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AWS Lambda Supports Python, Versioning, Scheduled Jobs, and 5 Minute Functions (amazon.com)
20 points by impostervt on Oct 8, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

Wow that's great--probably the most interesting news from AWS invent yet! I bet a lot of small little AWS instances for simple websites etc. could just turn into a handful of Lambda jobs & functions. I was playing with using the API gateway + Lambda functions to serve as little webhook receivers and am really impressed with the Lambda service.

Hell yes!

Python at last.

Between Lambda, task queue tactics and scheduled workers, I am going to have a lot of fun at the next few hackathons I attend.

This is great, been waiting for the scheduled feature for a while.

> "You can also set up your Lambda functions to run for up to five minutes [..]"

What was the previous limit?

1 minute

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