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(CNN)   On the 75th anniversary of the internment order, George Takei is beginning to hear the echoes of the past   ( divider line
    More: Sad, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Japanese American internment, Manzanar Relocation Camp, Corporal Jimmy Shohara, legendary photographer Ansel, words terrible echoes, internment, Trump surrogate  
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7196 clicks; posted to Main » on 19 Feb 2017 at 8:37 AM (7 years ago)   |   Favorite    |   share:  Copy Link

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Smock Pot [TotalFark] [OhFark]  
Smartest (12)   Funniest (7)  
2017-02-19 4:58:28 AM  
JMFC, subby. All I saw at first was George Takei and the sad tag and my heart fell out of my butt.
hubiestubert [TotalFark] [OhFark]  
Smartest (31)   Funniest (4)  
2017-02-19 7:31:21 AM  
Pretty damn much.

The rush to demonize Muslims in general was already a few shades of Internment--especially with Malkin's desperate defense of the Internment a few years ago--but now the generalized pile on for ANY not 100% lily white immigrants is more than a bit troubling.

We've done this already folks. And it wasn't a good chapter from our history. We've tried this, and it shamed us a nation for a generation. Japanese Americans still feel the effects today--family lost, heirlooms and our history lost--and I don't know any single Japanese American who wants what happened to our families to happen to anyone else...
Smartest (2)   Funniest (1)  
2017-02-19 8:45:41 AM  
No he's not.  Trump is awful all on his own, no need to embellish it.

/ok that's not really fair...trump is trump which was fine when participation was voluntary.  What was awful was making him President.
Aezetyr [BareFark]  
Smartest (11)   Funniest (3)  
2017-02-19 8:47:00 AM  
Anyone who supports this assault on Human rights should be charged with treason and thrown in prison. It's unconstitutional, evil, and short sighted. It's no different than when the Nazis rounded up Jews, blacks, and homosexuals and sent them to concentration camps. Well, at least until the Nazis started exterminating them.
2017-02-19 8:47:43 AM  

hubiestubert: Pretty damn much.

The rush to demonize Muslims in general was already a few shades of Internment--especially with Malkin's desperate defense of the Internment a few years ago--but now the generalized pile on for ANY not 100% lily white immigrants is more than a bit troubling.

We've done this already folks. And it wasn't a good chapter from our history. We've tried this, and it shamed us a nation for a generation. Japanese Americans still feel the effects today--family lost, heirlooms and our history lost--and I don't know any single Japanese American who wants what happened to our families to happen to anyone else...

Here's to hoping that our country figures out that we're repeating the past out of nationalism, bigotry, and fear, rather than "making America great again."
Smartest (8)   Funniest (0)  
2017-02-19 8:48:45 AM  
If you go looking for things, more often than not you'll find them.
2017-02-19 8:49:49 AM  
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2017-02-19 8:49:54 AM  

Abox: No he's not. Trump is awful all on his own, no need to embellish it.

...who's embellishing? He's already called for a Muslim registry, months ago. We've already seen how ready he is to sign executive orders that would limit the movement of Muslims - this isn't that much of a farking jump, as these were the steps taken before Japanese-Americans were dragged off to "relocation centers."
2017-02-19 8:50:34 AM  

FormlessOne: hubiestubert: Pretty damn much.

The rush to demonize Muslims in general was already a few shades of Internment--especially with Malkin's desperate defense of the Internment a few years ago--but now the generalized pile on for ANY not 100% lily white immigrants is more than a bit troubling.

We've done this already folks. And it wasn't a good chapter from our history. We've tried this, and it shamed us a nation for a generation. Japanese Americans still feel the effects today--family lost, heirlooms and our history lost--and I don't know any single Japanese American who wants what happened to our families to happen to anyone else...

Here's to hoping that our country figures out that we're repeating the past out of nationalism, bigotry, and fear, rather than "making America great again."

I shared that sentiment until I peeked at the comments.

Why'd I do that?
Smartest (0)   Funniest (0)  
2017-02-19 8:52:04 AM  

FormlessOne: Abox: No he's not. Trump is awful all on his own, no need to embellish it.

...who's embellishing? He's already called for a Muslim registry, months ago. We've already seen how ready he is to sign executive orders that would limit the movement of Muslims - this isn't that much of a farking jump, as these were the steps taken before Japanese-Americans were dragged off to "relocation centers."

