driving. Pretty good for a town that maybe has 10 - 6 hours
- Photoshop this studly toolbox [Photoshop] - 6 hours
- Tech mogul says he's 47, but he "has the penis of a 22 year old". Not, presumably, in a jar on his desk. I'm not weird, you're the weird - 7 hours
- Hey everyone, let's spend Spring Break partying along the Gulf of Measles [Sick] - 7 hours
- I choose...me [Dumbass] - 7 hours
- The hottest thing in Milan these days are the one-legged jeans that retail for $440 but don't even THINK of cutting off the other leg yourself, - 7 hours
- D&D's newest nightmare: a spud with stalks that will fry you... and judge your fashion sense [Amusing] - 9 hours
- I'm sorry, Dave, I'm afraid you don't want fries with that [Stupid] - 9 hours
- Caption this complaint [Caption] - 9 hours
- This headline is confusing. Was the shotgun loaded, was the plane loaded, was the teen loaded, or was it all three? [Awkward] - 9 hours
- Women between the ages of 20 and 59 who have sex less than once a week are at a 70 per cent increased risk of death within five years. Save yourself - 9 hours
- If a postal system stops delivering letters after 400 years, is it still a postal system? [Ironic] - 9 hours
- When 'evil ghosts' in your haunted home are stopping you having children, maybe it's time to move? [Stupid] - 10 hours
- I for one, welcome our new cheetozard overlords [Amusing] - 10 hours
- Despite what Joe Rogan might tell you, creams, vitamins, and veterinary medicines are not valid treatments for medical conditions like cancer and - 10 hours
- When a massage parlor advertises "Happy Endings," what did you expect to find when you started investigating? [Weird] - 10 hours
- I'm bored waiting for this plane to take off so I'll take off all my clothes and do a little dance [Boobies] - 10 hours
- On this date in 1857 the Supreme Court handed down the Dred Scott decision [Sad] - 10 hours
- Generation Beta is probably going to want to change its name to something else. Like Generation Sigma. Sigma balls huh huh [Interesting] - 10 hours
- The New Zealand envoy to the United Kingdom was just fired for claiming a certain person didn't understand history. I'd give you 3 guesses but - 11 hours
- You picked a fine time to leave me, loose wheel [Florida] - 11 hours
- Thomas Irwin of Indiana finishes second in the Mesa Verde National Park hide-and-seek contest, while the Ancestral Puebloans remain atop the - 11 hours
- Oh, look. The Maginot line is back [Scary] - 12 hours
- Florida woman talks her way out of a DUI, then keeps talking her way straight to jail [Amusing] - 12 hours
- Uncle's trap kills relative checking up on his place while he is incarcerated [Boobies] - 12 hours
- List of critters that Aussies have to check for before using their bathrooms expanded to include Tasmanian Devils [Cool] - 13 hours
- Brits warned to take cover from large, rarely-seen orange ball in the sky lest they be burnt to a crisp (possible nsfw content on page) [Scary] - 13 hours
- Photoshop the turbojet cutaway [Photoshop] - 13 hours
- "The thing is, Slashdot, Fark, Hacker News, and Reddit all still exist" [Unlikely] - 14 hours
- Today in "I can't believe it's English": Bagpipe bully traumatised young busker in drunken rammy [Strange] - 14 hours
- Day 1,107 of WW3. Congresswoman accurately describes Cheetolini's relationship with Pooty-Poot. Proving her correct, US stops intelligence data - 14 hours
- The Merriam-Webster word of the day for March 6 is career, as in "The Bostonian was surprised to find his VW had the engine in the career" [Amusing] - 14 hours
- Running around in traffic on the interstate and biting a policeman is no way to go through life, especially if you're not a dog [Strange] - 16 hours
- My parents didn't want me to grow up to be a troll on Fark, but now that my entire home county has embraced trolling, I feel vindicated [Spiffy] - 17 hours
- Trump orders sweeping overhaul of U.S. shipbuilding industry. Musk seen drawing up plans for the ugliest supervillain cyberyacht in history [Murica] - 18 hours
- Comes with foosball table. That and you have to live in Kansas [Misc] - 19 hours
- Oh, my God. Morlocks. We suddenly have Morlocks. Must be the Eloi harvest [Creepy] - 19 hours
- Ohio woman turns dumbass fail knob to eleventy, probably didn't learn nothin [Dumbass] - 20 hours
- Theme of Farktography Contest No. 1035: "Boats 3". Details and rules in first post. LGT next week's theme [Farktography] - 21 hours
- "So that's how it is in their family," Rajasthan High Court edition [Strange] - 24 hours
- Woman arrested after trying to collect Carmageddon Double Wasting points in a three block diameter [Dumbass] - 25 hours
- Still no cure for... Wait, what? [Spiffy] - 25 hours
