Nvidia releases hotfix driver 355.80 for Windows 10 SLI issues

Nvidia GeForce GTX Titan X SLI

Windows 10 has had a (relatively) smooth launch, but driver issues have popped up here and there for both Nvidia and AMD users. Multi-GPU support has been notably dicey. Nvidia has released a new GeForce Hotfix driver 355.80 today to deal with at least one SLI issue: excessive virtual memory consumption for SLI configurations running Windows 10.

Users had been complaining of crashes when running dual graphics card configurations while playing games in Microsoft’s new operating system, and Windows 10’s automatic updates have made driver stability and compatibility a bit confusing. This hotfix driver from Nvidia is at least a partial fix.

Nvidia writes: “The GeForce Hotfix driver is our way to trying to get some of these fixes out to you more quickly. These drivers are basically the same as the previous released version, with a small number of additional targeted fixes. The fixes that make it in are based in part on your feedback in the Driver Feedback threads and partly on how realistic it is for us to quickly address them. These fixes (and many more) will be incorporated into the next official driver release, at which time the Hotfix driver will be taken down. “

There are various downloads available based on whether you’re running a Windows 10 Desktop or Notebook configuration in either 64 or 32 bit. Nvidia adds a note that Hotfix drivers are beta, and optional.

If you’ve been having SLI issues under Windows 10, let us know if this driver helps performance.