Yeah maybe.
2017-02-19 8:52:52 AM  
Maybe it's time to go back to these, or to adopt a new design.

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Smartest (19)   Funniest (1)  
2017-02-19 8:53:38 AM  
Don't think that this is somehow hyperbolic partisan bullshiat. From his own damned mouth, in November (emphasis mine):

Mr. Trump was asked about the issue by an NBC News reporter and pressed on whether all Muslims in the country would be forced to register. "They have to be," he said. "They have to be.''

When asked how a system of registering Muslims would be carried out - whether, for instance, mosques would be where people could register - Mr. Trump said: "Different places. You sign up at different places. But it's all about management. Our country has no management.''

Asked later, as he signed autographs, how such a database would be different from Jews having to register in Nazi Germany, Mr. Trump repeatedly said, "You tell me," until he stopped responding to the question.

It's not a panicked extrapolation from a friggin' hint. The fact that he clammed up about it mere weeks before he was elected didn't mean it somehow went away. He just didn't want to spook you from voting for him because he was in favor of forcing Muslims, all Muslims, to register.
2017-02-19 8:53:45 AM  

Smock Pot: JMFC, subby. All I saw at first was George Takei and the sad tag and my heart fell out of my butt.

I'm not a doctor, but you might want to get that looked at.
Smartest (13)   Funniest (4)  
2017-02-19 8:54:10 AM  

Abox: No he's not.  Trump is awful all on his own, no need to embellish it.

/ok that's not really fair...trump is trump which was fine when participation was voluntary.  What was awful was making him President.

"Trump may be bad, but he's not Hitler," said increasingly nervous commenter for the seventh time this month.
2017-02-19 8:55:12 AM  

Abox: FormlessOne: Abox: No he's not. Trump is awful all on his own, no need to embellish it.

...who's embellishing? He's already called for a Muslim registry, months ago. We've already seen how ready he is to sign executive orders that would limit the movement of Muslims - this isn't that much of a farking jump, as these were the steps taken before Japanese-Americans were dragged off to "relocation centers."

Yeah maybe.

Yep, and it's that "maybe" that should scare us. He has enough support for it among his own followers, and there's still enough fear and hate to push something like that through, especially if he can get a catalyzing event as a pretext. It's kind of scary.
2017-02-19 8:56:22 AM  
Executive Order 9066.

At the stroke of a pen, a US President took the rights, homes, possessions, and livelihoods of tens of thousands of US citizens and imprisoned them for 4 years in internment camps - all for the crime of looking like the "enemy".

When I hear the current President talk about the "enemies" we are at "war" with, I can't help but notice that they all fit a certain "look". It could happen again - but this time, we need to make sure we don't turn our backs and pretend it's not happening. There is a reason Trump is attacking the press so relentlessly - when you are going to commit a crime, step one is to kill the cameras and the alarms.
Destructor [TotalFark] [OhFark]  
Smartest (4)   Funniest (0)  
2017-02-19 8:57:28 AM  
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2017-02-19 8:59:07 AM  

Delta1212: Abox: No he's not.  Trump is awful all on his own, no need to embellish it.

/ok that's not really fair...trump is trump which was fine when participation was voluntary.  What was awful was making him President.

"Trump may be bad, but he's not Hitler," said increasingly nervous commenter for the seventh time this month.

I usually say Cheney. And no I still wouldn't trade him for Cheney.  Yet.
2017-02-19 9:02:46 AM  

hubiestubert: Pretty damn much.

The rush to demonize Muslims in general was already a few shades of Internment--especially with Malkin's desperate defense of the Internment a few years ago--but now the generalized pile on for ANY not 100% lily white immigrants is more than a bit troubling.

We've done this already folks. And it wasn't a good chapter from our history. We've tried this, and it shamed us a nation for a generation. Japanese Americans still feel the effects today--family lost, heirlooms and our history lost--and I don't know any single Japanese American who wants what happened to our families to happen to anyone else...

Lily white?

People from those countries are white.
2017-02-19 9:04:21 AM  

Private_Citizen: Executive Order 9066.

At the stroke of a pen, a US President took the rights, homes, possessions, and livelihoods of tens of thousands of US citizens and imprisoned them for 4 years in internment camps - all for the crime of looking like the "enemy".

