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We Are SpaceX Software Engineers (reddit.com)
17 points by afshinmeh on Feb 22, 2017 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

Time is running out...

  [–] TheRealFroman 848 points 4 years ago

  I'd love to know when I can start packing my bags for mars ;)

      [–] spacexdevttySPACEX[S] 1638 points 4 years ago

      Give us 5-10 years.

Realistically I'd say a minimum of 10 years. From now.

I guess they also have a big hardware/FPGA division. I mean systems that control the launcher vertical landing are most probably done in hardware.

While interesting, this AMA was from 4 years ago...

That makes sense! 4 years ago knockout was pretty popular and was often paired with ASP.NET MVC 4

submitted 4 years ago * by spacexdevtty

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