You Shouldn't Eat Tide Pods, But You Should Laugh At These Tide Pod Jokes

    "Leaves a romantic trail of tide pods to the bedroom."

    1. This pod party:

    me when i see tide pods at my friends house

    2. This bop:

    My neck, My back, My late night Tide Pod snack

    3. This biblical story:

    At this time the Serpent spoke to Eve. "The Lord hath told that the fruit is dangerous. He hath commanded you to ab…

    4. This pod pun:

    Added some Tide pods to my Thai cuisine and they taste delicious. Pod Thai.

    5. This sexy gesture:

    (leaves a romantic trail of tide pods to the bedroom)

    6. This concerned D.A.R.E. officer:

    Principal: can you talk to the kids about Tide Pods? D.A.R.E. Officer:

    7. This lasagna waste:

    [spits out tide pod] "But if that was in my mouth..." [cut to me placing a piping hot lasagna into my washing machine]

    8. This disappointing future:

    1998: can't wait for flying cars 2018: let's see what happens when I eat a tide pod

    9. This revelation:

    so apparently you can use tide pod snacks to wash your clothes? pretty cool

    10. This existential thought:

    11. This good point:

    You guys won’t eat ass but will do a tide pod challenge??

    12. This money saving tip:

    Lmao at people eating Tide Pods. The generic brand is the same stuff and way cheaper you idiots

    13. This comparison:

    14. This alternate use:

    stop eating tide pods and start using them for their intended purpose: little pillows for tired action figures

    15. This intellectual:

    You: tide pods Me, an intellectual:

    16. This generous date:

    17. This sick vape pen:

    18. This judgement:

    tide pod challenge? you know when i was your age we just ate spoonfuls of cinnamon and tried not to choke to death

    19. This person who just needs to do her laundry:

    New tide pod challenge: give me all ur tide pods cause I’m broke & detergent is expensive

    20. This pod hog:

    When u want all the delicous tide pods for urself

    21. And finally, this political issue:

    I believe that eating Tide Pods should be left up to the states.

    Just don't eat 'em, people.