When I hear the current President talk about the "enemies" we are at "war" with, I can't help but notice that they all fit a certain "look". It could happen again - but this time, we need to make sure we don't turn our backs and pretend it's not happening. There is a reason Trump is attacking the press so relentlessly - when you are going to commit a crime, step one is to kill the cameras and the alarms.

And just two days ago, there was a ranking of the greatest presidents in history, and the guy who signed this order consistently ranks in the top three.  He's also the president that tried to pack the Supreme Court and violated the constitution in a few dozen other ways.  I guess authoritarians are OK if you support their agenda.
Smartest (11)   Funniest (0)  
2017-02-19 9:04:37 AM  

Abox: No he's not.  Trump is awful all on his own, no need to embellish it.

*THIS*.  No one is going to an internment camp under Trump.  There are no plans and never have been.  This is hysteria, plain and simple.

As you say, Trump is bad enough on his own.  When you start making over-wrought comparisons with left-leaning Democratic administration policies*, you're not helping.  You're hurting your own cause.

*Japanese-American internment camps were the invention of the Franklin Delano Roosevelt administration.
Smartest (0)   Funniest (2)  
2017-02-19 9:12:03 AM  

Too Pretty For Prison: Smock Pot: JMFC, subby. All I saw at first was George Takei and the sad tag and my heart fell out of my butt.

I'm not a doctor, but you might want to get that looked at.

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Smartest (15)   Funniest (1)  
2017-02-19 9:13:50 AM  

dittybopper: *Japanese-American internment camps were the invention of the Franklin Delano Roosevelt administration.

The people who are worried about this don't care who's name or party was involved.  Linking a party name with terrible policy and calling it a win is more of a GOP/right wing phenomenon.
Smartest (6)   Funniest (0)  
2017-02-19 9:15:06 AM  

dittybopper: Abox:

*Japanese-American internment camps were the invention of the Franklin Delano Roosevelt administration.

Because political parties now are totally the same as back then.  FDR, major gay marriage proponent.
Basily Gourt  
Smartest (15)   Funniest (3)  
2017-02-19 9:17:07 AM  
You farking democrats are unbelievable.

DEMOCRAT President Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066.

DEMOCRAT President Franklin Delano Roosevelt rounded up American citizens of Japanese descent, and put them into concentration camps.

But by all means, turn the thread into another anti-Trump screed.

Seems to me, as long as we can keep DEMOCRATS our of the White House, we should be fine.

FDR was the very embodiment of evil on this earth. And a big fan of Mussolini, by the way.

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2017-02-19 9:18:05 AM  
"In remembering, it is important to come to grips with the past. No nation can fully understand itself or find its place in the world if it does not look with clear eyes at all the glories and disgraces of its past. We in the United States acknowledge such an injustice in our history. The internment of Americans of Japanese ancestry was a great injustice, and it will never be repeated."

President George H. W. Bush
2017-02-19 9:22:03 AM  
So, which group of banksters are lined up to buy all the civil assets that'll be forfeit?
Smartest (2)   Funniest (1)  
2017-02-19 9:22:51 AM  

hubiestubert: Pretty damn much.

The rush to demonize Muslims in general was already a few shades of Internment--especially with Malkin's desperate defense of the Internment a few years ago--but now the generalized pile on for ANY not 100% lily white immigrants is more than a bit troubling.

We've done this already folks. And it wasn't a good chapter from our history. We've tried this, and it shamed us a nation for a generation. Japanese Americans still feel the effects today--family lost, heirlooms and our history lost--and I don't know any single Japanese American who wants what happened to our families to happen to anyone else...

The problem is the Supreme Court would have to hear a challenge to Internment again for the practice to be struck down.  Unfortunately, the President's rabid base clings to the decision as a solid reason for rounding people up, settled law, etc.  It's only when "unelected, so-called judges" go against Dear Leader that those people hate the Courts.
Smartest (1)   Funniest (2)  
2017-02-19 9:23:18 AM  
Oh my...
/Really guys? You're slipping.
2017-02-19 9:24:00 AM  

dittybopper: Abox: No he's not.  Trump is awful all on his own, no need to embellish it.

*THIS*.  No one is going to an internment camp under Trump.  There are no plans and never have been.  This is hysteria, plain and simple.

As you say, Trump is bad enough on his own.  When you start making over-wrought comparisons with left-leaning Democratic administration policies*, you're not helping.  You're hurting your own cause.

*Japanese-American internment camps were the invention of the Franklin Delano Roosevelt administration.