- Photoshop this airborne pair [Photoshop] - 26 hours
- And Florida Man said, "What about breakfast at Tiffany's?" [Florida] - 27 hours
- Pope's condition is guarded, and doctors wish those damn Swiss would leave the pikes at home [Followup] - 28 hours
- Brits will have 4 days to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the end of WWII, rest up before WWIII kicks off [Spiffy] - 28 hours
- Behind every great woman .... there's another great woman [Interesting] - 28 hours
- Doctors face a diagnostic mystery after a man presents with bloating and gut pain after speed eating a seven pound cheeseburger [Obvious] - 30 hours
- Photoshop this camel eating [Photoshop] - 30 hours
- Fark NotNewsletter: "Diplomacy" Edition [FarkBlog] - 30 hours
- Seattle is being haunted by "ghost buses". Ruh-Rooh [Scary] - 30 hours
- "In a nation run by swine, all pigs are upward-mobile and the rest of us are farked until we can put our acts together: Not necessarily to win, but - 31 hours
- The importance of oral sex [Giggity] - 31 hours
- Dentists are a lot like Ninjas in that you never know what will make one flip the fark out [Florida] - 32 hours
- The Merriam-Webster word of the day for March 5 is askew, as in "If I thought I needed your permission, I would askew" [Amusing] - 32 hours
- Andrew Tate brags that Florida will never convict him because he constantly destroys all of the evidence against him. When you are too stupid for the - 32 hours
- The Old "Superglue in the belly button" trick. Barrels of fun and laughs [Facepalm] - 32 hours
- Caption this golf tutor and pupils [Caption] - 33 hours
- Missouri man charged after 'trying to have sex with a train seat for 10 minutes' - for the second time in less than a year. Couch humper guy - 33 hours
- Today's metaphor has been brought to you by Burlington, Ontario [Amusing] - 34 hours
- Boasting about having sex with a prison inmate under my supervision is the best idea I've ever had [Dumbass] - 34 hours
- Digg is being relaunched, this time trying to differentiate itself by focusing on "humanity and connection" instead of, for example, bourbon and - 34 hours
- Florida man fails at drive-by shooting [Florida] - 34 hours
- Help wanted: Full-time Nessie hunter to transport visitors around lake by boat, occasionally point to floating logs and shout "WE GOT HER" [Silly] - 35 hours
- Homeland Security raid a house in St. Louis, find meth, guns, and a fricken grenade launcher [Weird] - 35 hours
- Behold the littlest Medal of Honor winner ever [Interesting] - 37 hours
- Photoshop these mud people [Photoshop] - 37 hours
- The latest thing you've been using wrong: the toilet plunger [Obvious] - 37 hours
- Research data "leaked" on percentage of people who pee in the shower [Obvious] - 37 hours
- Popewatch: Francis "rested well" overnight. And woke up [Followup] - 38 hours
- Day 1,106 of WW3. France refuses to surrender, with 64% of people supporting aid for Ukraine. China considers sending troops to help russia, and - 38 hours
- Secret Vatican book says Judgement Day is coming in 2027, so smoke 'em if you got 'em (possible nsfw content on page) [Unlikely] - 38 hours
- Ballet dancer sets new world record for long-distance Van Dammeing [Strange] - 38 hours
- NotNews: Andrew and Tristan Taint under criminal investigation. News: By the Florida State AG. FARK: Who is a Republican [Amusing] - 38 hours
- State trooper kills someone while DUI. But, unlike you and me, she was able to bail herself out AND appears to still be allowed to drive [Obvious] - 39 hours
- You have ten seconds to comply [Scary] - 39 hours
- Good news, there's a Polish space agency. Not so good, the agency is currently offline [Interesting] - 40 hours
- Abused by your boyfriend? The law does nothing? I have the phone number for you: 1-877-CALL-DAD [Dumbass] - 41 hours
- LDS Church branch leader joins Catholic priests, Baptist ministers in stiff competition for Child Sexual Predator competition for 2025 [Sick] - 42 hours
- Cybertrucks get showered with beads in New Orleans. With added boos, window damage and an emergency exit from the Mardi Gras parade [Obvious] - 44 hours
- The only way the South Carolina firing squad could be worse would be if it were circular [Stupid] - 45 hours
- But it's the Fourth of July, in my apartment [Dumbass] - 46 hours
- Best Korean troops told if they're captured in Ukraine, their families will be executed. Which explains why they're suicidal when cornered - 46 hours
- Meanwhile, at the Düsseldorf Carnival parade [Hero] - 47 hours
- Jimmy Durante reincarnated as a fish, apparently [Weird] - 48 hours
- Among the unified list of common relationship dealbreakers, hitting and killing your girlfriend's mom with a car after an argument has to be on - 48 hours