It was a bipartisan fark-up. Everyone lost the plot after the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor, including a certain Republican from California.

Warren was an initial proponent of the Japanese relocation policy and a defender of that policy once it had been implemented. In 1943, when the Allied forces had begun to neutralize Japanese supremacy in the Pacific, fears of an invasion of the West Coast subsided, and pressures to release interned Japanese began to surface. In a conference of state governors that June, Warren vigorously opposed releasing any Japanese. "If the Japs are released," he said, "no one will be able to tell a saboteur from any other Jap. ... We don't want to have a second Pearl Harbor in California. We don't propose to have the Japs back in California during this war if there is any lawful means of preventing it."

/But hey, at least we can all agree now that it was wrong...
Smartest (8)   Funniest (0)  
2017-02-19 9:25:40 AM  
Hyperbole much? Deporting illegals and restricting who can come visit is not the same as locking up legal American citizens.
Smartest (9)   Funniest (0)  
2017-02-19 9:28:45 AM  

Basily Gourt: You farking democrats are unbelievable.

DEMOCRAT President Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066.

DEMOCRAT President Franklin Delano Roosevelt rounded up American citizens of Japanese descent, and put them into concentration camps.

But by all means, turn the thread into another anti-Trump screed.

Seems to me, as long as we can keep DEMOCRATS our of the White House, we should be fine.

FDR was the very embodiment of evil on this earth. And a big fan of Mussolini, by the way.

[ image 625x550]

lol, as if being a D or R is the issue.
2017-02-19 9:30:20 AM  

Basily Gourt: You farking democrats are unbelievable.

DEMOCRAT President Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066.

DEMOCRAT President Franklin Delano Roosevelt rounded up American citizens of Japanese descent, and put them into concentration camps.

But by all means, turn the thread into another anti-Trump screed.

Seems to me, as long as we can keep DEMOCRATS our of the White House, we should be fine.

FDR was the very embodiment of evil on this earth. And a big fan of Mussolini, by the way.

[ image 625x550]

And yet DEMOCRATS are able to look at failed policies throughout history, regardless of parties involved, and recognize them as wrong while TRUMPERS gleefully point to those same failed policies of the past as some twisted sort of JUSTIFICATION for their insular, regressive WORLD VIEW.

It makes me wonder if the KNUCKLE DRAGGING MOUTH-BREATHERS (who I refuse to refer to simply as REPUBLICANS because I know many REPUBLICANS angered by what has happened to their party) can even tell the DIFFERENCE between THEIR ASS and a HOLE IN THE GROUND.
Smartest (12)   Funniest (0)  
2017-02-19 9:30:49 AM  

dittybopper: Abox: No he's not.  Trump is awful all on his own, no need to embellish it.

*THIS*.  No one is going to an internment camp under Trump.  There are no plans and never have been.  This is hysteria, plain and simple.

As you say, Trump is bad enough on his own.  When you start making over-wrought comparisons with left-leaning Democratic administration policies*, you're not helping.  You're hurting your own cause.

*Japanese-American internment camps were the invention of the Franklin Delano Roosevelt administration.

FDR accomplished a lot during a rough period in American history, but he was also one of the most authoritarian presidents of the modern era.

If I see someone else doing similar things to the negative things he did, I'm not going to say "Well, FDR did it, so I shouldn't say anything."

That would be stupid.
2017-02-19 9:39:40 AM  
Love his message but all I can hear him saying is Brad's Big Balls to the tune of jingle bells.
Smartest (17)   Funniest (2)  
2017-02-19 9:39:49 AM  

dittybopper: Abox: No he's not.  Trump is awful all on his own, no need to embellish it.

*THIS*.  No one is going to an internment camp under Trump.  There are no plans and never have been.  This is hysteria, plain and simple.

As you say, Trump is bad enough on his own.  When you start making over-wrought comparisons with left-leaning Democratic administration policies*, you're not helping.  You're hurting your own cause.

*Japanese-American internment camps were the invention of the Franklin Delano Roosevelt administration.

You don't know if there are plans or not.  There were no plans for the Japanese internment camps until there were.  And it didn't take very long at all to make those plans.  Those plans started with registry lists, the kind of thing that Drumpf is pushing.

And it is absolutely NOT hysteria.  There are in fact a lot of people who want there to be camps.  There are a lot of people who think it's a good idea.  And some of those people are in the administration.  Some of them are in Congress.

And we know who the President who ordered those camps was.  If you think those of us on the left excuse it because he was a Democrat, you really don't understand liberals at all.

What we're saying now is that things that Drumpf wants to do look a lot like things that were done in the lead-up to those camps.  And those camps were a mistake that must never be repeated.
2017-02-19 9:44:17 AM  
Well, there are all those FEMA camps sitting around doing nothing.
jso2897 [TotalFark]  
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2017-02-19 9:44:48 AM  

Abox: dittybopper: *Japanese-American internment camps were the invention of the Franklin Delano Roosevelt administration.

The people who are worried about this don't care who's name or party was involved.  Linking a party name with terrible policy and calling it a win is more of a GOP/right wing phenomenon.

But. Lincoln , who freed the slaves, was a Republican!
This proves that Democrats are pro-slavery!
Smartest (2)   Funniest (1)  
2017-02-19 9:52:55 AM  

FormlessOne: hubiestubert: Pretty damn much.

The rush to demonize Muslims in general was already a few shades of Internment--especially with Malkin's desperate defense of the Internment a few years ago--but now the generalized pile on for ANY not 100% lily white immigrants is more than a bit troubling.

We've done this already folks. And it wasn't a good chapter from our history. We've tried this, and it shamed us a nation for a generation. Japanese Americans still feel the effects today--family lost, heirlooms and our history lost--and I don't know any single Japanese American who wants what happened to our families to happen to anyone else...

Here's to hoping that our country figures out that we're repeating the past out of nationalism, bigotry, and fear, rather than "making America great again."

They should also tenner this quote on the statue of liberty:
"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free."

Because it is one of the things that made America great.
FriarReb98 [TotalFark] [OhFark]  
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2017-02-19 9:59:33 AM  

Basily Gourt: You farking democrats are unbelievable.

DEMOCRAT President Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066.

DEMOCRAT President Franklin Delano Roosevelt rounded up American citizens of Japanese descent, and put them into concentration camps.

But by all means, turn the thread into another anti-Trump screed.

Seems to me, as long as we can keep DEMOCRATS our of the White House, we should be fine.

FDR was the very embodiment of evil on this earth. And a big fan of Mussolini, by the way.

[ image 625x550]

Doesn't feel too good when they do it to your guy, does it? Probably should've thought about that when the Republicans were going all Birther-y and calling Michelle a gorilla.

\not a Democrat

\\doesn't matter who's doing it, religious and/or racial prejudice is not only illegal by the First Amendment, it's also evil in and of itself
\\lif you can't see why people are mad about Trump...there's not much we can say, is there?
2017-02-19 10:01:21 AM  

dittybopper: Abox: No he's not.  Trump is awful all on his own, no need to embellish it.

*THIS*.  No one is going to an internment camp under Trump.  There are no plans and never have been.  This is hysteria, plain and simple.

As you say, Trump is bad enough on his own.  When you start making over-wrought comparisons with left-leaning Democratic administration policies*, you're not helping.  You're hurting your own cause.

*Japanese-American internment camps were the invention of the Franklin Delano Roosevelt administration.

Gee, I wonder what they'll do with all the additional immigrants they're rounding up, especially if they went forward with using the National Guard.
Smartest (5)   Funniest (2)  
2017-02-19 10:03:28 AM  

Basily Gourt: You farking democrats are unbelievable.

DEMOCRAT President Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066.

DEMOCRAT President Franklin Delano Roosevelt rounded up American citizens of Japanese descent, and put them into concentration camps.

But by all means, turn the thread into another anti-Trump screed.

Seems to me, as long as we can keep DEMOCRATS our of the White House, we should be fine.

FDR was the very embodiment of evil on this earth. And a big fan of Mussolini, by the way.

[ image 625x550]

Wow. Your level of stupid is rarely seen this far from the politics tab.
Albert911emt [TotalFark]  
Smartest (11)   Funniest (1)  
2017-02-19 10:03:45 AM  

Basily Gourt: You farking democrats are unbelievable.

DEMOCRAT President Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066.

DEMOCRAT President Franklin Delano Roosevelt rounded up American citizens of Japanese descent, and put them into concentration camps.

But by all means, turn the thread into another anti-Trump screed.

Seems to me, as long as we can keep DEMOCRATS our of the White House, we should be fine.

FDR was the very embodiment of evil on this earth. And a big fan of Mussolini, by the way.

[ image 625x550]

Up until 1964, democrats were more conservative, and republicans were more liberal, relatively speaking. Suggesting the democratic and republican parties of the past have any relation to today's parties is not only ignoring history, but denying it.
Smartest (2)   Funniest (1)  
2017-02-19 10:06:08 AM  

Albert911emt: Basily Gourt: You farking democrats are unbelievable.

DEMOCRAT President Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066.

DEMOCRAT President Franklin Delano Roosevelt rounded up American citizens of Japanese descent, and put them into concentration camps.

But by all means, turn the thread into another anti-Trump screed.

Seems to me, as long as we can keep DEMOCRATS our of the White House, we should be fine.

FDR was the very embodiment of evil on this earth. And a big fan of Mussolini, by the way.

[ image 625x550]

Up until 1964, democrats were more conservative, and republicans were more liberal, relatively speaking. Suggesting the democratic and republican parties of the past have any relation to today's parties is not only ignoring history, but denying it.

It's not ignoring it denying if you don't actually know.  Ignorance is bliss.
2017-02-19 10:06:49 AM  

dittybopper: Abox: No he's not.  Trump is awful all on his own, no need to embellish it.

*THIS*.  No one is going to an internment camp under Trump.  There are no plans and never have been.  This is hysteria, plain and simple.

The point is he hasn't ruled that notion out:

Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump told TIME that he does not know whether he would have supported or opposed the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II.
"I would have had to be there at the time to tell you, to give you a proper answer," he said during a recent interview in his office in New York City. "I certainly hate the concept of it. But I would have had to be there at the time to give you a proper answer."

As you say, Trump is bad enough on his own.  When you start making over-wrought comparisons with left-leaning Democratic administration policies*, you're not helping.  You're hurting your own cause.

The new racism in this country is denying that racism exists, even when it's staring us right in the face.  This is fine.jpg

*Japanese-American internment camps were the invention of the Franklin Delano Roosevelt administration.

Yes, they were.  He also was believed to have Guillain-Barré syndrome but that is uncertain owing to the fact that he was diagnosed 96 years ago and since then So. Much. Has. Changed.   96 years prior to that, our country was getting ready to elect its first president, who helped win our revolutionary war and whose mere presence and trustworthiness cemented together a nation of very divided states.*

*And he was an unabashed slaveowner!
2017-02-19 10:08:48 AM  
No way in Hell can the internment of Japanese Americans be justified. Many of the Japanese who were interned were veterans of WW1. Dreadful stain on American history....

That said. I wonder how many of the Japanese who were interned would have been lynched had they not been held captive? I once read that back in 1917-18 a lot of folks with names like "Klaus" and "Helmut" went missing. Some were found hanging from trees. Especially in the South. Just saying. Like I said above, this is NOT justification for the internment. However, had they not been interned I wonder how many would have met with tragedy at the hands of American rednecks?
Smartest (5)   Funniest (0)  
2017-02-19 10:10:07 AM  

Aezetyr: Anyone who supports this assault on Human rights should be charged with treason and thrown in prison. It's unconstitutional, evil, and short sighted. It's no different than when the Nazis rounded up Jews, blacks, and homosexuals and sent them to concentration camps. Well, at least until the Nazis started exterminating them.

Yes, a temporary travel ban and the idea of following our own immigration laws is exactly like Nazi Germany.

Dumb shiat hyperbole won't get us anywhere except at each other's throats.
2017-02-19 10:15:25 AM  
I'm not optimistic

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Unless the IQ of these red areas magically improves 20 points...
Smartest (2)   Funniest (0)  
2017-02-19 10:17:40 AM  

jaybeezey: Aezetyr: Anyone who supports this assault on Human rights should be charged with treason and thrown in prison. It's unconstitutional, evil, and short sighted. It's no different than when the Nazis rounded up Jews, blacks, and homosexuals and sent them to concentration camps. Well, at least until the Nazis started exterminating them.

Yes, a temporary travel ban and the idea of following our own immigration laws is exactly like Nazi Germany.

Dumb shiat hyperbole won't get us anywhere except at each other's throats.

That's just too reasonable for fark forums.
2017-02-19 10:20:25 AM  

Day_Old_Dutchie: I'm not optimistic

[ image 485x334]

Unless the IQ of these red areas magically improves 20 points...

But the red areas are less densely populated, so if one person in a red area wises up, the collective IQ of that area will jump by maybe a 1000%. There is some hope.
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